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LR-  Blue Eyed Brunette Sucks Me Dry

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
So yesterday I went on a date with HBOcean from my journal. I suggested a coffee date, I was thinking of a picnic near my home but she rejected as it was "too far away" from her (good thing, because it rained a lot in the afternoon)...

I was gonna send a text a bit before the date to see if she would flake, but she sent me one first, saying she would be a bit late... I was also behind schedule, I totally lost track of what time it was before our date, as I was busy making music lol, then I started running like crazy to not be too late to our date. My plan was to call an Uber and get there faster, but she said she would be late, so I decided to go walking, since it was not that far away from home (less than half a hour walk)... Terrible idea, out of the blue the skies started falling, like torrential summer storm, I got soaked.

I got there but Maps was trolling me, I couldn't find the actual place she was, I walked around and GPS would tell me I was some other street, I had to stop and think where the fuck I really was, in the middle of the storm... Finally, I find her, she had sent me a message telling me she was chatting some weird granpa there, and there she was... Wearing all black, had a Dark Side of the Moon shirt, a bit chubby, but cute face with blue eyes.

The coffee we were going to was closed, not really surprising, as most places are closed this time of the year around here, but we find another across the street. I hold her hand for a bit to cross the street, I mean, we ate each other faces at the club, but of course you gotta rescalate and get the girl horny again on a date. We get there and order some stuff, she tells me she's vegetarian and she talks about it for quite a while, I joke that if she told me before I wouldn't have showed up to the date lol, but overall she gets very invested telling me about this stuff and that she totally gets people that aren't, since she only became one last year. We also talk about university, she's studying Chemical Engineering at the same uni I am.

We eat, talk a bit more, then she tells me that she had to print something for her mom or something, I tell her I know a place nearby, so we pay and go there. I'm now carrying her umbrella, as I didn't bring one (dumb me never remembering to buy one), she leaning into me and holding my arm with her hand, I can tell she's probably getting a bit horny at this point. We get there and she gets the thing she needed printed, she says it's a surprise for her mom's birthday that her aunt was doing with her or something... No idea.

Either way, now we have pretty much nothing to do, so I ask her if she wanna go home with me and listen to some music, she told me before she worked at a music school, as a receptionist, she told me she needed to use an ATM to get some money for her bus back home, I tell her not to worry, that I can pay her an Uber ride, she resists a bit but then just gives in, we start walking towards my appartment. We talk more about music, I ask her about the t-shirt, she tells me she into Beatles and Pink Floyd, I tell her Pink Floyd bores me to death lol, but that I do like some Beatles.

We get into my appartment, I take off my shoes and socks immediatly, as they were soaked, I also go to the bathroom to wash my feet lol, this gives her some times to settle in and get confortable, I put on some music at random from my computer, I skip like 3 tracks and Come Together starts playing, bit of a lucky shot, she makes some comment like "Oh so you really like the Beatles". I offer her a drink, she accepts, I make some shitty Pina Colada with vodka 'coz I have no rum at home, she asks me about this little anime action figure my X gave me, I tell her about it (I told her during the date I had broke up with my X recently, after she told me some stories about one of her Xs as well).

I give her the drink and she compliments it, my bartending skills are pretty decent at this point, she tells me I got give her the recipe later, I tell her ok. She's sitting a bit away from me on my couch and I can sense she's a bit tense, I keep on talking on a really chill way and getting closer to her, slowly... Eventually we are just sitting there and I look at her, she stares in my eyes and starts kissing me, I was waiting for her to make more of a move because she told me she was a bit shy and she's younger, but she was giving me almost no resistance at the club, so I though maybe she'll start resisting hard if I go too hard too soon and I'll fuck up the lay (this girl has a bit of a weird attitude, as you you see later).

We kiss really hard, just like in the club, lip bitting and sucking included, I start getting hard, I tell her to sit on my lap, she tells me "already?", then keeps on kissing me from the side, but shortly after she gets on top of me. Shit is going down. She starts like boucing on my cock with our clothes on, she's almost hurting it a bit as she smashes her fat ass on my dick lmao. I tell her let's go to bed, she's like, "only I can do stuff to you, you can't fuck me, ok?" I'm like, "what does you doing stuff to me means?", she says she's gonna suck my cock, I tell her, "oh, you wanna suck my big cock then, you little slut?" She tells me, yeah.

I grab her ass and lift her from the couch, I then throw her in bed, we continue making out hard, I can tell she got quite wet from this, but I'm chill, hard and chill lol, I tell her I'm gonna close the curtains, she waits... We make out more, then I tell her I wanna spank her ass, she turns her ass towards me, I smack it really hard, I tell her I wanted to do this at the club, she tells me "yeah but you couldn't", I tell her I could, but I didn't because I wasn't looking for trouble, she laughs. I tell her then to show me what "doing stuff to me" meant, I'm laying on the bed and she lifts my t-shirt to start kissing my chest and belly, going down...

She then takes out my belt and my shorts, she kisses my cock with my underpants on, then she brings my boy out to play, kissing it and licking it a bit. Then she starts sucking, like really hard, this girl is deepthroating me right away, I grab her hair and make sure she chockes on my whole dick, she sucks it hard, licks it and give me handy for like half an hour, no interruption, she seems a bit of a pro at this. I ask her if she want to make me cum, she says she wanna swallow it all, that it's a shame not to do so, I tell her spitting a bit on her tits could be hot as well, she kinda agrees, I tell her to moan, she moans like a little bitch... Then I tell her to get on her knees, shaking her ass and with her tongue out, she complies, I wank it really hard, then when I'm about to cum, I shove it on her mouth, she swallows it all, licking the tip of my cock... I love this, though not having any stimuli between feeling I'm going to cum to actually cumming is a bit of a waste, maybe I should try facefucking the girl to death (mine ofc) next time, though I was having trouble cumming from just oral...

Somehow, maybe because my orgasm wasn't that hard, and she stimulated me for so long, I'm still pretty hard minutes after, and I don't feel like it's going soft anytime soon, so I tell her she's gonna make me cum again, she seems excited. I smack her butt a lot, but she still has all her clothes on, I manage to take out her bra and grope her tits and pinch her nipples, I can tell she wants my dick so bad on her, she tells me I'm sooo hot as she kisses my body and stuff like that, but she still saying stuff like "I never let guys fuck me on the first time" and all that weird shit, saying she was dominating me, I was like, are you fucking shitting me bitch? You're chocking on my dick like a little slut and swallowing my cum, I'm smacking your ass as I please, you're the one serving me here... If I wanted, I could have you naked cumming hard now. She's like, "maybe", but I don't feel like pushing to fuck her, because honestly, I just wanna cum on her face. I facefuck her quite a bit, then I tell her to stick her tongue out, I cum, but not a whole lot, she licks a bit of it, now I'm feeling like I need to sleep or die or whatever, good job my little blue eyed slut.

After all that, she's talking about how awesome she is, that she managed to make me cum "just with oral", when most guys need some penetration or whatever, I praise her for making me cum two times in a row, but then I'm like, ok, but so fucking what? Maybe you just lost the only opportunity to get fucked by a guy as hot as I am to be bragging about being good at oral (honestly, it was more like "resistance" than skill, she didn't do anything too impressive, really, she just did it for a really long time, probably because she still 20 and has a lot of energy to spare), because next week I'll probably have better hoes to fuck.
So she's sitting there in the couch with me, I'm like dying, also I will go out with my friends to a club soon, it's 7PM already, and she's just sitting there, doing nothing... I'm like, will i have to invite you home or something lol, I try being a bit passionate afterwards, kissing her a bit, but she really sucked me dry, also, my post nut clarity now reveals that her face really isn't all that cute, just a little bit... Like, if it wasn't for how passionately she kissed me at the club, and her fat ass, that I reaaally wanted to smack there, I wouldn't even give this girl the time of the day. Quite a weird feeling.

Anyway, she tells she's going home, I call her Uber and there she goes. As she arrives home, I ask her if she arrived safely and well, and if her ass was hurting from the spanking, she answers warmly, but that's it. Dunno if I'll see her again, she's gonna be on the beach next week, then come back, but she still lives a bit far away, I really wanna feel some new pussy, and her moan was very sexy, but I do have a shot with hotter girls now, also I don't wanna give her too much hope, she's quite young and maybe will catch feelings fast? No idea.
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you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020

We were supposed to go out Sunday, but she said she couldn't make it, so we left to Monday. Yesterday morning she sent me a message saying she couldn't make it again, I just send her a GIF of Will Smith like shaking his head in disbelief...
I focus on other things of my day, thinking maybe she wouldn't even answer anymore, but then 6:30 PM she tells me now she can do it! I'm like, wtf, but whatever. She tells me she's on a shopping center near the bar I chose for us to meet, she asks me to meet her in front of a big church near that bar. I meet her there, she's waiting for me on a tight black dress, that really shows off her ass... I'm like, this hoe wants some D tonight (in our messages, she was kinda saying she just wanted to hang out, no sex, shit like that). I tell her the bar were supposed to meet at was closed (lol my bad, didn't even realize), but were are in the bohemian part of town, so I tell her we'll find a bar nearby, she follows me.

She's talking a lot, she seems excited to see me. We go to pretty much the first bar we see, they have some nice, cheap caipirinha, we drink and talk, she's not sitting too close to me, but from time to time she gives me some incidental touch (I'm mostly keeping a bit of distance on pourpose, and teasing her a bit and chase framing when I can). She tells me she lost her virginity at 14, tells me about the fake profile she had of a boy when she was 12... Oh, we also talked about my band, that I'm trying to get a drummer for, she tells me she's gonna help me, hook me up with some drummers, since she worked at a music school (that is now closing).

Around 10PM I ask her if she wanted to go back to mine chill, I think she told me she was feeling cold, I told her my appartment was warmer, she got a bit skittish... Then we talked more, she told me she's really into guitar solos, I told her, I can play guitar solos on my bass, you wanna hear it? This seems to be the excuse she needed to go home with me. We pay, I get us an Uber, and we jet to my appartment. On the car, I have my hand on her tight, she's touching my arm, telling me about the day she sang a Nirvana song with her friend's band on the stage.

We get back to mine, my bass was on my couch, ready to play pretty much, I was expecting to pull her and play some stuff for her, since we talked a lot about music last time. I play that Sweet Child O Mine solo for her on my bass (it sounds just like the guitar because of the effects I use), she can't believe it, I played some other stuff, she legit awestruck, she tells me I play "for realz". I get a bit tired and put my bass back on it's shitty bag, we talk a bit, then I think I was touching her tights and then I grabbed her ass, I was gonna raise her dress, but she interrupted me, and said, not yet...

I make her my favorite drink (Amaretto Sour), I was a bit drunk from the caipirinhas in the bar, she told me I was drunker then her, somehow it seems true. She drinks and says it's great, I tell her that wasn't the best I've made, that I fucked up a bit and some egg yellow got in, so it's smelling like chicken butt, she laughs, and says it's great anyway.

We talk a bit more, I get closer, and she starts kissing me. From there, it's smoothing sailing. I squeeze her tights, ass, and tits, she starts getting pretty aroused, I rub her pussy a bit with her red panties on, she's getting wet, I take out her dress, she helps me, her big titties look amazing on this sexy black bra, I make sure to tell her that, I take one of them out and lick/suck it a bit, she moans, I put it back on her bra, keep on kissing her hard, and start getting on top of her. Then, she holds me a bit and throws me back on the sofa, she gets on top of me, rubbing her panties against my shorts, I keep on kissing her, I think of taking her to the bed, but I take a while teasing her more on the couch.

Eventually grab her by her ass, drag her and I throw her into my mattress, get on top of her kissing, she asks me "are you gonna fuck me?", she's giggling, I tell her "do you wanna feel this dick?" (I make sure she's asking for it, since when we were texting she was suggesting we wouldn't have sex), she's like yep. Before putting in, though, I get my dick near her face, I still have my drawers on, she takes my dick off and starts sucking, I shove it in a bit, she licks my cock, it feels great, then a minute after, she stops, I take out my drawers and her panties, then I slooowly put it in...

Her pussy feels great, I start slow and deep, she's moaning a bit, I grab her tits and suck them, and start going harder, she starts moaning like a little slutty brat, I fear I'm gonna cum quick lol, I take out my dick a bit, slap her pussy with it, tease her a bit, then shove it back in again, now I'm going faster, I can tell she's enjoying it, but not even close to cumming. I ask her if she wanna get on top, she mounts me, I lay back like a boss, slapping her ass and enjoying the view, this girl looks great naked, she actually reminds me a bit of that chick Marnie from Geordie Shore. When we stop, I ask her if she takes long to cum, she says she never cums with penetration, she likes oral, but she takes long too cum, she says, I tell her I rarely do oral, she tells me, well, maybe you're good and don't know.

Neither of us came, we had some fun, but then she says she needs to go home, I tell her, hey, don'tchu wanna make me cum? She tells me, but you're not gonna cum, I tell her, I'm close, I grab her on my side and tell her to moan on my ear, she licks it a bit and moans, I wank a bit, I slap her ass and kiss her, grabbing her by her hair with my left hand. I tell her I want some oral, I stack two pillows below her head and start facefucking her, feels great. Then she moans a bit more to me, she tells me she wanna swallow, I grab her really hard, she scratches me with her long pink nails, I start wanking very fast, then tell her, I'm cumming, she goes in and put her mouth around the head of my cock, I ejaculate, she swallows all my jizz, beautiful :)

I tell her next time I'm gonna fuck her doggie, she tells me I gotta pratice oral, and she's gonna learn some sexy dance (I told her to dance for me, my closet is kinda open, with some metal bars that can allow for some "pole dance-ish" stuff, but she said she didn't know and didn't wanted to embarass herself, I tried convincing her it was silly, but she wouldn't budge), she ask her Uber home, and goes home, letting me know when she arrives.

I was almost giving up on fucking this girl, but damn, she was looking fine... She has a bit of a round face, but when she takes off her clothes, geez, she looks fine as fuck, her moaning is delicious, I'm glad I fucked this hot 20yo, hope to convert her to my rotation or something (she told me on our date that she wasn't looking for anything too serious right now, that she got too hurt after her two last break ups, I told her I'm not a guy for those types of relationships as well, so we all good).
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