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Almost cockblocked by art (SDL)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
This happened yesterday.

Its a beautiful sunny afternoon, if a bit chilly. Im walking on a bridge, and the mountains in the distance make for a wonderful sight.


After a couple boring sets, another wonderful sight enters my field of view - a hot girl taking pics at the lake. Shes wearing tight black yoga pants, a black turtleneck top, an orange skirt, and shiny black boots. Slim, good shapes. Classy. Shes probably 24ish. I approach with my usual pic opener, then i compliment her style. As for the introduction, i ask for her name and put my hand forward - and when she grabs it, i just ask her another question while keeping our hands in a hold and making strong eye contact.

Shes pretty friendly and we vibe right off the bat. Shes got a slightly high-energy, classy mannerism that reminds me of another girl i know. This suggests me shes sharp, fun and experienced.

I sit on a wall and we keep chatting as she looks up to me. Unfortunately shes waiting for a friend. Shell spend the evening with her and leaves the country tomorrow. Shes got only a couple hours right now, and as always the logistics are terrible (i dont fucking even care anymore lol). Alright, no expectations. Lets stick around and see what kind of adventure we end up in.


I immediately lead us around, and she happily follows. We grab food and sit at the river. For like 30min we chat about her, then about dating, people, life and meaning. Shes European but quite cosmopolitan. Im slowly appreciating this gals mind.

I suggest we go to the old city. On the way we talk about wine and drinking, and she suggests we grab cider. So we stop at a supermarket, then i lead us to a park.

We sit on a bench and crack the ciders open. We keep vibing while i slowly build up to the kiss: i brush her hair briefly, i pull back, i get close to her and caress her hand briefly after a high-five moment, then i do my earrings move. I see shes receptive, so i go for it - and she eagerly kisses back.

We keep chatting, kissing and touching each other. I pull her closer to me and whisper "too bad were not somewhere private...". Shes like "mmm yeah...". Then im like "whats the craziest public sex adventure you ever had?". She tells me "hmmm i had sex in a clubs bathroom!". In my mind im like "lol". Girl, that is soon going to be your #2 craziest public sex adventure.

However were now more than 1h in, times running out and im not sure where to pull. Trusting my gut, i tell her "lets go" and lead us out of there - without a clear plan in my mind.


We walk around a bit, then i visualize the right place: a secluded room in a library ive been with another girl recently. Its a bit far away, but i tell her "ok, i have a good idea, come with me".

I grab her hand and she follows me, but she seems a bit hesitant, and i try my best to keep cool and keep the chat going. At some point she stops at an art place and says "hey, i wanna go here! C'mon, its just 10 minutes, were SO gonna love it!". Fuuuuuuuck. Cockblocked by art. I wait a bit, then im like "hmmmm ok look, i dont really feel like visiting this thing. Would be great if you came with me, i know a really nice place youd love, but if you wanna go here, ill be very sad but ill let you go". She tries to change my mind, but i make it clear to her that, well, its either me or art. She ultimately says "mmm the place youre talking about sounds quite tempting actually...". So i grab her hand again and off we go.

It takes like a 10min uphill walk to reach the place. On the way i make sure to stop a few times to kiss her and keep both of us aroused and engaged. I also dont wanna be too eager.

The place is pretty cool from an architectural pov, and, as expected, she loves it. Its a bit crowded tho, so i take her hand and casually lead us 2 floors downstairs. Theres no one around here and its pretty dark. We enter a small cramped room. I close the door, lock it, turn on the flashlight on my phone (its pitch-black here), and we immediately kiss and touch each other (bonus points: she begs me to choke her).

After a few moments she stops and tells me "we only do this if you have a condom". Im like "of course... mmm dunno if i have one tho, lemme see..." and lo and behold a condom magically manifests out of my wallet! These wallets they make nowadays... She looks at it and smiles a "oh lookie there!" smile.

This is all good, but im not hard enough yet. (Im also generally down these days, so i suspect my t-levels are pretty low lately.) I run my hands all over her stunning body, then she gets on her knees and gives me a pornstar-level bj. I get hard enough to slip it in her raw for a few moments as she lays down and i put her legs on my shoulders. Shes pretty loud, i love the sounds she makes and how she hyperventilates. But i have to switch to finger and tongue to make her cum.

And boy she does.


We wait a bit as she "cannot stand yet" lol. Shes like "...this is not the wednesday i expected!", then we get dressed and leave the secluded area. I lead her to a bathroom where she fixes herself up, i tour her around the place and we get out. We walk hand in hand, i show her a few places in the city and we connect more by talking about family and special people in our lives. I love these bonding moments in the afterglow of intimacy. We grab a bottle of wine and we sit at the river waiting for her friend.

We end up hanging out with the friend. We sit in a few places by the river and lake, and my girl always scoots closer to me and caresses my hands and legs. Her friend has a good body and is pretty cool and we all have a good time. We go to the friends place and i find out the girls sleep in the same bed - which allows for some easy "what else do y'all do in that bed?"-style banter.

Anyway, its dark now and the girls wanna go to a bar and insist that i join. Im not too wild about it, so i pass. My girl protests quite a bit and is visibly disappointed when i ultimately leave. This was probably a mistake on my part - a threesome might have been in the cards.


Didnt do much to arouse her - she was already open for something to happen. Still good that i overcame some of my previous limits tho, namely weak escalations and giving up easily in the face of time-constraints (especially with friends entering the picture soon).

As always, keeping the mind clear of any expectations allowed for improvisation and a full focus on this great girl and the present moment. (And again: talking less is definitely more.)

As noted, my t-levels must be abysmal lately. Havent even been getting the night boners that were so frequent until Jan-Feb, and i feel a bit down generally. (And apparently im not alone.)

Gotta find other places for pulling - ideally closer to the old town or the lake. Even better if theyre good in winter too.

Say more yes'es! Declining to join the girls at the bar was a mistake. I guess my ego got in the way. We were all vibing and i could have easily tried an escalation with both. Mental note for next time: forget the ego, take more risks and push yourself to live a little more!

Slightly needy text at the end, broke form a bit there. She still responded positively and it seems she wants to meet again, but careful next time.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Nice one bro!

Wondering what you mean by "a few moments" - how long did you enjoy cock in pussy sex for, would you say?

I like how you led her and overcame all mental hurdles about short time windows available and her friend entering the picture to still lead this to something - the art moment was a make-or-break moment.

But I agree with your assessment that hanging with the friend could almost surely have led to a threesome moment.

iceberg slim

Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 18, 2024
Nice. Impressive improv and trusting yourself for the pull.

Why didn't you want to hang out with them that evening? Def seemed like a good 3some opportunity.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 17, 2022
Thanks for reading gents!

@Bismarck --

Wondering what you mean by "a few moments" - how long did you enjoy cock in pussy sex for, would you say?

Maybe like 10 sec? Lol she was super wet and i didnt feel much.

But it was mostly a mood thing that was made worse by the cramped room, the high temperature, the discomfort, the occasional sound of footsteps in the distance etc. I recall feeling the same with the other girl i went there with (somebody im much more familiar with). I guess im a bed-and-sofa guy at core lol

Anyway ill happily keep practicing


@Skills --

what is your usual pic opener????

Ah i just ask the girl if she can take a pic of me with my phone.

Nothing crazy, but its been my go-to opener for the last 1-2 years and im still appreciating the surprisingly large number of reasons for why it works for me.


@iceberg slim --

Why didn't you want to hang out with them that evening? Def seemed like a good 3some opportunity.

Yeah, in the moment i didnt even think about 3somes.

As stupid as it sounds, i felt it was better to leave "on a high note" rather than risking a nightgame situation with who knows what wildcards that could have ruined my frame with the girls. But i was being paranoid.

So basically just petty ego stuff and poor decision-making. I need to work on this, so ill push myself more into these situations in the future.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Higher what is funny is that your picture opener is what i have been teaching my female friends and community women that want to open men for years...