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Best way to work car sex?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 25, 2012
honestly, someone needs to make men's underwear with a condom pouch for easy storage and access.

Ross... Take my money.

Great stuff here! I have a date tomorrow far from home in the city, this will surely come in handy ;) So far, the only time I've escalated in a car I told the girl I wanted to listen to music in the car and we got right in the back seat. I didn't even think about it, it was more comfortable and there was more room. Its only a big deal if you make it one!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 16, 2014
Hope the date went well! "Its only a big deal if you make it one!" so true.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 10, 2017
Heres a problem I have though guys. Im seeing this chick and shes the one driving, Im in the passengers seat. Im confident she would be down to fuck if i transitioned smoothly but how do i do that if im not the one driving and leading the way to a spot. How do i get her to pull up somewhere. Help a dude out


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 10, 2017
Franco said:

I was actually working on a decent routine for escalating in my car, but I haven't gotten around to perfecting the best approach. I have a pretty solid routine though that I taught my friend, and he ended up bedding his recent girlfriend following these steps:

  • 1) Get into the front seat and have her get into the passenger seat. Then begin some chatter. You can also choose to put on some music if you'd like -- my friend actually told the girl that he wanted to show her some new songs that he had on his playlist as a way to get her into his car.
    2) Optional: Lay your hand gently on her thigh as you two are sitting and talking. This can help you get comfortable of breaking the 'touch' barrier early on if you feel like you might be a bit tense when you make your move.
    3) Bring her in for the kiss when the mood feels comfortable -- this should be within 5 minutes of you getting into your car. You can employ the manhandle kiss, or (my personal favorite) you can grab her chin with your first two fingers and your thumb, tilt her heard toward you, and plant your lips on hers.
    4) Continue to make out with her until she begins to use her tongue. Once the girl begins to throw some tongue in there, it means she's ready to move to the next step.
    5) Reciprocate the tongue action for maybe 5-10 seconds, then pull away from her and say, "Let's get in the backseat." Say this with a soft, but strong and commanding voice. Once you say it, don't even wait for a response. Turn, open your door, and begin to head to the backseat. From the few times I've done this, the girl usually follows your lead and does the same.
    6) Once you're both in the back seat, quickly get back to kissing with tongue action. From here, you begin to escalate physically and proceed toward sex as normal.

I've only been through this process a handful of times, but it has been successful on a few occasions for me. If anyone else has experience escalating in their own cars with different approaches, I'd love to hear it.

NOTE: If the girl has already been heavily physical with you before heading to your car, you can just simply open the door to the backseat and have her follow you in. I did this a couple of times with girls that I pulled from nightclubs.

Hope this helps!

- Franco

Heres a problem I have though guys. Im seeing this chick and shes the one driving, Im in the passengers seat. Im confident she would be down to fuck if i transitioned smoothly but how do i do that if im not the one driving and leading the way to a spot. How do i get her to pull up somewhere. Help a dude out!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 10, 2017
Escher said:
i have a small car and I am a tall guy, but have been able to make this work almost every time i go for it. What I will do is start making out with her. When the kissing starts to get heavier I reach around the side of the seat and pull the lever that puts the seat down. This move is golden. Be smooth about it and support the seat a bit as you let it down, this way it is not too abrupt. It catches her by surpise. The girl laughs every time, she thinks it is fun falling back like that, and there is a feeling like you are catching her. If she asks what you are doing just say you are getting comfortable. If you can pull this move off you are pretty much in it to win it. I will then climb over closer to her and start kissing her neck, i will then climb into the passenger seat with her, and wrap myself around her. I will make a moment of small chat to make this transition seem comfortable for her. I will then make out just a bit more, caressing her body and kissing her neck. Before things ramp up too quickly I will then say I bet there is more room in the back seat. The timing is important because if you wait too long you might as well just escaslate in the front, but too soon and there is no steam from the last transition to the passenger seast. Since the seat is down it makes it easy to just climb right back there dont even need to get out. once we are in the back I quickly put both seats up all the way for more room. I don't bother sliding them forward though, that would take to long, you have to be quick and just get the lever on the side of the seat. At this point I go full steam. Usualy to make this transition I go straight for her breasts and wreslte her shirt off. Rub her pussy through her clothes a bit more then hand down the pants then pants quickly off. ect ect.

To recap
Stage 1: make out driver from seat to seat

Stage 2: Drop passenger seat. This is the golden move. Girls love it, it gives them the sense they are falling and you are catching them. It's adeventure.
Get closer, make out heavier, kiss neck.
Bear in mind, I have an older car so I cannot vouche for this move on an electric seat adjustment.

Stage 3: Clim into passenger seat. Don't ask, just do it. Heavy petting.

Stage 4: Move quickly to the back from the dropped seat. Escalate heavy yet naturley don't jump the gun but don't be to tepid.

Stage 5: Take your car to the mechanic to get your shocks fixed

It is important that you hit each beat right on time. Not too fast not too slow with each stage. During each transition distract her with playful small chat, this makes her feel comfortable and hardly notice the transition. You will find that the escalation windows get closer and closer togther the later the stage. So in stage 1 you will most likely take more time with each escalation but by stage 4 it is one beat after the next. I would say the entire proccess can be any where between 5 to fifteen minutes all depending on the way you two are vibing eachother.

Practice in your driveway some day. Just get really good at quickly droping the seats and climbing in the back and putting the seats up then dropping one and climbing upfront the climb in the back ect ect. Get so good at making a smoth transition and being able to work the seats so quick, she will not even notice you adjusting them. Be so good at this that you can easily lead her from the front to the back.

The easiest way to lead her to the back is to have the passenger seat all the way down. You can literaly step back there. when you are in the back get as close as possible to the passnger lead her past you towards the window behind the driver seat. This is important because it puts you in a postion closer to the seat that is down so you can quickly put it back up while she is getting comfortable in the corner that has the most space before the seat goes up all the way. Once the passenger seat is up all the way you want to put the driver seat up in one motion as you are moving in towards her. She will barley notice you putting the driver seat up because it is in the same motion as you getting heavy with her.
Seat one, seat two, BOOM. In that order.

If you are in a secluded place, take it outside of the car bend her over the side or the hood. Carry a small picnic blankett in the trunk. Lay her down under the stars and let her get a good look at the heavens. The blankett can come in handy on cold winter nights when you are done and just laying in eachothers arms. The front seat is good for her on top. The back seat is good for you on top. Feel free to change postions if you feel it.

Heres a problem I have though guys. Im seeing this chick and shes the one driving, Im in the passengers seat. Im confident she would be down to fuck if i transitioned smoothly but how do i do that if im not the one driving and leading the way to a spot. How do i get her to pull up somewhere. Help a dude out!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 16, 2014
Tareqborovic said:
Heres a problem I have though guys. Im seeing this chick and shes the one driving, Im in the passengers seat. Im confident she would be down to fuck if i transitioned smoothly but how do i do that if im not the one driving and leading the way to a spot. How do i get her to pull up somewhere. Help a dude out

Hey Tare,

This will all go over much more smoothly if she likes you already. She's allowing you in her car, so that's a good sign. Bring a back pack with you. Put some fun stuff in it, like beer, weed, iPod with bluetooth speakers, you know camping and beach stuff. Tell her something like, "hey we're going to do something fun tonight." Don't tell her what. Tell her something like , "hey I know this cool spot." Then you guys drive there. Set up your blanket, booze, music, and basically just have fun.

You should be able to tell if she likes you already, so again, it will be way easier for you to do all of this if she does. She'll be down to have fun no matter what (should be).

Have fun. Be safe. And don't be weird.




Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 2, 2015
I've been doing this a lot lately. Its really not that complicated. All these "tactics" seem to imply that she doesn't actually want to have sex with you. So you feel like you have to turn her on so much that she "submits to her desires". Almost like how someone on a diet might eat a piece of chocolate because they can't resist temptation.

Whereas if you look at it from the standpoint of "she wants to have sex with me rn. It's not something I have to tempt, seduce, or trick her into doing", all this becomes irrelevant. There's no need to be "smooth". These days, I do one of two things:

1. If we're in the front seat, I start making out with her. After after a couple minutes, I say "let's go to the back". I've never had a girl say no to this. From there, you just escalate to sex as normal.

2. We're going to my car to "warm up" or "hang out" (yes...I've literally asked girls "wanna hang out in my car?"). In that case, we just proceed directly to the back seat and start making out and escalating.

Simple. Easy. No tactics. No techniques.


I wrote my previous posts in this thread two years ago. Disregard them.