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Are my day game interactions too short? (And other debugging)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 14, 2017
Iʼve gotten dates & sex from day  game before, so I  donʼt think my formula is that bad. But with my current streak being 0  for 24 with a couple of #  closes that probably ghosted me, Iʼm thinking I  should tweak my approach for more consistent results.

Step 3ʼs duration in particular feels a  bit bumpy, but hereʼs my whole routine:

1. Open

I  sometimes go direct, especially if the girl is in an Afro or Afro  puff — I  love those and want to show appreciation that she isnʼt in the usual weave garbage.

However, often I  feel like jumping right into a compliment is too abrupt, so usually start with a joke using something in the store. I  have various go‑to prop‑based jokes that often get a smile, but if I  don’t have one of these, I  tend to freeze  up and walk  away without opening. I  wonder  if Iʼd be better to just go direct more  often.

2. Show Sexual Interest

Easiest with girls who wear natural Afro hair, which I  love. (Iʼm also attracted to their facial features and skin tone, but not sure how to say it.) Otherwise, I  might say, “you  have beautiful  eyes,” or a default “you’re  cute.” I  donʼt comment on clothing, focusing instead on her genes, as thatʼs what sex is really  about.

Lately, I’ve started giving “if only” compliments to girls whose genes I  like but who ruin it with fake beauty: “You’d  be  so cute in  an  Afro!” if sheʼs in weave, or, “You’d  be  cute without the fake  eyelashes.” Sometimes they take  it well, sometimes neutrally, but I  refuse to endorse fake beauty.

I  proceed with, “Tell me your name,” take her hand, and exchange pleasantries. I  might caress the bottom of her hand as Iʼm pulling mine back, but alas, I  usually  forget.

3. Converse Briefly

With African girls, I  often have an edge since I’m drawn to them and know a fair bit about their cultures. I  can often pinpoint where she’s from and mention something specific, like a city or dish. The girl often opens  up here; I  score huge novelty points as very  few white  guys would know such  things.

More generally, I  try a brief version of Chase’s “deep  dive.”

With young women, I  ask if she’s a student, what her major is, and why she chose  it. The hope is to elicit an interesting backstory. But often, it’s a dead‑end, like “I  dunno, I  just liked  it.”

In a full conversation, you’d naturally look for another topic, but it seems harder to keep things flowing when you’re just standing in a store aisle with a total  stranger. I  know I  should try harder, but at this point, my brain usually just says, “Keep  it short — let’s go  for the  close.” But  I  wonder now:

How short do these conversations actually need to be?

Unless the girl doesnʼt hook, Iʼm usually the  one to end the interaction. I  keep it quite brief, since if she ends things, it weakens your position — and she may not have  much  time.

4. Close

If she’s said something interesting, I’ll give a standard, “Oh,  youʼll have  to tell  me more about  that. We should meet  up for  coffee.”

If the school/work questions come up dry, I’ll say, “Well, I  have to finish my shopping, but we should meet  up for  coffee.” It often feels forced, but it works here  and  there. I  know closing works  better when you hit an emotional peak, but I  often canʼt find those in really  short interactions.

Iʼm often rejected, typically here, though sometimes earlier. But some girls agree to meet; with those I  go for her phone number before departing. Usually, I  get it, though occasionally she resists despite agreeing to  meet.

I  don’t try for an insta-date. I  expect it to be harder, and I  also find it more efficient to be prepared only when I  know I  have a date. However,  if you think I’m much,  much more likely to pull same‑day at a mall, I’d  reconsider.


I  do get AIs from girls I  like, so my non-verbals canʼt be that bad, but Iʼd call them so-so. Beyond dressing cool, using my natural pheromones, strong eye contact, and occasionally checking mirrors to avoid slouching, I  don’t focus much on  them. That’s somewhat intentional.

It’s tough to monitor body language during interactions, and I  believe the right attitude and positive sexual experiences will instead naturally improve my vibe. Consciously I  have the right mental model, but I  need better sexual experience, which I  suspect affects my conversion rate. I  think the solution is to keep approaching, refine the easier tactics, and gain more sexual experience — each lay will improve my  vibe.

What do yʼall think? Should I  lengthen my approaches? How might that look? Should I  open  direct more, to avoid missing opportunities and momentum? Should I  refocus toward same‑day pulls at the  mall?
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
Iʼve gotten dates & sex from day  game before, so I  donʼt think my formula is that bad. But with my current streak being 0  for 24 with a couple of #  closes that probably ghosted me, Iʼm thinking I  should tweak my approach for more consistent results.

It's probably best to post field reports, seduction is a subtle thing and it's difficult to evaluate an overview of your general seduction strategy.

Step 3ʼs duration in particular feels a  bit bumpy, but hereʼs my whole routine:

1. Open

I  sometimes go direct, especially if the girl is in an Afro or Afro  puff — I  love those and want to show appreciation that she isnʼt in the usual weave garbage.

However, often I  feel like jumping right into a compliment is too abrupt, so usually start with a joke using something in the store. I  have various go‑to prop‑based jokes that often get a smile, but if I  don’t have one of these, I  tend to freeze  up and walk  away without opening. I  wonder  if Iʼd be better to just go direct more  often.

It's best to open with a simple genuine compliment. There's always a reason why you are attracted to a particular girl, things she's wearing or the way she's moving or something you think you can tell about her from her body language. All you have to do is show interest and curiosity in that.

The delivery of compliments is super important, the way I like to do it is in an offhand way, in a tone that is engaging but sort of monotonous. Almost like I'm offering it and dismissing it at the same time, while giving her my attention. There has to be a level of ambiguity about compliments, like they're just an avenue rather than an end, and her reaction to it is beside the point.

2. Show Sexual Interest

Easiest with girls who wear natural Afro hair, which I  love. (Iʼm also attracted to their facial features and skin tone, but not sure how to say it.) Otherwise, I  might say, “you  have beautiful  eyes,” or a default “you’re  cute.” I  donʼt comment on clothing, focusing instead on her genes, as thatʼs what sex is really  about.

Clothing is actually very good to comment on, as girls usually spend boatloads of time preparing and adorning themselves to go out, and typically enjoy some genuine appreciation for their efforts.

On the other hand, it's very hard to compliment physical features without her getting dismissive - she didn't do anything to get them so it means nothing to her.

Lately, I’ve started giving “if only” compliments to girls whose genes I  like but who ruin it with fake beauty: “You’d  be  so cute in  an  Afro!” if sheʼs in weave, or, “You’d  be  cute without the fake  eyelashes.” Sometimes they take  it well, sometimes neutrally, but I  refuse to endorse fake beauty.

Not the best frame imo, fair enough if you have opinions on fake beauty but seduction is the last place to be getting on a soapbox. Girls aren't looking for a stylist to take home, they just want a dude who appreciates something genuinely about them.

I  proceed with, “Tell me your name,” take her hand, and exchange pleasantries. I  might caress the bottom of her hand as Iʼm pulling mine back, but alas, I  usually  forget.

I'll usually keep holding it gently and slightly turn my palm upward, until I feel the tension build up and she's wondering if she should or shouldn't, and then I'll release.

3. Converse Briefly

With African girls, I  often have an edge since I’m drawn to them and know a fair bit about their cultures. I  can often pinpoint where she’s from and mention something specific, like a city or dish. The girl often opens  up here; I  score huge novelty points as very  few white  guys would know such  things.

Yeah that's great, though at the end of the day the focus needs to be on her and what sort of girl she is, rather than what culture she's from. She might get some initial excitement from a dude knowing about her culture but after a few seconds it's going to evaporate, since she doesn't typically doesn't spend a whole lot of time thinking about her culture either.

More generally, I  try a brief version of Chase’s “deep  dive.”

With young women, I  ask if she’s a student, what her major is, and why she chose  it. The hope is to elicit an interesting backstory. But often, it’s a dead‑end, like “I  dunno, I  just liked  it.”

You can prompt and/or tease here.

"Hm what did you like about it?" bored, impatient tone.
"Did you just pick it from a list, like 'yeah whatever I'll take that'?"
"Are you the sort of girl who knows what she wants?"

Make her feel a bit silly for being boring.

In a full conversation, you’d naturally look for another topic,

It's always bad when you skip over a topic when she doesn't give anything, it makes it sound like you're waving a fishing pole around hoping something gets snagged. Don't let her stall things without feeling a bit of pressure.

but it seems harder to keep things flowing when you’re just standing in a store aisle with a total  stranger. I  know I  should try harder, but at this point, my brain usually just says, “Keep  it short — let’s go  for the  close.” But  I  wonder now:

How short do these conversations actually need to be?

Unless the girl doesnʼt hook, Iʼm usually the  one to end the interaction. I  keep it quite brief, since if she ends things, it weakens your position — and she may not have  much  time.

The way I look at it, you want to get to know something about her that most people don't know (qualify her), before you close. If you don't have that, there's no point closing. Because when she gives you it, it's the minimal investment on her part that is needed for her to feel compelled to respond to your texts later on.

4. Close

If she’s said something interesting, I’ll give a standard, “Oh,  youʼll have  to tell  me more about  that. We should meet  up for  coffee.”

If the school/work questions come up dry, I’ll say, “Well, I  have to finish my shopping, but we should meet  up for  coffee.” It often feels forced, but it works here  and  there. I  know closing works  better when you hit an emotional peak, but I  often canʼt find those in really  short interactions.

I usually just say "Well I have to go but let's meet for a coffee sometime". I don't say why or what I'm doing, I just say I have to go and that's that. The less you explain to her the more authoritative and confident you come across.

Iʼm often rejected, typically here, though sometimes earlier. But some girls agree to meet; with those I  go for her phone number before departing. Usually, I  get it, though occasionally she resists despite agreeing to  meet.

No point getting the number or going for the close until she feels invested with you - that is, until she's shared things about herself that some rando at a dinner party won't find out about her.

I  don’t try for an insta-date. I  expect it to be harder, and I  also find it more efficient to be prepared only when I  know I  have a date. However,  if you think I’m much,  much more likely to pull same‑day at a mall, I’d  reconsider.

I don't usually instadate unless I want to try and pull straight after, and it's not often that I meet a girl who's ready to pull immediately. So I generally do the text and date thing.


I  do get AIs from girls I  like, so my non-verbals canʼt be that bad, but Iʼd call them so-so. Beyond dressing cool, using my natural pheromones, strong eye contact, and occasionally checking mirrors to avoid slouching, I  don’t focus much on  them. That’s somewhat intentional.

Nonverbals are imo the most critical aspect of any seduction, by far. Not only do the experts say that 95.9543% of communication is nonverbal, but I just know from the difference in results I get when I'm in a great expressive state vs stuck-in-my-head state.

It’s tough to monitor body language during interactions, and I  believe the right attitude and positive sexual experiences will instead naturally improve my vibe. Consciously I  have the right mental model, but I  need better sexual experience, which I  suspect affects my conversion rate. I  think the solution is to keep approaching, refine the easier tactics, and gain more sexual experience — each lay will improve my  vibe.

I agree up to a point. I'll meditate and relax my mind and body deeply, but I won't monitor specific things apart from maintaining a casual awareness of my body. That works for me.

The problem in body language is that tension and anxiety is noise, it ruins the signal, like distorted music. It has to be cleaned out, but once the signal is clean it doesn't need to be micromanaged.

What do yʼall think? Should I  lengthen my approaches? How might that look? Should I  open  direct more, to avoid missing opportunities and momentum? Should I  refocus toward same‑day pulls at the  mall?

As for the correct length, I've not had a problem with short interactions (a few minutes). There was an article I think on the site that was pivotal for me (can't find it atm) going over how shorter interactions often work out better, and it checks out for me. I'd say I usually go 5-10 minutes.

You want most of the her reward (your presence, attention and validation) to come on the date when there is a path to the bedroom, she only gets a small taste beforehand. If you stand there for 20-30 minutes, that's most of the date already done, except you're not going home after.