Trying something different today: decided to unbutton my shirt one more button (get some of that man cleavage going) and put on cologne for the first time in a while. Tried to go for the body odor thing but showering is a must in the Texas summer. Besides even if it doesn't activate sex receptors in her brain, the act of putting on cologne shows that I care about how I present myself and that IS attractive. Asked a couple girls in my class if they liked it, but they said they couldn't smell it well. D'oh. I gotta figure that out. Put it on my elbows? Put more of it on?
Girl 1: sitting in the cafeteria is a slim little thing. I walk back to subway behind her so I can get a look at her face. I approach then and sit down (making sure to keep talking while I do so it doesn't look awkward). I notice she's watching supernatural on youtube so I exclaim "Oh, I thought you were studying! You're just looking at cute boys." Best chase frame I've ever made! I deep dive and she says that she wants to be a social worker to help autistic people because her brother is. Pretty good deep diving from me, I think. I have trouble continuing it. We get into some more conversation what she likes, then she starts asking things from me. Investment! I even remember to do some sexy face. We talk some more, ask her if she would like to meet up some time. She says she's really busy and doesn't offer up a time. I get the number but judging from that, I'd say this one's a no-go.
To improve on: louder, hold tension, louder, sexy face
Girl 2: sitting in the hallway, a done up sweetheart. I approach easily (that approach anxiety is NEARLY gone). We get into pretty good conversation, but I am getting the feeling like I am providing too much entertainment than sexiness. KEEP END GOAL IN MIND!!! I do remember to touch occasionally. Voice was too soft, though. No result but it is nice to start seeing some progress. Talking to girls is becoming fun again.
To improve on: LOUDER, sexy face, move her (keep forgetting that)
Summary: practice sexy face, practice speaking loudly, and don't forget to MOVE THEM
Girl 1: sitting in the cafeteria is a slim little thing. I walk back to subway behind her so I can get a look at her face. I approach then and sit down (making sure to keep talking while I do so it doesn't look awkward). I notice she's watching supernatural on youtube so I exclaim "Oh, I thought you were studying! You're just looking at cute boys." Best chase frame I've ever made! I deep dive and she says that she wants to be a social worker to help autistic people because her brother is. Pretty good deep diving from me, I think. I have trouble continuing it. We get into some more conversation what she likes, then she starts asking things from me. Investment! I even remember to do some sexy face. We talk some more, ask her if she would like to meet up some time. She says she's really busy and doesn't offer up a time. I get the number but judging from that, I'd say this one's a no-go.
To improve on: louder, hold tension, louder, sexy face
Girl 2: sitting in the hallway, a done up sweetheart. I approach easily (that approach anxiety is NEARLY gone). We get into pretty good conversation, but I am getting the feeling like I am providing too much entertainment than sexiness. KEEP END GOAL IN MIND!!! I do remember to touch occasionally. Voice was too soft, though. No result but it is nice to start seeing some progress. Talking to girls is becoming fun again.
To improve on: LOUDER, sexy face, move her (keep forgetting that)
Summary: practice sexy face, practice speaking loudly, and don't forget to MOVE THEM