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Back to College- I need advice


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
CollegeFreshman said:
Well my 2nd date fell through as well....

I suppose starting fresh is the best option I have now is to start fresh and make sure every Friday and Saturday that I am out and about downtown.

A summary of Friday for the me the day I did go out was a drunken blurr sprinkled with failed attempts by me of trying to talk to girls or dance with them. So in essence this entire week was a fiasco. I suppose I learned a little, but still...

I will put up the text convo later if it really matters at this point.

Dude, sorry to hear that. I think you did learn, and it's kicking off the momentum to talk with women and ask them on dates. Have you tried day game at all? Or the suggestions from The Tool as far the library, etc. in his college game post?

We've all done extremely stupid stuff when drunk in public, so don't worry about that. I'm also not one to talk lol, but try to really make each drink last if you know that you'll be flirting with women.

Whatever you do, don't stop the momentum. By this weekend, I better see a new post from you about either asking a girl out or getting a date! It sounds like you have tons of potential and potential ladies.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Well one thing I am doing is following Chase's blog post on the college classroom scenario. I am probably gonna ask this girl on a date within the week so we shall see how that goes.

Another thing that I am thinking of trying out is when I go out on Friday and Saturday next weekend, I am going to push the boundaries when it comes to being sexual or whatever. Right now I believe I am not being sexual enough, not getting into topics that I should be in the conversation. So I will really push the envelope, well see how that goes.

So thanks for the encouragement, I carry on for now.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 8, 2013
What type of settings have you been going to for your night game so far? (clubs, bars, etc)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
I do not have a fake atm so I cannot get into the bars whenever I want to.

So I am stuck with frat parties for the most part and house parties when I get invited which is rare. I still have not built the connections necessary to have a house party to go to every weekend.

Frat parties are loud, hot and generally very dark. Some frat houses have upper levels which are light better and more quiet so it makes talking easier.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
The only one downtown is generally very dead, do not know when that will change.

Right now though I am just very down... I am just filled with regret of the things I did not do in high school. How I just played a lot of fucking computer games and did not get out there like other people did. Just last night I listened to these guys on my floor tell all these funny sex stories and I am just....

To only make matters worse the girl that I fucked up with in the beginning of the year, the series of unfortunate events that eventually lead me to this site I think is getting with a friend of mine.

It is not even about the girl anymore, I read the "cant stop thinking about her" post and I understand that. It is that I failed and he may be succeeding.

I will keep on trying though, I know if I ever want to get out of this eternal dry spell I have to keep going. I am not the ugliest bastard walking around campus, the only thing holding me back is the process in my head.

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
CollegeFreshman!!! you will get this!!! you are here, you have us, you are motivated on self improvement. YOU WILL GET THERE!!! you just need to accept that you will have MANY FAILURES!!! infact id say untill you are at Chase's level expect more than double the amount of failures to success's even to something as simple as getting a girl out on a date who you talked to for 5 minutes. All of us guys here have been there, especially myself, struggleing to say Hi to a girl, struggleing to get a number, struggleing to get a date, struggleing to bring them home, sturgggleing to get laid, struggleing to make them our girlfriend if we so choose. All it takes is much practice and determination. You have to really want it! You cannot let the failures effect you in a negative way!! from every negative there is a positive, everything you do is a learning experience. so Live life without those regrets, think back with what you know now and laugh and say wow I fucked up but I will never be back to that again.

And from what I have read you are on the right track, some of us go faster than others for one reason or another. I've finally reached one of my goals that brought me to this site. But I am still ever improving.

Cheers, The Tool


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 8, 2013
Believe in yourself and you got this no problem! I was the same in high school with the computer games but since then I've given those up and done a 360. You have this in your pocket just don't give up ;) How big is your college campus?
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2012
Tool and Whizzy,

Great support guys! CollegeFreshman, I know it's frustrating when you've been in a dry spell. Heck, I'm currently in one too, you're not alone! When I experimented with becoming an ass hole, I drove off a bunch of people, friends, girls too. I've got my vibe down, and it was thanks to this website and going through hell that I was able to become who I am today. I'm not near where I want to be, but I'm making progress, just like you and everyone else on here.

Never give up my friend, and word of advice; if your college campus is small, I don't suggest you do pickup there. I know a lot of guys on here say to do it, but I'll give you an example. There was this foreign girl who was really into me. I was an ass hole to her and I sent her packing into auto-rejection. Today I have an exam, and I'm in the same room as her... awkward! Another situation - I met this Asian girl, really cute, worked as a CEO, fashion company, went to an ivy league University when she was just 16, worldy, had near perfect grades in school etc. I had her at my place alone, she cooked me dinner, bought me stuff etc., and I knew I had to escalate, until she told me she had been raped, abused, etc. I immediately backed up, didn't escalate (I don't regret this because the relationship would have been hell due to her baggage). The result was, I lost her as a potential friend (not that I wanted to be friends with her but she was resourceful), and I had to see her everytime I had a lab... not very pleasant!

Anyways, no big deal, but when you try to do pickup at school, you risk getting yourself into some pretty awkward situations in the future, so I suggest you do streetgame close by if you live on campus. If your campus is MASSIVE then give it a shot, but if you're at a commuter campus like me, I'd say focus on your schoolwork there and pickup girls elsewhere/outside of school. It's tempting because I see hot girls everywhere at school, but I don't want to do pickup and risk gaining a reputation while simultaneously trying to get into med school. Do what you want, but you've been warned ;).



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 8, 2013
That's the main reason I stopped trying to date girls on my campus. Since it's a small school it's impossible to really avoid people if a relationship gets messed up in one way or another. Plus when people tend to all know one another they can't help but start/know all the school's rumors.

On a brighter note I turned the age for bars and clubs last Dec so I'm all set and have tons of new areas to meet new people


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
There are about 13,000 students that go to my college. I believe since generally juniors and seniors live off campus it is safe to assume that around 6,500 live on campus with me who are either Freshman like myself or Sophmores.

I am feeling much better today so thanks for all the support, I appreciate it all.

I will continue at it and I believe I have some other leads to work on. Or not, I like to think I am noticing a lot more however I may just be getting a lot of false positives now. But either way we will see.

I will report again at a later time.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 21, 2012

Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner man, I recently started class at my University too, and as a result most of my weekday time has been devoted to schoolwork and my job and I have spent most of my weekends so far in the field. However it seems like you have come to the correct assumptions here thanks to the others.

I can address your question about building up sexual tension while high though, that it something you can use to your advantage in the future (though for the record it is better to have her suggest the smoking or drop a hint that she is a smoker and have you ask her if she wants to smoke in person than asking her over text, that text conversation was a bit awkward the way weed was presented).

Building sexual tension with a girl while both of you are alone and high has almost nothing to do with conversation and everything to do with projected emotions. What you want to try and do is communicate to the girl without words that you want to fuck her, and perhaps more importantly, she wants to fuck you. The most important aspect of this by far is eye contact. You want to be not exactly staring into her soul, but staring right into her eyes with sexual thoughts coursing through your mind. A good example of this is the "Laser eyes" technique that warped mindless presented in his ESP article. The key is to flip the mood of her high from giddy and silly to heavy and sexual by stealthily shifting your own high mood to sex. Setting up an 'environmental frame' (my term for putting on subtly sexual music or otherwise adding discreetly (no candles and roses on the bed, this has to be sneaky) to the sexual mood) also helps this along. This technique also works great on molly, but lets be honest, when both parties are on molly you can pretty much just escalate with little to no resistance. Setting the mood on molly does add a lot of anticipation though, and the girl will a lot of times jump your dick and escalate on her own.

Also, totally unrelated, but as for being disheartened by the crazy sex stories of dudes on your hall; don't be. I guarantee around half of those stories are outright bullshit, and the ones that are true only happened after numerous, numerous failures on the part of the dude involved. Shit, I know a dude who gets more pussy than I do; I've known him since he was a virgin junior in high school still cutting his gaming teeth on easy Freshman, and he still gets shot down at least twice a night. Point is; failure is part of the game dude. Not every girl is going to want your dick, and you will make mistakes, but if you keep at it the overall picture of your success will start to vastly outweigh the pain of your failures.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
@College Freshman: Something that might work while smoking is called shotgunning. When I smoked weed with a girl, it was incredibly hot. Basically it is taking a bong hit and then passing the smoke by making out with the girl (I'm sure there are videos of it online). I could see a scene where you're smoking with a girl and there's sexual tension building and you use this. By the way, if she's alone smoking with you, she's probably at least thought about the two of you together. Just ask her, "Hey wanna see something cool?" and then go for it with a manhandle kiss. Even if most of the smoke doesn't get passed, it is still incredibly sexy and will make her want to try it again. From there, escalation can happen.

Anyone tried this? When a girl showed it to me, I went crazy (it was w/o a doubt one of my best experiences so far in college, right up there with my first keg stand)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
hmm I will have to try that when the opportunity arise. Also thanks Jay for the reply and thank you everyone again for the support.

Well one thing that I would like to report now is this one girl I am working on at the moment. Her name is Mirava. She is in my Writing 111 class and since it is a small class we have group projects now and we are in the same group.

We get along pretty well whenever we talk and I do think she is quite cute. She is very open, hell couple days ago on Monday at class when I was talking to her about the weekend she said she smoked and what not. I told her my experiences that weekend and too be honest I was stoned as hell on Saturday. I felt bad afterwards for not going out and practicing my skills.

One thing that I have noticed is on Wednesday when we met for out project to discuss, we were all going to meet at the library. She grabbed a room and I was the first to arrive. We chatted for a while until another guy came but before that she asked me to clear up which number was mine(we had put all our numbers in a groupme text group for easy communication). I put myself in her contacts, continued talking. When the other 2 guys in the group arrived she did not do the same for them, a decent indicator I think?

Anyway I will see her again on Monday for our presentation, if we still have our presentation that is, it is up in the air due to the snow storm here in upstate new york. Until then I am unsure of a plan of action. Should I at some point casually suggest we grab coffee or a bite to eat? Too be honest my success rate with smoke dates is in the negatives as you all have read on this thread.

One thing though that I am going to try and do is mix into the conversation the stuff from this blog post https://www.girlschase.com/content/9-sec ... sexual-man. I also need to work on my eye contact, I apparently have been moving my head and eyes WAY too fast for WAY too long and that is something else to think about now.