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Breaking the Fourth Wall. Master State With Frame Control


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
The prerequisite to being able to do this is to believe that everything is frame.
Let me repeat that...

Everything is frame.

What you are reading now is frame. What you're thinking as you read this is also a frame.
The air you breathe… yes that's frame too.

The way that some people can blow themselves up believing it is in the name of God is a frame just like believing God isn't real is a frame.

The way some of us can waltz past a girl's objections and ASD and influence her right into our beds is frame control. What the girl believes prior to the set doesn't matter when she's been sucked into our world, where our frames distort her reality.

Everything is frame.

Hell, even your perception of yourself, what you can and cannot do--your ego…
is all but a frame.

And the beauty of these all being frames is that we can influence them just like any other frame.

Now I'm not saying we can completely distort reality(at least not yet), but this means that reality is not as immutable as the frame we've held onto so tightly would suggest.

Instead… under this frame that I'm presenting, we can create our own reality.

Now how far can this go? Can we "pure influence or believe" our way into making water not wet? Can we make gravity and the atoms that make us... disappear?

These are all questions related to the things in our reality that seem completely fixed. The science of the world.

And to that, I say those are the wrong questions. Because baked in them is an underlying assumption that what is real and what is not matters. Reality can be twisted and stretched with frame control that trying to define what is real from what is not is pointless.

You can always just go more meta.

For instance, our perceptions, which we've lived our entire lives with, can they be trusted as real? The world we see, hear, feel, smell, and taste… isn't it just a result of our human senses and if these were removed from you, or we change your biology, would your world be different? What would your frame of reality be… and would you believe it as real?

This dilemma can be more easily portrayed with our perception of color. I can point to the sky and we can both agree that it is blue, but how can we be certain that we see that color the same way? My perception of blue can be your perception of red, but since we've always defined the color we see in the sky as blue, we will associate that color with blue. Our senses show us a different frame of reality, but we believe there is only one reality since we both say that it is blue.

With this in mind, it's plausible to believe that our senses define the world around us, but by definition, this means it is all a frame, as we have no clue of what reality actually is but are instead fed our perception or frame of it.

Everything is frame.

And what is actually real doesn’t matter, because once again, everything is frame.

Now, before I get reported for KJ, how can this help us smash pussy?

There are many ways this frame can help us, but for now, let's talk about breaking the fourth wall to master state.

Your feelings of sadness, excitement, anxiety, depression, arousal… what are they but what you are actively defining them to be?
Can I take your emotions and bring them out into reality? I can't.

Isn't it then… just all in your head, a belief of what you are feeling and therefore a frame?

We become so absorbed in our own realities that we become ruled by emotions we can't even prove to be real.

What I've also noticed is that oftentimes, we create these feelings and then justify it, bathing ourselves in our perception of what we should be feeling.

That guy that gets rejected by a girl and is in the dumps, is making himself feel all sorts of negative energy and has mentally convinced himself that is what he should be feeling in that moment. After all, he got rejected, right? And that's not good.
But why do we believe that?

This is the basis of breaking the fourth wall.

Learn to question what you are feeling. What triggers certain emotions(ie, what your mind/brain has is using to justify what you are feeling) and become disassociated with whatever your body throws at you.

This means that instead of being a slave to the emotions you feel and the frames you have subconsciously set as to how they are supposed to feel, you have the freedom to feel how you want when you want.

We've defined pain and discomfort as bad and feelings we should avoid, but why is that? I ask these questions because they are clearly frames we have.

I've been practicing cold showers and I remember when I started, before the icy water would hit my dry skin, I would tense up as I imagined a "bad" feeling. Then when the cold hit my skin I would exacerbate that discomfort by imagining it even more in real-time. When you imagine a feeling, you will feel it. My breathing would become sharper and I'd cramp in some places. You'd think I would go into shock with how my body was reacting.
The reason why this happened was because I was too absorbed in my own frame. I wasn't observing these feelings from a place of power and deciding what frame to give them, I was just living it.

I learned to detach myself from what I was feeling when the cold water was painful and asked why. From this position of power I was able to see that the painful reaction was my definition of what I was feeling. I mentally decided that cold water was painful and I therefore imagined it. When I realized this, it became easy for me to self-rationalize that I'm making myself feel what I am feeling(cough cough, it's still a frame), and that then, I could choose to not feel pain. This made me feel a brain orgasm… I've associated these revelations with intense positive feelings.

Nowadays, with frame control, I've trained my mind to imagine invigorating pleasure when the icy water hits my skin. I stand there, breathing calmly and focusing on cultivating my sexual state as the cool water flows through my skin. Yes, this is masochism haha… but what even is pain???(it's a frame)

I have no physical reaction to it, and a positive mental one.

This is the power of breaking the fourth wall.

You no longer are a slave to your "reality" but a master of it.

That AA you would feel before approaching that sexy girl with voluptuous curves and features, that's now excitement.

I don't get rejected anymore, I get misunderstood, and feelings of excitement wash over me knowing that there's still room for me to grow.

Can bad state even exist in this reality? Good and bad state is all relative, but I haven't had a bad state in months, and I've been locked in my room building my business.

All that is needed is frame control.

PS. All that was written here is just a frame, you can twist it and turn it however you like.
Figure out what makes you believe in a frame, for me it was self-rationalization. This all feeds the juice of frame control.

I suspect most people won't be able to fully understand the fabric of this reality(I don't even think I do and I wrote it) and the implications.

I also believe most people will be too attached to their victim frame(ie someone that is acted on by the whims of something out of their control, by others or by THEMSELVES) and will never try to break free because having control over yourself is actually scarier than not(at least at first)
If you are thinking you cannot do this, ask yourself why… that is the very first step after all ;)

Everything is frame.
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a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020
Writing this made me curious as to what the internet has to say about emotions and I just stumbled upon this article from a neuroscientist which has been really illuminating. I've only read parts of it so far, but here are some excerpts:
Why does Dr. Barrett use the word “simulation” and not just “interpretation”? Because the brain is not passively observing incoming data from the outside world. That would make its decisions very slow, potentially threatening our survival.

In order to act more quickly, the brain starts reacting even before it has received all the data – it creates a “simulation” or prediction of what it thinks might happen next. Basically, the brain is constantly making its best guess of what it thinks is about to occur, and then preparing to act on that guess.
Prediction is such a fundamental activity of the human brain that some scientists consider it the brain’s default mode of operation. Your brain cannot help but constantly build predictive models of every experience you have, or any experience it thinks you might have.

This leads to a profound conclusion: that the simulations we create in our heads are more real to us than the physical world. What we see, hear, touch, taste, and smell are simulations of the world, not reactions to it. We might think that our perceptions of the world are driven by events in the world, but really, most of what we see is based on our internal predictions. The data coming in from our senses merely influences our perceptions, like a small stone skipping across a rolling ocean wave.

And here's the kicker
What does the brain do when its predictions are wrong? It can change its prediction to match what the senses are telling it. But it is just as likely to do the opposite: stick with the original prediction, and filter the incoming data so that it matches the prediction.

In a sense, your brain is wired for delusion: you experience an elaborate world of your own creation, which is held in check by bits of sensory input. Once your predictions are correct enough, they filter your perception and determine what you’re able to see in the first place. This can become a closed loop where the brain only sees what it believes, and then believes what it sees.
Things like approach anxiety are purely concepts we delude ourselves into feeling. We associate a hot girl with anxiety and discomfort and then actively create those feelings by predicting it or what I have been saying, imagining it!

They don't say everything is frame, but they mean everything is frame
The reason emotions feel like reactions to things happening in the outside world has to do with how concepts are used by the brain. Concepts are not just labels for the things we passively observe. They are necessary for us to perceive things in the first place. A concept serves as a lens (or sometimes, a filter) for what we are able to see in the first place.

Imagine you are sitting in a Parisian cafe on vacation, sipping fine wine and eating cheese. You may overhear a French couple at the next table over immersed in conversation. The conversation contains all the information you would need to understand what they’re saying. But if your mind is missing a set of concepts known as “the French language,” it will sound meaningless to you.

This is known as “experiential blindness” – the inability to perceive what you don’t already have a concept for. Remember that we are not experiencing the world directly; we are experiencing our mental simulation of it. And without a concept for something, we can’t incorporate it into our simulation.
With this in mind what is impossible anymore... perhaps we haven't created a concept(FRAME) for it.

I'm amazed the science has uncovered similar conclusions... just seems to be a difference in vocabulary. It's like they want to say frame but they find ways not to. It is called the theory of constructed emotions. It is interesting that it is called a theory because it highlights that even what these scientists say is a frame.

Everything is frame
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