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Date Plans  Catholic / aristocratic girls


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
N.B.: do not respond if you have not had sex with religious or upper-crust girls.

My recent experience with heavy sexual state transference with a "Catholic" girl (she's Catholic for social frame purposes but doesn't have faith, and I suspect many girls are like this) during mass and then taking her out and discovering she's a sex freak has made me wonder about this particular subset of girl.

Still, there must also be girls who have strong Catholic beliefs/faith, etc. With those girls, when the moment arrives there is likely to be a tug-of-war type scenario in frame terms where sex before marriage is concerned for example—or fast sex (outside of a relationship).

There is a Catholic and almost certainly aristocratic girl that I am currently texting (I met her yesterday at the supermarket). I number-closed her by first proposing a coffee (to avoid triggering her ASD programs). I'm wondering whether I should throw my usual 1-date drink at one bar (optional second drink at a second bar) followed by extraction to the sex location and escalation to sex out the window and replace it with a slower-route-to-sex model.

From the brief interaction we had yesterday, she reacts well to being teased and expects it. This is probably explainable by her young age—she's still at uni and might still be an undergrad.

Is it reasonable to assume attraction and that the girl is no longer a virgin - but rather likes to have dalliances with older men - and treat such a girl like any other?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 20, 2012
Respectfully, I think you’re overthinking it. You don’t know much about this girl yet and have a ton of assumptions about her before gaining any real intelligence.

As with all other women. Follow your winning process, while calibrating to the woman IN FRONT OF YOU. Not the woman you imagine her to be. That’s a surefire way to mess things up.

She’s a woman. Seduce her as such. Catholic, Muslim, Mormon, Atheist. They all take dick, when they’re ready.

Chad Tyrone

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 21, 2021
Yeah do agree with @topcat

Had a religious chick back at mine showing me the Bible app on her phone and catholic hymns that she sings in her choir while I was rubbing her clit over her pants lol...proceeded to lay her minutes later teasing the shit out of her while also pulling away when we kissed

Had another recent one last Sunday ...this time a Christian chick

We had met the last night and I closed her same night

Slept over at hers and she was cuddly with me

Couldn't get her arms off me lmao

Anyways,early the next morning which was a Sunday like I said she put on a gospel music

Snuggled up to me, pulled me into her and kissed me ,then she started rubbing my dick

And I'm sitting there chuckling wondering some guys out there take chicks like these as they seem to be

This is no knock on you ...I'm just showing how a different mindset goes a long way

Years back I had the same thoughts like you did but told myself I'd rather make the move and know I failed rather than living with regret that I didn't make the move for a fear that she would turn me down or she is not that kind of girl .

With good framing and calibration,you can lead chicks to do the very things you want them to do

No matter how much you think you can't

Yet another chick lol

Once we met she told me she won't be staying for long after I pulled her same day we met

She said she would be going to church later

And I told her she should come with me regardless

We won't be long and we aren't gonna do anything she finds uncomfortable

She's like I don't trust you and I kept a stoic face

Reasssured her and she ended up taking me up on my 'offer'

We make it to mine and put on my chill playlist and after a while I ask her what songs she likes

Tells me gospel music alone lol

Asks me to check out some gospel artist I can't remember now

I play some of the songs and switch back to my playlist

An hour later , me setting frames ,connecting with her and her seated on the far end of my bed post I move close to her casually from where I was as smooth as I can

Feigning I'm feeling her hair out then smelling her by the neck

Telling her she smells nice(she did)

I lick her nape and blow warm breath over

She tingles

Having aroused her for a while I move back to where I was earlier...we are now further apart

Chick grabs my hand ( I'm now laying down ) and tries to pull me up

She then asks what was that lol

And I'm playing dumb asking her what was what

She says I just can't leave her there if you know what I mean

I don't chase but do some fluff talk

Minutes later I go under my duvet and tell her she should join me

She doesn't hesitate and her clothes come off quickly afterwards

I had caught a flu at the time from another chick,first year in uni btw , that I laid

She too seemed conservative but I followed my process and put her to bed too

Anyways,I was recovering ...not really ,let's say I had recovered

I didn't want to kiss the chick ( prolly because I didn't want to infect her if I had any strains of flu left )but every time I run my hands over her she wanted to kiss me

Lol ,it's so easy to tell that I asked her and she said she wanted to kiss me

Told her my reasons why and she said she doesn't care

Lol coming from a Christian chick

I look at her skeptically ,ask her again and she says yes ...she doesn't mind it

Good thing I didn't hear anything from her about flu days later after I closed the deal

What's funny is she hit me up 3 days later saying we should hang lol

Again coming from some conservative chick that said she doesn't trust me

Calling me cool ,handsome ,sexy etc ...just about anything to let me have her come over

She meant it tho because I get those a lot

Anyway ,enough talk about me

Girls are still girls

Follow your process

Tune down that voice in your head saying she won't go for it

Of course ,calibrate

You don't want to hurt such girls who may most of the time be inexperienced

Be gentle with them and stop now and then when you are escalating to check their reactions

And you'll be good;)

Chad Tyrone


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Thanks for the reality check guys. Yeah 14 years ago I auto-rejected myself from this hot af Chilean chick because she was Catholic, thinking she wouldn't be down to fuck.

Then I laid an aristocrat though, with the signet ring.

I still do this a fair bit, creating movies in my mind about what she is instead of simply dealing with what is in front of me. Gonna game this girl like all the others (while calibrating accordingly ofc).
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Last night I fucked a 25-year-old girl from Boston with an amazingly hot body who said she was Catholic and wore a cross of Christ necklace (which she didn't take off during our roll in the hay).

During the date she was talking about how God has a plan for us. I still set the sexual frame and she didn't object. As the popular saying goes in my language, "He who responds with silence consents."

She ended up revealing herself to be one of the kinkiest girls I've fucked in a while, despite having no tattoos and outwardly presenting the appearance of a cherub.

She kept looking at the large mirror I have near my bed to watch us fucking, like in a porno, and looking at my dick pounding her sweet twat (which I crushed rubberless), swallowing my seed when I ended in her mouth like the good girl she is.

She later gave me otherworldly head, in a bid to help get me hard again despite my exhaustion because she couldn't get enough of it. Towards the end she said she wasn't expecting this to happen, she just got horny. I told her it was normal.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Aristocratic girls are some of the most sexually liberated.

They tend to have zero concerns about locking down a man long-term. They don't need one for money or social status, and they usually have such active social lives that they're swimming in high status, wealthy romantic suitors.

When they shag guys like you and me, they tend to shag us just for fun.

If you are not an aristocrat and they are going out with you, it is almost CERTAINLY only for fun!

I wouldn't stress it much with girls like this.

Just show her a good time and invite her back.

Treat her the same as any girl.

She's probably looking at you as "at best a potential FWB" if you're not from her circle -- just have fun with her.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
I'm pretty good with religious girls and virgins, so here are my thoughts.

Girls who are religious but not particularly devout - treat like any other girl

Girls who are religious and devout but not virgins - talking about their religion with them is a good way to score some similarity points. But don't talk about it too much, and don't directly challenge it if she uses it as rationale for resisting sex later. Just keep being sexy

Girls who are religious and devout and virgins - treat like any other virgin. Be persistent but gentle. You also don't have to worry so much about them ghosting you if you get to foreplay but leave before you fuck them. It can take a few dates, so as long as you are making progress each time you are probably fine. I try NOT to talk about religion with these girls. If they like you, they will using what all but the most brainwashed devout have: their secular face. This is the aspect of themselves they use during business or with secular friends that wants to fit in and is at least curious about the rest of the world operates. So don't talk about religion. They usually won't bring it up either or will downplay it if they like you.

You won't always know right away which are virgins and which aren't, obviously. Even if they tell you they are one way, they could be lying. I've had devout girls tell me they have had sex, then later told me they lied because they didn't want to scare me off. And I've had girls who were ashamed of losing their virginity for silly religious reasons but didn't seem too virginal for our first time and later admitted they had slipped up before.
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