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FR  Community College 6/24


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2013
Trying something different today: decided to unbutton my shirt one more button (get some of that man cleavage going) and put on cologne for the first time in a while. Tried to go for the body odor thing but showering is a must in the Texas summer. Besides even if it doesn't activate sex receptors in her brain, the act of putting on cologne shows that I care about how I present myself and that IS attractive. Asked a couple girls in my class if they liked it, but they said they couldn't smell it well. D'oh. I gotta figure that out. Put it on my elbows? Put more of it on?

Girl 1: sitting in the cafeteria is a slim little thing. I walk back to subway behind her so I can get a look at her face. I approach then and sit down (making sure to keep talking while I do so it doesn't look awkward). I notice she's watching supernatural on youtube so I exclaim "Oh, I thought you were studying! You're just looking at cute boys." Best chase frame I've ever made! I deep dive and she says that she wants to be a social worker to help autistic people because her brother is. Pretty good deep diving from me, I think. I have trouble continuing it. We get into some more conversation what she likes, then she starts asking things from me. Investment! I even remember to do some sexy face. We talk some more, ask her if she would like to meet up some time. She says she's really busy and doesn't offer up a time. I get the number but judging from that, I'd say this one's a no-go.

To improve on: louder, hold tension, louder, sexy face

Girl 2: sitting in the hallway, a done up sweetheart. I approach easily (that approach anxiety is NEARLY gone). We get into pretty good conversation, but I am getting the feeling like I am providing too much entertainment than sexiness. KEEP END GOAL IN MIND!!! I do remember to touch occasionally. Voice was too soft, though. No result but it is nice to start seeing some progress. Talking to girls is becoming fun again.

To improve on: LOUDER, sexy face, move her (keep forgetting that)

Summary: practice sexy face, practice speaking loudly, and don't forget to MOVE THEM


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2013

Girl 3: easily the best girl I've seen in a while, a WELL-PROPORTIONED latina girl in red stilettos. She's with some dorky, overweight guy but I assume that that had to be her brother. I head to break and she is actually by herself and coming towards me. I screw up the opening, because she turns at the last second and she doesn't stop to face me but I get her attention. I think I told her she was beautiful. Note for later: this is a very strong opener so unless I have absolute confidence in myself, it won't work. Like this time. I take her hand to shake it and I just wait until she lets go but she doesn't so I hold it for a while continuing to make conversation. Perhaps I should have taken it in both hands? If you're going to do something reckless, don't be half-assed about it. But I am trying too hard, not being sexy, and nothing happens with this gorgeous girl.

To improve on: same problem keeps cropping up again and again. Not being sexy. I know the problem but as soon as I am in the field I forget how to act. SOLUTION: I'm going to write reminders on the inside of my palms so that I don't forget and I can course correct.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2013
FR: Community College 6/25

Girl 1: sitting alone in class is a tall, tanned brunette. She's all alone. It's like a sign. So I wander in and make some stupid comment about how it's empty. I sit next to her (while talking) and make some banter. She responds well but when I try to deep dive, she is not responsive. I ask a question but she is non-committal: "So what would you choose if you had a major?" "I don't know..." I go quiet trying not to be try-hard while people walk in. She gets into conversation with them easily enough while ignoring me and even tells a guy to "sit here, you know, whenever" (in the spot I'm sitting in). I take my leave.

To improve on: SLEGIM (sexier, louder, end goal in mind)

Girl 2: walking outside, I hold the door open for a petite fashion lover. I decide to go for it and compliment her on her blouse. She is friendly enough and probably not socially adept which is why my awkwardness and lack of confidence don't put her into auto-rejection. She says she is late for class and is right next to it. I try to set up something for later but you can probably guess the outcome.

To improve on: SLEGIM, stay next to her, don't allow separation, more touching
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 11, 2013
FR: University Library

Girl 3: doing a jigsaw puzzle. Walk over, say "How much have you done?" I show her the part of it that I did the other day (it's just on the table for anybody). I ask her what she's waiting for. She's waiting an hour to tutor someone. I am busy myself or I would have asked her to join me for a walk around. I deep dive, she says she is pre-med. Why? I ask. She just always wanted to be. *gasp* should have asked what she would be instead. Anyway, nada.

To improve on: SLEGIM, smoother