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FR  CrimeanKitten

Grand Pooba

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 6, 2012

I think time doesn't matter as much as long as you don't respond immediately and excitedly (demonstrating neediness). Be cool.

it sounds now like she is being flakey - I would send a text message that mildly excuses her behavior without addressing her apology and rewarding the bad behavior. Basically since she's saying "sorry" send her one line she can get behind about how you've been slammed with things in life as well (work, or whatever) and then immediately move forward towards setting something up for both of you getting together.

https://www.girlschase.com/content/what- ... irls-flake

This might look like:
"Hey CK, it seems we've both been getting pulled from all sides. Things are clearing up though - how's the text week or two looking for our plan?"

Anyway, that's my opinion. Let us know what happens.

Mr. oblivious

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 13, 2014
I read the FR and i learned a lot from everyone analysis

Anyways the main points which stood out to me was
Marty said:

  • Marty: I just saw you finish talking on the phone and wanted to come say hello. You're very pretty.
She eyes me with extreme skepticism. I assume I'm done for. Nonetheless, I press on.

the opening just seemed a bit on the creepy side to me. If you commented about maybe the fragrance was you approached or something it may have been less creepy but saying you saw her finish talking on the phone makes it sound like this open was pre meditated (you where waiting for her to get off the phone to make your move). there is nothing wrong with that aslong as she doesn't know that.

Anyways not sure if im right or anything like that but if i was here i would probably think i was being stalked after that comment .

About the rest of the conversation i don't think she had any sexual intentions of getting with you rather she found that you are from a similar background and can speak Russian. And for someone who is full on religious like is seemed like she was there probably no greater satisfaction than converting the random person who came of as the "creepy guys" and in her mind needed some divine intervention.

Sorry this may sound harsh but that's how i interpreted the situation especially since she show no interest to begin with but as soon as she realized she could potentially recruit you she completely changed and started dominating the conversation

Anyways good job and keep righting field reports


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013

ozzo said:
I think time doesn't matter as much as long as you don't respond immediately and excitedly (demonstrating neediness). Be cool.
Solid advice which stood me in good stead. Thank you.

ozzo said:
it sounds now like she is being flakey
No—I hadn't asked her out again yet at that point. It's cool, I wasn't quite clear on how long her aunt was staying so I guess she left after the weekend, and the chick got back to me Monday.

Anyway, as I say your guidance served me well, because I reengaged her last night and we exchanged a handful of text messages in quite quick response time. Long story short: she's leaving tomorrow on a week's vacation; we're going to see each other again when she gets back, and she's being very sweet.

Now I just need to calm down and divert my energy into something useful—hitting on other cuties, for instance :)



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Great, so after texting banter back-and-forth this week, this chick has stopped answering or returning my calls.

Which is a new one, for her.

It's obviously Be Shitty To Marty Day today. I think I'll hunker down and wait until it blows over.



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 20, 2012
Marty said:
Great, so after texting banter back-and-forth this week, this chick has stopped answering or returning my calls.

Which is a new one, for her.

It's obviously Be Shitty To Marty Day today. I think I'll hunker down and wait until it blows over.


Hey Marty,

I've been following this thread from it's inception. You've been pursuing this girl for a while...any particular reason why you haven't cut her off yet? She seems a piece of work IMO (maybe more than just a piece).

On a side note, I wanna let you know that you're persistence is motivational bruv.

Topcat ;)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Hey Topcat,

topcat said:
You've been pursuing this girl for a while...any particular reason why you haven't cut her off yet? She seems a piece of work IMO (maybe more than just a piece).
Ha, that's an easy one!

Yeah, she's a bitch. That's why I like her. Same as girls like bad boys.

Take this level of Arctic ice-queen frostiness and multiply by ten. The first thing she did when she came on a date with me, right after we sat down, was to lie to me that she used to be a senior leader in the organization I now work for, just to test my reaction (I'm proud to say I remained utterly unreactive and just stared her down). In reality she's about two years out of college.

She's possibly the bitchiest attractive woman I've ever met. It seems the more of an asshole I am with her, the better results I get. A moment of niceness from me and she runs off. I sometimes think it's only the coincidence that I got her name wrong in my first text that rekindled her interest in me in the first place.

This is a bit beyond my capability but I'm thinking of letting her stew a couple more weeks, then doing something like this. At least it's low effort.

You're right, Topcat, but wouldn't it be rewarding to smash through that hard outer shell?



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 20, 2012
Marty said:
You're right, Topcat, but wouldn't it be rewarding to smash through that hard outer shell?


Haha Marty I agree it would. You're entering territory that I personally never have the staying power to venture into, so I'm definitely curious to see how this ends. From my experience the longer she takes the less likely it is to happen. Keep pushing though, you could be onto something.

Topcat ;)
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake