Comparing myself with 10 years ago, when I was 26, I can say that back then I also got a fair amount of attention from hot girls, mainly due to my being more jacked. Nowadays I sport a haircut (as opposed to a buzzcut), follow a skincare protocol, and use anti-hair thinning shampoo, but other than that and the fact that I have a few kgs less muscle mass than I did back then (still haven't returned to the squat rack, though I am doing deads using a trap bar albeit with for the moment minimal loads), not much has changed.
I mean, sure, the fact that I'm not doing cardio and don't have the powerful squat thrusts means there is less blood flow and so I have a greater tendency to cum fast on first bang (and perhaps less power on the pounding motion). But girls are happy to wait for battery recharge, and Wednesday's did cum.
The age of the girls I'm fucking has stayed the same. So far this year 22 and 24, and next week if f-close occurs they will be 23 and 24 as well. Granted, I may lie about my age (say I am 29, for example) for social frame purposes before lock-in, but that is it. They don't really care.
This WBAFC 32-year-old dude I was having a drink with on Friday was saying that he liked eloping with older ladies (40s plus), but frankly, with his current set of beliefs and self-presentation (including total lack of style), that's the best he can hope for. All of this boils down to mindset and how much attention or care you place in your self-presentation. On top of solid fundamentals and style, game is a bonus.
Hysterical feminists may shriek and wail, but when push comes to shove there is nothing more attractive than a man who goes about the world with self-confidence, who looks hot girls in the eyes unblinkingly because he isn't intimidated by them, who isn't ashamed of his masculinity, who is aware of his value.
Sure, hot sex is a prerequisite, and this is the last item that I am working to refine due to some tweaks that are still ongoing (went through low back issues for a few years), but aside from that, hot young girls (legal of course) only have good things to take from being with a well-rounded older man with more life experience and wisdom.