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FR+  Average Frustrated Chump, Part I


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
*notes: (this format will be consistent with all my FR's, unless the moderators instruct otherwise. These notes will not be repeated in subsequent FR's)
>All names have been changed to protect the innocent, this is indicated by names in []. I go through the alphabet with each successive name (like with hurricanes), then the names will repeat with a number, i.e.: [Claire] is the third girl I've had a "report-worthy" interaction with, [Claire2] will be the 29th, and so forth

>[x/x] is objective/subjective rating, that means how I believe the average person will perceive the girl, followed by my own rating, based on my tastes and proclivities (for example, even slightly overweight girls automatically lose a point with me, while a girl with an interesting tattoo or piercing gains a point). For the curious, my subjective rating system is as follows:
1-3: Do not want, run the other way
4: Not unless somehow tricked or impaired
5: Not particularly attracted, but wouldn't kick out of bed
6: Attractive, with some perceived drawback(s)/flaw(s)
7: Genuinely attractive
8: Hot
9: Model quality
10: Simply beautiful, both inside and out

>[#(+)] estimation of girl's age. Exact ages are provided where available (I have found age is a major factor in how interactions play out). For the record, I am 32, and am perceived as 25+ or 30ish, depending on how I'm dressed/behaving.

>(ongoing/closed)--ongoing: I do expect to have further romantic interactions with this girl in the future/closed--I do not.

>distinct phases of the interaction will be labeled with "open" "move" "escalation" and "close", in the order that they occur, and with a note on the nature of that phase

> [IR] (interaction rating): 1-10--this is a rating of the "value" of the interaction. Regardless of ultimate success or failure, this rating is based on how much I feel I have learned, or progressed as a result of the interaction
Summary: Girl actually picked me up in a bar, I still managed to mess it up.

[Abbey] Swedish [6/6][30+](closed)
Open: passive
I was in one of my favorite bars, complaining to my friends that I never get girls when an [8/8] tapped me on the shoulder and engaged me. I couldn't quite believe it, but she told me it was actually her friend ([Abbey]) who was interested in me. Somewhat crestfallen, I nonetheless approached [Abbey], who seemed quite drunk.

Move: passive
[Abbey] and her friends informed me that they were leaving immediately to go to another nearby venue, and suggested I come along. I agreed immediately, [Abbey] wrapped my arm around her waist and we were off.

Escalation: passive
We arrived at the next venue and [Abbey]'s friends went ahead to the venue, while [Abbey] actually started kissing me in the street. I was still playing catch up, and didn't know quite what to do. The first thing I did do was to maneuver us out of the street. I quickly decided to move us to a nearby park until I could decide what the heck to do with the girl.

Close: fail
When we got into the privacy of the park, it became clear that [Abbey] was ready to close right then and there. At this point a) my marriage was dead but still legal, b) I wasn't willing to close outside, had nowhere to go and c) still wasn't really sure I wanted to close at all. I awkwardly stalled for time, and [Abbey] simply couldn't understand why I didn't want her (and said as much). I continued to stall, at which point she became furious and slapped me. She then got a text from her x-boyfriend, broke down into tears, and collapsed into my arms. My head was still spinning (more from the craziness of it all than from the slap), but I got [Abbey]'s number and promised I'd call her (she was convinced I wouldn't).

I texted [Abbey] back a couple weeks later, when my marriage was legally ended and I was living on my own, but she was a) sober and b) "in a relationship".

[IR]: 5
This interaction itself was pretty much useless, but very instructive in retrospect. This was a textbook AFC interaction. I had no idea what I was doing, or what I wanted. Something literally fell into my lap, and I still managed to fumble it away.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Re: FR+ Average Frustrated Chump, Part I


I like the idea of formatting your journals. You should be able to streamline your written interactions with women much better if you have a layout like the one you described. Again, excellent idea.

One thing I would suggest:

Label all of your points of interest. (i.e. for your Objective/Subjective rating, I would show it in your journal like this: [Objective Rating: 6 / Subjective Rating: 6])

The reason I suggest this is that this specific topic will eventually be pushed off the board when more topics are posted, and users reading a newer journal post by you might not understand your system. So for another example, instead of using "[IR]," write out the entire phrase to "[Interaction Rating]." This will let every user know what you are talking about.

Other than that, it looks great! We look forward to seeing more of your interactions with women.

- Franco


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Re: FR+ Average Frustrated Chump, Part I

Hah, getting approached. Gotta love those, I used to screw them up all the time. One time I was doing pickup with my friends.. we were super high energy (I do this no longer, we were using stupid/funny openings like 'I have a giant penis', just so my friends could get over anxiety), and was about to open a girl.. she opens me first and due to my inexperienced ass I went direct and she literally jumped back. I don't use a rating scale, but she was easily an 8/10.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Re: FR+ Average Frustrated Chump, Part I

@ Franco: Excellent suggestion, duly noted. I will follow your suggestions in the future. I got so used to writing stuff like that in my personal journal (because it's just me reading it), but of course the forums are different. I can't seem to actually edit my post, but future posts will follow your suggested format.

@ omgosh: I can totally relate. As is painfully evident, I'm still quite a novice at the whole PU thing. I've found that my game tends to fall apart whenever I'm in a situation I've never been in before. I tend to revert to my old AFC knee-jerk reactions, which are all supplicating/nice guy/comedian moves or even worse, I shut down/eject and generally end up blowing up the interaction--although some girls can be very forgiving, as you'll see in later posts.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Re: FR+ Average Frustrated Chump, Part I

You're getting approached- that's half the battle won. U got the non verbal fundamentals Chase tlks about down pretty good. Work on ur wit, charm, and humor and u'll be dangerous at approaching women. For the girl that wanted to hook up w/u, u should've easily escalated to sex, it was in ur lap, literally lol. Next time -no words, just grab her head and pull her close, make out, and run ur hands all over her body and full close . If u fail, chlk it down to another useful experience that will help u be smoother next time.
Ur a attractive man who has sexual needs so does she, help her through that ;)
BTW- I wish women would approach me like this one did- Ur doing something right...
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Re: FR+ Average Frustrated Chump, Part I

@ fox21296: Thanks for the input. I realized that my biggest problem in that interaction was lack of intent/a clear goal. Even when interactions go very badly, it doesn't bother me, if I feel that I responded/conducted myself in the best way possible. When I really beat myself up is when I feel that I fumbled badly, especially because of some deep seated, unresolved issue like lack of a clear goal, or confidence issues.

Also, you are quite right: I still have a problem with being flat out intimidated by 9's, I get silly because I'm convinced I have "no chance" with her. Again, this is something I'm going to have to address at a fundamental level. I never considered it until now, but if I were to use your rating system, it would be a bit different, probably reflecting my beginner's status:

Not interested
OK- I guess I need the practice*
Cute- this is going to be fun.
Hot- A-game time, don't mess this up.
*Too hot for me, do not engage*

That's incredible, but I just realized it's true for me. I will keep my current rating system, as it helps me evaluate exactly how much effort I think I should be putting in, and how much I'm challenging myself, but I might get weaned off it later. "AFCnoob" is a private joke on myself, and a constant reminder to keep hard at work. For me, these forums run the danger of giving me an inflated self image as I focus on small gains. I might change it once I'm able to avoid AFC moves/behavior all of the time, instead of just most of the time, as I do now.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Re: FR+ Average Frustrated Chump, Part I

Eternity said:
You're getting approached- that's half the battle won. U got the non verbal fundamentals Chase tlks about down pretty good. Work on ur wit, charm, and humor and u'll be dangerous at approaching women. For the girl that wanted to hook up w/u, u should've easily escalated to sex, it was in ur lap, literally lol. Next time -no words, just grab her head and pull her close, make out, and run ur hands all over her body and full close . If u fail, chlk it down to another useful experience that will help u be smoother next time.
Ur a attractive man who has sexual needs so does she, help her through that ;)
BTW- I wish women would approach me like this one did- Ur doing something right...

It's actually harder than it seems when you're having a girl approach you, especially if you've never been in the situation before. They'll open you and then you'll respond with whatever (hi, what's up, or if you're surprised.. 'uhhh'), and then they'll realize they just acted on emotion and impulse, and then curl up into a ball mentally and shut themselves off / run away.

AFCnoob said:
@ fox21296: Thanks for the input. I realized that my biggest problem in that interaction was lack of intent/a clear goal. Even when interactions go very badly, it doesn't bother me, if I feel that I responded/conducted myself in the best way possible. When I really beat myself up is when I feel that I fumbled badly, especially because of some deep seated, unresolved issue like lack of a clear goal, or confidence issues.

Also, you are quite right: I still have a problem with being flat out intimidated by 9's, I get silly because I'm convinced I have "no chance" with her. Again, this is something I'm going to have to address at a fundamental level. I never considered it until now, but if I were to use your rating system, it would be a bit different, probably reflecting my beginner's status:

Not interested
OK- I guess I need the practice*
Cute- this is going to be fun.
Hot- A-game time, don't mess this up.
*Too hot for me, do not engage*

That's incredible, but I just realized it's true for me. I will keep my current rating system, as it helps me evaluate exactly how much effort I think I should be putting in, and how much I'm challenging myself, but I might get weaned off it later. "AFCnoob" is a private joke on myself, and a constant reminder to keep hard at work. For me, these forums run the danger of giving me an inflated self image as I focus on small gains. I might change it once I'm able to avoid AFC moves/behavior all of the time, instead of just most of the time, as I do now.

Try shifting your mindset.
1) Interested -- Would directly approach while sporting an erection.
2) Somewhat interested -- Would indirectly have conversation to see if you like her. Directly/obviously seducing here might feel awkward/uncomfortable
3) Not interested -- Hope she doesn't engage you. Show signs of disinterest.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Re: FR+ Average Frustrated Chump, Part I

Like how thought-thru your FR is and together with the other posts I think I can already take something from it. Will check back :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Re: FR+ Average Frustrated Chump, Part I

It's actually harder than it seems when you're having a girl approach you, especially if you've never been in the situation before. They'll open you and then you'll respond with whatever (hi, what's up, or if you're surprised.. 'uhhh'), and then they'll realize they just acted on emotion and impulse, and then curl up into a ball mentally and shut themselves off / run away.

Usually men approach women, when women approach you like i said ur doing something right that's attracting them to you on the spot, or maybe ur just that good looking. I have been approached very few times, so if i wanted to tlk to someone i had to take charge and do it. So it somewhat prepares you with a response when someone wants to tlk to u. I think u guys r lucky when u get approached its somewhat easier to handle it if u get ur words and actions up to par like i said u would be good or even great.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 20, 2012
Re: FR+ Average Frustrated Chump, Part I

I guess I am still kind of a newbie at this but there are some acronyms on this site such as AFC, and mASF, etc that I do not understand. Could anyone clarify and maybe post and define some other acronyms that I might need to know?



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Re: FR+ Average Frustrated Chump, Part I

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe AFC's name stands for "Average Frustrated Chump." ;)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Re: FR+ Average Frustrated Chump, Part I

Personally, I would've done the same if she wasn't at least a 7, coming on too strong throws up warning signs for me, and you were still in a legal marriage, otherwise, I would've pulled a backseat/bathroom quickie, just for a fun night. Not AFC though, in my opinion, just an inopportune situation.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Re: FR+ Average Frustrated Chump, Part I

I’m really digging the rating and formatting system you guys have introduced here, this is something I’ve been looking to do to help me decide which girls to go for and how I should handle my approach. Thanks a bunch!

AFCnoob I can relate to that bit of drama you had going on. On occasion I’ll get approached by women and I’m trying to increase the likelihood of that happening more often (confidence, vibe, style, etc.,) this is all part of the law of least effort equation in my book. However, Fox21296 brings up a good point with the morality issue of sleeping with a girl who’s probably too drunk to know what she’s getting herself into. You never know how she or her friends are going to react to the next day. Had a Navy buddy of mine get into a world of hurt over that a few years ago, she claimed rape and it pretty much ruined his life.

That said, moving her to your place or even a restaurant to sober her up before making your close may have been the way go if that was an option.

Personally, I hate missed opportunities and try to avoid them at all costs, but this discussion has given me new food for thought. Thanks for the post.