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" Been approached before " Does it even matter ?

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
I am not asking this as a shit test but as a fact .

All the 3 chicks I have had date with told me on the date that they had been approached before .
( All the dates are through Daygame only )

1 of them told me that I was her first and last guy , she met ( as in , she went out with ) like this . And that there were guys who would approach her but with me , it clicked.

Another one told me that she had been approached by vloggers before ... And initially thought that I was a vlogger .

Anyways. I don't know how to ask the right questions here but how do I click with more women even if they had been approached before .

How do I have an edge over other puas ( put it simply )

Does it matter if she has had poor experience in past with a pua approacing her ?

Talking about it all in the context of Daygame only .

James D

Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 23, 2017
I've been with my fair share of girls from day game now and all of them confirm they've never been approached "in that way"

I'm currently in an exotic holiday resort with a girl I laid in November who was, just earlier, going on about how amazing it was when I walked up to her that very first time.

She said that it never happened to her before.

So I asked "Wow so a beautiful girl like you had never been approached before?"

She said "No, never!"

Then she thought about it for a couple seconds then said "Well, actually, I've been hit on before at the mall, and I did give a guy my number, we agreed to meet, had coffee and nothing happened. Pretty dissapointing. But none of them approached like you did, that's a first."

To answer your question: You gain an edge over other PUAs by standing out.

If you stand out positively, your approach gets slotted in an entirely different category, one where it wouldn't make sense at all to even pitch it against other approaches, only perhaps to reaffirm how amazing it was.

Which isn't to say you have to work up a super special approach, not at all.

You'll shoot yourself in the foot by being a perfectionist about approaching early on.

But it does mean that you have to be on a continuous journey of turning yourself into an exceptional man.

Often, just being a guy with awesome fundamentals is enough to set your approach approach apart, even if you use the exact same words as the regular guy making the approach.

Keep approaching, keep improving and any comparison made, if any, will be in your favour rather than against
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
Often, just being a guy with awesome fundamentals is enough to set your approach approach apart, even if you use the exact same words as the regular guy making the approach.
Tbh , I have been rejected rarely and have seen guys getting rejected , women being repulsed , backing off on their approach .

Maybe that's something that has kept me going on in game .

Keep approaching, keep improving and any comparison made, if any, will be in your favour rather than against
Thats the goal and something that I have been doing .


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2021
When a girl likes you even a simple “Hi” would seem to her like a magical approach

Therefore there is no need to even worry about stuff like that. Because after you fuck and you’re seeing her for a while she will remember the first meeting as special

Keep doing you and focus on getting laid because that’s what really counts

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
I've been with my fair share of girls from day game now and all of them confirm they've never been approached "in that way"

I'm currently in an exotic holiday resort with a girl I laid in November who was, just earlier, going on about how amazing it was when I walked up to her that very first time.

She said that it never happened to her before.

So I asked "Wow so a beautiful girl like you had never been approached before?"

She said "No, never!"

Then she thought about it for a couple seconds then said "Well, actually, I've been hit on before at the mall, and I did give a guy my number, we agreed to meet, had coffee and nothing happened. Pretty dissapointing. But none of them approached like you did, that's a first."

To answer your question: You gain an edge over other PUAs by standing out.

If you stand out positively, your approach gets slotted in an entirely different category, one where it wouldn't make sense at all to even pitch it against other approaches, only perhaps to reaffirm how amazing it was.

Which isn't to say you have to work up a super special approach, not at all.

You'll shoot yourself in the foot by being a perfectionist about approaching early on.

But it does mean that you have to be on a continuous journey of turning yourself into an exceptional man.

Often, just being a guy with awesome fundamentals is enough to set your approach approach apart, even if you use the exact same words as the regular guy making the approach.

Keep approaching, keep improving and any comparison made, if any, will be in your favour rather than against
Re-reading this again cuz this feeling came back to me right now .

I am very close to having my life changed completely so haven't went out much . But , after march I will be going out again regularly.

Anyways , this really is a gem of a reply .


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 10, 2017
I think thart women only see it as an approach if something develops. A guy she doesn't know says Hi and nothing develops, she doesn't see as an approach, but he writes it up as an FR on the Forum.

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
I think thart women only see it as an approach if something develops. A guy she doesn't know says Hi and nothing develops, she doesn't see as an approach, but he writes it up as an FR on the Forum.
Could be possible.

There is definitely a between between how women sees the world compared to us .


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 14, 2025
Idk man, hot girls get hit on all the time in some manner. The worst thing you can do is be weird, nervous and creepy. The best thing you can do is be normal, not nervous and not creepy. If your the latter then so much of it is a numbers game imo. Try not to overcomplicate it.

You can literally say almost anything and it can work. What’s most important is how you project yourself through your energy, body language, and your mindset. All that stuff comes together to trump-out anything you say, which is why some guys can say the dumbest shit and it works