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All Them Girls Be Chasin': A PrettyDecent Journal


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Hey boys,

Been away from the good ol' boards for ages now (3-4 months?), and feeling that groove to hop aboard once more :D.

Here's an insightful comment about the stages of learning to pick up girls from Chase:


Hmm... I haven't actually sat down and given this a whole lot of thought, and I'm pretty sure the stages of learning to pick up girls are exactly parallel with the stages of learning any other challenging new skill. If I had to list out stages for this offhand, I'd say:

1. Brand new: it dawns on you that this is a skill to learn... and suddenly the world seems filled with new promise, excitement, and unlimited potential

2. Into the thick of it: going out religiously, and coming to grips with the realization that this is way harder than you thought it was going to be... you thought you'd be able to just snap your fingers and be doing great, but now you're starting to realize how completely unskilled you are, and how very far away you are from where you'd like to end up

3. Grinding: you've come to terms with your lack of skill, dealt with the painful emotions your insufficiency meted out to you, and now you're over it; now you're just grinding. You're just doing basic exercises again and again, focused on developing a base level of proficiency. You suck, and you aren't getting results, but that doesn't matter; what you're focused on is inching your way up, bit by tiny bit

4. Initial success: you've started experiencing some initial success (slept with a girl off of pickup). This is your first real "breakthrough" period; this is where you've found that yes, you can make this work for you too. Once you've had some initial success, it's pretty common to get a few more successes in a row (sleep with a few more girls within a few weeks or months off of pickup)

5. Post-success plateau: you hit a plateau where it feels like you can get girls on occasion, but the really high caliber girls are few and far between, and it sort of feels like you're able to get roughly the success of an "okay" natural guy, only with a lot more work than he puts in to get that success. There are still a lot of guys out there who do far and away better with women than you do, and aren't even doing a fraction of the work you are. It starts to feel like maybe this is as good as you're going to get... and that wouldn't be horrible, but it would be kind of disappointing, considering how hard you've worked. A lot of guys get a decent girlfriend and check out of the game at this stage

6. Commitment to grinding: if you don't wife up a pretty-good girl at this point, you end up reaching a point where you say to yourself, "You know what? Screw it. I'm going to buckle down and do whatever it takes to get great at this." Most of the other guys who started learning game at the same time you did have dropped out by now, so you're among a select, dedicated crowd. You realize you've been more or less coasting since you started getting that initial success, and begin taking a more methodical approach to your game again, akin to the one you had back in your pre-success grinding days. You start biting off bits and pieces and tackling your game in a small-improvement-by-small-improvement way once more

7. Major breakthrough (abundance): the major breakthrough comes when you have some watershed experience where you realize that you can pick up a sufficiently cute girl any time you want, so long as you go somewhere with enough different women to meet and you have enough time to keep meeting new girls there. This is the moment when you really feel you've "made it"; you're never going to worry about not being able to get laid again, and you will always be able to have sex with a new girl whenever you want to do it. There aren't many men who stay at it long enough to reach this point, and you're one of a small class of "enlightened" men who can now look at dating, relationships, pickup, and seduction candidly and see them for what they are, rather than trying to delude yourself with fairy tales to protect yourself from an uncertain reality

8. Post-breakthrough soul-searching: the next stage comes when you realize that you can get laid whenever you want, but really amazing, soulmate-caliber girls are still a rare event to you. You start to wonder if maybe you should settle down if you have a girl like this, or if you should start searching for a girl like this. No amount of sleeping with ordinary new women can come close to matching what it's like having a single exceptional girl like this. This is the point where many experienced seducers drop out of the game and pair off with one of those rare high caliber women

9. Commitment to grinding again: if you stick with it, you commit to grinding again, this time with the objective of perfecting your game to such a degree that you're able to not just get laid whenever you want - that's old hat - but now, to be able to find, attract, and sleep with the highest quality women out there: the ones that make your heart flutter and beat fast, and get to a place that you can meet these women easily and regularly, and actually get them as easily as you get ordinary girls

10. Major breakthrough #2 (absolute abundance): if you reach this point, the most amazing women in the world are yours. Sure, you don't get every woman you set your eyes on... but you can meet girls who are your dreams girls in relatively short order, and get them quite consistently. The idea of picking one girl and permanently settling down feels crazy to you, because you'd be missing out on so many other of your dream girls out there. You're at a place now where the highest heights of pickup have been reached

11. Deciding how to use your skill set: finally, you start deciding what you want to do now that there's not much new frontier to conquer; sure, you can try things like cold approach threesomes, or picking up girls on airplanes mid-flight and sleeping with them then and there, or find some other way to challenge yourself, but the real question is what do you want to do with your life?: do you want to construct a harem of women? Start having children with different girls? Live the life of the perpetual bachelor, unmoored and truly free of roots and responsibilities? Something different?

12. Acceptance of skill and moving on in pursuits: once you've decided what path you'll take over the long-term, you stop working too much on pickup, and it just becomes something you do and a part of your life, and not something you think about. Now that you've learned a challenging skill to a high degree, you know the skill-building process inside and out, and you can use that to expedite your learning with another skill set. You begin to turn your energies toward something else, like building writing, art, or building businesses

That's the rough progression. Plenty of dropping out goes on along the way, but there are tons of rewards for the few men who stick with it all the way through. Realistically, most men won't; not necessarily because the rewards aren't worth it to them, but because they're satisfied enough with what they get at the lower levels, or they don't really believe in the potential rewards enough to justify the large amount of work it takes to actually get there.


I guess that I'm hovering around stage 6, currently - I've been tempted to settle for girls I'm seeing, but decided to stick with learning this skill the whole way through, front and back 'till stage 12.

And that's what this journal is about... ;)



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
LR: Long Black Haired SriLankan gal

Got laid last night, fellas. :) here's the report -

A bit of background: Started a job quite a few months ago, right when I left the boards, as a face-to-face fundraiser for non-profit charities. It basically entails me standing on the streets all day stopping anybody and everybody for ongoing donations. And if I stop a cute girl who I want to ask for a date, well, I just do it. I've laid a few girls from this, and my conversational skills have improved overall - I recommend young and willing people to try this out.

And that's how I met this Sri Lankan girl - she has long black hair and a cute face. I don't exactly remember the first conversation - but I remember I stopped her, and she told me she was already supporting our charity. She was cute, so I asked her for coffee.

We meet at Luna Park (a local amusement park where I start all my dates), and I normally take girls to a nearby bar for an hour or so before pulling them back to my place (a minute away). After a couple seconds of initial conversation, she tells me she has a friend's 21st birthday party to go to in an hour-and-a-half which made a bit wary if this was going to be a lay or not. But then this goes down:

Her: So where do you live?
Me: About a minute away or so.
Her: Wow, that's so convenient! It's within walking distance?
Me: Yeah, it's pretty nearby.
Her: How awesome is that!

I'm not joking; she was very enthusiastic. She also starts mentioning how hungry she is. My reaction is like, "whoa. I need to get this girl to my house right now". As part of my standard pull, I ask her if she's ever had a Peanut Butter and Jam sandwich (because I'm an American in Australia, I use this stereotype purposefully as a fun/relaxed/innocent transition to my place). She says "yeah, they're pretty good" and I tell her that we're skipping the bar and going to straight to eat because, goddamnit, I'm hungry too!

We go to the grocery store, and she offers to pay for the Peanut Butter - and after that, it's straight to my house, after 10 minutes meeting her from a 2 minute conversation in the street (which, when put that way, surprises me - it doesn't feel like that in the interaction, to be fair).

All the walking and no sitting has made it difficult to establish a genuine, comfortable connection - which is a red-flag if you're 15 or 20 minutes into an interaction. So when we sit in my living room, I make a point to start a deep and connecting discussion with her...which lasts all of 10 or 15 minutes, still. She likes to keep some mystery.

My parents walk into the house, and I decide I need to move this into the bedroom with the excuse "let me give you a guitar lesson". We walk into the room, and she sits on my drawer because she's not comfortable enough sitting on the bed. I tell her to "quit being a weird person, and come sit on this comfortable bed". She declines still. I question whether her earlier comments asking about my place were actually a call to pull or not.

I put on some music (just bought a sick speaker system, with the suggestion courtesy of Peter Fontes in his article about creating a sex bubble in your room). I try and deep-dive further to ease her a bit. Then I turn off the music and tell her we're about to have an awesome guitar jam. She finally sits on the bed with the guitar (she needed some sort of distraction to sit on the bed, it seems). We have a cool jam after I teach her a rythym guitar part to a popular song ("Reptilia" by The Strokes, in fact). Then we talk for a little while, and we listen to some metalcore (we lol'd), and then I put on my sex playlist.

*Here's the killer sex playlist I'm using at the moment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysx9BVYlUY4.

I go in for the kiss, and she moves away and says she has to go. My LMR technique at the moment is to remain completely unfazed, and then change the subject ("so where'd you get this scarf from?"). The conversation drifts into how she is "kind of seeing someone" and it "feels wrong". All I'm thinking is, this girl is in my bedroom, alone with me, the vibe is at least somewhat sexual, and we're not here to play Scrabble, so I'm thinking that obviously she also wants to sleep with me. She's just not comfortable enough, and I haven't done the best job with escalating the touch level yet.

So I start playing with her hair. Start feeling how her skin feels on mine when I massage my hand on her leg. Appreciate how her face looks so perfect in this light. I smell her hair and her perfume. She calls me weird, and that she's never met anybody like me. I give her a sexy smirk and go back to just feeling with all my senses how much I'm enjoying her. She looks at her phone to check the time, and I say "you can go to that party tonight, if you want". And then I just lay down on my bed. She smiles, changes the subject herself, and lays down with me. I continue lightly scratching my nails on her skin, rubbing my hand up and down her body. I put my face next to hers like I'm about to kiss her, and then pull away. If I escalate to fast, she's going to get scared away. So I just take my time, enjoying myself with her.

At some point she puts her lips on mine, we start kissing and I can feel myself getting hard. I put her hand down there, and 20 minutes later we've continued escalating to sex.

A couple hours pass and she needs to get going to her friends party, so I walk her to the tram stop where we snuggle on the bench. We say our goodbyes, I texted her this morning, and she replied well.

So there we go, boys! A very sweet and warm Sri Lankan gal.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
I went out yesterday for sushi with a gal I'm seeing casually - and I'm realizing how much a different skill "Pick-Up" is to "relationship". We didn't end up having sex because her logistics were horrible, and she told me she "knows me in bed, but not as a person"...so I'm definitely being boyfriend-zoned, despite repeatedly telling her "I'm not looking for anything serious".

Chase had mentioned to just cut out casual relationships completely while focusing more on Pick-up. Either one-night-stands or girlfriends, and that's it. Think I'm going to follow that advice. :p



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Hey fellas,

Taking a break from approaching till August 1st - need to focus on developing my job skills once more (just got a promotion to a managerial role).

But I'll still be skimmin' around the boards :).



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
LR: Arts and Giggles

Hey cats,

Had quite the time last night, and my gal just left. Here's the report. Enjoy :)

My work team hadn't quite reached their donation target for the week, so I was working a few hours overtime bringing our numbers back up at a central train station in Melbourne. The night turned out to be well for our sales target, but I also had the chance to meet the lovely young gal that's the heroine of our report.

As I'm working, I spot a young (21, I find out), 5'7'' long-blonde haired girl walking my direction. I walk up to her, and open with something like:

Me: You have an awesome scarf (she stops). It matches well with the color of your shirt. But you also decided to match the scarf with the necklace just above it, and your jacket it's opposite color.

I made little to no eye contact during all of that, just touching all her items. And when I finally steal a glance, she's giggling pretty hard. She says hello.

And actually, the whole time I'm building rapport, there's long eye contact and she's giggling a lot. I told myself though, I'm here for work, not pickup! So I pitch her our charity, and she declines claiming she can't afford it. I push for the sign up; of course you can! After a minute or two of this I figured, to hell, I'm just grabbing the number. These were our beginning messages:

Me: Glad to have met you :) - Nick
Her: :) you made my day
Her: Even after making me feel super guilty.
Me: Lol :)

She's a funny gal.

We schedule our date for last night. I'm a few minutes late to our meet-up location, but it's easy to tell I'm walking toward her. Namely, pretty strong eye-contact. I give her a small hug as we meet (which she seemed a little uncomfortable with, interestingly), and we walk toward the bar. We sit down at a secluded location at the back of this artsy nightspot. We start talking - and I found out some cool things like her dreams of travelling to Nepal and to be recognized as a famous Children's book author/illustrator. But I'm still not getting much from her in terms of rapport-building.

We're talking for about 15 minutes, and I see her giving me a sexy smile and biting her lip for a split second. I knew I had to pull very soon anyway, but this was my golden moment. So 10 seconds later, I tell her we're going to make some peanut butter and jam sandwiches. So I immediately stand up, but the transition is a bit awkward, and she just sits on her chair. So I extend my hand in front of her, as if to help her get up. And bam, compliance.

We make small talk as we walk toward my house. We enter the house and go straight to my room (which happens to be inches from the front door, anyway) to help take off her shoes. She puts her purse on the ground and kneels to take her shoes off. I stand in front of her to compare heights without her small heels on, and we're inches apart with electric eye contact. It hasn't even been a minute and a half in my room, but fuck it, I'm going to kiss her now. I reel my head in hoping for the best, and she lunges at me with her tongue down my throat. I grab her body and push her onto the bed, and I start ripping off all her clothes with no resistance. And damn, this girl has a fit body. Pretty happy about this.

Anyway, you get the point. She was a great gal. She stayed the night, and left an hour or so ago, so I'm about to catch up on some sleep now :). I think I'm stealing my way ever toward Stage 7 of that quote by Chase in my first post: abundance. Where I can sleep with an ordinary girl anytime I want, given enough girls. Only time will tell.

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Reading through articles, trying to figure out how to get myself out on a more consistent basis...I need more deliberate practice to refine my skills.

I'm thinking about reworking things like this:

- Spend two weeks mass-approaching, getting numbers/dates, getting over my AA
- Go out 4 times a week from then on specifically to approach, completing homework assignments from the diagnostic e-book

And I need a schedule, where it's unwavering and I'll stick with it. Thinking:
- Monday evening
- Tuesday evening
- Thursday evening
- Saturday afternoon
- (For the AA, I'll also add in Sunday afternoon)

The potential problem about this, though, is if I have dates planned for those nights...I'll need back-up days - say, either 1 or 2 nights after (depending if the night after is already a scheduled time to go out).

I'll also need to dress well to work on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday to game between work and the transit home: so I'll need to have my outfits planned for those days. I'm buying some new shoes and a stylish, tailored coat tomorrow that ought to deliver on results. Buying a necklace or a watch/bracelet would be an easy, non-mentally-taxing way to spice an outfit's overall style. I want a chic, smart looking handbag to carry my belongings in - so I'll invest in that next week.

The goal will need a timed-ending, as much as I hate to admit. Or a specific outline to realize I've achieved the goal. I know that the goal in sight is to reach abundance, and have abundance mentality. But how will I know when I've achieved that? Chase told me it's when you can lay a new girl within, say, any given week. But I need something more precise. Some "watershed" moment. I'll brainstorm about this; need to catch some shut-eye.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
Hey Nick,

I like your new journal man! It's awesome and you already have really good lays in here! I like your idea to climb the scale that Chase made. I don't know if it's because I haven't been watching you, hit you seemed to have increased your skill dramatically bro. Congrats, keep it up ;)



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Hey gang,

Jake D. said:
I like your new journal man! It's awesome and you already have really good lays in here! I like your idea to climb the scale that Chase made. I don't know if it's because I haven't been watching you, hit you seemed to have increased your skill dramatically bro. Congrats, keep it up ;)

Cheers, Jake! Noticed you had a FWB going on, is that correct? It's cool to see just how much everybody's improved after a long break from the boards. Hope to see more reports from you soon :)

Tonight's report is an RR. Enjoy :)

So that gal from the last report, LR: Arts and Giggles, I sent a text in the morning like:

Me: Hey, had a great time with you, [her name]. Hope you're not too tired today ;).

To which I had no answer. It bothered me a slight bit since she was so good in bed, but hey, she wasn't relationship material and I set this up as a ONS anyway... But on the Tuesday of that week, I was working in front of a University when I saw her walk by with another guy. Oh shit, I thought. This'll be awkward.

We saw each other, but neither of us acknowledged the other. I was doing this out of courtesy of being discreet (and especially that this fella could be her BF...it wasn't, I found out later). We had this text convo a couple hours later:

Her: Were you at my uni today? Cause I'm pretty sure I walked right past you. I went back later, with the intention of pretending to be interested in your charity. But either you were gone or you were never there in the first place.

Me: Hey! Yeah, must have crossed paths again, missy. Guess we'll just air high-five or something next time.

My intention with that text was to communicate seeing her with the guy didn't bother me, and the situation in general was "whatever" for me. But no text back again. I was getting kind of irritated about this. And as luck would have it, we ran into each other on Thursday night, where I was working and we spotted each other while she went up an escalator. We smiled and waved to each other, somewhat awkwardly. She sent me this message after:

Her: Are you following me...? Haha.

At that point, I'd kind of had it. Yeah, no, I'm not answering you this time.

But here's the thing. We ran into each other again on Saturday night. Here's the rundown - she walked over to the ATM next to me, and we looked at each other.

Me: OH my god.
Her: (under her breath) shit.
Me: Going out for the night, huh?
Her: Yeah. Dinner.
Me: Cool. With friends?
Her: Eh.
[pause - I look down and start playing with my phone]
Me: You going to buy me dinner?
Her: [Looks at me and laughs]
My buddy rocks over
MyBuddy: Hey! How are you tonight? Have you heard of [charity] before?
Her: [laughs] uh, yes.
Me: Yeah, don't worry about her, man.
MyBuddy: Oh. You know each other?
Me: Yeah, way back. Good friends from the Church Youth group. [obvious wink at her] And she was actually about to buy me dinner.
Her: (laughs)
Me: Maybe I'll see you around.

And she left. And sent me this text message:

Her: What are you doing after work tonight? ;)

Oh! I'm so in:

Me: Hmm...you meeting me at mc, church youth gal? ;)
Her: Hahaha. Yeah what time do you finish? I am at dinner. With people I don't know. It's weird.
Me: Lol, just finished. Make a swift exit through the window and meet me at mc :)

We end up meeting at a bar, with me standing on the outside, and her on the inside, talking. We started chatting for a while. The way that she was looking at me, I so knew I was taking her home that night. I told her to grab her coat so that we could leave, and she asked where. Oh please, lady, where would you think..? I told her to grab her coat so we could leave. She gave me token resistance, but changed the subject. I'm giving her my sex stare. But that's when a fella walks out of the bar and stands next to her.

Fella: Hey, [girl's name], didn't see you in the bar and wanted to make sure you were alright.
Her: Yeah, I'm fine.
(fella looks directly at me, with "don't you take my girl" eyes)
Fella: Hi. I'm Brendan.
Me: Hey, Nick.
Fella: Nice to meet you, man. (looks at her again) Everything cool?
Her: Yeah, everything's fine.
Fella: Cool, come back inside soon. (he walks back inside)

Then she looks at me and explained how he's been trying to impress her lately with his new sports car, and how utterly unimpressed she was. She said "he's a nice guy, and I can tell he likes me. He's just so boring and uninteresting."

I kind of look away and give a bored nod. We flirt for a half-an-hour more. I tell her to grab her coat again, and she gives me several excuses like "what are my friends going to think of me?", "I've got so much stuff to do tomorrow, how am I going to get all of that done by staying out late?", and "that guy's my ride home tonight. How else can I get home?". I had to give her plausible deniability on all of those. Subject changed again, and we started holding hands. And a few minutes later, that fella rocks up again with a similar exchange:

(me and the gal stop holding hands)
Fella: We're about to leave at 11 or 11:30. You still getting a ride home with me tonight, yeah?
Her: Well, I'm trying to figure that out. What time is it?
Fella: It's 11. If you want to come with me, you should come back inside soon.
Her: Alright, we'll figure it out.
Fella: (gives me those death eyes again, and walks back in)
Her: He's kind of obsessed with me.
Me: Kind of?
Her: (giggles)

We change subjects, and I tell her to grab her coat once more. She said she has to go to the bathroom. I tell her to bring her coat once she comes back out. And now I must wait...


until I see her walking out of the bar with her coat. Mission accomplished.

We rock down the escalator, and she says "hold on, I have to write that guy a text message". I peek over and glance at her writing something like: "Hey, go home. I couldn't resist myself. I'm so sorry. Thank you for everything. Talk to you soon. Xx".

Then we went back to my place and had made love. She bought me breakfast the next morning, and told me to go with her to the city. She'd buy me lunch, too. I declined and told her Sundays were my day to completely relax and rest up for the week. Anyways, she was poor and I didn't want her to spend her money on something like buying me meals.

She sent me a text message the next morning:
Her: Hey ;) I had a lovely time with you. Thanks for convincing me to let you kidnap me. I think. How was the rest of your rest day? X

There you are fellas! Hope you cats enjoyed this one :)



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 16, 2014
That was a fun read man. Crazy how you turned the tides. Great move by not texting her back that last time. This chick is digging you now!

Keep up the good work pimpin'


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
FR++/FR++: 2 Girls 1 Night

Hey all,

mindful said:
That was a fun read man. Crazy how you turned the tides. Great move by not texting her back that last time. This chick is digging you now!

Keep up the good work pimpin'

Cheers, bro :) Was a fun one to write down.

This report is going to be a little bit different. Had a couple different girls in my room the last couple of hours.

The first chick I won't go into detail with. When I met her tonight, she wasn't that spectacular. And throughout the date I find myself incredibly bored; I'd have rather just had the night alone. Still, I invited her to my place, and we chilled out on my bed for a while. I went for the kiss a couple times out of curiosity to see what'd happen, but she wouldn't let me. Eh, whatevs. I walked her to tram stop, and she sent me this text soon after:

Her: Thank you for the nice evening. You are a cool guy and good musician. Hope we'll see us again. :)

Nice gal, she is. But the only girls I'm really seeing more than one time are the ones I sleep with. But yeah, sweet gal.

The second girl was much more interesting. I was walking back from the tram stop toward my house when I walked by a McDonald's, and noticed a pretty good-looking gal sitting by herself. Wanted to say hello, so I went inside and opened direct. She told me I could have a seat.

She's a 21 year-old French gal passing through Melbourne on her way to Sydney. During our conversation she's really quite feisty. I found out she was a hip-hop dancer, so that kind of made sense. We talked for about 10 minutes, and I invited her over to a "place with cheap wine". She said OK.

We get to my house, and she kind of freaked out that it was my house and not a bar. I didn't really care and told her it's fine, and we walked inside. Now, my bedroom was all set up for the last gal - the bed was made, a candle was lit, music was playing, and the lights were dimmed. She flipped a little bit and asked if I'm doing this to girls all the time. "I can't believe I'm in your bedroom 10 minutes after meeting you." And man, so much resistance came. She said "We may kiss, but I'm NOT having sex with you tonight. Sorry".

But yeah, I must've sent her deep in the depths of auto-rejection because after I started kissing and escalating, she got up, said she's seeing someone and that she "did enough fooling around". Then she left. But, hey, it happens. Fun experience.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
PrettyDecent said:
But the only girls I'm really seeing more than one time are the ones I sleep with. But yeah, sweet gal.

Hahaha that's such a "nice" way of putting it.

Pretty crazy to be the one telling women that rather than the other way around like most guys.

I like this journal a lot by the way, you fucking leveled up fast compared to where you were when I first got on the boards over a year ago.

If I remember correctly you started this journey a virgin right? Pretty admirable progress to make in that short of time.

I assume your a quick study, compared to me I think I make the same mistakes about 20 times before I actually learn... maybe just hardheaded.

Kind of funny I never read your original journal and started reading it like a couple months ago and realized how golden some of that shit was.

Thanks for posting it's good to see another style and innerworking of another up and coming pimp.

Keep it pimpin Nick,



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Hey cats,

Mr.Rob said:
Thanks for posting it's good to see another style and innerworking of another up and coming pimp.
Thanks, Rob! Always appreciate seeing your insight and comments on my journal! Read your last LR - keep up the solid work, homie ;)

Little life update before story of the night: I've been pretty regularly seeing the "Arts and Giggles" gal for about 2 months now. Not relationship material, but she's definitely fun, and I'm able to practice my skills at sex. Slept with one other gal since A&G girl and I started seeing each other. I'm about to sleep with this girl I had a date with today pretty soon.

This new girl...what a trip. She's from Eastern Europe, and she's not the prettiest girl on planet Earth, but she's cute enough. We had a date last Sunday, and I was getting strong signs of interest from her, so we went straight from the meeting spot to my house. Turns out she's a virgin, but we make out for a second. She leaves, but I know I'll see her again.

Sure enough, she calls me today and she comes over again - bearing gifts. Of course, I expect this behavior from a virgin girl, despite me telling her NOT to buy me anything (normally this investment is fantastic - but with virgins you want to keep their investment levels to a minimum...no broken hearts, please!). She bought me Armani pants, and a new button-up shirt (the sexy ones I usually buy for myself..!). I had thought she was poor, being from Eastern Europe and all. Of course, everything isn't as it seems...

We're on our way out to eat when she gets a call from somebody important, evidenced by her tone of voice. Once she hangs up, she begins her real story...she's using this fella to get citizenship in this country. I thought that was interesting...but I'm not judging and say "hey, rad". This is the beginning of a different side to this girl...her demeanor completely changes from very innocent and girly to stern, firm, in-control and serious. It was one hell of a switch, I'll tell you.

After lots of social maneuvering it's revealed that this girl has one unique past - first of all, she's loaded. As in, she was offering to pay for musical equipment for me that costs in the thousands. Of course, I decline (albeit with at least a little temptation). But she's not allowed to tell me what her family does. It's obvious her family's involved in, hmm, illegal activities. I get the feeling their international. This girl wants nothing to do with it, but apparently she "has no choice"; her family knows people in damn near every country.

I know I shouldn't be seeing her again, but damn, this is just way too interesting to stop. I seem to have that problem lately where I really can't help myself...

Anyway, thought that'd be entertaining to you fellas. Just bought a subscription to the GC articles - I'm planning on thoroughly evolving my skills to get higher quality girls more often.

Keep kickin' ass ;)



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
FR+: The Conservatory Singer

Hey gang,

Having a pretty swell week, so far - I've slept with 3 new girls in 6 days, and it feels fantastic.

Today I want to post about a date I went on this afternoon. This girl is one I'd consider "higher quality", and these type of girls give me resistance I'm having a hard time to overcome - so your insights will be much appreciated :).


I met this gal through a cold-approach over in the city - the first interaction went swimmingly; quite a lovely, vibrant girl who studies singing at an elite conservatory in the city.

We scheduled to meet today - I went to the park where we planned to meet, and she rocks up, points to me and asks "Nick?". I go, yes, of course, how many people have you tried so far? She laughs and says "only 27!".

We make small talk along the way to the bar, and sit at a lounge all the way in back. I order a martini, and she orders a margarita and the bartender said he'll pass it to us. From here, the interaction goes well. I move the conversation forward, but she's doing a lot of excited talking. We spent maybe 45 minutes there. The martini was taking too long, and even after I talked to the fella, I never really got it. I said "fuck it" at some point, because I just needed to move the interaction forward. I invite her back to my place (probably wasn't the smoothest pull) to teach her some guitar, and she says "well, how do I know you're not a serial killer?" and I pinky-promise her I'm not a serial-killer.

We arrive in my room, grab the guitar, and I asked if she planned to serenade me. She laughs, and I teach her how to play a rad little song. Somewhere along the 5-10 minute range, I go in for the kiss. She kisses back, and from this point I'm escalating a bit slower - pulling back quite a bit so as not to look too eager (perhaps this is where I messed up?), and she'd lean forward to kiss me again. I'd caress the back of her head and lightly grabbing hair. And then she started to question everything, remarking "wait, we only just met" and "I really don't even know you well enough". Of course I said nothing, made a small chuckle, stared at her for a moment, and then went back in to kiss again. She'd stop me again, and this cycle repeated a couple more times. We were making out again, and we both started to get a bit more into it with us grabbing each others bodies. Then somebody (I don't remember who) pulls back, and I think I linger a bit in silence for too long to have her start thinking logically again.

She grabs the guitar up again, and says "teach me something else", and so I comply and teach her a bit more. Then I play the guitar a bit longer, and she blurts "you know, I'm really hungry, let's go grab some food in the kitchen". So we walk to the kitchen and, realizing there was nothing there to eat, says we ought to go grab some takeaway. I knew that this was going to be the end of anything constructive for the situation - but I can't think of a way to bring her back to my room without looking pushy/needy. For some reason, I comply again, we leave the house, and go snag some Thai food. Now she's the one moving the conversation forward and is firmly in control, qualifying me.

Then she says "well, I have to go meet my friend around here who's also on [nearby local street]". She walked up to my door with me, and we kissed goodbye.

Potential problems on why I lost this one:
- An overall fundamentals issue
- Needed a stronger emotional connection through deeper conversation
- Should have escalated with more raw, sexual passion, and not as much pulling back to mask my strong sexual attraction. Perhaps more complimenting and qualifying during LMR.
- Said something to logically disarm her when she was putting up resistance
- When she grabbed the guitar up and gave me a compliance demand, I should've dismissed it, and done something else distractedly for a second - like put on some background music - and then went back to kiss her again

I'm starting to run into less and less resistance with girls whom I consider "OK" quality, but the higher quality girls (the pretty, socially savvy-type) I still run into game-ending LMR. I think upgrading my fundamentals is the best long-term solution to that issue, but for now, some finesse and escalation-tech may lead to to more short-term success with these types.

Any comments and insights appreciated! If there was something vague, I'm happy to clarify if it sheds light on a glaring problem I missed and didn't recognize. :)



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
FR: Cute Receptionist Rocker

Hey dudes,

Met this gal via cold-approach in the city. She'd just left an work-trial as a receptionist in the CBD.

After rescheduling a couple times, we planned to meet tonight. She arrived about an hour late because she was helping a friend of hers move musical equipment. No worries, I live nearby anyway. She arrives and is dressed, obviously, for her friends gig. She's pretty, moreso than I remembered from before. It kind of throws me off. She apologizes for being an hour late, and I remarked that it's cool. She asked if I lived around here - now I'm not sure if this was an escalation window or not - she might've been asking to relieve her own guiltiness of being late. Hard to tell, so we continued to the bar.

At the bar we sit down and order our martinis. I feel like I'm handling our conversation with really delicate finesse, not showing too much interest. It's difficult to strike the balance between interested but not eager when her looks were making me quite nervous. I'm now trying to figure out if that prevented us from having a deeper connection. We did have a few things in common - and I was trying to capitalize those points during our conversation.

Toward the end of our 45 minute date, she mentions her friend is about to play at the establishment nearby, and suggested I come with her and meet her friends. I'm like, nah, but I don't outright reject her. My attempt to pull her to my place after that - I can't even write it down, it's making me cringe. But yeah - it's obvious I may need to start making a habit of the yes-ladder. And also, to start seeding things to pull her with earlier in the conversation. Long story short, I do use a yes-ladder (albeit, an off-the-cuff one), but she says she'll make a raincheck and we split ways.

So - just waking up and reading what I wrote last night, I've come to the conclusion that her bringing up my house was an escalation window, and I failed to try my hand because I thought "she's too hot, did she REALLY just give me an escalation window? It's too soon...damn, I don't want to fuck this up, let's just play it safe and go to the bar" and I moved too slow. That's a damn shame.

And another realization...every girl I've met up with at the beginning of the date that asks if I live nearby, and I've taken to my house, I've slept with 20 minutes after. That might be a clue...

Things to learn from this interaction:
- Take the damn escalation window
- Stop making a big deal out of looks, call her "cute", and maneuver my thoughts back to being present in the conversation
- Start seeding pulls earlier in the date to help the actual pull feel more natural
- Use a yes-ladder when I'm about to pull


Lord Byron

Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 3, 2014
Hey man, loving what you're posting. I'm still fairly new here and over the past few days have gone through your different journals from beginnings to now, and it's really inspiring to see your progress and particularly how quickly you've leveled up through the process.

Quick question here: when a girl provides you with a specific escalation window asking 'where you live/if you live nearby,' what would the process actually look like for quickly taking her back to your place and doing it smoothly?

Perhaps coming up with an excuse of forgetting something at home and having her accompany you, or suggesting drinks at your place instead?

Thanks man, keep 'em chasin'.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Hey Byron,

Glad to hear those journals are still helpful, bro :)

In terms of escalation windows, my process for pulling a girl home is to watch for strong signals, then continue the conversation for 10 seconds so as not to seem reactive, and finally suggest coming to my place for a PB&J sandwich (I'm an American living in Australia, so its novel here) or something else I've seeded during the conversation - including guitar lessons, a nightcap, new sound system, etc.

You need to watch for those nonverbal signals as well - her touching you actively, biting her lip, staring at you, and so on. If you're casual and assumptive when you ask, they almost always go home with you.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 23, 2014
Hello PrettyDecent,

I liked reading about how you move past LMR and also thanks for sharing that list of stages by Chase on your first post. Keep on grinding (6) :)



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Hey y'all,

I'm bringin' this thread back to life!

I had this weird 3 month break from seduction - just stopped answering booty calls/texts from girls I was seeing, and stopped meeting any new girls. There seems to be this pattern where I'll go hard in learning seduction for 3-4 months, make some big improvement, and then I'll burn out and take a break that I can't seem to get myself out of until round the 2-3 month period, where the process starts repeating itself again.

Anyways, I'm feeling a bit warmed up again, and am excited to see where my journey will lead me on this cycle through!

In terms of that scale on the first post - I'm pretty sure I've achieved abundance. I was getting laid with a new girl around every 2 weeks on average for 4 months. Now, it's about tightening my regular abundance and moving to absolute abundance. I went on dates with, maybe, 6 or 7 girls between June and September that I'd consider girlfriend-quality material. Unfortunately, I didn't sleep with any of them. In fact, none of the girls I slept with I'd really consider "girlfriend" quality material. I can see why this is: I have a good process, but it isn't adaptive, so I'm left with what Chase calls "just raw effective game" that'll get you laid sometimes, but not with the most quality girls nor with the ones that are uncomfortable moving with great speed.

So, I need to clean up loose ends in my game. Luckily, I have Chase's handy "Technician's Guide" to light the way! So I'll be going like that for (hopefully) 30 consecutive days. :)



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
FR++: Fivesome?

Hey gang,

This report I typed out in my personal journal - it's from 12/22/2014 :)

Just arrived back from a vacation overseas, so I was happy to swing back and say "hi" to all my friends whilst once again home in Oz. One of the friends is a fella that I've taken under my wing who's pretty bright, and doing surprisingly well for his 3 months in game (going on dates with girls who are about as hot as the ones I'm going out with now). He's like a 5'6'' or shorter bald Asian dude and kicking ass, save a few newbie mistakes..but he's also turned into a good friend of mine. His name's Jeff.

Jeff and I meet at the Central train station and he introduces me to some wingmen that he's sort of half-mentoring. One is a 5'1'' Asian dude with cool hair and shirt, but his pants just don't fit him, whose name is Andrew. The other fella is a 1st generation Indian fella who's quite skinny, wearing a yellow singlet and shorts, and works at Louis Vuitton. We call him Aaron.

I definitely wasn't expecting that rolling with this gang was going to bring tonight's events.

We approach for a while, and Andrew and Aaron are asking me a lot of philosophical/game questions which leads to some enjoyable discussion; I find that Aaron's been practicing seduction for as long as Jeff, and Andrew just a few weeks. None of them have had dates, and each had gotten two numbers.

We keep approaching for a couple hours (I've taken a break from seduction for a few months now and need to get over my fucking AA again), and it's nearing 8:30 p.m. Andrew decides he has to go. The poor bastard didn't know what would happen that night.

So me, Jeff, and Aaron are roaming and Jeff proposes the idea of nightgame. It's a Sunday night at 8:30 p.m., but we thought 'ey, fuck it.

The first bar we go to is deaddd. We walk across the street, they screen for ID's and I forgot mine. Fuck. We eventually stumble into a rooftop shisha bar, quite aptly named "Sahara". We rock up upstairs and head to the bar, and there are just no single chicks there. Well, duh, I guess. It is a shisha bar.

The fellas decide that there's nothing there so we walk back into a hall and start walking down the stairs. Then, Aaron stops us, and is like "guys, there were some cute girls that were sitting up there by themselves. It's not like we have a better choice, so let's go do it. All 3 of us!". Of course, I'm thinking groups almost always blow in my experience, and walking straight up to them with a direct approach 3 guys to 2 chicks while they're sitting down just makes us look completely socially unaware. But the fellas remained super assumptive and started jogging up the stairs again.

We just walk straight up to them, I'm feeling like a fucking idiot, and the dudes are like:

Jeff: Hey! What do you think of when I say "ooooooaaahhh"
(I don't remember what they're reaction was, but I was like, yo, Jeff, you're awesome man, but whaaaat the fuck)
Me: (interrupting) Hey ladies, we were walking downstairs and you two seemed like chill, cool gals for tonight so we wanted to come say 'hello'
Ladies: (looking a bit shocked, off-guard - this is the kind of reaction I was trying to minimize. I don't remember what they said here)

At this point, Jeff and Aaron are still being super fucking assumptive and grab seats on the couches in front of them. I'm thinking at the time, like, oh man, these dudes are just being way uncalibrated. But looking back, maybe their forwardness was a good balance with my cautionary style. Nevertheless:

(Jeff and Aaron sat down)
Me: Anyways, I'm Nick (I shake their hand and exchange names, and now Jeff and Aaron are introducing themselves as well. The black haired gal is an Aussie-Serbian named Stephania, and the blonde is an Aussie-Pole named Vanessa)
Me: So, are we interrupting you ladies on your night out, or do you mind us all just chatting together..?
Stephania: Uh...no, you guys are cool.

This is the point where I have to spark the rapport and lead the group conversation since these girls are really shy/awkward, and the fellas needed help. We start with talk about what their doing out, they're skeptical-ness of how we all know each other ("on the street, too, or..?"), and how it's Jeff's birthday (it was!)

The conversation, though, is quite strained because of awkward pauses. We're not really sure if they want us there, or we're just being a social burden, but I asked again if they wanted us to fuck off, or if we were cool having a good time together. They said it was all good and offered us some Mousse they ordered. At some point they also started sharing their hookah with us, despite the tense atmosphere. We're in.

The girls start opening up more and more with us (takes ~20-30 minutes) and start making innuendos about each other. Oh, I knew exactly what was happening. I was guessing these ladies had sex with each other (probably for a few years). And the fact they were bringing it up so comfortably in front of us made me know they were quite open to exhibitionism as well.

And how fucking right I was. After giving some small positive reinforcement for their sexual innuendos with each other, they started making out on the couch, passing hookah smoke to the other. Jeff and Aaron were like "whooooaa!!", which forced me to act very nonchalant to balance the surplus of validation, throwing a slightly bored-impressed look on my face. I think this helped things feel more normal.

We make some more conversation with the girls talking into each other's ear intermittently, and at some point Stephania abruptly says:

Stephania: Actually, we're staying in a hotel tonight.
Me: Oh yeah?
Stephania: Yeah, we just got it for one night.

Inside my head I'm thinking, yooo, holy shit...did she just give me a pull-invitation...? For the group...?

I make a mental note that I need to think of a smooth transition out of this bar and get all 5 of us motherfuckers into that hotel room.

There's some more general conversation, and the innuendos/making out with the girls continue, but the hookah employee comes up to us and tells us to fuck off...it's closing time. At this point, Stephania suggests we all grab some more drinks at a bar somewhere. I see this as the moment of opportunity:

Stephania: You guys are cool, we should continue this. Can you see if there are any bars or hookah places nearby?
Jeff: Yeah! Sure, let me look on my phone.
Me: You know... it's Sunday night, and all the bars and hookah places are probably closed.
Stephania: Oh, yeah, that's probably true.
Me: So why don't we grab some drinks at a local store where it's much cheaper and we can get whatever sort of drinks we want?
Stephania: (whispers with Vanessa for a second) That's a good idea! We can use our hotel room if you pay for the drinks, but you'll have to be sleeping at your own places tonight. Is that a deal?
Me: Yeah, no biggie

We start walking down, and I knew the only possible thing stopping us from getting all the way there is this fucking awkward transitional moment. Jeff and Aaron have never pulled a girl to a private space before, so they didn't understand the need for comforting small talk along the way, so I was keeping the conversational energy alive on this walk.

The first liquor place is closed. Fuck. We walk 10 minutes to another liquor place. Closed. Ahh fuck! There's one last liquor store I know across the street - if it wasn't open, we were shit out of luck that night. I can't see the sign until 10 feet away where it says "come in! we're open!".

Yes, please!

I'm totally broke from this vacation, but luckily Aaron pays for the $50 bottle of vodka, and we grab some chaser, and on our way to their hotel we go!

We walk through the hotel into their room, and make ourselves comfy. There's a bit of tension in the air. So we start doing some drinking games. And these girls start spitting game on us! Everybody declares that tonight we have a "no judgement-zone", which was reiterated quite commonly throughout

Stephania: We should play never-have-I-ever! The person has to say "never-have-I-ever something", and if anybody's done it before, that person has to drink from their cup.
Me: Sounds super!
Jeff: I'll start us off! Never-have-I-ever...made out with someone I didn't know. (Me and Vanessa drink)
Stephania: OK, never-have-I-ever had sex in front of strangers! (Vanessa, Stephania, and I drink. I haven't actually, but I need to have these girls feel like they aren't the only ones who've had sex in front of strangers)

Oh, you ladies are quite good. And at some point, the girls said:

Stephania: OK, Jeff, Nick, you two have to make out for at least 7 seconds.
Me: Whoa, relax chica! What are we getting in return?
Stephania: Well, me and Vanessa will make out, too!

Alright, mutual escalation it is, then. So I drink about 4 shots of liquor and make out with Jeff for a full 7 seconds. The girls start making out, and while their doing so, I try and defuse some of the tension in the air by keeping up the conversation with Jeff and Aaron.

Now, Jeff and Aaron are acting like this is a big deal for them, and I'm thinking, "Dudes! Calm your asses. If they get that validation now, before they've escalated all the way to them having lesbian sex, they will stop." Of course, even with my occasional "Aaron, dude, quit talking! They get it." it was really hard for them to not become needy.

Aaaand this is where the tables of power turned.

Stephania: OK, if you and Aaron make out and grab each others dicks through your pants, I will suck Vanessa's tits.
Vanessa: Only my tits?
Stephania: Vanessa!
Aaron: Oh, no, I think we'll skip that and save up.
(the girls were pretty confused)
Me: (I needed to clear this social faux paus out of the room myself to keep our credibility/power in this escalation) Uh, yo, Aaron, that ain't how this works, bud. Let's let the girls enjoy themselves.
Stephania: What, you mean like save up for more? Oh, that's not fair!
Aaron: (trying to justify himself)
Me: (I don't remember exactly what I said here) Nah, Aaron, it's cool bro. Let's let the night roll and see where it takes us. It's a no judgement zone. Alright, well, let's go!

Yep, so we got through that part, but then Jeff and Aaron were getting excited enough when the girls were making out that they didn't take out their tits.

Stephania: OK, now we want to see you take off your pants, America! (referring to me)
Aaron: Yo, that is so not fair! You have to do what you said first!

I'm realizing Aaron's neediness is killing the feeling of mutual escalation in the air, and I'm thinking DUDE, shut the trap! Eventually, for whatever reason, we started capitulating to their demands without them escalating past hard making out and grinding. There was a moment I think I was fully naked. Whatever, fucking YOLO.

At some point, Jeff brings out porn on his computer and I'm thinking "OK, this could be alright". But I realize after, that may have took all the tension out of the air. Well, that, or the fact we'd been in their room for 3 hours escalating and by that point they had all the validation they needed to not keep going. They suggested grabbing some McDonald's and I'm like dammmn.

I figured to try and salvage one last shot, I'm going to say "yeah, cool!" and then have them start making out again so they could focus more on the pleasure of each other (like, when you and your girl weren't going to have sex again, but once you decide to leave the room, then you can't keep your hands off each other and you have awesome sex again). And it worked! They were starting to really get into making out with each other again and grinding, but then Aaron and Jeff started to give validation again. I just wanted to yell "dudes! just let the pressure build; the magic will continue if you stop talking!". But hey, you can't blame the cats, they're still so damn new and they've never attempted an escalation before.

Anyways, we leave at 4 in the morning and grab some Macky D's. We all exchange Facebooks. As the 5 of us pass by the concierge and hotel workers, Vanessa was like "everybody in the hotel thinks we just had an orgy or something". I laughed.

Funny night, it turned out to be. ;P

EDIT: It should be noted here that the issue wasn't the other guys, it was actually ME not assuming a leadership position and letting the girls call the shots (which ultimately kills their sexual arousal). Fellas, if you're about to be in an orgy, you MUST be the one calling the shots. That shit pays off in dividends later, for real.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
LR: 'Dis one was a Foursome

Hey gents,

Recently, I've been rolling with a fellow yank - which I've found a pretty rare find, considering I can count the amount of Americans I've met here in Oz on my two hands. This guy in particular also happens to be gifted with stupidly good looks. As anyone may expect, one of the side effects of his looks: he's terrible at starting conversations with girls, but chicks will open for him, and all he needs is decent conversation and to invite them home. His name is Ben.

We're grabbing some delicious teriyaki chicken with rice in the city yesterday, when we bump into some Korean chick he slept with and other friends of hers. We all get into conversation together, and I chat up the girl on the right. Just basic flirty get-to-know-ya conversation. The one he slept with is a cute dyed-blonde hair chick with a visible edge, and the girl to her right was a brunette with a bubbly Asian personality (there was a girl on the left, but she was so quiet, she won't really get mentioned in this report). The rapport goes quite well, and we end the conversation on a high point. We bid our farewell's and make haste toward Ben's music area.

We pretty much play music most of the night, so the next day I tell Ben I need to go rest up, and I'll catch up with his ass later. I end up running a few errands that needed to get done and start thinking in general about the upcoming year and what I hope to accomplish. When I get back to my house, I start reading up on an article about achieving goals and Chase's guide on time efficiency.

At about 5 p.m., Ben calls:

Ben: Dude! You remember those Korean chicks we saw yesterday? I told them to come hang out with us on the beach. You better not still be resting up, dude. I think these girls are up for one night stands.

Welp, guess I need to get my ass in gear. A bit nervous in the stomach, I swing over to the beach (which happens to be right next to my house :,D ), and meet up with Ben and the couple of Korean chicks. I find it odd that Ben and the ladies aren't really giving each other much attention - I don't even know if these are the same Korean chicks from yesterday. It's a ragin' 107 F outside, so I put my necklace and house keys in the girl's bag, and Ben and I jog into the ocean to cool off with the chicks following.

There was not a whole lot of interaction between the girls and us - some splashing each other here and there, some flirting. I really have no idea if this is going to lead anywhere.

Ben's just like "dude, there are so many girls on this beach. Fuck these girls let's go talk to those ones." Rule #1 in our friendship seems to be: Ben points out the girls, and Nick starts the conversation with them. We chat these Swedish birds that are quite cute and giving us some interest, but there's some transition point, and for some reason I bitch out and leave. Anyway, don't matter, we got what we needed: pre-selection.

We get out of the ocean and back onto the warm sand, and Ben's asking how were we going to get the ladies back to ours? The ladies return some 20 minutes later, and they mention that they're hungry.

I tell the ladies that we're flat broke, and that if they pay for our meal, we'll provide them with alcohol. They ask "how will you pay for alcohol if you're broke?", and I say "well, this is alcohol that I bought when I wasn't broke" (which makes it abundantly clear that we're not going to a bar to drink). They laugh, but don't say yes or no. So Ben and I take the lead and start walking to Subway.

I start trying build rapport with the girl I'm focusing on, and we get a little through, but it gets awkward so we start walking with Ben and his girl again. Usually when rapport is fucked like that, it doesn't end in the bedroom. Either way, I needed to grab my jewelery and house keys back, so I ask my girl to kindly pass 'em to me. She searches her purse, finds my necklace and hands it to me. She grabs my house keys, looks at the other girl, and then just drops it back into her bag and they start giggling. Whoa. The invitation is real as fuck.

We walk our way to my house, and you could see the girls are a bit hesitant to pass the white gate and into my house; this is when you need to be assumptive and fun. I said something, but to be honest, I don't remember what.

On arrival, things are tense in my room. I'm getting flashbacks to "FR++: Fivesome?" from my journal.

It's just boiling in my room. A thermometer may have read over 110 F, so everybody's drinking a lot of water...and sweating. 30-45 minutes have passed by, and I'm slowly escalating the touch on my girl, and somehow maneuvering everybody on to my bed (no excuses, everybody needs King size for situations like these). Ben is with the girl he already knew, and they're in charge of music. Even though those two have fucked before, Ben's not making a move on her. I'm like, well, guess I need to make the plunge!

I start placing my hands all over my girl's body, moving it up and down her legs, up her stomach, pass the mounds of her breasts. She's sweating, and it's turning me on unbelievably. Then I kiss her on the cheek a few times, and eventually turn her face to my lips. She's just giggling and accepting my advances. I calm the passion a bit, and repeat. There's this weird mix between Korean music and Tupac in the background as Ben and his girl are going back and forth on YouTube. 15 minutes into this Ben turns off the light - yes, my nigga!

Nobody can see a single thing, but I do feel my girl get on top of me; she whispers in my ear "our secret?", and I whisper back "our secret". She now starts kissing me this time, and I throw her body back down on my side. I start rubbing my fingers near her pussy, and as soon as she's about to pull my hand back, I move it back up her body. I start feeling her body once more to build up comfort. This time when I drift my hands on her pussy, I slip a finger into her, and holy fuck, she is tight!

Look, if you've never done it, there's something kind of exciting about escalating with other people around.

I look at Ben and the other girl and they've already started fucking, so I wait a couple minutes and finally go inside my girl. I literally forget there are other people in the room and go to town.

Happy days for all! We look at the clock and it's nearing 11:30 p.m. (for real, how did it get so late? we all met at 6 p.m.). So we get dressed once more, and my girl turns to me and exhaustively says "chico, can you grab my water?" that's when I realize "hey, wait a second. You don't remember my name, hey chica?", she starts laughing really hard and doesn't say anything. Nice, so: fuck a girl who doesn't know my name? That one's checked.

