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FR++  Booty Call


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
As the night was winding down, I was getting a little frustrated because I had really what was a failed outing. I had gone to a concert in one of the cities close to me and not really had any luck with approaching. I met up with one girl, but she had another guy cut in and he physically walled me out. I had no idea what to do, and I wasn't gonna get into a fight so I left. She texted me later that night but by then I was busy with another girl (the one who this FR is about).

I had left the concert and I was back in my home when I get a text from a girl I had taken back to my place, but didn't have sex with. It was clear she wanted to meet up, so I walked to her place on campus and met her.

Things were going great at first. As soon as we were alone, I manhandle kissed her (I really like this because it gets it out of the way and sets the right tone for the interaction). I focused on giving her a good emotional experience and it payed off. Using a sexy voice, whispering in her ear, dirty talk, and dominance worked really well. I got her panties off first and really easily, and I told her I was going to put on a condom. This was really where I broke the emotional overload that I was giving her and she went right into LMR. I didn't give up and tried emotional overload, logic, but it didn't seem to have any effect. She said she had a reason, but wouldn't tell me. She also said she wasn't ready for sex now, which I think means I didn't set the frame correctly. She also didn't give me a blowjob, but I wasn't really sure how to ask or show her. It was a good night and I can tell she really likes me (happy smiling and staring into my eyes), but I know if we don't have sex soon, it won't work. I'm planning to meet up with her soon and hopefully seal the deal.

The basic problems I had in this outing are:

1. I don't have a good transition into sex. I'm not 100% comfortable having sex with a girl without asking her, and I can't get a condom on while I'm making out with a girl. I need to find a transition into sex that is dominant.

2. Framing myself as a guy who girls can have a one night stand with. I think she slotted me into a friends with benefits or bf territory.

3. Dealing with LMR.

4. Transition into a blowjob.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Re: FR++ Booty Call

1. Practice your condom skills. Good advice on managing here

2&3. I think you did fine, you just lost to the LMR. Practice makes perfect here. I do have one thought for you.. Maybe she has an STD? One time when i was young(way before game) I tried getting with a girl and she gave me tons of LMR. I got her COMPLETELY naked, got the condom on and she would not let me stick it in. I tried for at least 20 minutes and same thing I didn't have the balls to tell her to suck my dick. I later found out some guys she dated before me and I wouldn't want to fuck anything they touched since they were the dirtiest guys I knew. It all clicked when a friend told me,"maybe she had an STD and didn't want to give it to you.."

4.Trasitioning into a BJ is easy as physically motioning to what you want, holding her head with your dick out and moving her towards it and you towards ehr mouth. If this doesn't go smoothly then say it "I want you to give me head." just don't stutter or hesitate. For me nowadays this is a requirement, if they don't give me head they will not see me twice.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Re: FR++ Booty Call

I don't think she has an STD. She said that she wanted to have sex, just not now. If she had an STD, she wouldn't have said that. And while I did lose to the LMR, I'd like not to lose. Anyone have any advice for that? For a BJ I have no idea how to get her head there without being awkward. I think sexual transitions are a subject that I'd like to see more on. I'd love any help on that too. Most of it is being confident, but I'm a little worried about being dominant without being seen as going too far. Maybe this is the way I was raised, but its something I think is holding me back.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Re: FR++ Booty Call


Great job on the early escalation. Telling her you were going to put on a condom killed it for you though.

For all the propaganda about safe sex and STDs, only 25% of first-time sex involves a condom... people (especially women) just don't like thinking or talking about them. It makes things too clinical. Check out the post Tyme linked to for getting this handled without verbalizing it.

cccrunner said:
I don't think she has an STD. She said that she wanted to have sex, just not now. If she had an STD, she wouldn't have said that.

Not sure what the connection here is. Why would a girl with an STD not say she wanted to have sex, just not now?

cccrunner said:
And while I did lose to the LMR, I'd like not to lose. Anyone have any advice for that? For a BJ I have no idea how to get her head there without being awkward. I think sexual transitions are a subject that I'd like to see more on. I'd love any help on that too. Most of it is being confident, but I'm a little worried about being dominant without being seen as going too far. Maybe this is the way I was raised, but its something I think is holding me back.

Experience will get you there. You just need to be in more sexual situations and do more transitions - you'll become more comfortable and more natural by default.

You can try visualizations to help get you there, but yeah - just bring more girls back and start escalating on them, and you'll get this handled.

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take