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you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 21, 2020
01 Aug 2022

It's raining. Heavily.

Cold approaching in this kind of weather, in this kind of town isn't ideal. Since I can't go out,I put together a process or how I think an approach should go, then I figured I'd put some thoughts down. I'm inconsistent af. Probably the most inconsistent seducer GC has ever seen haha.

I did some thinking ,which I said I would do less of, but its raining so that's all I can do for now. I've never really fleshed out my seduction Goals here. So my current goals are
To be the kind of guy that's able to influence women, fill them with lust and desire for him

Bed women soo beautiful they get paid just for existing.

To have a harem of hot women that are absolutely obsessed with me.

Unrealistic yea?...Idk, I do know I have to perfect my skill. Have next level game. The kind of game elite seducers have.
Also I have to be one of the sexiest guys out there, so @Lobo you've got competition haha.

Before that tho, got to put the horse before the cart and figure out a way to get laid. Then get laid consistently. Then work my way up from there.

And before figuring out a way to get laid, I have to be going out consistently. I long for the day I'll be free to daygame whenever.
For now tho, I have to simply make the time for it. And have to find another way to keep myself accountable. Having a journal here doesn't work haha.

So the next outing's goals are :
•Test the 'process' I put together today.
•Speak like a lover.


Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
To be the kind of guy that's able to influence women, fill them with lust and desire for him

Bed women soo beautiful they get paid just for existing.

To have a harem of hot women that are absolutely obsessed with me.
"I have a dreaaaam" hehe

My girl complains all her friends are going away, I'm gonna introduce her to other girls I'm banging and hopefully they all live together with me, seems like a cool idea lmao


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 24, 2020

Having clear-cut goals is the only thing that'll keep you going when you get rejected... which will happen... a lot. You'll know that this is just one step in the process and that whatever pain you feel is just bringing you one step closer to the vision.

Interestingly enough, we have very similar goals, even the part about being able to game as much as you want... and I also started this like last year and got my first results around this time.

You say you want to be an elite seducer, which is something I want as well... how about we accelerate your track a bit?

This'll take some work, but I promise you won't be the same person when you come out of it.

The first thing I would do if I traveled back in time one year is...

learn how to meditate

Being able to keep your cool even in nerve-wracking situations is a powerful skill. When your in field, staying calm, and even being able to WILL a desired state into existence is very useful. Meditation is one of the most underrated things in this world tbh

Next, as you're attaining zen mode, I'd also look into complementing the chill vibe you'll be getting with a sexual vibe.

Comfort and Sex go hand in hand like cocks in vaginas

The way I do this is through visualization and more specifically, imagining the conquest.

You want to get to the point where just looking at a woman will give you some arousal. I practiced this by "imagining things" whenever I saw a girl... ANY GIRL. ok maybe not any girl(some real freaks out there)

and then after that I would plan specific days that i WILL go out no matter what, even if it rains...(also rain game isnt that bad bro the wetter the better)

and that's it

Really only 2 things you need to get good at. Motivation kills more aspiring seducers than skill.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 21, 2020
My girl complains all her friends are going away, I'm gonna introduce her to other girls I'm banging and hopefully they all live together with me, seems like a cool idea lmao
Bruuuh....that would be so cool haha. A house full of cuties, eagerly waiting to be shagged by none other than you.That's a dream for most men haha.I'm sure you're skilled enough to put it into practice!...also Tucker Max's book is hilarious lmao
The first thing I would do if I traveled back in time one year is...

learn how to meditate

Being able to keep your cool even in nerve-wracking situations is a powerful skill.
I recently started meditating again. I tried it a couple times but wasn't consistent enough to reap the benefits. Thanks for the tip, I'll try meditating right before going out.
Next, as you're attaining zen mode, I'd also look into complementing the chill vibe you'll be getting with a sexual vibe.

Comfort and Sex go hand in hand like cocks in vaginas

The way I do this is through visualization and more specifically, imagining the conquest.

You want to get to the point where just looking at a woman will give you some arousal. I practiced this by "imagining things" whenever I saw a girl... ANY GIRL. ok maybe not any girl(some real freaks out there)
I think I can be able to do that, visualise her in a couple positions and then proceed to try and get her in those positions haha
Interestingly enough, we have very similar goals, even the part about being able to game as much as you want... and I also started this like last year and got my first results around this time.
I guess we all want the best haha..Thank you for the feedback bro. Good luck with your business. Hope you'll be able to game soon, if you take too long, I might surpass you and be the sexiest man alive xd haha


14 . 08. 2022

So the process I put together.... sucks haha. I didn't test it on many girls. I'll be honest, didn't even try it on 5 girls. It's not even a process, more like how a conversation should go, and I didn't factor in that girls will have wildly different responses to my sense of humour haha.

Haven't gone out that much either. This past week especially. AA or more like hesitation is still a thing. I find that if I catch myself the moment I'm about to hesitate, I usually approach.However if I let the stream of thoughts continue, I don't approach .I've also noticed an increase in A.I's although I don't think I have changed that much haha so perhaps I've become more adept at recognising them.

The need for a faster improvement, and pussy, made me realise two things,

1. Need a structured method. Doing this on my own isn't fast enough and
2. Time infield is my best friend. Something @Mist22 told me in the chat months ago haha.

So I'm going to follow Warped Mindless's brilliant post on the feynman technique here to a T. Even hav the girlschase ebook.

As per time infield, I think I can be able to put in 2 hours daily. Sundays off, for reflections and planning the next week.

I think I'll be updating this Journal 4 times a week.On Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays.

Quitting masturbating too, the hornier I get, the more girls I want to meet.
Perhaps join Rakehell's tournament...

Also I'm going to limit posts like this and post more interactions haha.

So let's see if these changes,will lead to more, uhm, Changes.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 21, 2020
15. 08. 2022

Put in only one approach today. Had an errand that took most of time.Till it got really dark. Made me wonder if the plan to put in 2 hours daily will work.

Girl #1;
Earlier I was heading town via bus so I was heading to the bus stop.Spot a walking girl a couple metres ahead of me.
Huge ass.
She glanced back, twice. Couldn't see her face that clearly, however,I took that as an A.I haha. I pick up the speed to catch up to her.
Match her pace, then look over my shoulder to open, and I see a somehow familiar face. Not sure if I saw her on social media or maybe I saw her walking around in school...In a split second decided to ask about that

With a curious expression on my face, I open
Me : xyz sch?
Her : yea ( her response was warm )
Me : Ooh...you still go there?
Her: No I left it, you?
Me : left it
Talk about our former school then I ask where she's headed.
Me : So what's your name?, or is too late for an introduction haha.
Her: Hb
Me : I'm Azari..she Nods.
Basic small talk and we reach the bus stop and she boards first to the last row, with only a seat left. So I'm seated at the row infront of her, No way I could make conversation without expending a lot of effort, So I just chill for a while. Luckily, dude seated next to her reaches his stop and alights, so I switch seats and join her.

With a playful curious expression on my face
I re open.
Me : Muslim ? ( gesturing at how she's covering her hair, knowing fully well she ain't a muslim)
Her : *giggles* haha is this style reserved for Muslims only?
Me : yea kinda....
I trailed off...silence not the awkward kind tho, was relaxed n noticed her looking at me in my peripherals. Noticing her stop was near, I talk about sch again. Wanting to at least try n number close her.
Me: Ever went back to xyz
Her : No...only for the founding day.
Me : Ah..where are u from btw,
Her : ABC
Me : Oh troublesome, my best friend from there n he tells me how girls there are always trouble.
Her : *laughs* haha not me.
Her : (repeats it again) I'm not even stubborn.
Me : So are you going to meet up with someone?
Her : No...there's no one, just going for shopping. (I notice how she said there's No one haha.)
Me : how about we continue this conversation some other time ?
Her : sure
I get her number n ask for her last name,Just as the bus reaches her stop.

- I think I did well approaching first girl of the day...no AA, maybe cause I was feeling real good at the time haha.
- I did try to think sexually to emit a sexual vibe but I couldn't do that and fully focus on the conversation at the same time...so that needs more practice
Last edited:

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Perhaps join Rakehell's tournament...
Deff do, generally those types of competitions help you to just goooo!

- I think I did well approaching first girl of the day...no AA, maybe cause I was feeling real good at the time haha.
- I did try to think sexually to emit a sexual vibe but I couldn't do that and fully focus on the conversation at the same time...so that needs more practice
Very nice approach man, hopefully you two hang out soon


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 21, 2020
Journal Update, 4. 10. 2022 :

It's been a while since I've been here...In late august, some plans I had been working on....fell through. I didnt handle the failure well haha. Lost motivation for a while tbh...didn't do anything seduction related until, late september.

Currently, I'm in a situation where I have alot of free time. Don't know how long it's gonna last so I'm just gonna make the most of it. Planning to go hard and build some real momentum,get the ball rolling...so I guess I'm gonna be here alot.

I've got three leads so far...

HB1...girl I number closed on the bus.She dodges every text that has a hint of sexuality but agrees on texts that frame us going out together as long as it ain't sexual...perhaps she sees me as a friend?

HB2...okay face...but niiiiceee body lol. Very Interested. We live in the same area so a bit apprehensive about this one. Really thinking about saying fuck reputation and try to introduce her to Azari Jr.

HBbride...I texted her on Facebook and got her number. She recently started telling me she's engaged and about to get married. Didn't phase me, I kept flirting lol ( No idea if it's true, she keeps texting me alot tho so idk what to think)...told her I'll be the guy she calls when her husband gets boring...she liked that. Tried to set up a meet once but said she was busy.

Maybe, she just likes the attention I give her?

My plan is to meet these girls this week. And make something happen!

Beck Bass

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 9, 2020
Maybe, she just likes the attention I give her?
Can be, but you never know if she's gonna wanna see Azari Jr. some lonely night...

Cool to see you coming back, I also have a lot of free time this month so I'm gonna go hard hopefully!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 21, 2020

Wassup boiis

An update is looong overdue. I'm super tired at the moment so I'll keep this short.

I'm going to attempt the 30 day challenge. Starting tomorrow 1st November, I'm going to be gaming everyday, for 30 days straight. Still reading the how to make girlschase ebook, so I guess I'll be applying the homework as well.

My Motivation? ...Need to get laid.

I'll try my best to update this Journal at least twice a week.

October has been a really good month seduction wise for me. November is going to be even better.:)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 21, 2020
16th Nov 2022

Hey guys, quick update ;

Day 1 to7 went smoothly, got the coldest rejection of my life haha, but hey, it's part of the game. On Nov 8th tho, I got really sick. And I haven't gone out since then.

Here's why...I've decided to take a break from chasing girls. I'm not burnt out or bitter or anything like that. No, it's a matter of priorities.

As much as I love and adore women, for now focusing on my finances is more benefitial to me. I'm not aiming to hav fuck you money...nah, I want to reach a point where I'm comfortable, have my own place and the thought of money isn't always at the back of my mind,nagging me.

Might take me a month, or three or maybe even two years to get to where I wanna be...I can't say for sure, so until next time playas.
