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FU  Almost...

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
I wasn't sure what to label this so I just put FUck up. Anyways:

Wednesday April 3
My boys and I were hanging out downtown at a monthly art & music festival this night. My friend VIctor brought a few girls that he knew. Well more like, he ran into them there and then brought them along. Two of these girls I already knew:
victor's ex, ex's first friend, and ex's second friend, a small cute petite girl who i originally had no intentions with.
i was always trying for ex's friend 1 since I first met her but she never showed any interest.(trying before I came across this site and blog)

So small petite girl throughout the night kept giving me pretty clear subtle signals that I'd have to be an idiot not to recognize. I figured "hey, what the hell, she's cute, i'll bite". Ex's friend 1 was always more attractive to me because she had bigger breasts, cute face, nice ass...just overall really sexy. But I figured that this is all about improvement so why not.
So these girls are kinda like party girls...they're quirky and act silly and run around and they're getting older people to buy them drinks all the time. (they're seniors in high school) and small petite girl kept trying to be near me then she'd go away then she'd come back and it continued like this. Everytime, we'd talk a little but I don't think I even got to know her in the slightest. She was too aloof and distracted. Eventually, It was raining and there were only two umbrellas. My boy, Victor was sharing an umbrella with small petite girl while i was out getting wet so I decided to push him out and I shared the umbrella with her while he walked in the rain. Haha such a good friend I am. Me and her tried talking a bit more but the rain became unbearable for everybody and we all crowded into my boy, David's car so we could go home. Small petite girl sat on my lap in the car.
i had to get out the car and catch a bus home because I live to far for my friend to drive me and small petite girl and her friends got out too because they live the complete opposite direction. Their bus arrived so she told me to pick her up/hug her. She put her arms around my neck and i lifted her up and we stood like this. No kisses though.she was just laughing the whole time. Put her down, went home on my bus. Got home and got a friend request from her on Facebook.
She immediately started msging me and was trying to get me to text her because she didn't want to be on her computer anymore. Told her I have no phone but i'll see what I can do.
Texted her on an app on my Ipad and immediately set up for a date for friday. Well I said "hang out" but soon I might regret that. She was asking question like: "Do you live alone?" "Are we going to your place?" so I took this as the most obvious sign especially after reading lay reports on here.I was thinking "There's absolutley NO way I can fail at losing my virginity friday."

Friday April 5

She had to ride the bus all the way to my side of town and she mentioned earliar or the day before that she wanted to walk the trail in the woods near my house. I was planning on not even doing that because she was trying to control everything and I read that I was supposed to be the one leading the interaction.
Waited for her at the bus stop, she got off looking all cute with stockings, boots, an umbrella and a dress that was see through at the top part so I could see her cleavage (the wed night I couldn't tell if she had any)
We go to my place.
i make her take her shoes off at the door, show her around and she goes to the bathroom.
Comes out, sits on the floor for some reason...and tells me to join her. She is just acting quirky and excited at first. And keeps saying: "i know I'm weird" maybe shes just excited for what might happen.

Oh I forgot- backstory on a few of the texts traded before the date:
I was trying my best to throw in a little sexual innuendos sometimes and she texted a few times "what do you wanna do?"
I said i had a few things in mind and asked her what she absolutley did NOT want to do.
She said "be in the rain or eat dirt"
I took that as another clear sign. Sex was not out of the picture.

Anyway, we sit on the floor a few times and stand up and talk in the kitchen and basically I'm trying to build an emotional connection and deep dive...but all I really did was deep dive...I kept looking into her eyes and holding eye contact and we were building all kinds of sexual tension. Voices getting softer and whatnot.
I pulled her close a few times and held her to my body and looked into her eyes as we talked and she'd eventually pull away everytime which didn't upset me but was confusing. I kept trying to build up and build up. And sometimes I moved in to kiss her but she turned her face away or covered her mouth or say "sorry my kisses are special"
I began trying to kiss her when I realized I had better before ten minutes passed...which it kinda already did.
Maybe thats where I went wrong.

Anyway, I wanted to be persistent. She wasnt trying to leave or anything so I continued on. I couldn't think of any way to have sex without kissing her first..that was just illogical to me. I kept trying a little after she turned it down and eventually she was wanted to go to the trail because it stopped raining.
I told her we'll go to the trail if we kiss first. She turned that down and we stayed a little longer going back and forth about this. Sometime during the interaction i took her phone because she kept textinng and looking at it. And we sat on the floor with her back against a wall and my hand in between her legs almost touching her pussy. We sat there talking for a little while longer about random shit holding eye contact and faces close. A few times I kissed her forehead and her cheeks. She laughed at me kissing her forehead saying "what? Are you my grandpa now?"
She wouldn't let me kiss her lips so whatever...I told her we'll go to the trail.

On the trail
She led the way because apparently she goes there way more often than I do. i've only gone once. I think she also got us lost, we were on that thing for way too long...my legs still hurt.
Anyway, I even tried kissing her on the trail and pulled her close a few times and held her by me. But she pulled away for these too. I could tell she was getting tired of it and she said "Nigga, you're so thirsty" (saying I'm being desperate)
Then we went into some REAL connection building. I didn't feel like I was just trying to use techniques and stuff on her anymore and I think she just wanted to know more about me and what I was all about. Once she found out she started warming up to me. I ended up making it clear that I didn't want a gf and I wanted a casual thing. We made it out of the trail and back to my place.

We shared some food and then i picked her up and laid her down on the sofa and I had my hand between her legs actually touching her pussy this time. Didn't have my hand inside her stockings though. We talked more and stared into each others eyes. I started rubbing her pussy and she kinda gave me half hearted resistance. (i realize now that I could've escalated here)
Then we realized the time and I wanted to get her out before my mom got home which she completely understood. So we took a bus ride to the mall in order to keep the date going.

At the bus stop

She told me that she thought I just wanted to hang out and if I wanted to fuck, I should've just said i wanted to fuck her over the texts. She told me not to be straightforward like that with other girls though, she just likes when guys are straight forward with her.
I asked her if we would've fucked if I had just said it over text. She told me no, because she wasnt in the mood in its depressing and rainy outside. I suspected this was shit. Especially because of earliar...she was definately getting a little moist.
Anyway, she was warmer to me now. Being flirty and laying her head on me.
We shared food at the mall, went to catch our separate buses.
While we waited she told me we should go to her side of town and hang out. And I was thinking about it but I was just very tired and I was overthinking so when my bus arrived she said: " its okay, you can go." i asked he rif I go with her, would we fuck. She was like, boys are so nasty and she laughed it off and said no. Then she told me I better hurry because the bus was about to leave. Got on, realized I could've taken this further. Too late. Fuck up.

Got home, she texted me the rest of the night until I fell asleep. She was talking about just because we didn't fuck doesnt mean it is out of the question. Only thing is its on her terms but I guess beginners wouldn't get THAT lucky. So there's that. Also over texting she somehow figured out that I'm a virgin and apparently that turns her on and I should've told her sooner.

What I learned:
There's still much more I need to know before I get a first date lay.
I'm not good at building rapport the first time meeting someone. Its either I'm building rapport and missing out on the physical and sexual tension or I'm all about the sexual tension and there's no emaotional connection at all. This tuly is an art and I congradulate the guys who can balance this. One day, i'll get it mastered.
I learned about these shit tests they like to do. I realized after the fact about how many of them she threw at me.
I truly believe that if I saw past them, i would've gotten laid.

Anyways she's a really cool girl. I feel very close to her now almost like a close friend that I've known for years except we're friends with benefits. Also, I found out later on that she doesn't kiss guys that she fucks so that's why she turned down the kisses. If I knew other ways of escalating without kissing, I would've done it. We are going to hang out this weekend as well. Any tips?

Feel free to add any comments or suggestions.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
OK man something for you to think about. I think you were being way too hard on yourself, and lack of experience was definitely your downfall.

Never mention "Sex" directly, "will we have sex", "are we going to fuck" etc. These comments, questions will make you seem needy. Girls will very rarely agree to sex logically, you need to occupy their logical mind and amp up their sexual arousel.

When you're escalating you should not give up. If you go in for a kiss and she doesn't kiss you, pull back first if possible and return to whatever you were doing before. If you are rubbing her vagina and you feel slight resistance, pull away and do nothing physical. It's like Sly's most recent FR, when you give so much they will take and back up, but when you give some then step back they will crave more..(Make sense?)

Don't worry about the 10 minute rule. You don't have to kiss in the first 10 minutes. There have been times I didn't kiss at all for over an hour, then bam escalation and light LMR.

Don't talk about sex with this girl anymore, take her somewhere to hang out since you guys get along well, continue to build rapport, then take her somewhere to fuck. WITHOUT saying it directly just go for it, remember the basic 2 steps forward 1 step back. Sometimes this can take ages, so be ready for walls of shit tests and LMR. Stay calm and unreactive.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Tyme2k said:
OK man something for you to think about. I think you were being way too hard on yourself, and lack of experience was definitely your downfall.

Never mention "Sex" directly, "will we have sex", "are we going to fuck" etc. These comments, questions will make you seem needy. Girls will very rarely agree to sex logically, you need to occupy their logical mind and amp up their sexual arousel.

When you're escalating you should not give up. If you go in for a kiss and she doesn't kiss you, pull back first if possible and return to whatever you were doing before. If you are rubbing her vagina and you feel slight resistance, pull away and do nothing physical. It's like Sly's most recent FR, when you give so much they will take and back up, but when you give some then step back they will crave more..(Make sense?)

Don't worry about the 10 minute rule. You don't have to kiss in the first 10 minutes. There have been times I didn't kiss at all for over an hour, then bam escalation and light LMR.

Don't talk about sex with this girl anymore, take her somewhere to hang out since you guys get along well, continue to build rapport, then take her somewhere to fuck. WITHOUT saying it directly just go for it, remember the basic 2 steps forward 1 step back. Sometimes this can take ages, so be ready for walls of shit tests and LMR. Stay calm and unreactive.

Thanks. Yea, so you're basically saying that I should leave her craving for more and to not talk about sex anymore.
I also read a few articles to see what else I did wrong and apparently I didn't get her comfortable enough. Also falling into boyfriend territory holding her hands a few times.
She said the next time we hang out, I need to go to her and its only fair. Do you have any tips on seduction at her place (unfamiliar territory)
Anyways, thanks for the feedback man!