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Transitions  Commanding Her Sexually: Escalating to Sex in The Smoothest way Possible For Happy Customers and Boosts to Your Preselection Post Sex


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
During escalation to sex I’ve found it very profitable to command her to help along in the process. After you make the initial definitive sexual move which in my opinion would be kissing, it opens up the door to having her comply with more sexual things. Of course you can have her comply prior to sexually commanding her with more vaguely sexual moves such as having her move closer, or guiding her to sit on your lap, but it isn’t a guarantee for sex thus it does not apply to what this post is about.

Setting the seeds

After kissing her, or provoking her to kiss you using tension, this opens up the gateway for more sexual moves that she will allow without resistance.

The key to not triggering resistance is not jumping the gun in the escalation process; meaning just because you kissed her doesn’t mean you can touch her vagina.

Its like just because you loaned someone 50$ it doesn’t mean they can drive your car.

But kissing her basically rationalizes the next step in the process:

“since we kissed maybe it’s okay if he touches my hips.”

“since he’s touching my hips maybe it’s okay if he kisses my neck”

And so on.

These signs of significant sexual interest will be setting the seeds to allow her to feel as though she can contribute to the sexual process without feeling like a slut. “Well he did all of this so maybe its okay if I do what he asks”

Commanding Her Sexually

The point in commanding her sexually is so that she rationalizes the sex and feels as though she’s playing a role. This makes her significantly more hornier and orgasmic because her thoughts around it will be “wow I must really want this guy inside of me”.

For any of you who may think this is manipulative I assure you it is not. It’s a very subtle way of getting consent without verbally asking “is it okay if I do this”.

I think guys get rebuffed out the escalation process, or receive buyers remorse, and all the ugly morally ambiguous accusations that come from having sex, because they don’t include the woman in the process.

They try too hard to be dominant and make the girl feel as if she has no influence.

But I digress

After you’ve shown portions of your hand, making her feel allowed to contribute its time to command her.

The least risqué command is gonna be obviously having her remove articles of clothing.

This is easier if you’ve already removed clothing from yourself. Also work from top to bottom, girls are alot more comfortable showing their breasts than their vaginas.

You can say things like,

“take this off baby” : while touching the piece of clothing.

“I really want to see you without this on”

You can partially remove an article of hers and then motion her to remove it.

You don’t have to overcomplicate this command because it’s relatively easy to pull off. Just make sure she feels allowed to.

Stage 2 Commands

After escalating further, by kissing her body, grazing up and down her body with your finger tips, and then eventually lightly touching her vagina through her underwear.

You can then command her to remove her bra.

I usually do this by “having trouble” reaching her breasts. Of course you can easily remove the bra yourself at this point but why do that when you can have her do it.

Obviously at this point you’re so filled with carnal desire knowing how to remove her bra hasn't even crossed your mind.

“Baby take this off” will do just fine here.

While showing attention to her breasts make sure to keep the rest of her body stimulated as well.

Stage 3

After getting her wound up enough it’s time to show her your dick. Slide down your pants and then your underwear relatively slowly to dramatize the maneuver.

Once your dick is exposed all cards are on the table and it’s relatively clear that sex is either happening or it isn’t.

Put on your condom (i’ve tried having girls put the condom on for me and it’s hit or miss, it isn’t a killer if she says no, but it’s not necessary to ask this thus risking a no)

And if she hasn’t already removed her panties grab her hands, and with your hands and hers, slide her panties off slowly.

Start kissing her and appreciating her body again, and then it’s time for the biggest command.

Have her put your dick inside of her.

After moving her to the position in which you want to fuck her, and with all the former compliance built up she will. She’ll feel allowed to guide your penis inside of her.

Don’t get confused, this is not an act of her dominating you. Think of her as the navigator on the ship in which you’re steering.

This act alone basically solidifies inside her mind that she really wants you inside her badly.

“Put this in” while guiding her hand to your penis

“Put it in baby” while kissing on her neck or back depending on your positioning

This has never not worked for me. If you generate enough compliance before hand there’s no reason she won’t do this act.

Some of you may concur that these commands aren’t dominant enough, or that they signal a lack of confidence in escalating.

In which i’ll tell you it’s the complete opposite. Commanding her to do it shows that you’re confident she’ll listen. In fact it may be even more confident, because doing it on your own (though it shows sufficient desire) doesn’t allow her to show her own desire. Leading her to question afterward if she even desired it at all or whether you believed she desired it.

This has significant preventative capacity for any murky post sex conversations and rumors.

You can be as dominant as you like during the sex, but being overly dominant while escalating is what causes girls to flee, or leave.

Would you rather risk being seen as unconfident while escalating, and being seen as super dominant and sexy during the sex.

Or would you rather be seen as super dominant while escalating but risk not having sex at all or causing her to have buyers remorse once its said and done.

Extra commands you can have her do during the sex is having her switch positions with you, getting on top, flipping on her back.

Telling her to say your name, telling her to say how it feels, asking why she’s making the noises she is, etc etc.

In Conclusion

Commanding her during the escalation process, and then later during the sex. Allows her to feel as though she plays a role in the sex happening.

It sufficiently turns her on and allows her to feel as though she really wants it badly (otherwise why am I doing all this stuff).

It is not sneaky in the slightest, but on the contrary it allows her to have significant anchors in her memory to the feelings she’s having at the moment.

It helps her to rationalize the things that ensue so that she does not regret doing them. It helps her feel more attracted to you and want to return for seconds and thirds and fourths.

It allows her to tell her friends about the “good dick” that she received; after all, if it wasn’t good she wouldn’t have listened.

Some may argue that commanding her isn’t dominant, taking the action upon yourself is. Well I argue that commanding her is the ultimate form of self assurance. You show that you’re confident she’ll listen to you and that she wants to.

You risk her saying no. Instead of taking away her option to say no, and then having her immediately stop you.

It’s what seperates a good lover from a domineering thirst bucket who’s selfish in bed.
Any man can take actions but it takes a real ballsy fellow to have others take actions on your behalf.

This method makes for the smoothest form of escalation toward sex.

Best regards


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Sep 13, 2021
Very good info.

Sometimes, I combine physical and verbal dominance, like grabing both of her hands, above her head, and I say something like "Stay here" while I use my other hand in the process of escalation. Other times, I just roll her, on her belly, with be on top on her and I'm saying something like "you don't go anywhere". You need some body strength to do it.

Also, I combine dirty talk to get her to imagine how it should be. I explained here https://www.skilledseducer.com/thre...inted-because-we-will-not-fuck-tonight.25084/ one way I did it.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
This is better with girls you are already sleeping with, with first time lays it could give them the chance to object the command which is why is better to micro escalate, with micro escalations the objection she might have is none verbal, so you can rinse wash repeat vs a verbal one... let me give you an example if you are going to kiss the first time is it better to kiss when the time is right or to ask them "kiss me"...


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
Yes @Skills I was waiting for someone to point this out.

Kissing is a rudimentary thing, we grow up kissing family members, most girls kiss their grandmas, everyone has experienced the dreaded lipstick smear on their cheeks from an old lady at least once in their childhood.

That being said kissing, fundamentally, isn’t a big deal for most girls. Alot of our first kisses was during our primary years in elementary school (mine was age 9) ; where as alot of people don’t lose their virginity till their teens.

That being said kisses can also be highly sexually arousing when the tension is there. Therefore it’s a good way of sowing the seeds to get compliance later.

So you are right in the sense that it’d be in your best interest to kiss her first (it makes her feel allowed to express her interest sexually), but who’s to say she won’t initiate the kiss?

I’ve had a couple scenarios with new girls where the tension was so thick that they kissed me before I even had the chance to. With no command.

The key to pulling this method off successfully is “giving her a little”, as Chase puts it in one of his articles. And kissing her first is a method of doing that yes. But sometimes she’ll jump the gun before you do.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Yes @Skills I was waiting for someone to point this out.

Kissing is a rudimentary thing, we grow up kissing family members, most girls kiss their grandmas, everyone has experienced the dreaded lipstick smear on their cheeks from an old lady at least once in their childhood.

That being said kissing, fundamentally, isn’t a big deal for most girls. Alot of our first kisses was during our primary years in elementary school (mine was age 9) ; where as alot of people don’t lose their virginity till their teens.

That being said kisses can also be highly sexually arousing when the tension is there. Therefore it’s a good way of sowing the seeds to get compliance later.

So you are right in the sense that it’d be in your best interest to kiss her first (it makes her feel allowed to express her interest sexually), but who’s to say she won’t initiate the kiss?

I’ve had a couple scenarios with new girls where the tension was so thick that they kissed me before I even had the chance to. With no command.

The key to pulling this method off successfully is “giving her a little”, as Chase puts it in one of his articles. And kissing her first is a method of doing that yes. But sometimes she’ll jump the gun before you do.
You totally missed my point and it has nothing to do with kissing, it was just a simple water down analogy to make my point... most girls I got them to initiate kissing with me, but has nothing to do with a point that you will get higher odds in micro escalations with first time lays vs commands. I am specifically talking about first time lay pre dick in pussy..I am totally a military commander after dick inside pussy..


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
It’d be a shame to muddy up this thread with a debate so let’s put it to rest and respectfully disagree. This form of escalation definitely works with first time lays, in regards to what form of escalation is better would be highly subjective.

This method of seduction rarely gets verbally objected (unless you ask for something potentially outside her capacity as I stated about putting on the condom). Who’s to say times where you micro escalated aren’t times when you could of commanded. And Vice Versa. To say this is better for the second time around completely undermines the validity of commanding since its always easier the second time…..

best regards