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LR  Alek's 10th Anniversary! (Featuring Glow, Hot Girls & Juicy Material!)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
You are welcome :)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 9, 2019
some people think in words and some think in pictures. it’s almost like you speak in pictures. very vivid. i don’t know if i could do it. i mean i could i just don’t know i could pull it off.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
some people think in words and some think in pictures. it’s almost like you speak in pictures. very vivid. i don’t know if i could do it. i mean i could i just don’t know i could pull it off.

I did not originally talk like that by nature - it is a skill I learned over the years, You want to talk in a way that makes her picture things in her head. In the community we used to call it "rich descriptions". It is basically "NLP" light. Now I do have hypnosis as a secondary hobby to pick up. But if you want to add some hypnosis element to your game (or "NLP" which is hypnosis in its commercialized form) then this is a good start.

Drexel mentions it slowly here.
It is also mentioned here - an otherwise fantastic article.

Huum this requires a post on its own!

Maybe not be your style to focus that much on verbals - fine. But using rich description is a good tool to add!
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
I think I can learn from this too. I like your risk averse and verbal seduction concept. The anchor is a thing I used once or twice in a different context, it seems a powerful tool. Thanks for sharing the detailed report.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 10, 2013
Hi Alek,

I'm curious about something: your game is night game and you tend screen and prime your girls very hard.

Does it ever happen that you bring a girl home and don't have sex?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Hi Alek,

I'm curious about something: your game is night game and you tend screen and prime your girls very hard.

No I do not screen - well sometimes I do when I am not on high momentum and my game is weak... or I just feel lazy. In this report however, this was not the case. I did not screen at all - I went for the girl I wanted and there no other girl I would have preferred having in my bed than this one. Even the first one who I also considered very hot.

Does it ever happen that you bring a girl home and don't have sex?

Yes but rarely. Approx 1/15 times. Maybe more depending on other factors like season and other situational factors. Sometimes I also just pass out because she bores me (rare but has happened).

I don't get last minute resistance, happens usually a few times a year. I am known to be very good at preventing it, and handling it when it occurs.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
I think I can learn from this too. I like your risk averse and verbal seduction concept. The anchor is a thing I used once or twice in a different context, it seems a powerful tool. Thanks for sharing the detailed report.

You are more than welcome.

You may read this thread where we discuss the philosophy (based on Machiavelli) of risk-averse strategies.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 10, 2013
Thank you Alek.

Yeah, by "screening" I mean that your whole approach is basically a screen: once she agrees to come with you, she's "screened" as ready and primed for sex.

How about dates.
What's your ratio there, and do you run more into LMR when you go out on dates?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
Greetings Gentlemen (and the few ladies reading this forum). I am happy to share this report as my way to contribute something to you guys on my 10th year anniversary (which I must admit took place in october). Believe it or not it was 10 years ago I discovered this pick up community. It was in mid-September 2007, t hat was a result of serious kidney infection back when I was 14, and I was left to insane boredom in my bed. This was when I read The Game in 2 days (which is quick for a 14 year old kid with ADD) and discovering the mASF (the forum were Chase also was active), reading about all these fascinating guys that I back then idolized. Reading about all these fancy techniques, I could not wait to get well again and try them out. My obsession started then and has remained ever since that day.

Since then I had experienced ebb and flows, met some of the greatest and coolest guys in the world, experienced different women, different countries, different scenarios – the whole story is too long to share in one post… so fast forward...10 years later… here we are… and or the occasion here is a report.


Lately I have been hanging out a bit with our fellow pick-up-artist named Glow (old mASF poster, who I met up when moving to Copenhagen). Together we planedn on building a social circle that would rock the Copenhagen nightlife. In particular we had a desire to conquer this venue in Copenhagen that happens to be a popular spot that usually focuses on membership, guest lists while allowing occasional random guests in, but only if they pass through the pointer/picker (a picker/pointer is basically that judgmental asshole with low self-esteem who tells people to come in or fuck off outside a popular high end venue).I tried to contact my DJ friend to get us on the guest list. Unfortunately he couldn’t do it for some reasons, but told us to send a message to a number that he gave us to get us on a VIP list to an event that started at 10 (that’s quite early), before the club was officially opened. This event had offered free bar to the VIP guests, who more or less with either directly or indirectly friends with the club’s owners and staff. We were a bit skeptical about this since we weren’t technically invited. Glow was a bit nervous to head there, and to be frank, so was I, without admitting it to him.

We met up and headed to the venue. We were both dressed to kill. Glow was wearing a black longline black scooped-neck long armed t-shirt, a silver necklace, a silver scarf, slim-fit jeans with black boots topped with a classy black trench coat. I on the other hand was wearing a black v-neck, black skinny jeans, and black boots, topped with a flashy red bomber jacket with Chinese dragons on, followed with a silver dragon necklace to add some spice. I was dressed to murder as well.

We arrived the venue. Nervous as we were, we followed Pablo's advice to just come across as confident at the door and kind of ignore the picker until he or she tries to get our attention. This signifies high value, which is the only language the world of nightclubs understands. Through the guest list entrance, we were walking with a confident posture striaght into the venue, in a determined fashion (there was nobody in front of us) while talking to each other and more or less ignoring the girl at the door. We kept walking and 1 meter before the entrance the girl at the door just clears the entrance for us without saying a word. We didn’t have to stop, we walked straight in. I guess I can confidently say that Pablo's trick does in fact work!

Next was the guy who checks the guest list… he lets uswalk straight past him… “Just go in sir”. We were blown away. What an entrance! We were kind of mind-blown for a bit.

The place was packed already, especially outside in the smoking area, people were sitting and chatting. This club has a huge smoking areas with seats outside, 2 main dancefloor inside with balconies (only one were open at the time, the other opened at around 12), 1 Bodega and 1 hip hop lounge,. The overall vibe at the venue was pretty intimate as people kind of sat in circles with people they knew so we decided to just chill a bit and take some free drinks. At this time, we decided to just chill and snipe for sets (approach only when you get a decently strong approach invitation) as it was only 10 o clock after all.

Eventually people (the VIP crowd that is) started leaving and the regular crowd arrived. This venue is great. It is one of Pablo's favorite venues in Copenhagen as it is filled with smoking hot women – like there are literally no ugly girls there at all. I am not kidding you. Also the ratio seems to favor women.

As things cleared up, Glow and I started approaching with great success. The hooks where tight. Glow is one of the best minglers I know off. He will start off talking with some random dude (and I’d be like WTF dude!) just for minutes later seeing him conquer every set in the periphery. It is quite impressive to watch be frank. That’s his style and it works.


We went inside and danced. We are both quite good dancers and we quickly got some approach invitations. Whenever we got some, we put our hands up for girls to high-five us, just to grab them, pull them in (oftentimes followed with a spin), dance with them for a bit, rise them up and dip them down (amazing trick for social proof). Things snowballed and we quickly got pretty popular on the dancefloor. Glow was bulldozing through some girls, but things where still pretty early for any pulls. We walked around for a bit, but now Glow had no choice but to freeze things up and go cold on girls! To my chock he is also a pretty good cold-approacher! His openings where smooth and tight and… the follow-ups… the hooks were all good. I wasn’t expecting this and to be frank I was positively surprised!

I approached a hot blond girl who turned out to be an upcoming Danish actress (yeah that’s the crowd you find in such clubs). The hook was tight and frankly I saw potentials in her, but things where still a bit early, and unfortunately I found a better deal later on (did not re-engage) for a time I thought this was going to result into an early pull, but that would be shameful to end my 10th anniversary so quickly! I did use my regular stuff, sex talk and all that. But if I get into details here, this report will get FAR too long. Either way, hook was good, she gave me her number and told me to call her in case we didn’t bump into each other again later that night. GREAT.

Glow was chatting up some hot girls meanwhile and getting some hooks. We eventually grabbed another beer and cheered. Clock was approaching 1 and it was time to get down to business... time to get real. We approach a 2 set, which turned out to be a 3 set next to the bar in the smoking area outside (which is hardcore to deal with when you are only 2). The big smoking area was the place most sets took place. I call this area Disney land. If I am not mistaken, Glow approached that set… with success. I had a deadly good hook with my girl. I managed to do what I usually do when out with Pablo – drag my girl away from Pablo and her friend in order to leave my wing a bit alone with his girl (while also allowing me to be in isolation with mine). Both Glow and benefitted from that call.

The third friend showed up and eventually became the third wheel. It was too hard to deal with a 3 set (it is doable, although it requires perfect sync with your wingman – I am not there… YET… with glow, but did do it in Romania this summer with Pablo). She tried to drag her friends away. My girl was giving me the signs that she saw potentials in hooking up later. Her facial expression was telling me she wanted to take this further. I actually re-engaged her later and we almost made out (but miss third wheel fucked it up again).

But when I thought I had an amazing hook, Glow’s hook was just slightly more powerful. My girl had left and was not was now walking the small stairs to the entrance of the dancefloor with mother hen, whereas glow’s girl kept talking to his girl, despite mother hen literally yelling at her in order to get her to follow them in (my girl on the other hand, was standing next to mother hen just looking at me). Glow’s girl eventually followed her friends, but damn… that hook was gold. Glow surely takes the prize as the hook master of the night.

He too eventually engaged his girl again later on (if I am not wrong) with great success, but I did not pay too much attention to what happened. I will also refrain from elaborating on this set as things where pretty textbook. If you want details, let me know in a comment. If you felt detailed break downs of interactions have been lacking, it is time for you to receive.


Glow was gone. He was talking to a little cutie in a Danish speaking 3-set where 2 other guys he met earlier chimed in (turned out their were some lair guys). I did not want to be the third wheel so I kept my distance. I was on my own for a bit. I then see a cool Asian guy nearby talking to a chick. One thing led to another and I ended up chatting with them. Just a cool casual chat in order to get the ball rolling again (I had a slight state drop).

The guy was cool, and the girl was American speaking. She was not hot but not ugly either. She’d be a good fuck on a bad day if you see what I mean. I talk with them, but didn’t plan staying for too long as I did not want to disturb that Asian guy too much, although it didn’t seem like he was hitting on her. At least from my perspective, things seemed rather platonic. We had a great chat however. Rapport was there for sure which is key if all you want is just a cozy chat.

A friend of the American speaking girl came out. She was a pretty tall and slim brunette but with nice curves and a slim waist. Just wow, she must have been, according to my standards a 9 or even 10 depending on my mood. I sent Pablo a pic, he claimed she was an 8, but on the other hand, his 10’s are 8‘s to me, so I guess we are square. This hot friend, whose name was “Anna” came out with the intention to drag her friend, the American speaking girl, back with her to the dancefloor. But instead, I ended up distracting her from her initial mission.

Alek: Girl, I know you want to dance… it is exciting… it is fun… it is liberating… I understand your desire to release yourself and let go and go fully wild… and even though conversations outside with strangers usually tend to be boring and superficial… with stuff like “how are you, what do you do? And how old are you” … some conversation (self-pointing in order to make her associate what I am about to say, with me) can really reach the next level… and make you … TRANSCEND… allowing you to reach new highs
Anna: ok? All that sounds pretty weird to me, but ok tell me quickly about it
Alek: well you are here at the club for a reason… either to be with your friends in order to get wild and have fun, or getting drunk… or perhaps what you desire is attention from handsome men… or simply get fucked… now it doesn’t matter which one of these potential desires you may feel right now, what matter is that no matter what you desire, you are doing it because it makes you feel happy… but more interestingly… it follows a certain… narrative…

As we will see in a second the hook seemed to work! the hook-rate of this routine is actually quite high - if used in right circumstances (in areas where you CAN actually talk), What I am about to do will not work on DUMB girls. If she turned out to be dumb, I would have changed things up

Anna: Narratives? You lost me now, this is a bit too abstract for this hour! (Funny how often they say shit along those lines, before getting fully sucked in…)
Alek: I get you, allow me to elaborate briefly: what do I mean by narratives? Narratives are simply overarching themes that gives your life meaning and value. For instance some people claim they want to live exciting lives… that is a narrative – “excitement”. Your narratives are what you feel defines your life… and you…
Anna: Well I guess I like to live an exciting life, but I also enjoy having a sense of safety (wow that was original… not really)
Alek: Sure thing, whatever you feel defines you creates that narrative in which you may live according to. Now, what I find interesting is that, some people are truly aware of their desires – take excitement, they desire it… like truly desire it… and therefore they will act upon it. They will live an exciting life.
Anna: Yeah I like excitement – I am here to have fun with my friends of course! That is why I am here. I love this place.
Alek: But there are some other people… who may not be fully aware of what they desire… right now, but who may happen to find themselves in the most intriguing, exciting and adventurous situation… and as you could guess, they would truly enjoy the whole experience… however in retrospect, they will think back and then create a narrative out of it… do you ever think back on great experiences?
Anna: Yeah there was this guy I met a few years ago in Cyprus, he had long hair (I have long hair, like the rest of the GC team) and played guitar on the beach. The sun was going down, the wind barely blowing, I could smell the darkness of the night… and he was just so mysterious. We sat down, we sang and he played the guitar. Eventually he popped a bottle of wine of his bag and we drank from the bottle… and you can guess the rest of the story. (is she talking about someone who reminds her of me?)

Despite this just being a decent hook, and more importantly a transition (into juicy subjects, as you shall see), at this point she is fully immersed and is actually investing back into the interaction. She is opening up to me and things seems to float in the right direction. I could have elicited the crap out of this this but decided to stick to the initial plan as I had to make sure she wasn’t distracted since the hook was still shaky – despite, her friend was still there with that Asian guy (who I could not rely on too much)

Alek: Wow that sounds like a good night. And once you had this amazing night, I am sure you’ve been reflecting back on what happened, the good memories it created and the good feelings that came with it… I am sure you can derive a narrative from it.
Anna: Yes, I guess it was an adventurous night… probably some mystery too. I guess the mystery and the sense of adventure intrigued me.
Alek: You see Anna, this is very interesting, as a result of these narratives, life becomes a story - like a good book... or a good movie... and we all have a story to tell (now you can ask: "what is your story" if you want to go the rapport route – may be good for Day-game where rapport is key)
Anna: Wow, shit… that is some mind-blowing deep stuff.

What I am doing here is called pacing. Pacing is so key because it truly hooks girls in. By talking about her, how it feels like to be her in her current situation is something that she not only finds fascinating, but also builds a deep form of rapport where you get perceived as a figure of authority in her world, because I get perceived as (or frame myself as) a guy who understands what it feels like to be a part of her reality. Now when the pacing is done, you move on to lead her emotions… “pacing and leading” it is called – for a reason.

Glow showed up! on fire! I introduced him into the group and he seemed to get along well with the American speaking girl (we say "American speaking! because she had an American accent). He quickly hooked in and managed to get both the Asian guy and the American speaking girl away, never to be seen EVER again. Apparently he managed to drag the focus away from me so that I could mini-isolate. Thanks man! Her friend, the American speaking girl, saw how immersed she was into the conversation and had no problems leaving her alone with me! Girls occasionally do this if:

1) They like you enough(but too much else they end up wanting you for themselves) to let you hook up with their friend
2) They see their friend is having a good time with you and do not want to cockblock. However there is a caveat here – there are obvious differences between groups of girls here. However… if the friend sees that your girl is having an AMAZING time with you (not just showing some flirty signs of interest), your odds of them leaving you alone gets higher
3) Luck is sometimes also occasionally a factor.

However after Anna'’s friend left, a chode (a random dude) from her circle showed up. He was dressed like average Joe and had literally no edge what-so-ever. He is what I call “decoration” – his only purpose in a club is to serve as a prop. I ignored him and kept on going.

Alek: and then we may ask ourselves, what constitutes a good story? Perhaps excitement... intrigue... value?... meaning? Adventurousness... contrast... tension... good pace.... perhaps even immersion too… as in when you get sucked in, dragged deeper… and deeper into a story. Now with me, that constitutes a good story. (Did you pay attention to the linkage phrase? I use this a lot – a linkage phrase is when I end a sentence and follow the next one with “now with me”. She then subconsciously associates the “now with me” with the previous sentence and links it to me, even though it was part of a new sentence!)
Anna: oh?
Alek: Notice how every good stories has these elements… and how they seem to follow certain principles that you may find in a good movie… or a good book. Let us be a bit cliché here and think of love story… or actually let us make it more exciting… let us discuss a HOT love story… I assume you prefer the hotter version?
Anna: Of course, let us do the hot version! (90% of the time they respond positively… if they say “no” to the hot version, I will just do it anyway!)
Alek: Think of last time you were with a great lover. Did he just touch you all over the place like a desperate and hungry dog (As I talk about it I am touching her all over the place in sarcastic way – good part here is that I can actually get lots touching going on camouflaged as “sarcasm”) or did he do less with more… like gently striking you with his finger (striking her back with my index finger) and just barely stimulate you… however leaving you wanting more…
Anna: never really experienced it that way but sounds hot…. (You are experiencing it right now you… argggh women sometimes…)
Alek: well here we have something… namely … suspense. Most guys use up everything at once, and as a result, there will be nothing left for the end-game! It is like a movie, with constant action… they use up everything at once!
Anna: that’d suck! Yeah that sounds like a shitty movie.

As I was talking to my girl, the orbiter guy was still there trying to get her attention, but he had a hard time getting it as my girl got quickly entranced by our talk, and despite his attempts to talk to her, she fully ignored him. She didn’t even look at him. Her focus was on me. He tried to tell her something… but she totally disregarded it. He was no threat per.se. but his presence was awkward and weird… he just standing next to me while I was delivering my juice was just weird. He had to leave… one way or another.


I took a quick break from talk (always good to have a break and fractionate out – as this lets me deal with socially tricky situation, while also leaving her wanting more of the juice) and decided to release my hair bun (buns can be slightly uncomfortable). For those who do not know, I have hair to my shoulders. I take good care of it, with tons of conditioner and high end hair products. For instance I used TGI Catwalk Sleek Mystique shampoo and conditioner, Redken volume mouse no.10 and Fudge Head Shine spray – the latter is an amazing product, not only does it makes your hair super shiny like a super star, but unlike many other sprays… it doesn’t make your hair stiff, but best part of it all… it smells like a white trash cheap skank who just had her first night out at a party resort! Pablo loves this spray too, we always gets laid when we are using it, probably because of the smell. For those of you with short hair, you may consider buying Goldwell Roughman – the best wax/clay in the world! Oh as a Cologne I use Escada Moon Sparkle for men (been using it since 08! Which fits well for the occasion).

As I pulled my bun out, releasing my hair, which according to Pabki is a prop I like to use to catch some positive attention. It is like having something sexy to show off wihth. The chode finally chimmed in.

Chode: I see many men with long hair these days. It is like this new thing.
Alek: You know, there is this guy (still facing my girl) that I study with. He is such a nice guy… an ordinary guy… but a nice person. Unfortunately he hasn’t had sex with a girl in a very long time… like 6 months… can you believe it! To be nice I though… that if I asked him to close his eyes and touch my hair it could give him glimpse of what female hair feels and smells like……. And so he did it. He closed his eyes and smelled my hair, and he was blown away. Some men do not need much to get satisfied….
Alek: (turning over to the chode who was happy to finally get some attention): Hey man man why don’t you try. Touch it… it is soft… now close your eyes and smell it!

The chode touched my hair, and smelled it. It was pretty obvious that I was trying to shut him down for good at this point. When describing that guy form my class (who is fictional character by the way) I was more or less describing a normal average guy, who despite being a nice guy did not get laid. Well indirectly it was obvious that I was actually referring to that orbiter when talking about “that guy in class”... I could feel my girl pretty much got it from the get go, as she looked at her orbiter when I was talking about that “guy in my class”. Also by making him touch my hair – just like I told the guy in my story to do, I made him live up to the story. The guy from my class suddently became real. I hate being a douche but he was the bigger douche by not leaving. I was hunting my pray and to be honest, he was just in the way. He was just standing there for 15 minutes or so (probably longer), and didn’t get the clues that Anna and I were chatting. He was just standing there constantly trying to chime in, despite Anna being in her own world… with me… that she created… with my guidance.

It was now my girl’s turn to touch and smell my hair … so that she could also get to experience it. This is good as it is a great excuse to cut spaces between me and her (it forces her to get closer to me – fact is her head was now very close to mine, smelling my hair/neck)

Anna: Smells good
Chode: Alright good luck guys! (He was leaving)
Alek: Cya man
Anna: Bye (not paying much attention to him leaving)
Alek: So back to where we were… good stories… oh yeah they always have this sense of mystery… that just immerses you in… while also having a lot of tension building up from and within that mystery… tension… you know… where you are almost led to a climax, just to have it taken away – being teased you may say, and left desiring more…
Anna: yeah that reminds me of good movie or a good book.
Alek: let me ask you Anna, have you ever experience those stories where you are with someone you find very attractive… and you know something is going on – something good, your eyes are locked into his (she is now giving me eye contact), your heartbeat raises, your breath increases.. Yet despite knowing that something hot is going on, you are not quite sure yet… there is still this element of mystery that intrigues you enough to immerse you further in… and let the tension grow…. And the more the tension grows, the more your desire flows and the more the tension grows…
Anna: the more the desire flows…
Alek: It is like a balloon… two people desiring each other more and more… tension growing… the balloon is filling up with water slowly… but surely (using hand motions to display a balloon expanding) until it just bursts … explodes… and suddenly (claps my hands – this is an advanced hypnotic fractionation move to induce a deeper trance) the deepest, darkest and most intense passions awakes.
Anna: I never cared about literature (me neither BTW), but I am totally hooked… I have never paid so much attention to anyone before (I was a bit blown away when she said this). Like usually I am the talker but here I am just listening, and being… kinda carried away I guess?
Alek: I am happy to hear that… want something to drink? (I was thirsty)
Anna: sure why not! (she never asked about her friend… who just left her with a simple goodbye)


I just wanted to get her away from the crowd and finish things off – get her seated, touch her, make out and then just go for the kill. The current scenario was kind of unfit for that at the time being. I had to “re-position” to get the best position for make outs and escalation – and sitting next to her is usually best in my opinion (I also felt I used up the space where we standing, kind of started to get old, time to move things further in every regards!). Moving around also seems like a good call because it creates rapport – and makes her feel safer around you. It is not rapport in a bad way where she feels bored around you (which can happen with too much rapport), but rather in a good way where she just simply feels more comfortable. Being in different locations with you makes her feels that there is something unique going on with you, without you killing off the mystery too much, Win-win!

Additionally it is always a good thing to fractionate – i.e. get very deep and dirty and then change the vibe totally back to social (which happened when I broke off the conversation to fetch a beer!) in order to leave her desiring more. Fractionation is all about switching between two polarities of vibe (sexual to social for example) in order to:

1) Let the juice (the powerful verbal material) sink in – if you bombard her with juice, she will never have a second off where she can reflect back on it (and when she does, the effect is kind of doubled) and let it sink in.
2) You leave her desiring more – yes since you just out of the blue cut out a source of pleasure from her (like a sexy subject). A good seducer is one that can induce good feelings in women, a really good seducer is one who can induce good feelings in women and leave them wanting more of it!
3)You avoid inflation – i.e. overusing material to the point of it losing its impact – i.e. the more you use something without breaks the more predictable it becomes and in worst case scenario you may bore the crap out of her.

And yes I bought her a drink – who cares. I just paid. I didn’t want to potentially risk to ruin the vibe in order to save 5 bucks. I am willing to sacrifice some money, and even sacrifice a bit of frame for logistics (in this case it didn’t do any damage to my frame because the offer was genuine and not supplicating since she was more or less hooked already). Now we have a reason to sit down, smoke and drink and take things further. We moved to one of those long benches situated at the edge of the smoking area.

We sat down, I started gently touching her shoulder while having a simple fluff. The vibe was good. I got closer to her face after my arm slid from her upper arm, all the way to her shoulder before grabbing her neck. Now grabbing her neck is a very intimate and very dominant move. It is very powerful… VERY POWERFUL. However it can be risky, so make sure you escalate your way into it, and make sure your compliance is high to avoid potential resistance. In my case compliance was high.

I grab her hand to test for compliance, she grabs it back - our hands are now locked. That is a great way to create tgat “it’s on moment” (credits goes to 60 Years of Challenge). the following move is good because it helps me:

1) Qualify – i.e. display that we both kind of like each other and that something is going on between us, so that she sees potentials in this whole interaction. I signalize that I want her, without over-communicating it (and coming across as too predictable, which in my opinion can kill the tension) while she by grabbing back signalizes interests back at me.
2) Creates comfort – hand-holding is comfort building
3) Test for compliance – if she grabs back you are in.

Our faces where reaching each other…, eyes were locked, lips slightly pouting, eye brows relaxed… she came in closer… and closer. She tried to kiss me and barely got to do it before I pushed her away. I like to make her kiss me, then push her away to build tension up. Now this is not necessary, but I really like to make her reach that “point of no return” so that when I go for the extraction attempt, I have high odds of her saying yes, because frankly I prefer playing with tension (which is actually fun) than potentially have to deal with resistance when it is time to pull. I just hate the excuses they can come up with (cat at home, electrician coming the next morning, dog at home, the list goes on…). At this point the odds of her saying yes to leave with me were very much in my favor, but I really want to make it an almost 100% sealed deal before going for the pull, unless I have time constraints – the CLOCKblock can be a real thing; or annoying cockblocks coming over, that I could predict in advance. But it wasn’t that late yet, and she was all alone. Well until now…

Some girls she knew showed up. Not good friends but people from her social circle. Well I though pulling her to the hidden edges of the smoking area was isolated enough, but I guess the universe of seduction wanted to hand me a wildcard. I let her talk to them while I checked my phone in order to not seem overly introducing. I introduced myself and offered one of the girls a smoke. The girls went back to doing their thing… and my girl went back to me… however she suddenly turned a bit cold. I planned going for a make-out to get a high note and high compliance in order to pull her away as I saw those two female friends of her as potential threats… but as I tried to go for a make out, she was suddenly stiff and resisting. I obviously backed off. Crap… anti-slut defense is still a thing I guess. But I did not worry too much, just take a step back and change strategy. Sometimes wildcards just pops up and you got to deal with them. That’s life for a serial seducer.

I went on using some light sex talk just to build the vibe back up… and for this I decided “good sex vs bad sex routine”, which is a very simple routine… but a good way to open up for more as you can see.

Alek: Most men are just hungry animals, they just want to fuck and get it over… that said… I actually don’t want sex…
Anna: What? Why not? (Oh I like this)
Alek: no… I don’t… I truly don’t (building up some anticipation)… what I want is… GOOD SEX – I hope you do too. I like girls with standards (putting in a sweet little qualifier in there)
Anna: haha of course!
Alek: like most guys just burst into it… "stick their dick in, bump and hump for a bit… and ask her if she is cumming… of course she is not… and then… after the bump and hump, they dump…" - ah sounds like she had a good night!
Anna: haha so true. It is so terrible! Oh my goh, this is why (take notes) I never have one-night stands (dully noted… not really)
Alek: well it gets worse… they may even ask you with a cute voice… “Can I fuck you doggystyle” or “do you enjoy getting licked”.
Anna: oh no… oh no! Such a sad sad story!
Alek: Indeed! I need to ask you a question… you are very cute, cool and have a great vibe, but I need to ask you… do you care about details? (Another cool qualifier – but note also that I will use this “detail” thing as an anchor that I will loop in later and trigger)
Anna: eh? I guess I do, what do you mean?
Alek: well good sex requires a fascination for details, because the devil is in the details… a good lover pays attention to your every move, to the way you look at him, to the way you breath, and to the way your body reacts to his moves… because only then can the good lover (self-point) make sure he (self-point) can give you the time of your life… and reach the truest of orgasms (pointing at her pubic areas)

As I kept talking to her, I was sliding my finger through her back. If you remember from earlier on in the interaction, when laying out to her what sexual tension was (building up the tension between two people), I did this move. This is a powerful move in by itself, as it is:

1) Sexual
2) Classy (it does have an edge to it)
3) Unique

And because it is a unique move that she is not used to it also works as an anchor that you can “save” and retrigger (load).

So by using this move I trigger an anchor I “saved” earlier. Save and load… that’s how anchoring works and it is key. This is a move used a lot by our warrior Pablo, and all credits goes to him for this one! It is gold! And It surely worked as you can tell from what is about to happen next.

Anna: so tell me how exactly would you give a woman the truest of orgasms? (Oh thank you for this amazing question! Her mind is suddenly back exactly where I want it!)
Alek: well all women are different… and fact is… they can get up to 8 types of orgasms…
Anna: Really??? (They always get so curious! So cute!).

For a 10 year anniversary I felt it was perfectly in place to use one of my oldest but also one of my most powerful routines (discovered in 2008!). This gambit is all about explaining to her the 8 different types of orgasms, where each spots are, how to reach and stimulate them and elaborate the following with rich descriptions. Here is the list of orgasms, which I gladly covered in GREAT details to her:

1) Breasts orgasms – the weakest… I usually start off covering this one
2) Mental orgasms – I here talk about how people can orgasm while dreaming before transitioning into how the mind has to be stimulated in order for her body to follow. Here I put emphasis on the importance of the mental aspect of sex.
3) Clit – everybody is familiar with this one
4) The G-spot, and here I may discuss squirting, how it works and how I make it happen
5) The U-spot – the sensitive areas around the vagina, genital lips, usually between the clit and her opening… I like to mention how this area can be stimulated with my tongue.
6) The A-spot… is situated right after the g-spot…further inside. I explain how this can be stimulated through deeeeeeeeeep penetration
7) The deep spot – the wall between her rectum and her vagina (on the opposite side of her A-spot). I here explain how girls who tend to enjoy doggy style tend to favor this spot.

The 8th spot is still a mystery… but after 10 years I still haven’t met a girl who pointed out to me that the 8th orgasm was missing. Hilarious. Actually the last one is full-body orgasms… Never got to discuss this one… EVER. But it is not too late I guess.

I then followed up by grabbing her hand agian (Testing her for compliance – she passed) , followed with some sincere eye contact…

Alek: You see girl… the devil is all in the details (just to trigger a little anchor)
Anna: You know what? How about we just leave?
Alek: sure... but we can’t!
Anna: huh? What?
Alek: we still have a beer to finish... I am thirstay… but I will help you out (no big deal, I drink quickly)

I drank up her beer quickly, got up, grabbed her hand and pulled her away. We had to pick up her jacket on the way before we get the fuck out. What about her two “friends” sitting next to us? What about them? Well no problem I guess… she kind off forgot about them – as she didn’t even say goodbye, despite them sitting at the other side of the table. I guess the following elements had an impact on the situation:

1) Anchor triggered by the finger move (reminded her of that hot “sexual tension talk” we had earlier)
2) The powerful good old “8 types of orgasms” gambit
3) And the slight “devil is in the details” anchor (anchored to “good sex vs bad sex”), combined with everything above, made her more or less made her reach the point of no return.


Some may read this report and think “Alek, you could have pulled earlier”. Well MAYBE I could have. But I am the most risk averse seducer on the planet. I hate dealing with bullshit. It is not resistance that I fear (as you could have told, I did not stress too much when she resisted my make-out attempt), but wildcards, such as bullshit taking place. I like to seal the deal 100% before making a move serious move. By doing it the way I do, I have a higher chance of succeeding. Here is why:

1) Higher overall success ratio
2) The ability to not get fucked over by wildcards – sure you can always move on to the next girl if they arise, but you are not always able to do that (it may be too late and the club is closing) and sometimes you may not want to do it. You like your girl and you do want to bang her. She was a personal 10 to me, so moving on would be a hit to my ego.

She was so damn hot after all and I really did not want to have ANY wildcards fuck it up… and wildcards do pop up, whether you like it or not. By having super high compliance, the threat from wildcards just becomes much lower or even sometimes non-existent. And talking about wildcards… another serious one was about to pop up.

We went inside to grab her jacket, but like most hot girls knowing the bartenders… she left her jacket at the bar... (In a super crowded popular venue…such a smart move). Bartenders being dumb as they are, lost her jacket. What a mood kill… well guess what… she did not care much about it either… she was horny, she was ready and ready to bang. Period.

Over gaming? Maybe? But not today… not today! Because think about it:

1) I originally met her when she was about to drag her friend back into the dancefloor… she was not out there to meet a guy, but to get her friends back in. She quickly forgot about her initial mission.
2) Her friend was around but left after seeing her getting TOTALLY entranced by the juicy conversation about narratives (wasn’t really about narratives at the end of the day, was it?)
3) The orbiter, despite having no chance to distract her away from our initial conversation was still sticking around and being an annoying factor.
4) The two girls she knew who popped up was a bit of deal breaker too… that had to be fixed. My compliance surely helped here too.
5) Her losing her jacks… well turned out to not be much a deal either!

Overgaming? I do not think so.


On my way out I tried to look out for Glow, but he was not to be seen in the smoking area. He may have gone inside. He did like the music upstairs after all, as it was the kind of music he regularly dances to (and he is a dance maniac - it is his main hobby!). So I sent him a message that I was pulling. It turns out he was nearby and was aware of me pulling that girl. What happened to him from there I do not know – probably dealing with some girls.

Either way I leave the venue and offered my girl my jacket for a bit…. A jacket she wanted to steal (yeah girls love that red jacket).

I get her into a cab and we leave for my place.

At my place she just went for a piss. I grabbed some alcopop for her… but when she was done pissing, she just undressed herself…

HOLY CRAP… that ass…. those hips… those tits… and that long light brown hair over that beautiful body…

Just watching her walk slowly… with her hips moving… to my bed… just got me hungry. I walked up to her… and stood next to my bed where she was laying naked… making it clear to her that I was appreciating her beauty. She touches my black skinny jeans over my most sensitive areas until she eventualls takes my dick out and sticks it into her mouth.

And after that things got messy… and yes Pablo… if you are reading this… the Alek curse is still haunting me… I had to change the sheets post sex (I have a thing with making things messy when I fuck).

Turns out the girl was from the Pharaoh Islands… ok… say what?


What a great way to celebrate this 10th year anniversary. Hot girl, great night and good presence. A big thank you goes to Glow for taking part in making this night a great celebration! Keep in mind that the venue we went to is not an easy venue, it is pretty upscale and uptight and he did well in there! Very well in fact!

This community has truly changed my life… and for the best. I live the life of my dreams now. All of this being so real still blows my mind when I think about it. It has been 10 years. So much has happened, so much has been discussed, experienced, and enjoyed. Between occasional periods of frustration, sadness, and confusion, in the long run, this journey is what has made my life amazing. I wish one things… to pass the torch… for the next generation. I hope they will blow my mind as much as all those before me.

That said…,

I am not going nowhere. I am just getting started. Fact is the next night I went back to this high end place and did a one shot one kill with a 19 year old blondie who turned out to be a freak in bed. But this is a story for another time. That pull was much shorter. Some pulls are simply quicker than others – the pace differs from girls to girls, and following the pace becomes a matter of calibration!

Until then… big thanks to you all.


Shit blew my mind.

Hand me that torch mfer :cool:

But I guess I gotta earn it first.

100% respect to you

P.S. would u teach a student that goes direct?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Shit blew my mind.

Hand me that torch mfer :cool:

But I guess I gotta earn it first.

100% respect to you

Thanks for the kudos!

P.S. would u teach a student that goes direct?

Well yes and no. Direct game kind of interfers with the sex talk and the sexual framing because the way I do things is to convey a sexual frame without displaying sexual interest, and if you do display sexual interest it changes everything from "guy who fucks a lot, who knows what he is doing, who may give her the sex of her life if she wins him over" to "yet another horny guy trying to convince me to fuck him" - very different frame, and the latter is one I'd rahter not deal with.

Direct game requires a totally different approach from A to Z. Not sure I am the ideal coach in this setting.

I usually teach only higher intermediate and advanced students and very rarely do guys at that level employ direct game. Direct game is mostly a beginner/intermediate thing (although with some exceptions).



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Thank you Alek.

Yeah, by "screening" I mean that your whole approach is basically a screen: once she agrees to come with you, she's "screened" as ready and primed for sex.

No not, a screen. I can do screening game, but in this exact report I do not screen.

How about dates.
What's your ratio there, and do you run more into LMR when you go out on dates?

I never fail on dates, because I almost never do dates. I don't have time for day 2s. Which is why I like nightgame over daygame and online: its time efficiency.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
Thanks for the kudos!

Well yes and no. Direct game kind of interfers with the sex talk and the sexual framing because the way I do things is to convey a sexual frame without displaying sexual interest, and if you do display sexual interest it changes everything from "guy who fucks a lot, who knows what he is doing, who may give her the sex of her life if she wins him over" to "yet another horny guy trying to convince me to fuck him" - very different frame, and the latter is one I'd rahter not deal with.

Direct game requires a totally different approach from A to Z. Not sure I am the ideal coach in this setting.

I usually teach only higher intermediate and advanced students and very rarely do guys at that level employ direct game. Direct game is mostly a beginner/intermediate thing (although with some exceptions).


I have this problem if I do indirect approach.

Let's say it's a set on the street and a girl is off walking somewhere. I can approach and have her talk to me, she reacts emotionally some way to the hook (laugh and smiling, etc.), BUT she won't stop for me and I have to walk with her the whole time. It either ends up she's walking long enough for me to get the number OR in the middle of the set she arrives at her destination and it's over.

How do I fix this problem?

I stopped doing indirect for this reason, there only a few situations where it worked for me.

But from what I read about on indirect, it's very systematic and consistent if done well. That's why I see a lot of potential in it for me if I could just pull it off.

I usually teach only higher intermediate and advanced students and very rarely do guys at that level employ direct game. Direct game is mostly a beginner/intermediate thing (although with some exceptions).

So then odds are, I'll cross over to indirect naturally as my game develops. Interesting.

I mean yeah, I'd be interested in being your student if I get to that advanced level

We'll have to see :)


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
I have this problem if I do indirect approach.

Let's say it's a set on the street and a girl is off walking somewhere. I can approach and have her talk to me, she reacts emotionally some way to the hook (laugh and smiling, etc.), BUT she won't stop for me and I have to walk with her the whole time. It either ends up she's walking long enough for me to get the number OR in the middle of the set she arrives at her destination and it's over.

How do I fix this problem?

I stopped doing indirect for this reason, there only a few situations where it worked for me.

But from what I read about on indirect, it's very systematic and consistent if done well. That's why I see a lot of potential in it for me if I could just pull it off.

Hi. Thanks for your interest.

I currently do not coach daygame.

I suggest you reach out to @Gunwitch , who is THE EXPERT.

But to answer your question: Hook-gambits and hook-techniques are what you need to work on.

Also streetgame usually requires strong AIs and good screening. In the absence of that, the success-rate is quite low. In many ways, street-approaches and dancefloors are similar.

So then odds are, I'll cross over to indirect naturally as my game develops. Interesting.

I mean yeah, I'd be interested in being your student if I get to that advanced level

We'll have to see :)

Maybe. Most don't. Problem with direct is that it really helps beginners, but it has a cap - a limitation of how good you can get, which is why most pros and veterans favor indirect. It gives you more control.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 15, 2022
Hi. Thanks for your interest.

I currently do not coach daygame.

I suggest you reach out to @Gunwitch , who is THE EXPERT.

But to answer your question: Hook-gambits and hook-techniques are what you need to work on.

Also streetgame usually requires strong AIs and good screening. In the absence of that, the success-rate is quite low. In many ways, street-approaches and dancefloors are similar.

Maybe. Most don't. Problem with direct is that it really helps beginners, but it has a cap - a limitation of how good you can get, which is why most pros and veterans favor indirect. It gives you more control.

Insightful as always, thank you @Teevster

I’m gonna do street game completely different now with that advice


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 27, 2023
For a newbie like me I really enjoyed reading about this report because of how much theory and thought went into all the seduction process. I definitely can appreciate your need for strong almost 100% guaranteed pulls and I always hated moving on to the next chick. I plan on reading about your methods more and more because they're really interesting and becoming the next biggest risk averse seducer
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