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Atlas's Journal


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 9, 2013
Definitely should've started this earlier, because I've had quite a few interactions that went really smoothly that I didn't document. I actually had a pretty good day today. I overcame some serious AA and talked to this really cute girl on my bus. Went pretty well hope to get her number tomorrow. ( I really wish I would've gotten it today but it was loud on my bus so it kind of sucked and we didn't get too much sexual energy going. Oh well


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 9, 2013
Hey guys, back again. I've recently had a FWB and broke the cardinal rule of pickup, I was complacent. As I just had this falling out of sorts with my FWB I realized I desperately needed to get back up into pickup. So I started yesterday with something nice and easy since I was a little rusty. I made eye contact with 10 strangers. It was no biggie, so I ramped it up a little today. I made eye contact with and smiled at 10 girls, but there was a stipulation. I had to get the girl to look at me first. It went really well and wasn't too difficult. I'm glad I made the decision to get back into it and wish I wouldn't have stopped in the first place. I'm on vacation so I still have a good amount of daylight left , Hopefully I can get a FR or LR before the day ends!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 9, 2013
As I did in the past few days, I'm trying to do progressively harder challenges to get myself back into pickup after a falling out with my FWB. So today, I decided to get girls to look at me first, then I looked at them, and walked up and said hi. It went really well, and I'm glad to see I'm getting better. It was pretty uneventful and I Wish I could've entertained more of a conversation than just "hi, or how are you doing" but I'm sure I'll get there soon. Atlas signing off


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 9, 2013
Following yesterday's FR I had a pretty interesting text convo I forgot to upload yesterday:

Me: hey Megan it's Atlas, save my number ;)
Her: ok lol hey
Her:what's your last name?
Me: why are you going to Facebook stalk me lol
Her: no for my contacts and I don't have one
Me: you don't need my last name for your contacts, how many Atlas's ( i have an uncommon name) do you know?
Her: you that's it haha
Me: haha see you don't need my last name but I know more than one Megan so I need yours. Right now your name in my phone is sassy freshman haha
Her: well change it (mad face emoji)
Me: and your last name is?
Her: (says her last name)
Me: see that wasn't so hard, do you have any time to chill this weekend?
Her: I might I'm not sure yet (I hate it when girls say that, like bitch you can't be that busy! Haha)
Me: come on it will be fun! You can't be that busy
Her: what are we gonna do?
Me: come over my place and watch a movie
Her: am I going to be the only one there?
Me: no, I'm going to be there lol (damn younger girls always ask me this shit)
Her: I meant girl wise (laughing emoji)
Me: I didn't plan on having another girl over but if you're into that then I guess haha. (Damnit I've been watching too much Archer lately haha) Seriously though yes
Her: idk I gotta see
Me: ok that's cool with me

I feel like I did pretty well any suggestions from you guys? Also I don't feel like she will text me back but I don't know what I could've done better. So that's it guys, thanks for reading


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Txt reeks beta male. Too long and needy. Shorten it and use less words or don't txt anything at all. You're right, she probably wont txt back. Check out my tips & tricks thread for articles on how to txt better.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 9, 2013
Damn I didn't realize that until now, thanks Eternity. I will shorten them up next time


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
do you have any time to chill this weekend?
I don't know why, but it doesn't sound dominant enough for some reason. I would personally say something like "We should chill/hang out. What do you have planned for this weekend?"

come on it will be fun! You can't be that busy
Take out the first part. You can say it in person in a sexy, playful way and end up fine, but over text you can be interpreted as needy thanks to the "come on" part. Also it gives her expectations, and if she's really bitchy, you'll lose points if you end up not being fun according to her standards.

come over my place and watch a movie
LOL straight up booty call? You likely would've gone farther if you suggested something with light commitment like frozen yogurt or something. There you can build a stronger connection, be sexual, THEN pull her home with "wanna relax to a movie?" or whatever.

The rest after that were good though.

LOL I just realized this was a month old.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 9, 2013
Looking back, instead of saying "do you have time to chill this weekend" would it have been better to say "we should chill this weekend."? I can't really justify saying "come on it will be fun!" Because that was such a bitch move on my part. Lastly, I always say come over my place and watch a movie because I think Tool or Zphix recommended it in one of their posts, but it hasn't really worked out all that well... Lucky for me there is an ice cream place not to far away from where I live, so from now on I will be trying that out. Hopefully that will work a little better ;) regardless that it's a month old I appreciate the feedback because I learned a lot from your advice fsc! So feel free to comment on anything of mine no matter how old it is because I'm always up for learning where I could improve!
Keep it real,


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
Atlas said:
Looking back, instead of saying "do you have time to chill this weekend" would it have been better to say "we should chill this weekend."?
I just feel like "do you have time to chill this weekend" could be interpreted as "I don't want to inconvenience you, but can you please lend me some time to chill with me this weekend?". This prolly wouldn't be the case if you were very masculine/dominant and sexy during the initial interaction. But then again, if you were, then you might feel more natural with the "we should chill this weekend" text. However, you'd still want to be inclusive of her schedule and ask if she has anything planned for the weekend.

Atlas said:
Lastly, I always say come over my place and watch a movie because I think Tool or Zphix recommended it in one of their posts, but it hasn't really worked out all that well...
That's pretty much a booty call nowadays. It should be used when you've had a great interaction with the girl already, you've given her the impression that you're a sexual man, and you and the girl both know that the next step between the two of you is to fuck. If I'm not mistaken, the only interaction you've had with the sassy chick is during one of the practices in which you got her number, and the text. If I'm not mistaken, there wasn't enough attraction/connection for you to use that pull.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 9, 2013
I definitely need to work on my texting. I never knew that saying something like "hey come over my place and catch a movie" was like a booty call, but I totally see your point. I guess you learn something new everyday lol. I always wondered why it responded really well with some girls and others just didn't want to have any of it. I also agree with you, I should've had more of an attraction built up on her end before I did that.
Keep it real,


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 27, 2014
Eternity said:
Txt reeks beta male. Too long and needy. Shorten it and use less words or don't txt anything at all. You're right, she probably wont txt back. Check out my tips & tricks thread for articles on how to txt better.

Where can I find a link to your tips and tricks?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 9, 2013
FR:Hot VolleyBall Girl

Let me preface this report with a little bit of background:
I had to take my SATs last Saturday, and I woke up late. I wasn't going to get dressed up, or even get a shower and my hair was all greasy; so to put it in more laymen's terms, I looked like shit lol. I decided I could spend some time getting at least semi acceptably dressed and get a shower because I never know where I could potentially meet a hot girl at, and Im glad I decided to do so. So I got dressed, got a shower and made my way to my high school where I had to take my SATs, and was a few minutes late. I gave the teacher my ID, my ticket, and all that stuff, and went into the testing room. I looked around, and didn't really notice anyone I knew, but didn't see anyone cute either.

So the tests were handed out, and there were 10 sections, a break after every 2. Before we started, the teacher went around and checked to see if everyone had a calculator, and everyone did with the exception of one girl on the other side of the room that I didn't see earlier. She was really cute, and I heard the teacher ask her if she wanted a calculator, but she replied that she didn't want one. I thought that was really cool, so I made a point to talk to her when the first break occurred.

I went through my test unable to get the thought of that girl out of my head, and the first break came up. It was only 5 minutes long, so I was debating if I had enough time to talk to her or not, but I decided to anyways. We were dismissed from the room for the break and I waited until she got reasonably close to where I was sitting to get up. I walked out of the room and she was close behind me. I turned around and said "Hey you didn't use a calculator for the math section?" She said she couldn't hear me and she got so close to me to the point that we were touching, so I put my hand on her arm and said "You didn't use a calculator on the math section? That's really impressive". I added in the second section because I didn't want it to seem like I was criticizing her. She said that she went to a private school and that they taught her to do it all in her head. I said "oh that's neat" and made a little more small talk as we walked to where everyone was, which were where the bathrooms were as well. It was a short walk, so I didn't really get to say anything. We got there and she walked into the bathroom and I chilled outside talking to some of my friends. By the time she got out we had to be back in the room, so we didn't talk any more that break.

I didn't talk to her the second break because she stayed in the room and I wanted to get up and walk around. That was the last break so I knew that the last chance I would have to talk was when we were dismissed. The test ended, and I noticed that during the test I saw her looking my way more than I a few times. Some times I looked over and smiled, some times I just let her stare. We were dismissed and I could tell that she was into me, or I at least had a general idea. I walked out of the room, and I thought that if she was truly interested in me that she would find a way to end up near me as I walked out, and if not I was fine with that. Absolute Abundance is a beautiful thing. As I walked out the other room was dismissed as well, and I found my friend Adam and was talking to him, when I see Hot Volleyball Girl appear beside me. Im not sure if it was incidental, or if she actually tried to catch up to me (she was across the room from me, so it would've taken some fast walking to catch up) but I stopped talking to Adam mid sentence and tapped her on the shoulder, and said "Hey I didn't catch your name earlier" Solid move on Adam's part completely fading out of the scene as I did this. She said that her name was Elizabeth, so I said "My names Atlas, its nice to meet you Elizabeth. (paused for effect) So are you going to be like the next Stephen Hawking super genius or something?" she laughed and said "No hardly! I only got an 1800 three score last time!" from there she proceeded to tell me about how it would've been better, but they had to do a 200 point essay last time and that it was hard. I then deep dived and asked about private school, where she goes to school now (because it wasn't my school), where she wants to go to college, and about volleyball which is how she got a full scholarship to the college she wanted to go to. The walk to outside wasn't very long, maybe only 5 minutes in total, bringing our entire interaction time to about 8 or 9 minutes overall. I continued walking with her to her car and I said that it was really nice meeting her and that I hoped Id see her around soon. I wish I would've grabbed her number because earlier when I had asked about her high school she attends it was rather far away and I doubt that I will ever see her again. With this in mind I did something very stupid. I looked her up on Facebook later that day, and messaged her saying "Hey Elizabeth, it was nice meeting you. Hope our paths cross again soon." No reply as of today, and no reason I should expect to hear from her again. Excluding that last part if anyone has any advice or criticism I would appreciate it.
Keep it Real,


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Hey I didn't catch your name earlier" Solid move on Adam's part completely fading out of the scene as I did this. She said that her name was Elizabeth, so I said "My names Atlas, its nice to meet you Elizabeth. (paused for effect) So are you going to be like the next Stephen Hawking super genius or something?" she laughed and said "No hardly! I only got an 1800 three score last time!" from there she proceeded to tell me about how it would've been better, but they had to do a 200 point essay last time and that it was hard. I then deep dived and asked about private school, where she goes to school now (because it wasn't my school), where she wants to go to college, and about volleyball which is how she got a full scholarship to the college she wanted to go to. The walk to outside wasn't very long, maybe only 5 minutes in total, bringing our entire interaction time to about 8 or 9 minutes overall. I continued walking with her to her car and I said that it was really nice meeting her and that I hoped Id see her around soon. I wish I would've grabbed her number because earlier when I had asked about her high school she attends it was rather far away and I doubt that I will ever see her again. With this in mind I did something very stupid. I looked her up on Facebook later that day, and messaged her saying "Hey Elizabeth, it was nice meeting you. Hope our paths cross again soon." No reply as of today, and no reason I should expect to hear from her again. Excluding that last part if anyone has any advice or criticism I would appreciate it.

Keep it Real,

Started out solid but ended up platonic from the middle to the end. You're on the clock, leave the rapport building for the meet not when doing the quick approach. Yeah, she wanted you to open her and you did but not like a sexy man would ,more like her orbiter buddies she always sees and is friendly with. For these approaches, ABC (always be closing). Only time to go slow is with hired guns and chicks in your class you see every day. If she refused to give out the #, cool move and learn what you did right/wrong. I've done what you did here before (my last journal entry) and I regret it. So lets both learn from this and move on.

[How I would've done it]

-"Hey I didn't catch your name earlier"
Her- "blah blahh'
-" Yeah. All this hard work made me hungry. Join me for a bite to eat (or drink)
-Her- "Yes/No"
-"K. Later in the week then. I'll hit you up" (number close and leave)

My point is always to be leading the interaction where you want, here it's a meet up or a number. Cut the buddy b.s and get bolder, sexual faster or you will regret it many times over (like I do sometimes). No "nice to meet you" crap just something like "Aight, I'll hit you up later" and number close from there. Also, that facebook message was beta as hell.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 9, 2013
Hey Eternity, thanks for stopping by! So yeah, i definitely see what you are talking about, being sexual is my downfall. I really need to work on that. If I had left the rapport building for the meetup, this probably would've been a different report. For some reason, I didn't think I could go for the insta-date without her feeling safe and comfortable around me, but I know I'll have to move faster next time, which is also the crux of the matter.

As far as how you would've done the interaction, i see where if there had been 10 approaches done, 9/10 you would've done better than me. I can't believe how sometimes the most basic and simplest of things seem to slip my mind. Like I know now what I should've done, and it seems so obvious. Thanks again Eternity, great advice as always!
Keep it Real,


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
No problem man. Good to see you out there trying...
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 9, 2013
Got Shut Down

So to start this off I was at the gym just doing my thing and I noticed this girl that we will call Anna. I briefly know her from school, like I've just seen her around and we are friends on Facebook and whatnot, and I saw her doing lunges in the ab area about 10 feet away from me. I'm in the ab area too doing some planks and oblique crunches and she passes me while still lunging. She looked over and I smiled and said hi and she said hi back, so it was game on.

A couple of minutes passed and she set down the plate and she got an ab mat and started doing some serious ab exercises. I was blown away because her exercises were as hard as mine, and I go pretty ham. She was still across from me about 10 feet and we locked eyes again, so I feigned that I was going going to get an ab mat (right next to her) and I just grabbed one and sat down next to her and used my favorite opener for the gym:
Me: "Hey you know the Olympics aren't for a few more years right?"
Anna: (laughing) yeah I know, but I figured Id better get ready!
Me:(I laughed) mind if I join you?
Anna: yeah sure!
Me: so what are we doing next (I motioned to the mats)
Anna: how about we do planks?
Me: sure that will work

While we doing our exercises I deep dived about where she wanted to go to college since she was a senior like me , what she wanted her major to be, and I knew she traveled a lot so I asked her where she went and what she enjoyed the most.
This kept going on for a few minutes and her mom walked up to her to say something to her, and after telling Anna something she looked at me, smiled and said "Oh you're Atlas!?" Real excited and I was super confused at this point. I had NO idea how she knew me. Well it turns out that me and this girl ran Cross Country back in like 6th grade together and I guess she remembered. So Anna's mom actually joined us and started doing abs with us and she was asking me about colleges and how I liked Cross Country now and stuff. Meanwhile Anna looked super embarrassed and kept trying to get her mom to leave, which I thought was pretty funny because her attempts were so blatant. Eventually her mom took the hint and she left. Me and Anna were still doing abs, but nothing too much at this point because we were doing abs for so long. I suggested we move to another area where I was initially working out, and didn't really give a reason I just wanted compliance. It's been about twenty minutes into the interaction and shortly after moving her I told her I had to get going and she had to as well. I said "ok cool, how about I grab your number and we can...." She cut me off right there and said something I forget what it was and just left. I was so confused because she seemed to be thoroughly enjoying our interaction and was laughing at literally EVERYTHING I said so I'm not too sure where I went wrong. I don't know if I should reapproach In school or what I should do. Any advice is appreciated, thanks for reading.
Keep it Real,


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 15, 2014
LOL, that sucks. My guess is that maybe she was super embarrassed?

I would approach her again with something like "How are your abs doing?"--something fairly light to connect back to the last interaction the two of you had. Then I'd just be straightforward and be like, "So, I was trying to get your number that day because I find you hella attractive...but you left before I could...Are you interested in grabbing some hot chocolate or something?"

Hope things go well


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 9, 2013
Hey fsc, that's my bet too, I think she was just really embarrassed! Lol At least that's the only thing that I think could've been the problem. I definitely would like to reapproach her and those lines you suggested, while maybe a little direct for me, I' really like and I'll give them a go!
Keep it Real,


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 9, 2013
Forgot to type this up over the weekend, but better late than never I guess lol. So over the weekend, we had a drill and sports competition for my JROTC unit at my high school. Since I'm the Squadron Commander (leading the entire unit of over 90 something people) I got to look over the list of who went on the trip. I knew of this one freshman who is ridiculously attractive and I really wanted to try to get with her. For the sake of this story we will call her Bailey Having my senior leadership position generates some serious attraction and the only problem I thought I would face is being too perfect. Being a senior and squadron commander would probably be rather intimidating for a freshman.

So the day of the competition came and I had to wake up early as shit, like 5 in the morning on a fucking Saturday. A tired Atlas is not a happy Atlas, especially when he has to wake up early in the morning on a weekend. By some miracle of god I managed to drive to the school without falling asleep where all 20 of us (only a select amount of people from the unit got to go) and caught a bus and left for the 2 hour bus ride. So on the way, me and a bunch of the upperclassmen and some of the cooler underclass men sat in the back. We were just chillin but it was all guys so that was no bueno. I was tired though so I just hung back and made told some stories and built up some social momentum. I didn't really talk to any girls much of the bus ride, but when we stopped at McDonalds Bailey (the hot freshman) didn't get anything to eat. I offered to buy her something because she was just standing around awkwardly but she politely refused.

We made it to the school where the competition was and got our room set up and prepared for some drill tests we had to do. I didn't have to do any because I didn't think I was able to go on this trip until last minute. I kinda just hung out and talked to some of Baileys friends because apparently Bailey is extremely shy and almost never talks, and I figured a little pre selection couldn't hurt. We did the drill stuff and I couldn't really talk during the drill because we had to be all quiet and stuff, so nothing really happened. Then came the dodgeball competition. I'm really into fitness and sports, and am really good at dodgeball but holy shit this other team was fucking crazy. They were all like 6'4, 200 pounds of muscle and the competition was like 6 terminators versus a group of retards. The only game we won was when our team 1 had to verse our team 2. So either way we would've won one game, and that's all we won. But I was MVP of my team, slaying some of the people from the other team and everyone was cheering me on, so that was cool.

After the drill and games were over, we went to lunch, where I sat with Bailey and her friends. I told some funny stories and my game was probably the best it's ever been, I was so pro. Bailey seemed mildly interested but her friends were obsessed with me. Literally. I did find out, however, that Bailey hates a lot of people just for whatever reason. Like she literally just doesn't like people in general I guess. On the way home, on the bus, I was the center of attention. Not really my strong suit as I am more introverted, but I accepted the role with grace. I literally had two girls next to me talking about how they wanted to fuck me very loudly, and everyone heard them. My pre selection was literally through the fucking roof. Bailey was asleep in the front of the bus just like on the way up, and I just flirted with her friends for a little bit, who I actually really began to like. Her one friend who we will call Taylor, is actually decently cute and has the most amazing personality ever. I talked to her throughout the duration of the ride home, and she was saying things like "you have really pretty eyes" and I felt such a great connection with her. Towards the end of the bus drive, I sorta winded down and got much less talkative (being the center of attention or being around people for a long time (all day at this point) really wares me down and makes me exhausted as I am sure many other introverts can relate). This was much to the dismay of the girls on the bus who were constantly asking me what was wrong. I just replied that I was tired, and they seemed to be ok with that.

The bus arrived back at the school 12 hours after we left at 5 in the evening and I wasn't really upset that I didn't talk to Bailey because me and Taylor had such a fantastic time together. I forgot to mention this earlier but at lunch I found out Taylor has a boyfriend, but it's a sucky relationship and he treats her poorly. I came off as a perfect boyfriend candidate and it made her extremely attracted to me. I didn't have a chance to grab her number then, or even yet as I don't see her often, but I have seen her in the hallways at school and have given her seductive smiles and high fives. I just found out today that she is in my lunch so I plan to grab it then however. It shouldn't be too difficult because I honestly haven't had a girl so damn attracted to me in my entire life. I really think she was considering having sex with me right in the bus on the way home. So that was my adventure this weekend. I got a chance to meet some awesome girls in JROTC and built up some serious pre selection. Even though I didn't get Baileys number that's ok, it was an awesome time and I can plan dates with a few girls from that trip for this weekend. If you guys have any critiques or criticisms I would be more than happy to hear them because I always strive to improve! This is a little longer than usual, so thanks for readying and as always, Keep It Real.