beach game expedition / insta date (2nd instadate in a row from beach game)
decided to run some beach game today. was a really dry day - not many girls out, but i was persistent and ended up with an instadate and a good lead.
warmups + no cute girls: went to my usual first spot and not seeing any cute girls. I've gotten pretty good at telling from afar whether a girl is going to be cute up close. I'm warming up and talking to people - asking fat girls who went in water how water is, said hi to some random dude. I can feel the awkwardness in my initial interactions but i feel it flowing out of me like when you turn a faucet on and theres some gunk in the initial flow but clear water comes through afterwards - warmups are extremely necessary especially when coming from low momentum state.
I'm not seeing any cute girls in the initial area i go to which is unusual. I go to another area and it looks pretty dead, mostly older women and couples, i'm still warming up socially talking to people. i approach one girl and she seemed into me but she just wasn't attractive enough so i made it brief small talk and dipped - but it was a close call - I question if i'm being too picky. sure - its valuable to gain reference points but i just cant get myself to pursue girls im not at least a bit excited by.
approach 1: after walking around longer I approach a cute girl w big boobs in purple bikini. i open with my typical "reading anything good?" she gives me a face kind of surprised i'm talking to her - hard to gauge her level interest. she mumbles something and i ask the question again. she says "i don't know yet I'm only half way through." i joke around/flirt with her a bit about this. i get her to crack a small smile falling into my frame (when i'm in a good social flow i'm great at getting girls to smile back at me - something I've always done naturally), but she still seems mildly uncomfortable with the conversation giving brief answers - but maybe she is just shy/nervous/not expecting to talk to someone. really tough to read. i ended up saying goodbye and leaving.
this is one of those situations where i don't know if its best to move on or keep persisting. the default logic would be to keep persisting to see where things go - but i feel like when the girl is stationary its different because she doesn't have the option to leave (easily) so you don't want to overstay your welcome. i wonder if theres a good girlschase article that brings this up.
still dry: go to the third beach having only made 1 approach from the first 2. typically there are 2 or 3 girls at least in each beach worth approaching. i continue to keep warm by chatting with people and being social/friendly
approach 2: at the 3rd beach i see one girl tanning face-down - honestly might have overlooked her on a better day. i cant tell if she is cute - she has the kind of butt where she could get up and be attractive but thick girl but also could get up and end up being fat. oh well i need to get another approach in. she has a book near her so i go with my "reading anything good" line and she turns out to be just ok lookswise (she's still face down so i cant really tell) - she mentions that shes in town visiting her boyfriend so I chat a bit more then leave.
the journey continues: now headed to 4th beach. in spite of things being dry i find this whole process very thereputic now (as opposed to earlier this summer when it was largely anxiety producing) to be outside just chatting up girls and enjoying the nice weather is refreshing especially since I primarily work and do most things at my computer. really enjoying the process.
approach 3: I finally i see a few potentially cute girls (i'm looking from afar). there are 3 girls who while clearly not there together are close enough that i could only really open one without spam approaching. luckily one girl makes my decision easy by giving a pretty clear A.I. - i open with my "can you take a picture of me" - this girl is green light and enthusiastically takes a few pictures. I forget exactly how I transitioned but I must've said something (maybe i said she was cute or that we should do something sometime - weird that i cant remember) - that caused her to tell me she was "talking to someone." i tease her about it and say something like "ohh so a relationship? or... a situationship?" she says situationship. she clearly is hesitant. I say "ohhhh well why don't you get my number and that'll put more pressure on him to make his mind up" or something along those lines (just came up with that on the fly - pretty good one). she enthusiastically puts her number in my phone and i continue the conversation sitting near her.
i felt great about my game here - i was being flirty, using touch, teasing (all the things I messed up with the last girl I insta-dated with that i mentioned in the previous journal entry). this girl was also more receptive and i had better momentum so those are also big factors. i ask if she wants to get dinner at the beach cafe nearby and she said sure. insta-date secured.
insta-date: we grab dinner and its a great vibe - we're really bonding and going into semi-deep conversation while keeping it flirty and teasing a lot and using selective touch. i'm even more into her after talking to her. totally great energy all around. the bill comes and its a bit more than i would've thought tbh. i thought this place was gonna be a cheap spot and its not craaazy expensive but its more of "taking her to dinner" price than "grabbing a bite" price. i pick up the tab and i can tell she's a bit uncomfortable with me paying and offers to venmo me. I tell her its no big deal. she's broke college girl and i wouldn't want to make her pay. maybe i should've let her venmo me a bit to keep the frame more lover vs provider. idk honestly - any thoughts on this are welcome.
i worry this may have changed the frame and set more of a provider/relationship frame. the energy does kind of shift after that. we sit back on the beach for a bit after and she seems. a bit more shy and emotional. less eye contact and laughing but no coldness either. i had already considered logistics for getting her back to my place and unfortunately it didn't seem tenable. I rode my bike and she took public transport. it would've been an hour walk (walking with my bike) to my place and likely even longer to hers. looking back i had enough compliance I probably could've gotten her back to mine even with the long walk but an hour long walk with a bike felt out of the question at the time.
after deciding logistics weren't there for same day lay - i thought about wanting to get a kiss. i honestly forget if this is "protocol" for a date with no sex. is it better to get kiss or not? will want to find a girlschase article on this. when we're at the beach i consider going for a kiss but as i mentioned above shes acting more reserved/shy and isn't giving me the eye contact i'd need to go for the kiss. maybe in retrospect i could've rubbed her back or done some sort of touch to signal to her this but didn't catch the right vibe.
i walk her to her public transport. i think about on the walk trying to get kiss. i take off her hat at one point in teasing flirty way thinking this will set up situation where i can move to kiss but she quickly puts it back on embarrased about her hat hair and it creates flirty vibe but doesn't set up a kiss well. maybe its not best to even kiss. i drop her off at train station and we do nice long hug and she tells me to text her with sweet parting look.
on ride home i fantasize a bit of relationship with this girl. i know better than falling too far down that rabbit hole at this point though - but she is genuinely sweet and fun girl. when i get home I send her message "hi! its bob. was really nice to hang with you today

" to my surprise she didn't respond to icebreaker text, maybe that was too much. really thought she would reply to that but i'm still optimistic about her.
overall another successful day of daygame. 2 same day dates in a row. definitely have a lot to think about and learn from regarding this instadate and where i may have messed up - or maybe everything is good and i will have nice 2nd date w her soon where i seal the deal.
1st same day date girl i still am texting but she is responding increasingly slowly. i just did a soft close to which she replied a full 27 hours later. maybe i will try phone call tomorrow if I have time. i leave on a trip a week from now so need to get something going with either/both of these girls before then if i want things to continue.
i'm making a ton of progress though. just need to continue building on my momentum.