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- Mar 2, 2013
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Hey boys,
Been away from the good ol' boards for ages now (3-4 months?), and feeling that groove to hop aboard once more
Here's an insightful comment about the stages of learning to pick up girls from Chase:
I guess that I'm hovering around stage 6, currently - I've been tempted to settle for girls I'm seeing, but decided to stick with learning this skill the whole way through, front and back 'till stage 12.
And that's what this journal is about...
Been away from the good ol' boards for ages now (3-4 months?), and feeling that groove to hop aboard once more
Here's an insightful comment about the stages of learning to pick up girls from Chase:
Hmm... I haven't actually sat down and given this a whole lot of thought, and I'm pretty sure the stages of learning to pick up girls are exactly parallel with the stages of learning any other challenging new skill. If I had to list out stages for this offhand, I'd say:
1. Brand new: it dawns on you that this is a skill to learn... and suddenly the world seems filled with new promise, excitement, and unlimited potential
2. Into the thick of it: going out religiously, and coming to grips with the realization that this is way harder than you thought it was going to be... you thought you'd be able to just snap your fingers and be doing great, but now you're starting to realize how completely unskilled you are, and how very far away you are from where you'd like to end up
3. Grinding: you've come to terms with your lack of skill, dealt with the painful emotions your insufficiency meted out to you, and now you're over it; now you're just grinding. You're just doing basic exercises again and again, focused on developing a base level of proficiency. You suck, and you aren't getting results, but that doesn't matter; what you're focused on is inching your way up, bit by tiny bit
4. Initial success: you've started experiencing some initial success (slept with a girl off of pickup). This is your first real "breakthrough" period; this is where you've found that yes, you can make this work for you too. Once you've had some initial success, it's pretty common to get a few more successes in a row (sleep with a few more girls within a few weeks or months off of pickup)
5. Post-success plateau: you hit a plateau where it feels like you can get girls on occasion, but the really high caliber girls are few and far between, and it sort of feels like you're able to get roughly the success of an "okay" natural guy, only with a lot more work than he puts in to get that success. There are still a lot of guys out there who do far and away better with women than you do, and aren't even doing a fraction of the work you are. It starts to feel like maybe this is as good as you're going to get... and that wouldn't be horrible, but it would be kind of disappointing, considering how hard you've worked. A lot of guys get a decent girlfriend and check out of the game at this stage
6. Commitment to grinding: if you don't wife up a pretty-good girl at this point, you end up reaching a point where you say to yourself, "You know what? Screw it. I'm going to buckle down and do whatever it takes to get great at this." Most of the other guys who started learning game at the same time you did have dropped out by now, so you're among a select, dedicated crowd. You realize you've been more or less coasting since you started getting that initial success, and begin taking a more methodical approach to your game again, akin to the one you had back in your pre-success grinding days. You start biting off bits and pieces and tackling your game in a small-improvement-by-small-improvement way once more
7. Major breakthrough (abundance): the major breakthrough comes when you have some watershed experience where you realize that you can pick up a sufficiently cute girl any time you want, so long as you go somewhere with enough different women to meet and you have enough time to keep meeting new girls there. This is the moment when you really feel you've "made it"; you're never going to worry about not being able to get laid again, and you will always be able to have sex with a new girl whenever you want to do it. There aren't many men who stay at it long enough to reach this point, and you're one of a small class of "enlightened" men who can now look at dating, relationships, pickup, and seduction candidly and see them for what they are, rather than trying to delude yourself with fairy tales to protect yourself from an uncertain reality
8. Post-breakthrough soul-searching: the next stage comes when you realize that you can get laid whenever you want, but really amazing, soulmate-caliber girls are still a rare event to you. You start to wonder if maybe you should settle down if you have a girl like this, or if you should start searching for a girl like this. No amount of sleeping with ordinary new women can come close to matching what it's like having a single exceptional girl like this. This is the point where many experienced seducers drop out of the game and pair off with one of those rare high caliber women
9. Commitment to grinding again: if you stick with it, you commit to grinding again, this time with the objective of perfecting your game to such a degree that you're able to not just get laid whenever you want - that's old hat - but now, to be able to find, attract, and sleep with the highest quality women out there: the ones that make your heart flutter and beat fast, and get to a place that you can meet these women easily and regularly, and actually get them as easily as you get ordinary girls
10. Major breakthrough #2 (absolute abundance): if you reach this point, the most amazing women in the world are yours. Sure, you don't get every woman you set your eyes on... but you can meet girls who are your dreams girls in relatively short order, and get them quite consistently. The idea of picking one girl and permanently settling down feels crazy to you, because you'd be missing out on so many other of your dream girls out there. You're at a place now where the highest heights of pickup have been reached
11. Deciding how to use your skill set: finally, you start deciding what you want to do now that there's not much new frontier to conquer; sure, you can try things like cold approach threesomes, or picking up girls on airplanes mid-flight and sleeping with them then and there, or find some other way to challenge yourself, but the real question is what do you want to do with your life?: do you want to construct a harem of women? Start having children with different girls? Live the life of the perpetual bachelor, unmoored and truly free of roots and responsibilities? Something different?
12. Acceptance of skill and moving on in pursuits: once you've decided what path you'll take over the long-term, you stop working too much on pickup, and it just becomes something you do and a part of your life, and not something you think about. Now that you've learned a challenging skill to a high degree, you know the skill-building process inside and out, and you can use that to expedite your learning with another skill set. You begin to turn your energies toward something else, like building writing, art, or building businesses
That's the rough progression. Plenty of dropping out goes on along the way, but there are tons of rewards for the few men who stick with it all the way through. Realistically, most men won't; not necessarily because the rewards aren't worth it to them, but because they're satisfied enough with what they get at the lower levels, or they don't really believe in the potential rewards enough to justify the large amount of work it takes to actually get there.
I guess that I'm hovering around stage 6, currently - I've been tempted to settle for girls I'm seeing, but decided to stick with learning this skill the whole way through, front and back 'till stage 12.
And that's what this journal is about...