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Approaching at rave/techno club


Jul 26, 2024
https://www.reddit.com/r/seduction/?f=flair_name:"Fundamentals :snoo_shrug:"
First let's establish some facts about me:
  • I think I'm generally good looking
  • I love going to raves in general, also without approaching etc..
  • I'm great at dancing at these raves/clubs (getting lots of compliments from everyone about my dancing), and ideally want to intimately dance with girls at raves
  • Getting laid is a bonus but not necessarily the goal (can be done later after texting etc..)
  • I've focussed last year a lot on studying, and have not had sex for a year now (so my confidence in talking women has dropped a lot)
  • Two years ago, I did have a lot of success in the game, but that was on dating apps, and where I am the best looking girls are not on the apps imo, and I really don't like tinder
My problem is that I think initially girls are interested in me, but I think I don't act confident enough. I need a way to have sex at least once, and then think I will be fine again.
So here are my questions
  • Where are you supposed to look when you enter a club
    • Looking side to side is weird?
    • How many seconds do you make eye contact before approaching
  • How should I approach girls (like literally what should I do)
    • this is a rave, so talking is very hard
    • I think I should be dancing, but do you like instantly transition from normal dancing to with-girl dancing. Like do y'all have any tips?
    • When and where should I be touching
      • Often what happens is that there is already some vibe going and we are dancing side-to-side, but how does one escalate from this. Like what is the next step after this side-to-side dancing
    • When do you ask a girl to leave the dancefloor and what should I be talking about any tips?
I hope it is not too much text and gladly appreciate any help


How does one escalate from side-to-side dancing at a rave to the next step and then eventually kissing -> intimate dancing -> (getting laid but not priority)

Much thanks!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 31, 2023
+1 for this question. I've gone to a bunch of raves and techno clubs myself, but was never able to understand how to escalate from the dance floor.

I don't even see many others doing so in fact. To me it feels like everyone there is going crazy dancing by themselves, and there isn't much chance to really dance together.

I have tried opening people in the more quiet areas of the venues, and you can manage to connect better there. However moving things forward still seems difficult, since a lot of girls are with friends and want to keep partying as they truly came for the music.

I'd say if getting sex is really not the immediate goal, talking with people that chill a bit between dances with a smoke or drink can help build connections as well.

I would also be interested in general on people's thoughts about these venues though, since I don't think I've ever found any seduction material specifically directed to raves and techno clubs.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
These types of clubs no good for seduction abd pick up .. full of drugs, music is loud and no conducive to escalations just horrible....is more like social circle game how it should be treated.... Exception is festival such as ultra, then you can treat it like a street day game or street night game.... Another exeption is deep house, but they play this at lounges... Tldr waste of time for seduction....
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 20, 2024
I used to go to raves when I was younger, mainly because all my friends were into that music. Now I've switched friendship groups (thank god) and I can't think of anything worse than a loud rave. Also the type of girls I'm into wouldn't be going to those things (regularly anyway). I'm more into dress and heels type of girls.

ANYWAY - I think you should give the original 60 years of challenge ebook a read. It is written for night game predominantly and I think the physical stuff would work quite well in raves, where your opportunity to speak is limited. Some things that I remember from the book -

  • Non-verbal opening - sometimes you don't know what to say, or its too loud or whatever. Simply hold out your drink to theirs and offer a 'cheers'. I've always liked this one - as you can kind of gauge how open they are to being approached by how enthusiastically they offer their glass back. If they seem keen just say anything and see what happens. You could literally do this 20 times in a rave and you're bound to end up having some success.
  • Go for the hands - there is like a whole chapter about how he says you should try to touch a girls hands (in a subtle way) like while you are chatting or waiting for a drink or whatever. Its like a really subtle way of checking whether she is into you. If you caress her hand and she does it back, you know you're in. If she moves away, you know she's not interested or needs more attraction. But in this instance its good cus you haven't made like some huge public gesture of trying to kiss etc, you've just tried a subtle hand caress. Also if she is responsive to it, it works really well because you can be talking to other people and caressing each others hands and it gives a bit of a 'our little secret' vibe to it. Try it.