This is a very passive conversation:
HER: [asks question]
YOU: [answers then waits]
HER: [asks another question]
YOU: [answers then waits]
HER: [asks another question]
YOU: [answers then waits]
Is this how it goes when women start asking you about India too?
If all your conversations go this way it's little wonder they don't work out and girls commandeer the frame. You don't appear to be making any effort to drive things forward yourself, or at least aren't in this example.
Here's how it should be going:
HER: Where are you from?
YOU: I just arrived from Heaven. How about you, are you one of these 'Earth women' I keep hearing about?
HER: Haha, yeah I'm from here. No really, where are you from?
YOU: I'm from India but I've been here a long time. Do you ever travel?
HER: Sometimes! I went to Italy last year. So, India... don't they have like a lot of cows there and stuff?
YOU: Yeah, those cows are all over. Italy's great. You seemed like a traveller. I'll bet you're interested in a lot of different places.
HER: Oh I am! I blah blah blah [talking about self]
You should be treating the India topic as a
bait, where if she wants to know more she can keep asking you about it, and you reveal a little bit each time, but then turn it back to her.
Right now it sounds as if as soon as a woman mentions India you freeze up and stop driving the conversation anywhere, then just stand there answering 20 questions about it waiting for her to pass judgment.
In that case it doesn't matter where you're from... you could both be from Manchester and it'd go the same way:
HER: Where are you from?
YOU: I'm from Manchester.
HER: Oh yeah so am I. Are you into the football club?
YOU: I am, yeah.
HER: Have you visited Albert Square?
YOU: I used to pass by there all the time.
HER: Okay... well, it was really nice meeting you!
YOU: [feeling sad because obviously she doesn't like fellow Manucians]
You can't just be passively answering women's questions while waiting and hoping they pass a positive judgment on your replies.
You need to direct the flow of the conversation by injecting INTERESTING topics and stories and by turning the conversation back to the girl.