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FU  DADA Life Rave


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
Well on New Years Day I went to the DADA life rave over in Brooklyn with a bunch of my fraternity brothers and some other friends. On a side note I decided to try molly for the first time that night as well so that was nice.

Anyway on to the events of the night. So we get into the rave and were just listening to the music. Now I am trying to be more outgoing and taking chances and it so happens that there are some cute girls in this group I am with. One who I met briefly before semester ended and will see weekly because she joined hall government, her name is Lisa. Then there is some other girl.. cannot remember name so she is Girl A and also Julie who does not go to my college.

So first fuck up was at the beginning at around 12 pm so new years. We were all just chilling and dancing and they start the count down. Julie then asks me if I can see anything, I say I cannot and she says she cannot as well. So I ask her if she wants to sit on my shoulders. She is a little reluctant to do so and says she is too heavy for that. I start saying otherwise and eventually go down on one knee and tell her to get on. This is when shit happens, I went down on my right knee and so that meant I am now solely using my left(non dominant) leg to lift off. I try to stand up then go down, second time I grab onto some guys pants for help and get up. Shortly after I am told to go down on one knee and I let her off. She then says to me I am impressed you were able to hold me up for that long(trying to spare my feelings). God Dammit. I can squat at least 165 LB too but I fucked up my footing and I paid for it.

So after that I was a little depressed, luckily the molly started to kick in so I forgot about that but later she made out with my fraternity brother Mike and then left early with Jesse to make the train back home. Next Fuck up was with Girl A, later in the rave at some point she starts asking me questions about where I live on campus, ends up that we both live in the same dorm, she on the 6th floor and me on the 5th. So I think to myself well if she is asking me all these questions maybe I should try and dance with her. So I move my hand and try and nudge her towards me, she then says "Im taken". (Fuck)

Third screw up, well I did not try anything with Lisa. Probably for the best though since she is out of my league at the moment. Tried making some small talk during the rave but not only asked the wrong things but truly was not the time and place for it yes? Hell I got to close at some point while talking and she gave me a light shove as well.

I also tried dancing with some girls outside of our group but I got shot down the two times I tried, the rest of the time I was too busy raging my face off to the music because of the molly....

So that is my first post on this part of the forums.

As a little funny bonus, I will type out some of the texts that I sent on my Fraternities group texting group. Some Backround, in my fraternity(Kappa Sigma) my pledge name is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The reason I got this name is because well during the week I am mild mannered and somewhat boring I suppose. But pump a few drinks into or drugs as was the case on New Years I get a bit more lively...... So here it is. Also I took my .2 pill of moly at around 11:30 just fyu

(EDIT: This text message conversation has been removed by request of the original poster)

AND so on and so forth :/ Thanks for reading and Happy New Year, if a little late

A Life Loquacious

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
are you really using the names of people you bought illegals from on a public forum?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 21, 2012

Sounds like the only mistake you made here was being too fucked up for normal conversation, and trying to implement it regardless man. Molly is the shit, but I generally like to stick to physical game when I'm on it, not only because touching anything feels like busting a nut but also because I usually am on it in an environment that is incredibly difficult to try and deep dive in (like a rave...). It is usually a good idea not to attempt to hold any sort of meaningful conversation when you are in a circus environment like an electronic dance music concert, because almost all girls encountered here will be twisted enough that all they want to do is dance and hook up. Think of it this way; you're a girl, you just tried molly for the first time, probably were given more than you needed, you drank too, the song on is blowing your mind and making you want to orgasm at the same time, and a dude walks up and asks you what your life's goals are. You don't have a God damn idea what your life's goals are, because you barely even know what your fucking name is or what planet you are on anymore.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that you did fine in this situation, because conversational game doesn't factor much into raves, and at the next rave you go to, focus on mostly physical game. It is also in my experience easier to focus on girls outside your group, there will be less social pressure on them when they are making the split second, wasted decision to hook up with you. Though also remember logistics in this situation...if you do a shitload with her in the actual rave crowd, you have to get her somewhere close to fuck her. Thankfully, more public sex is generally accepted in these places...an upstairs couch, outside wall, or even a dark corner would do just fine for this.

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 21, 2012
A Life Loquacious said:
are you really using the names of people you bought illegals from on a public forum?

Yeah that didn't really register with me at the time but that probably isn't the best idea...I don't think he actually specified who gave them to him however, so he should be good.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
A Life Loquacious said:
are you really using the names of people you bought illegals from on a public forum?

Fuck can someone please allow me to edit my post immediately. I screwed up.

and thanks Jay for the reply

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
A Life Loquacious wrote:are you really using the names of people you bought illegals from on a public forum?
LOL, I'm sure Franco or Chase will get rid of it once its seen


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2012
CollegeFreshman said:
A Life Loquacious said:
are you really using the names of people you bought illegals from on a public forum?

Fuck can someone please allow me to edit my post immediately. I screwed up.

and thanks Jay for the reply

That's hilarious! It's all good though CollegeFreshman, I don't think anyone is going to findout ;)



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Hey CF,

I removed the text message conversation from your post. Don't worry about it; it happens. ;)

As a side note, I go to raves and electronica shows rather frequently. I've seen Dada Life perform live several times now (including at EDC Las Vegas 2012 this year at 5:00 am in the morning... that was quite an experience)!

Your best bet to meet girls at these events is to strike up a bit of conversation and then try to pull them somewhere away from the actual stage as quickly as possible. It's extremely difficult to make any kind of real connection (even while under the effects of Molly) while everyone around you is raging like there is no tomorrow. Once you can get a girl to follow your lead, then your chances of being able to dance with her and physically escalate toward making out with her are strengthened ten-fold.

The only bad part about these big events is that pulling is something that is usually not in your logistics. People usually pay for tickets for these events beforehand and come in big groups with friends, so they usually plan on staying there the whole night. However, getting a nice make-out session and a phone number isn't hard to do if you're able to get a girl to follow your lead. If she happens to live close to you, then you can text/call for a coffee/drink date shortly afterward.

Anyway, kudos to getting yourself out there and trying things! Every step is a step forward.

- Franco