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Calls & Texts  Best way to get a phone number and Ice breaker first texts....


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Ok guys, so i have been helping a lot of the guys, by me doing so i get to see what they do wrong and if the things that work for me consistently work for them, so after enough sampling I see were the problem are and how to improve odds which is the name of the game....

So most normal dudes say: "can i have your number" or "let me get your digits" or put "your number in there" while handing the phone....

^ what is the problem with this, is that what everybody and the mother does this, second problem with this is that it can cause phone asd (i am fucking with you guys but my point is that it may cause knee jerk reaction/stress/nervousness/here we go again syndrome)....

Next problem is it could trigger the objections such as: "i don't give my number out" "sorry i have a boyfriend" "can i get your insta/facebook/tiktok instead" and this we don't want, cause we don't want to give our social media cause now you are another "fanboy/simp/follower", can give you "social media onitis", kills her curiosity of the "who you are" and all the shit i speak in my post and video on why to avoid social media...

As i have been saying best way to avoid dates or buying drinks to women is not to get into those type of situation in the first place. So how is the best method to get a number and why: (disclaimer.- Numbers do not mean shit, my position has never changed on this, if there is not a strong interaction, no compliance, no investment, no strong vibe and chemistry is a total waste of time, unless is an app to number close)

Disclaimer 2: have a some type of nickname, fake name, if you are an ethical Jehovah witness use a middle name that you have or some shit like that.... Finally, i don't know how many times I have to say this use google voice, wassap(if not your real number only) or telegram or ________ texting message app that can not be trace to your original number or real name.... The reason is there are some psycho women out there and you want to keep records of your convos with women in case something happens vs your phone that deletes messages after a while.... I really recommend google voice.

Step 1: tell her that you are going to give her your number "let me give you my number" = this will cause her GUARD down, and avoid the reactions that i spoke about now she feel RELIEVED, cause is low pressure, low stress on her part. I was talking to lobo/skyppi who are into technical game they call it pattern interrupt in pua terms..

Step 2: Put your contact info. example "Latin diesel from sky bar"

Step 3: call your number from her phone (do this fast so you can have as miss call)

step 4: text yourself from her phone: "hey sexy" "hey handsome" "who is that good looking guy you are talking to"

so now we have first ice breaker text option a:

answer with "aw thank you! blushing emoji! follow by a conversational thread related to the meet....

ice breaker text option b, after date fuck or not fuck she needs to drive or take ubber/taxi/lift:

"text me when you get home"

troubleshooting: i can't believe that i have to explain this, but @Phoenix drop of a girl at her house and say "text me when you get home" and then was complaining "skills it did not work" for god sake DON'T DO THIS, she is going to think you are retarded.

ok guys first one sample on how to do it right form @Lobo :


Now here is a mistake that i am seeing a lot, there are guys trying to do second generation verbals through text (which i love and encourage) but but but but, they are trying to get either too deep too fast or ask the girl to invest from opening, lobo does second generation verbals right cause he opens, banter then gets into second generation which is the correct way and how i do it too vs open and deep second generation verbal question from the get go (which is either weird to the girl in most cases or asking her to invest too much from open here as a sample from @Skippy trying to set up some type of travel pattern or something (i am not saying it can not work but lower odds):


another mistake is opening with a softclose, cause FOR THE 100TH TIME, is open>banter>high point of interaction>soft close, no freaking opening with a soft close here is @Nicko i actually did not think nicko intended it to be a soft close, but the girl may interpret the question as leading to a soft close... Either way don't open with high investment questions with low text investment is asking for to much investment from the open:


And for the love of god enough of opening and the how does your schedule looks like crap... opening then hard close DOES NOT WORK, DOES NOT WORK, DOES NOT WORK.... low odds, i mean how many times do i have to repeat this.... Of course if you throw enough shit to wall something may stick....


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 2, 2018
Ok guys, so i have been helping a lot of the guys, by me doing so i get to see what they do wrong and if the things that work for me consistently work for them, so after enough sampling I see were the problem are and how to improve odds which is the name of the game....

So most normal dudes say: "can i have your number" or "let me get your digits" or put "your number in there" while handing the phone....

^ what is the problem with this, is that what everybody and the mother does this, second problem with this is that it can cause phone asd (i am fucking with you guys but my point is that it may cause knee jerk reaction/stress/nervousness/here we go again syndrome)....

Next problem is it could trigger the objections such as: "i don't give my number out" "sorry i have a boyfriend" "can i get your insta/facebook/tiktok instead" and this we don't want, cause we don't want to give our social media cause now you are another "fanboy/simp/follower", can give you "social media onitis", kills her curiosity of the "who you are" and all the shit i speak in my post and video on why to avoid social media...

As i have been saying best way to avoid dates or buying drinks to women is not to get into those type of situation in the first place. So how is the best method to get a number and why: (disclaimer.- Numbers do not mean shit, my position has never changed on this, if there is not a strong interaction, no compliance, no investment, no strong vibe and chemistry is a total waste of time, unless is an app to number close)

Disclaimer 2: have a some type of nickname, fake name, if you are an ethical Jehovah witness use a middle name that you have or some shit like that.... Finally, i don't know how many times I have to say this use google voice, wassap(if not your real number only) or telegram or ________ texting message app that can not be trace to your original number or real name.... The reason is there are some psycho women out there and you want to keep records of your convos with women in case something happens vs your phone that deletes messages after a while.... I really recommend google voice.

Step 1: tell her that you are going to give her your number "let me give you my number" = this will cause her GUARD down, and avoid the reactions that i spoke about now she feel RELIEVED, cause is low pressure, low stress on her part. I was talking to lobo/skyppi who are into technical game they call it pattern interrupt in pua terms..

Step 2: Put your contact info. example "Latin diesel from sky bar"

Step 3: call your number from her phone (do this fast so you can have as miss call)

step 4: text yourself from her phone: "hey sexy" "hey handsome" "who is that good looking guy you are talking to"

so now we have first ice breaker text option a:

answer with "aw thank you! blushing emoji! follow by a conversational thread related to the meet....

ice breaker text option b, after date fuck or not fuck she needs to drive or take ubber/taxi/lift:
I've heard of the pattern interrupt for things like lmr when you escalate with a girl instead of going for her top you take her pants off because she's not expecting that or used to that so she has no logical defense for that. I never thought of applying that for something as simple as a phone number. If you do a good job stimulating her,getting investment from ,getting physical with her on approach does it make a significant difference if you input your # into her phone and text yourself or do the standard what's your #? Women are always gonna hear similiar statements/phrases from men. Not that many different ways to ask a girl out or invite her home. The most important thing is for a woman to feel differently towards you.

Those objections of I dont give my # out to strangers or sorry I have a bf means low or no interest usually. Or you probably didnt get enough investment or rapport for her. What's the purpose of this particular pattern interupt to get her more likely to respond to your texts later on? When girls ask for ig first I just tell them one of ur ig lines of I deleted it cuz its too addicting and she just hands me her #.
I've learned from enough girls the what's your schedule like and when are you free doesn't work consistently enough. It hasn't worked for me at all so i'm trying to have a conversation with her over phone first and build some text rapport.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I've heard of the pattern interrupt for things like lmr when you escalate with a girl instead of going for her top you take her pants off because she's not expecting that or used to that so she has no logical defense for that. I never thought of applying that for something as simple as a phone number. If you do a good job stimulating her,getting investment from ,getting physical with her on approach does it make a significant difference if you input your # into her phone and text yourself or do the standard what's your #? Women are always gonna hear similiar statements/phrases from men. Not that many different ways to ask a girl out or invite her home. The most important thing is for a woman to feel differently towards you.

Those objections of I dont give my # out to strangers or sorry I have a bf means low or no interest usually. Or you probably didnt get enough investment or rapport for her. What's the purpose of this particular pattern interupt to get her more likely to respond to your texts later on? When girls ask for ig first I just tell them one of ur ig lines of I deleted it cuz its too addicting and she just hands me her #.
I've learned from enough girls the what's your schedule like and when are you free doesn't work consistently enough. It hasn't worked for me at all so i'm trying to have a conversation with her over phone first and build some text rapport.

Yes i don't disagree with you, this is just how i have always gotten numbers since when i go out clubbing i never carry my phone, cause i dance... I have never had an issue (i don't remember ever having issues getting numbers with this)... What you wrote is valid, but this is just something some of the guys have been trying out and have been having a bit more success than other methods so far.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Just want to add a few notes from my in-field observations.
And for the love of god enough of opening and the how does your schedule looks like crap... opening then hard close DOES NOT WORK, DOES NOT WORK, DOES NOT WORK.... low odds, i mean how many times do i have to repeat this.... Of course if you throw enough shit to wall something may stick....
10000000000000000000%. If you don't believe us, read my journal entries from the fall... where you can see how good interactions turn sour with bad texting.

There may be niche cases where this works like if your social frame is really really good from the get-go, but for most girls nowadays in the world of screens and never-ending stimulation, it seems like you just simply have to learn how to text in an engaging and congruent style.

Disclaimer 2: have a some type of nickname, fake name, if you are an ethical Jehovah witness use a middle name that you have or some shit like that....
Yes, do this!!

It's also fun and Mach to create multiple personas for yourself :p

Finally, i don't know how many times I have to say this use google voice, wassap(if not your real number only) or telegram or ________ texting message app that can not be trace to your original number or real name.... The reason is there are some psycho women out there and you want to keep records of your convos with women in case something happens vs your phone that deletes messages after a while.... I really recommend google voice.
Suuuuuper important for security.

Now, I've been using Google Voice for months. It's great! Really happy I've used it.

Did want to say I've noticed a few other things with it, too, that may or may not affect you:
  • It cannot send/receive video. This might've cost me a meet-up with an invested girl because I said that I'd send her a video while I was making a song, and then when I had to backtrack a little, it destroyed my social frame.
  • When people call the number, it says something about "connecting through Google." Not good for social frame, and risked one of my recent lays. Spooked her a bit, had to calm her down.
  • If she sees you have an iPhone, it is additionally not good for social frame because she'll get "green" messages. I've gotten past it a few times by saying things like I'm a poor college kid who doesn't pay for cell service after seeing this hack on Reddit, that my phone is jailbroken, etc. But still not the best.
Recently, I've been testing an app called TextMe. It's also free to use but you'll have to deal with ads. There are many apps like it - not sure if it's the top option. Though, it does allow you to send/receive video and functions like a normal number on calls.

Furthermore, I had another realization about number closing recently. I almost pulled the girlfriend of a future NFL player but lost it when he called her as we were walking to her place. The thing was that he called her through a SnapChat videocall. It was super calibrated and it seemed like they did all of their communication within SnapChat.

For some girls - probably many of those around my age (American college girls, <22 y/o) - they don't even text using their cell service. They just use Snap. If we try number closing these girls, it's a major loss in social frame and response rates go down. It's not a thing where giving their phone number is actually greater investment, either, because texting is just something that they don't do.

So since this realization, I've been asking these girls what they use the most - texting or SnapChat? If they say SnapChat, I'll have them add me. Response rates have been super high after good interactions, more so than with numbers. (and this is NOT the same as just getting her Insta!! completely different scenario)

Also if you open them with a video or picture, the response rate increases even further. In addition, it's really easy and low-pressure for the girls to respond because the messages disappear. This also allows you to leverage the use of your face/body while creating lots of variation and intrigue bait.

Now, it's something that is HIGHLY environmental and contextually based. For example, it's a completely different story with a 30+ human resources director. That's a girl who a number close is likely going to do the trick for.

But overall, I think it's an important thing to realize/screen for - how does this girl usually communicate, and in what way is she going to feel most comfortable with?
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
@Lofty Would be curious to know about snapchat, I downloaded the app but full of ads was fucking with my phone... I think snapchat may be good cause there is no follower count she can see... I just don't want to send videos etc.. for efficiency, I don't do video calls, but wassup has video... I personally never had issues with Google voice personally..


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
@Lofty Would be curious to know about snapchat, I downloaded the app but full of ads was fucking with my phone... I think snapchat may be good cause there is no follower count she can see... I just don't want to send videos etc.. for efficiency, I don't do video calls, but wassup has video... I personally never had issues with Google voice personally..
Hey Skills, thinking that I'll need some more testing and experience on Snap before I write up anything comprehensive. Only recently started using it seriously.

All in all it's probably not that big of a deal vs. phone numbers unless in an environment with a really high concentration of younger girls like college towns, or if there's a specific focus to game these younger girls. But in those contexts, my early feeling is that it could be an interesting way to go. Could be nice to have ready as an option if she's just the type I mentioned who just doesn't really text as well.

I won't be in the field much over the next few months due to a change in living situations, but I'll continue playing around with SnapChat and report back with my findings when I feel like I've gathered enough info.

A lot of what it allows overall is building social frame with sprezzatura and have her quickly feel super familiar and comfortable with you without the detriments of public social media. But some preliminary, basic thoughts I have now are:
  • Open/re-open with picture or video for high percentage of response
  • Then switch to messaging and textgame as normal for a bit
  • Somewhere within there or as needed, throw in another photo (like at a high point) before switching back to messaging, or use the photo to induce a high point
  • Ping with pictures/videos, prize your lifestyle (casually)
  • Prize yourself with intriguing but not overzealous stories, which can be lots of intrigue bait for girls (you can see who’s viewed your stories and can choose who has access, so can manipulate/tailor them specifically)
  • Don’t need to worry much about the filters - most snaps are super casual (girls will also feel more comfortable to send pictures without makeup, doing random things, etc)
  • She is more likely to respond to pictures with pictures so can leverage that for investment purposes
  • Can take advantage of the fact that she can see when you open her messages
  • Tease her with the inherent temptation of sexting, use that to build the tension/lead into a close
  • She can’t see your friend list but she CAN see your “Snap Score” which is based on a variety of factors, though you can look up hacks to boost it to a decent enough level quickly so it won’t matter (just don’t want it too low where it becomes knee-jerk/creepy)
  • Definitely need to be aware of working it for a purpose to avoid slipping into an oribiter frame (girls tend to have LOTS of orbiters on Snap, but can contrast against them)
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Hey Skills, thinking that I'll need some more testing and experience on Snap before I write up anything comprehensive. Only recently started using it seriously.

All in all it's probably not that big of a deal vs. phone numbers unless in an environment with a really high concentration of younger girls like college towns, or if there's a specific focus to game these younger girls. But in those contexts, my early feeling is that it could be an interesting way to go. Could be nice to have ready as an option if she's just the type I mentioned who just doesn't really text as well.

I won't be in the field much over the next few months due to a change in living situations, but I'll continue playing around with SnapChat and report back with my findings when I feel like I've gathered enough info.

A lot of what it allows overall is building social frame with sprezzatura and have her quickly feel super familiar and comfortable with you without the detriments of public social media. But some preliminary, basic thoughts I have now are:
  • Open/re-open with picture or video for high percentage of response
  • Then switch to messaging and textgame as normal for a bit
  • Somewhere within there or as needed, throw in another photo (like at a high point) before switching back to messaging, or use the photo to induce a high point
  • Ping with pictures/videos, prize your lifestyle (casually)
  • Prize yourself with intriguing but not overzealous stories, which can be lots of intrigue bait for girls (you can see who’s viewed your stories and can choose who has access, so can manipulate/tailor them specifically)
  • Don’t need to worry much about the filters - most snaps are super casual (girls will also feel more comfortable to send pictures without makeup, doing random things, etc)
  • She is more likely to respond to pictures with pictures so can leverage that for investment purposes
  • Can take advantage of the fact that she can see when you open her messages
  • Tease her with the inherent temptation of sexting, use that to build the tension/lead into a close
  • She can’t see your friend list but she CAN see your “Snap Score” which is based on a variety of factors, though you can look up hacks to boost it to a decent enough level quickly so it won’t matter (just don’t want it too low where it becomes knee-jerk/creepy)
  • Definitely need to be aware of working it for a purpose to avoid slipping into an oribiter frame (girls tend to have LOTS of orbiters on Snap, but can contrast against them)
Yeah In my experience with the college girls is more Instagram and one 21 ask me for tiktok cause she dances, but snapchat I have never been really asked. But again with the way I do things I really don't give them the opportunity which is the point of op.... I rather keep guys away from any social media specially snap cause it could make the women look 10 times hotter and intimidate and cause onitis... I would keep to numbers as higher odds...


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Yeah In my experience with the college girls is more Instagram and one 21 ask me for tiktok cause she dances, but snapchat I have never been really asked. But again with the way I do things I really don't give them the opportunity which is the point of op.... I rather keep guys away from any social media specially snap cause it could make the women look 10 times hotter and intimidate and cause onitis... I would keep to numbers as higher odds...
Yeah could be so environmentally based that it's the trends of my specific university or something. Or also that I'm of similar age and the frame is expected that we communicate on Snap, things like that. Point generally was that calibrating to these particular aspects may be beneficial, though I do completely understand how it could be too complex of a route for a lot of guys as well.

Regardless don't want to take this detail any further past the OP and we're really on the same page anyway :D
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Yeah could be so environmentally based that it's the trends of my specific university or something. Or also that I'm of similar age and the frame is expected that we communicate on Snap, things like that. Point generally was that calibrating to these particular aspects may be beneficial, though I do completely understand how it could be too complex of a route for a lot of guys as well.

Regardless don't want to take this detail any further past the OP and we're really on the same page anyway :D
Cocporn actually recommends snapchat eve blackdragon... I personally didn't like it... but guys are welcome to field test, lobo for example got recently lay as per op, number... lofty I love your points but there could be a bit of causation correlation type conclusion on some of the points... but keep field testing and I am open minded to listen if you think huge advantage and odds


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
hey guys i am going to give you live examples of everything i do in the field.......

Example 1: I had a bunch of glitter on me from dancing with some girl (just dancing for fun no hook up)... So unfortunately i was full of glitter... I went to another club, and i saw a girl with a sparkling dress and i open with fake angry "look what you did to me, now i am fucked, how do i take this off" easy peachy game over, do my physical dance floor seduction and i had her eating from my hands (logistically did not want to make the effort an hour away, but i promise you i could have fucked her, but not interested in an hour drive for a lay).... Again following the op steps:

Step 1: tell her that you are going to give her your number "let me give you my number" = this will cause her GUARD down, and avoid the reactions that i spoke about now she feel RELIEVED, cause is low pressure, low stress on her part. I was talking to lobo/skyppi who are into technical game they call it pattern interrupt in pua terms..

Step 2: Put your contact info. example "Latin diesel from sky bar"

Step 3: call your number from her phone (do this fast so you can have as miss call)

step 4: text yourself from her phone: "hey sexy" "hey handsome" "who is that good looking guy you are talking to"

There is something missing in the op that i do: you can then, from your phone text your name "skills" or "_________ her name, future lover"... For example in this case i was talking to myself from 2 phones her phone(who is that good looking guy you are talking to" then i responded from MY PHONE: "his name is sylvia future lover"

Exhibit from a true seduction i had:


example number 2, this one was a really attractive Venezuelan/American girl really beautiful, depending on taste objective 8 or 9 (notice how she triple text and soft closes me from the open)

p.s. before i got the number, she had instagram pulled out on her phone and ask me for her instagram, i said "Fuck instagram, get my number" in a Commanding Donal trump type voice and attitude (ceo entitled/boss vibe)


ice breaker text option b, after date fuck or not fuck she needs to drive or take ubber/taxi/lift:

"text me when you get home"

here is an exhibit of a girl i did not fuck on the first night post meet, but fucked after, i told her to text me when she gets home:



^ when i meet women I have SUPER STRONG INTERACTIONS, I seduce properly in person, i continue with the texting, but my interactions in person are SUPER STRONG...
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Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 7, 2019
Now, I've been using Google Voice for months. It's great! Really happy I've used it.

Did want to say I've noticed a few other things with it, too, that may or may not affect you:
  • It cannot send/receive video. This might've cost me a meet-up with an invested girl because I said that I'd send her a video while I was making a song, and then when I had to backtrack a little, it destroyed my social frame.
  • When people call the number, it says something about "connecting through Google." Not good for social frame, and risked one of my recent lays. Spooked her a bit, had to calm her down.
There's a need to follow-up on this because I've been experimenting further with Google Voice.

While you can't send video or voice notes, you CAN receive them. Also, I figured out the reason why people calling me were hearing something about Google Voice after they dialed. To avoid this, go into settings and turn off "Anonymous caller ID." I must have turned this on at some point thinking it would provide additional security, and I think it does, but I guess it redirects your call through something first and the girls can tell.

Lastly, the TextMe alternative is not good because it actually screens your messages and makes you purchase a subscription to receive texts from certain numbers.

So yeah, Google Voice is much better. Hopefully this can also help someone who was wondering why that strange thing was happening,
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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
@Phoenix asked me about pwf icebreaker of sending only name, I explained to him that the important thing Is the strong interaction, but I see the problem would be you would have to reopen if she didn't respond...also the vibe is not the fun flirty vibe.... it seemed it worked for Phoenix I last night met a 22 year old, messed around a bit but fuck my life her brother was there I field tested it...
Since she didn't have her phone with her...basically I went to the bar gave a dollar to bartender and asked for a pen, gave the pen and bar napkin and told her "put your number there" with entitled Donald Trump ceo demeanor, she wrote it down when I got to the car I texted immediately;
Me: my fake name aka Latin diesel nationality from bankos (the place we met)
22 hb:lol no worries
22 hb: I remember you
22 hb: I wasn't drunk at all

So it is very low effort ice breaker, it seems to work is a low effort ice breaker