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Are there some girls whom you just cannot bed on the first date, or is it always an execution problem?


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
definitely seems alive. her emotion might still change in an hour, but game on.

Yeah "changing her mind is a woman's prerogative" lol it could change back and forth with the wind or whatever movie's playing on her flight home. "Don't change her mind, change her mood"

@Atlas IV congrats on pulling this off with a hottie 11 years your junior. Very informative and useful report thread.

Onwards and upwards!


Dec 29, 2024
Reflecting on a failed seduction that just happened. Here’s the rundown:

Met this girl on the plane heading back to Bangkok. She was sitting next to me, along with a friend. Very cute, 20 years old, spoke good English. We chatted a little and exchanged Instagrams.

A couple of days later, I replied to one of her stories and pinged her. She responded instantly, and we agreed to meet for coffee that afternoon.

Met her at a cafe a couple of metro stations from where I live (she took a taxi almost 45 minutes to get there, which I take as a massive sign of investment). She arrived, dressed very cute/sexy.

She mentioned she was hungry, so we went to get food first instead. We got noodles, I paid. Chatted about just travel, hobbies, life here, etc. I had originally planned this to be an Informational Date, but at this point I decided I was going to go for the full seduction.

After some time, she asked where are we going next. I said there’s a nice cafe a couple of stations away (close to my house), we can go there for matcha tea. She agreed, and off we went.

Did a little incidental touching (holding her forearm/hand while crossing the road, placing hand on her lower back, etc). She stood quite close to me on the metro, and we would chat here and there but the vibe was decidedly relaxed, which was nice.

We arrived at the cafe, ordered (I paid, again), and sat down. At this point I probed a little into her dating background. She told me she had just broken up with her boyfriend a few months ago (who was Asian-American), and was accompanying her (significantly less attractive) friend in her travels around Thailand, Hong Kong and Taiwan, who has a boyfriend in each country. Crazy.

I used that to ask about the difference between dating western guys and local guys. She told me she had only ever had two boyfriends - one local guy in high school which was just “puppy love”, and then the 1-year relationship with this Asian-American guy. She said she finds westerners treat girls better. I nodded in acceptance, but didn’t push that topic further.

I fractionated into talking about her cat, which she is very affectionate with. I said it’s scientifically proven that stroking a cat relieves stress. Then I asked what her love language was, to which she answered skinship and giving, to which I replied - “that makes sense, since you’re a cat person” - to end the thread full circle. (Maybe I should have turned this into a cold read rather than relating back to her cat…)

We also talked about music. She had mentioned on the plane that she plays guitar, and I seeded the pull by telling her about the guitar I bought in Spain and that I ought to show her sometime.

After 20 minutes, I suggested we go get some ice cream. She agreed. 100% compliance so far. We made a walk to 7-11, bought some ice cream, then I casually suggested we could go to mine, which is just nearby, have the ice cream, and I could show her my guitar. Again, she complied.

We got into my place, she settled on the office chair, I settled on the bed (as is usual - I like to her the girl first sit in the place that feels central and in command so that she feels comfortable in the environment - before later inviting her over to the bed).

I got out the guitar and played a few tunes, talked a little about the music, then I grabbed my laptop and asked what kind of music she’s into. Played some of my favourite Latin music first, then invited her to come select a song.

We watched a few music videos together, then after a while I made the first move which was to take her hand and inspect her ring. She didn’t comply so well to this - she sort of pulled her hand away and even took off the ring and said “you can look at it”. In hindsight, this is a move I should have done at the cafe.

Perhaps at this point I should have taken that lack of compliance as a sign to stop escalating, but I decided to keep going. I put my arm around her and pulled her closer. At this point, I could sense some hesitation on her part. She looked at her watch and mentioned she had to go in about 10 minutes to beat the traffic.

I interpreted this to mean that I needed to move quicker. I stroked her hair a little bit, then after a few minutes, turned her head toward me for a kiss. She pulled away and said “what are you doing?”

I acted nonchalant and went back to selecting music. She excused herself and went to the bathroom. I could already sense this was bad, as if I'd triggered a fight-or-flight response in her.

When she came back, she sat on the chair far from me and said she was going to book the taxi as she wanted to beat the traffic.

At this point I really didn’t know what to do. I tried reassuring her with a gambit about how I feel like there are three levels of connection to a successful relationship - explaining the social, emotional and sexual connections, and how they are all equally essential. I asked what she thought, she said “I agree… but I think I need more time for the third one”.

I thought “well fuck me, that really backfired.”

I went back to focusing on my laptop, then tried reassuring that I don’t want to do anything that will make her uncomfortable. She said “no, it’s okay, I understand”.

It was kind awkward at this point. I realised I’d fucked this up, and didn’t really know how to salvage the situation. She got the taxi, we said goodbye, and that was it.

Really gutted with this one because she was super cute, my type, and very compliant. Will try to get her out again, but I know the chances are very slim after a failed escalation. I just don’t know exactly what went wrong.

Here are my initial thoughts:
- I got a lot of compliance from her in terms of moving her around, but didn’t attempt much physical escalation besides incidental touch, until the bedroom. I probably should have done more physical compliance tests to gauge her readiness for a pull.
- I didn’t sexualise the date much, aside from talking about love languages. Perhaps I need to go back and revise Teevster’s gambits, I just struggle to transition smoothly into them with certain girls.
- Pretty sure she was sexually inexperienced (had only had a single proper boyfriend, and it sounded like he took things slow with her). I'm a believer that it's possible to bed most girls on the first date with the right skills, but maybe there are exceptions for young inexperienced girls from more conservative cultures?
- It was during the daytime (not a dealbreaker, but most of my first date lays have happened at night - it's easier to get into a seductive vibe).

I know I could have done things better with properly executed sex talk gambits, smoother physical escalation, and perhaps better comfort-building, but I can't think of anything I did that was critically wrong here to warrant the sort of knee-jerk bad reaction I got from her. This makes me wonder whether this is a girl I just couldn't have slept with on the first date, and I should have kept it an Information Date and saved the escalation for a second.

But again, I want to believe it is possible to sleep with any girl on the first date, so I'd like to figure this out.

What are your thoughts, gents? Would love to hear some outside opinions.
i agree with your thoughts that her inexperience and more conservative values would definitely make a woman press stop on sex on a first date, i had a similar experience but sometimes they can also be completely clueless .... but this one it feels like her inexperience may have made her panic a little and want to leave
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take