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All Them Girls Be Chasin': A PrettyDecent Journal


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Mar 16, 2014
Damn bro that was a good read. I know what you mean with those awkward pauses and transitions. I literally felt like I was there while reading it.

Keep it up!


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
A Few Realizations

Cheers, mindful - keep it up yourself, bud :)

Just updating and jotting down a few thoughts and experiences lately.

Seems the best way to get your rust off after a long break is to approach 20 chicks in, like, a day. The 'one or two a day' thing was just not bringing me back to speed quick enough.

I've also realized something incredibly strategic but woefully overdue: to really learn something, to understand it, you must place your emotions aside and analyze the situation with logic. Which can be really fucking difficult when being emotionally involved can displace your ability to remain present - and make no mistake, you must remain present to think logically. So, yeah, easier said than done - but still possible.

You need momentum to overcome sticky points; this has also been a recent realization. Like, I'm not going to level up from abundance to something difficult like absolute abundance when I'm still shaking my rust off. I need to be reaching what's barely inside my current reach, and THEN start new material. Seems obvious, but intuitive understanding is slow. :p

Anyway, I'm chugging through the 'technician' assignments, and hoping to reach beyond my current level soon.

Chat again soon :)



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 21, 2014
Dude, what's up?

PrettyDecent said:
I'm chugging through the 'technician' assignments, and hoping to reach beyond my current level soon

what are "technician assignments"? and what are they good for? It sounds cool

PrettyDecent said:
Seems the best way to get your rust off after a long break is to approach 20 chicks in, like, a day. The 'one or two a day' thing was just not bringing me back to speed quick enough.

How the hell do you approach so many girls in 1 outing? I can never get so many approaches in, how do you keep approaching after you feel like you're done for the day.

Take care bro and rock on, you're PrettyDecent, you'll bounce back strong as hell


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013

theemann31 said:
what are "technician assignments"? and what are they good for? It sounds cool

They're real killer, it's part of a diagnostic quiz on the main page of GC. Technician is one of the levels (it's the one I got), but there are also, like Journeyman, and Master, but I can't remember the other one. Like I said, good stuff, you ought to check it out.

theemann31 said:
How the hell do you approach so many girls in 1 outing? I can never get so many approaches in, how do you keep approaching after you feel like you're done for the day.

Haha, man, I don't blame you! Detroit doesn't have nearly the foot traffic as Melbourne does. If you live in a city with a distinct center, mass approaching becomes muuuch easier!


I'm trying to diagnose my problems in physical escalation, and they both have to do with escalation windows:

1. Not moving forward when I see the time to - either she's breathing heavy, or starts to lean back or something...I think these are signs to move the physical escalation in big way. This is an escalation window, and I need to capitalize it pretty much as soon as I see it.
2. Moving backwards - Just like it's never good to move an interaction when it first starts, I'm sure it's killing me to do it at the end, too. Like, there's perhaps a planned totem pole I best be climbing so I know what to start doing next.

I think it's the fact that I'm actually unsure that causes me to hesitate...and as soon as I start hesitating, it's probably over. Perhaps it's the fact I'm kind of freaked out she's going to put up some resistance that stops me from escalating faster.

And maybe that's the root cause of all this resistance I'm getting...

I'm going to work on this physical escalation bit until it becomes my absolute specialty.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
Hey fellas,

Time to update the journal again - I slept with another 3 girls within the span of a week, and brought another home the day after. Funny thing was, I wasn't really expecting to sleep with any of them, but the stars just kept aligning in my favor!

That last one was particularly insightful (what my last post was about), and it caused me to look through various people's LR's that included them overcoming LMR...I wanted to find some common themes.

Here are a couple:
- There's a see-saw movement between getting girls comfortable and then moving forward again. Its a delicate art with a bit of nuance itself, but basically my problem was either: A. being too cautious and not moving things forward fast enough and the escalation would become stale or B. moving way too fast and causing her to put up loads of resistance.

The key is this: once you get her a bit more comfortable, immediately move on to the next step and do not stall and let her emotions cool down too far.

- As far as the techniques, well, they varied. I saw freezeouts, chase frames, delicate logic talk. And the point is this - it must be tailored to the girl you're talking to. Most likely, the same frame you held with her before must continue (if there was lots of teasing you can go heavier with the chase frames...if she was really romantic and nice, then take it easy on the chase frames, and you give her positive reinforcement via compliments to keep up what she's doing)

Anyway, this theory is nice, but let's put it to use and give it some field-testing!



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 21, 2014
Why not post any kind of report on the lays? Beginners like me (I took the GC quiz) could learn alot from your successes
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 2, 2013
theemann31 said:
Why not post any kind of report on the lays? Beginners like me (I took the GC quiz) could learn alot from your successes

Glad you took the GC quiz - hope it helps!

To answer your question: I'd started feeling like my lays were very conventional GC. Like, we meet in the street, I ask her out to the bar, invite her home, we have sex. And most of what's in between there is actually the same a lot of the time, so I wasn't sure if all the time plowing into writing an entertaining Lay Report was really all that educational for the cats here!

If you feel like there's still more to be fleshed out in my style, I can give it another go, and I'll try to dive more into my style and conversation to see if there are some styled-tidbits you can snag from it and use yourself.

Though I'll say this - the reports that I find very entertaining haven't materialized into lays, and it's usually because I'll maneuver some insane shit-test with a beautiful girl or I'm trying out a completely new way of dating (example: date compression), and I end up like "whoa! I can't believe I just passed that snag - and in a better position for it!"...and then lose it at the last second during escalation. That's sort of why I've spent many of my recent posts dedicated to fixing that sticky point, because I'm missing out on all these great girls and awesome stories 'till I figure it out!

But yeah, I'll focus on jotting down more LR's, amigo! And then some of those more entertaining stories on here as well.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Nov 12, 2014
Hey Bro,

Just read through all your journals and you have been on an incredible journey! It's really inspiring to see how far you have come, I have been slowing down about to hit the point where I settle with the couple girls I'm currently seeing. After getting through these..... NOPE. haha

Also, I really like your style. No entertainment factor. Just chill and solid fundamentals.

And another realization...every girl I've met up with at the beginning of the date that asks if I live nearby, and I've taken to my house, I've slept with 20 minutes after. That might be a clue...

How were you setting your dates up? Just meet me XX.... that way the option for the immediate pull was available?
