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I'd Like to Book a (Service)  Buy Image Designer for Specific Dating Niche


Feb 15, 2020
Pretty self explanatory.

I do understand the universality of many attraction principles, i have noted them down and practice them daily, but I want to hone in on my specific type of girl.

And for that, I would like professional help to create the exact image needed for my niche from the ground up, including both fashion and behavior

Any idea where I can hire them?

P.s. The niche in question is girls heavy on science, decision theory, psychology, book reading, philosophy, book writing. Generally the extremely geeky/nerdy academic type that both can and wants to keep discussing high mided topics for hours on end
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Darius used to offer head-to-toe image consultations/revamps over at his site, Sexy Style for Joe.

Not sure if he still does. He was focused on his work at a different kind of startup last we talked.

Another option might be doing a consult with Alek Rolstad (@Teevster). He's very into fashion and quite plugged into that world. He's helped many other seducers tighten down their fashion.

I'll shoot him a heads up to check out this thread and drop you a line if he thinks he might be able to help.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Pretty self explanatory.

I do understand the universality of many attraction principles, i have noted them down and practice them daily, but I want to hone in on my specific type of girl.

And for that, I would like professional help to create the exact image needed for my niche from the ground up, including both fashion and behavior

Any idea where I can hire them?

P.s. The niche in question is girls heavy on science, decision theory, psychology, book reading, philosophy, book writing. Generally the extremely geeky/nerdy academic type that both can and wants to keep discussing high mided topics for hours on end

^ this is the wrong mindset, you need to find a style/niche that goes with you and your personality, and the girls ^ will be attracted to YOU, is not you tailoring a style for a girl (pedestalizing from the get go with style)...

Here is a simple guide i made https://www.theskillsmethod.com/wen...lubmy-city-work-place-gym-tan-laundry-part-5/

Tony D

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jul 26, 2018
Pretty self explanatory.

I do understand the universality of many attraction principles, i have noted them down and practice them daily, but I want to hone in on my specific type of girl.

And for that, I would like professional help to create the exact image needed for my niche from the ground up, including both fashion and behavior

Any idea where I can hire them?

P.s. The niche in question is girls heavy on science, decision theory, psychology, book reading, philosophy, book writing. Generally the extremely geeky/nerdy academic type that both can and wants to keep discussing high mided topics for hours on end

Oh I misunderstood. You're looking for a fashion consultant?

If you pm me I can help you.

I learned about fashion from reading many books, trying a lot of different clothing, and just being out there in the Game. Once you have your style down women will start to tell you, verbally, that they like your style. If you're not getting compliments then you aren't in the fashion game.

I've taken at least 100 students shopping for make overs. Mostly I teach them about color, sizing, and what looks good for their race, height, body type and shape. A lot of it is about experimentation and trial and error. Also, asking for feedback from girls and gay dudes.

Here's a tip: Comfortable is usually not fashionable.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
Hey there.

Chase notified me about this thread, so here I am :)

It all depends what you are looking for. I personally, as Chase mentioned, happen to be into FASHION (as a main hobby) as I have oftentimes been referred to as the best-dressed seducer in this community. I also participate in fashion competitions and I have won a few, as well as well as attending fashion fairs almost on a yearly basis. People have stopped me in the street and taken pictures of me when I go to clubs. Pics of me appear on night clubs' promopage on social media.

I know my shit. Many top seducers have been inspired by my style with great success.

Additionally, I also know the social culture of schools of humanities and social sciences. I have studied in those since 2011.

.s. The niche in question is girls heavy on science, decision theory, psychology, book reading, philosophy, book writing. Generally the extremely geeky/nerdy academic type that both can and wants to keep discussing high mided topics for hours on end

This premise here is totally off. First of all, in regards to social frame, women within these groups differs so much in regards to what stereotypes they prefer. Philosophy students and psychology students are like two different stereotypes, usually getting involved with very different men. The categorization you are making is off.

But even within those different fields you will find plenty of differences:

For instance a philosophy students reading Foucault and Karl Marx will usually differ from the lady studying business ethics or analytical philosophy; or even the history of philosophy (I know this from personal experience).

Are you going to "match" the presumably preferred male stereotype of each of these girls? That would be very time-consuming and not very efficient - if as all possible. Again the rule against "never assume who she is" rule of calibration applies here as well. It is not like you can discern what "type" she is and calibrate accordingly. You never calibrate to "what type she is", but to:
- Social context (here you can calibrate based on how you dress)
- The situation
- But most important: to her mood and her response to your moves.

And interestingly, my style has worked on white trash girls, newsanchors, models, hairdressers, cleaners, lawyers, economists as well as tons of academic girls (even in my podcast, we joked about how I would "eat anthropologists and sociologists for breakfast). On my end: same style! Same results! But different girls from different socio-cultural backgrounds.

This is because even though I happen to approach a girl who does not at all match with me on social level, I have the skills to establish social frame and make up for it. Fortunately, if you want to pick up university girls and academic girls, then fortunately, I know how to fry their brains :) Again, I do eat them for breakfast ;)

This is partly because:
1. Game trumps style - not saying style is not important!) but establishing rapport and build social frame through great communication is more important.
2. You should calibrate to the venue and the social setting - not a female stereotype. You can't read her mind and trying to figure out what type of girl she is is usually a waste of time and very rarely works.
3. Too much emphasis on social frame. This is an assumption, but why do you believe this is your biggest issue?


I may be wrong but it seems you put a bit too much faith in clothes as a mean to establish social frame, and even to seduce the girl. Clothes only contributes to get you "accepted" social frame wise. That is unless you push things to the limit with DAMN CRAZY FLASHY SHIT, which may also get you attention (really useful in night game settings). But sadly the latter is only a viable option during nighttime. For social circles as well as professional settings, one should avoid too much flash and in this case, you cannot go for the "get attention" route.

In your case, you need to see clothes as a mean to acquired a "minimal threshold" of social acceptance as a result of simply looking classy. Women will not jump onto your dick as a result from you dressing well or "appropriate for her sub-group". However you will manage to defuse potential resistance (FSC - female state control) that comes from being outright incompatible with her from the perspective of social frame. Hence more is required to actually "get" the girl.

Again I don't mind helping you out. But I would like some more information before I can give you a clear response on whether I believe I can can be off help or not. A response to what I written above would help as well as some brief answers to the following questions would help:

- Age, hair and skin color and body type (these are related to the fashion aspect - since hair and skin colors matters when it comes to clothes)
- Your current skill-level (beginner, intermediate, or advanced) and write a few words on why you believe you are at that level.
- Why you believe style and social frame is your sticking point, and why you believe fixing that would increase your results.
- Where you live (continent is enough)

Again you current skill-level matters as I mostly happen to coach intermediate and advanced seducers. That is my specialty. Not saying I cannot teach fundamentals (oh I know them very well) and teach beginners, but I tend to prefer focusing on the more advanced aspects of seduction.

Same thing goes with style and fashion, since I have mostly only advised already pretty skilled seducers on fashion - although teaching fashion basics is not very hard.

Feel free to respond here, or over private message. Feel free to contact me over private message if you have any questions or any other inquiries.

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Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Aug 23, 2013
^ this is the wrong mindset, you need to find a style/niche that goes with you and your personality, and the girls ^ will be attracted to YOU, is not you tailoring a style for a girl (pedestalizing from the get go with style)...

Here is a simple guide i made https://www.theskillsmethod.com/wen...lubmy-city-work-place-gym-tan-laundry-part-5/

I kind of agree with this.

I think however one should calibrate their style to the social setting, but not the girl, since any assumption of "who is is" is prone to failure and calibration. Also it basis on the epistemological premise that female behaviour is static - i.e. "based on a type" - which we both can agree is flawed. A girl, IS, who her feelings tell her to be, and her desires and choice will result from these.
