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Wealth  Advice Wanted


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Hey all,

I'm at a bit of a crossroads in my life, and I'm unsure how to move forward. I've been talking with people I trust, but also wanted advice from people in seduction who also might have dealt with these goal issues.

At this point, I'm in my very late 20s, in a cushy software job. The plan I'd had when I was younger had always been to use the cushy job to allow me to focus on seduction until I became super good and consistent, and then switch to focusing on business once I had that handled on autopilot. I didn't succeed to the degree I wanted.

I had about 1.5 years post graduation before COVID hit, then chose to live with my parents, before venturing back out into the world in 2021. After a year of floundering, I started coaching with teevster and picked up a lot of steam, however I decided to start a graduate program that took up roughly 100 hours a week for a full year (while working full time), and opted to devote the time to the program as opposed to seduction-I still went out but it was much less, and not enough to avoid backsliding. 2023 I dealt with a health issue and basically was at a chronic level of pain all year-so the focus had been on becoming healthy again. This year started off well, and I was able to devote a lot of time to seduction, and again saw improvement that was accelerating, and then the final semesters of my program picked back up and I chose to devote the time to finishing.

I'm about to graduate, and I'm still at the cushy job paying me a lot. But it's a dead end job, and while it used to have autonomy, that has been reducing more and more.

I still have the obsession with seduction and have a lot of coaching sessions with Hector that I am planning to focus on next year. It's very clear to me that if I am able to devote the time and focus to a field, I can succeed-since I've done it multiple times before with seduction and getting close to new levels. I've also done it in other fields, but when I spread my attention too thin, I can't keep up the growth I want either.

I'm just feeling... crushed by the cushy job and its boredom-plus just the lack of creative outlets. There's probably a lot of burnout as well.

I've also been feeling a lot of victim mentality lately and worry that if I stay in corporate I will let that mentality continue to escalate.

A large part of me want to quit and focus on building something (I have the technical skills, but have never attempted anything like it before) to monetize-but I'm scared, both that I will fail, and that I can't balance seduction and work.

I understand the difficulty of starting a business, and the time commitment, and the risk. I don't expect easy success, nor do I expect to have things handed to me.

The way I see it, there are three choices. Staying at the cushy job and building something on the side while focusing on seduction (and doing the bare minimum for the job). Switching jobs to a new field that will give me exposure to more ideas that could be used in a few years to find a more targeted niche, while focusing on seduction on the side (leaving product development as the item with less focus). Or to quit my job, and focus on building a product and also focusing all the remaining free time on seduction.

The first and second options are the safest. But the first option means I have to fight against the soul drudgery of corporate-and makes me less and less employable over time, and the second will involve a much higher time commitment to be successful while giving me new skills. The third option is the riskiest, since I won't make money unless I build something people want to buy-plus there's the seduction issue wherein if I can't build something that pays, I don't know how I'd find time to seduce.

But it's also the option that's been speaking to me a lot-mainly because I envision a lot more freedom in that route, and development of more grit, hustle, and control within myself. I have enough runway to last a year without any real issue, and could stretch it out to two years by dipping into savings.

At the same time I'm worried that I'm being delusional and reckless. Mainly because my job is insulated from external customers, so I don't have that experience, and also don't have as many niche interests that are usually fodder for product ideas for monetization. I've basically only been focused on work, seduction, and school for the past decade. And my current job pays well and lets me live very comfortably.

Was hoping to get some advice from people who have been in similar positions, or who have found success, who might be able to help me find clarity.

Posts I've read already and found useful:


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 20, 2012
There’s a middle ground, that might just work for you.

I’m also a software dev but super allergic to corporate, did it for half a year, yearsss ago, and noped out to go contract.

That dried up so now i’m shifting to offer b2b tech solutions that improve a company’s efficiency, which i’ll then use the money and time to fund my own software products.

Why not consult/offer bespoke b2b tech solutions? Charge enough and you can use that to buy time to pour into seduction and product development?


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
As I am approaching 40 years old, I can tell you from my experience that there is no way to have everything in your 20s (or 30s).
You can either put all your focus on making money and end up underlived or put all your focus on living life and end up under skilled… or everything in between.

Creating your own business is also a loooong multi-decade project.
The amount of skills and meta-skills you need to learn to get to a level where you consistently earn more than what you could in corporate is substantial.

I understand where you are coming from and the frustration of feeling you should be way ahead in life or that you’re wasting your potential.
But worry not… great things take time.

And you are doing amazing for your age.
You already have a secure well paying career, dozens of notches under your belt, advanced seducer skills and the right mentality.

Give it time and keep working.

You are suffering from having many options and high expectations… and that is a good thing.

PS - Corporate is only boring at the lower levels… once you get to top management or customer facing roles in high value verticals, things can be real thrilling and autonomy is a given.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
@topcat @ulrich

Thank you very much for the advice. I've been doing a lot of thinking over the last few weeks, and the advice you've offered has definitely helped me refine my path.

I have a few different business ideas I'm prototyping out and have initial interest from friends and family as to its utility. Will be building that up to test out the business model and profit generation before trying to market it outside a supportive squad.

At the same time regarding career, personal life, and other general victim mentality stuff-I think that's improving. I had a few medical procedures to deal with some chronic pain conditions, and my health seems to be rapidly improving, and I think I had been understating how much that had been affecting me.

I think I'll also take a short sabbatical for 3 months and take some time to get bored, and let my creative juices stew under the pressure of boredom and see where my own passions take me.

I appreciate both of your point of views, and feel more confident after the amount of thinking I've taken that I have a direction that I will be proud to go in.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 27, 2023
Id say balance is overrated. Im in a similar situation, where I have a well paying job that is easy as fuck to do but also a desire to learn more about seduction and really get good at it. I would even say that learning seduction has been my goal forever.

But I wouldnt be able to focus on it if im poor and homeless. So i need to work.

In my life, ive had moments where I needed to complete something. Be it a carreer, get a new job, participate in a physics competition, etc. Where this balance was thrown out the window. For the physics competition i would spend mondays to fridays like 6-7 hours + and weekends the entire day learning and solving physics problem. But the benefits really showed when I got the golden medal at the national competition.

What I mean with this story is that I wouldnt have achieved this greatness I was looking for had I thought about balance and a million different things. Thats why I want to focus next year 100% on getting more money from multiple jobs and finishing my degree and then, oncr I have a shitton of money saved up, take a 6 or 12 month sabbatical to really try and learn as much as i can about seduction.

This is the only way Ive known on how to do things and the only way possible in my opinion.

If I were you I would either try to get a better paying job, try to get 2 jobs, or even 3, do that for 1 yr and only then go fully into building a bussiness (which given ur background qnd interests would be a seduction based bussiness) and only then after having a somewhat successful bussiness that allows you to live comfortably would I keep learning seduction.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2024
i'd say you're in a great position- you have a good job , good income and seem to be on the right path

don't quit your job to start a business unless you're making a decent amount of income per year in said business- in terms of freeing up time for seduction i'd say during your free time after work just get better wingmen: https://mindful-masculinity.org/202...hose-starting-out-on-their-seduction-journey/

Having a longer term view point of your seduction - over a year target 4-5 approaches a day - thats 1600 a year approximately and should be more than enough to give you the relationship experience you need. Having good quality wingmen will increase your productivity during the seduction process as well. Sounds like you could benefit from being part of a tribe that motivates you to be consistent more than anything


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jan 23, 2021
I was in a similar position. Corporate job in software felt soul sucking, still working on seduction, wanted to start my own business. I decided to quit my job and work on a business (while still seducing on the side).

My warning is that starting a business is equally as hard as starting seduction from a noob level. And doing both at the same time is crushingly demoralizing. I was most depressed in my life when no business ideas were working AND I was in a dry spell.

I kind of got lucky and one year into entrepreneurship, I have something that's working and enough to pay the bills and will hopefully grow in the future. It was as worth it as starting to learn seduction was--which is to say life-changing.

One thing that was funny, is that when business ideas were floundering, I kept myself motivated by telling myself "dude, you learned how to pickup and sleep with girls off the street. That's amazing, it can't be that hard to go sell something". And now that I've "succeeded" with business, and back to focusing on seduction I'm telling myself "dude, you have a working business, it can't be that hard to go talk to some girls".

So anyway, back to advice on your situation. Don't do both at the same time. If you're going to work on a business, having a girlfriend, or a long-term FWB (I had one), will really help. If you're going to work on seduction, just keep the business ideas on the back-burner, and really focus on getting to where you want to be seduction wise, and then go back to focus on your business.

You're not too old to do both of them, just do one first then the other.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
One thing I'll add to this thread is that as you get success in each area, things get easier.

E.g. better at game you get, the less time you need to spend on it to get good results.

The better at business you get, the more freedom you have to work on game (if you decide to).

It's those early years that are awkward and hard to navigate but the end result are so worth it.

Genuinely think a guy doing the right things could master both in under a decade. 4 years on game to get it out your system then another 5 on business. Starting at 20, you'd be living good by 30. A major mistake people make is trying to re-invent the wheel e.g. AI Machine Learning PHD required start up vs just providing a simple service that businesses are willing to pay for.

P.S Don't believe the hype that you need decades to be successful at any one thing. The stories we tell ourselves come true.

We've had guys on here like Lofty become amazing at game in <1 year, and I've been in courses were 16 year olds are making $10k a month from their business, 3-6 months in.

Have high standards and attack it, even if you fall short you'll be further ahead then had you "played it safe".

PPS Balance doesn't exist early on. Best results comes from swinging between different extremes until you're good enough/and or have systems to put multiple things on auto-pilot while still doing well


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
I'll chime in with two book recs for entrepreneurship since I read you say you were presenting biz ideas to family and friends, which according to these authors is a big no-no as they'll always say stuff to make you feel good so not objective pov:
  • Rob Fitzpatrick, The Mom Test
  • Gidd Constable, Talking to Humans