Women judge men on physical attractiveness when pursuing short term mates. All things being equal, a man in his 20's is more physically attractive than a man in his 30s and 40s. Why? Because of ageing. Signs of ageing is NOT physically attractive and no matter what you do to limit the erosive effect of time, you can't stop it. Skin elastosis, greying hairs, a receding hairline, wrinkles and so on negatively affects a man's SMV just like it does a woman's.
A man's effectiveness and success in any given field is not an indefinite upward trend. Potential is NOT unlimited and there's a ceiling to how high any man can rise. Every man peaks and then declines. When one peaks is determined by the parameters of the field and the starting point from when he begun his journey.
Given how long it takes to develop mastery and achieve major success. If you're someone who found game and looks maxxing in your late 20's/early 30's, then it serves to reason that your peak will come in that decade of your life and you will be more successful than you were in your 20s.
On the other hand, if you reached a high level of game in your twenties and your fundamentals were completely maxxed by 25, then it will be a slow but sure decline as age and gravity eats away at you. Your game isn't going to get all that much better over the next 10 years but ageing will sure as hell will fuck you sideways.
I average 20,000-30,000 steps a day and I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen a hot young woman with an older guy in the past 13 years that I've been daygaming. You almost never see it. However, when I frequent one of the most upscale areas in London's nightlife, I do see young girls and older guys, but I also see the street filled with Ferrari's and Bugatti's.
Do you think these women are going to be there if you take away the wealth? Part of what makes older men attractive are their resources relative to younger men but women seek that when they're looking for longer term mates. And that has becomes less and less pronounced since women joined the workforce and have been able to gather resources for themselves.
As men age, their physical attractiveness drops but their resources (should) increase and they begin leveraging that to get women, and the greater the resources the more beautiful the women. I've yet to see the the highest calibre of women anywhere else apart from being alongside the footballers, musicians, CEO's, celebrities etc. Guys leveraging huge status and resources.
Now there's a caveat to all of this. If your target demographic is within your own age, give or take a few years, then a man on a self-improvement journey will outperform himself as he grows older. He will have more tools to attract women his age, then he would have done when he was younger. He will have less competition just by virtue of most men succumbing to age and failing to limit its downside. Quadruply so, as women don't tend to date downwards (in age). However, if we're talking about older men getting 18-24 year olds, then the further you grow away from that range, the harder it will become. Then you will have to use resources to attract just like every other millionaire out there.