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Daily Field Dissection


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 11, 2016
Format for this journal

Okay, so I think that I just need to post only things that are relevant to pick up and socalising. So shall revert to a report style which looks like this:

blah blah blah

#2* (the star indicates a somewhat seductive interaction.....still not sure if it's necessary to differentiate, but we'll see)
blah blew blah blah

1. hoot heet ha
2. loo loo dee

Then I'll post the lessons into whatever corresponding journals they belong to. As this journal is merely to indicate to me where the lessons originated from.

Sidenote: I feel I should get started on the new and improved loser seducers model. Maybe even convert it into a picture or mindmap perhaps.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 11, 2016
Day 15

On my way to my room, I see engaged girl. She’s on her way to the fees department to check up some stuff. The entire time ‘m with her, she seems pretty happy. We get there and I see a girl who’s part of my class. As the married girl talks to the receptionist, I speak to the classmate. I ecstatically ask her how her day is going and she says terrible. My expression goes serious and she points that out. She’s quite surprised as I never take anything seriously she thinks.
When engaged girl is done, we all coincidentally leave as a unit. Looking back, my attention was turned mostly to the classmate. I can see that the engaged girl isn’t making much effort to join into the conversations, and at some point she stands still chatting on her phone.

After walking the classmate a bit, I notice this and immediately go back saying goodbye. The classmate smirks (I’m guessing she didn’t want it to be as obvious as it was to me. I would have completely missed it if I was less socially inclined as I hope I am now). I should have ejected more smoothly.
I walk around with the married girl and she tries to re-unload the dirty laundry that I already helped her with recently. But she can’t complain much as I’ve already helped.

We talk a bit and eventually I eject.

On my aimless journey, I see a girl that I know. She one that she claims knew me in primary, though I do not remember at all. I speak to her and escort her to her residence gate. There we stay and talk. I see a few bits of web on her cap. I gently swipe them off with my finger and she lets me. She doesn’t even react to it. Small moments like these are what solidify the frame that women don’t mind if you touch them provided that you don’t make it a big deal. Our tropics range from psychology to sociology. It was pretty awesome. Her jokes were pretty intellectual as well. At some point she radiates under the sun and her immense beauty hypnotizes me.

I have to tell her.

I try to think of a way to smoothly tell her that, but no answer. So I just tell her. She seems nonreactive as I do. There’s like, 3 seconds of silence and then she reinitiates the conversation. As we talk, people are passing by greeting me. She then comments over how I seem to know everyone. I tell her that it’s just because we’re here by the gate. As I leave her as I need to attend class, I tell her once more that she should never forget how beautiful she is (just to display how unapologetic I am for the compliment). She laughs and thanks me.

In class, I sit up front with a chick who I’ve never spoken to. 2 friends are sitting behind me. One girl, one guy. I greet the new girl as I sit down. Teacher gives us an activity to do. Afterwards we’re supposed to discuss with our neighbours what our answers were. So my 2 friends, the girl and I are all one group, discussing.
I’m just self-deprecating the entire day as I know I wrote shit. The new girl is also taking part in it. She seems social, yet strong.

As the attendance register comes, I point to my name to the girl. She acknowledges it. I tell her that it’s nice to meet her, and she says you too. There wasn’t really much talking besides the self deprecation. But she spoke quite a bit during the funny interaction, so I at least got a read on her personality type.

For a second, I did think that I could take her to my place, but at the time, my room was dirty. I have officially decided to stop using that as an excuse.
I forgot to ask her for her numbers, but that seems like a good thing as she more than likely would have said no.

I walk my friends close to their room. Which is when I see a girl I know. I walk back and greet her and I walk her to class.

While walking that girl to class, I see the girl who I like and is part of a social circle I’m penetrating. She waves at me from afar and I greet her back. The girl I’m escorting sees a girl she knows and runs off.


The girl I’m crushing on is chilling with a friend I do not recognize. So I greet em both and we get chatting. The vibe goes pretty well. Then a girl and a guy show up. I know them both and so the vibe stays upbeat. Then they walk away. Then a guy and a chick approach us and offers us to go to their church. We all decline and they go on their merry way. Then the girl says she needs to go to her spot. I offer to escort her as a group, but her friend says she has somewhere to be.


I try to walk with the girl but she actually walks a bit fast. I walk slowly and continuously remain behind her to show that I ain’t caving or to at least let her feel comfortable. Nothing. We keep Vibing but I’m behind her and she looks crazy laughing alone. We get to where we need to split off. We say goodbye and I head off.
I’m quite confident that this girl does not like me. A girl I know also did this once, and it was a huge sign that she was not interested. So I’ve already learnt my lesson.

On my way back home, this realization burned me and I felt like I couldn’t breathe or even exist. But still, life moves on. So I had to…..instantly.

1. Next this chick
2. I might get along with intellectuals better than I thought, girls allow touch if you do it well and they like you, be unapologetic in your stride
3. No more using the excuse of having a messy room. Either clean your mess, or fuck her in it.
4. N/a
5. Rejection or none…..one cannot pause life in order to lick their wounds


Modern Human
Modern Human
Aug 12, 2014
At some point she radiates under the sun and her immense beauty hypnotizes me.

I have to tell her.

I try to think of a way to smoothly tell her that, but no answer. So I just tell her. She seems nonreactive as I do. There’s like, 3 seconds of silence and then she reinitiates the conversation.

You had the right instincts here but the problem was overthinking it. Because we're brought up to treat people sexlessly in most contexts it can be hard to just fling out a compliment, but the thing to do is train yourself to say exactly what is on your mind as it comes into your mind (within certain limits of course). Once you hesitate the moment is gone and it comes out unnatural and forced. Furthermore, the best time to come out with a compliment such as this is the exact first time you laid eyes on her, in fact some PUAs recommend that if you see a woman you like just RUN to her, don't worry about how stupid you look, and immediately say "OMG I saw you walking by and ....etc". Women will react well to this provided it is instinctive and not rehearsed. If you come out with the compliment later it looks like you thought it when you first saw her and then suppressed it, and now you're just trying to suck up and get into her pants. The other thing to do is try to compliment specific things about her, such as a feature (her hair, her complexion, ...) or even better, something like her makeup or an article of her clothing etc, that she has gone to loads of effort to do.

Great that you're putting yourself out there.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 11, 2016
ray_zorse said:
You had the right instincts here but the problem was overthinking it. Because we're brought up to treat people sexlessly in most contexts it can be hard to just fling out a compliment, but the thing to do is train yourself to say exactly what is on your mind as it comes into your mind (within certain limits of course). Once you hesitate the moment is gone and it comes out unnatural and forced. Furthermore, the best time to come out with a compliment such as this is the exact first time you laid eyes on her, in fact some PUAs recommend that if you see a woman you like just RUN to her, don't worry about how stupid you look, and immediately say "OMG I saw you walking by and ....etc". Women will react well to this provided it is instinctive and not rehearsed. If you come out with the compliment later it looks like you thought it when you first saw her and then suppressed it, and now you're just trying to suck up and get into her pants. The other thing to do is try to compliment specific things about her, such as a feature (her hair, her complexion, ...) or even better, something like her makeup or an article of her clothing etc, that she has gone to loads of effort to do.

Great that you're putting yourself out there.


Thanks Ray

Looking back on it, that really would have looked pretty confident and would have received a pretty good response. I tend to do this a bit, so correcting it will be an improvement to my game.

Appreciate the input!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 11, 2016
Day 16

This was all just one long interaction. So I'll just split it where I can

I get to class and there's only one seat left next to a pretty girl I haven't spoken to in class yet. Next to her however, is a guy and girl who I am part of the same circle as.I greet her as I sit down. The lecturer hasn't started teaching yet. I speak to the guy and girl who I am friends with for a bit. I was hoping that this would open her up a bit, but she seems somewhat quiet. I noticed this from afar. I'm not very good with women that are too quiet. But that doesn't matter, as before I can do anything, a guy approaches her. They talk about stuff. From what I heard, sounds like she asked for help and now he's delivering. I can't be too sure if that's the extent of the relationship though, as women do ask guys for help in order to allow them to feel masculine sometimes. That way, their easier to seduce I suppose. After he leaves, another guy shows up and starts vibing with her.

Dang, this chick's in demand.

Once the lecturer starts teaching, I turn my attention away from everyone.One thing that I do notice however, is that I'm very fidgety. And it is very noticeable. It's something that I do without care when I'm in social situations and stressed out as it hypes me up, plus I feel like if I turn it off, then my socialness will take a dive. But it is something I need to work on nonetheless.

Stillness is a strong fundamental attribute afterall.

The lecturer tells us to group ourselves in threes, and due to mathematics, I end up being alone in a group with her.

This is where I fuck up:

Since I don't want to look to thirsty, I tell the social circle guys that we're missing one member. After a bit of confusion, the social circle girl combines the two groups together. Now we're five. This was a mistake because I recognized the advantage of being aloe with her, but because I didn't want to look too thirsty, I ended up losing it.


During the actual groupwork, people were doing their own thing, and I was actually teamworking with the new girl. It was pretty awesome as I felt like I undid my mistake. I made a few jokes as we were working and I got a few giggles out of her. She even made jokes back my way. There was a point when we had to redo our work over a mistake we both didn't see. It sucked but, we both took it in stride.

Eventually we finish, however, I have run out of things to say and now, as the class slips into chaos (even though we're supposed to be marking our answers) I sit there in silence, making the occasional joke to my social circle friends. She doesn't seem to mind though, as she's chilling on social media the entire time and has her faced buried into it (closed body language).

Once the lecturer lets us off, she runs.

After the class, the full social circle combined and chilled outside the building. We all vibed, but I was quiet today. Had no idea where I could fit. Honestly, the social circle appears to be the entire class. So that's kinda neat. We travel around the school a bit. We picked up a chick who I remember from last year. Their all friends with her somehow. As we travel, she straggles at the back. I approach her and ask her name. She looks surprised that I forgot and I respond jokingly. Saying that she forgot my name too, blah blah. Nothing exciting. We walk off into the student residence and I straggle behind with her for a few precious seconds. I can feel the conversation picking up steam, but then a girl she knows straggles too. I split off from them because that girl has a fiery personality which I am not ready for and regroup with the group. Once they all get to a room to chillout, I split off.

1. Should work on my quiet girl game, stillness during high stress situations
2. Should work on my fiery aggressive girl game


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 11, 2016
Day 17

I need to get money, but because I woke up late, I couldn't shower. So I most likely smell and look bad. This made me hella insecure. I was also in a rush as it was getting kinda late.

Rushing (to get money for grocery from parent) past a girl I know. She asks me for money, and I tell her that I'm broke. She made some joke I couldn't hear. Always wondered if this is how you pass the shit test? Via rejection?

Rushing back home I feel very relaxed. As I walk, a girl makes eye contact with me. I hold it a bit and I can see her getting a bit....impressed? If I weren't so insecure, I would have done something about it.

It's kinda late after showering and I go off to buy groceries. On my way home, I climb a cab. There's a girl in the front seat. I try chatting with her. She seems to be quite self attentive (as in I should only use topics about her during the conversation) and so that's what I do. I throw in a few me-replies so that the interaction doesn't feel like an interrogation. She seems a bit distracted y her phone though and then she video calls her boyfriend. It was weird, but I thought that I could get past it. So I reengage. But then she does it again, and so I stop talking.

I reengaged again after a little while as people kept asking me if the taxi was going to their locations. I made a joke about it to her specifically so that if the driver tries to pick a fight with me, she'll know the situation and I won't be completely alone.

And then she videocalls her boyfriend again.

As we drive off, she counts the cash and makes a joke of it with people. Nobody laughs. I would have thrown in a chuckle if she wasn't so disqualifying.

I got off and get to school for wifi as a girl wanted me to come over to help her with something.

On my way to class, I see a girl I know from church. We talk and laugh and stuff and then she leaves. She was sick though. I've always felt insecure regarding my abilities around sick people. But she seemed to have had fun. So that's pretty encouraging.

I get to class and connect to wifi. The girl tells me that because it's so late we should meet tomorrow. Fine for me.

After leaving class to go home, I see the girl who flaked on me on day 14. She’s with a friend. We all walk as a group. As we walk they’re laughing and having a lot of fun. I’m pretty quiet as I have no idea how to deal with best friends. Should probably work on that. Eventually they notice my silence and ask me what’s wrong. I have no idea how to respond and I just tell them it’s exams. They accept it initially, but then continue to roast me the entire way home. I’m just laughing and smiling trying not to look sensitive.

When the friend splits off, I’m alone with flakey girl. I continue with her being more talkative yet maintaining that exams really were stressing me out. I walk her to her room. That’s where she points out that I missed church. I told her that she didn’t hit me up, and she says if she didn’t hit me up then obviously it means we’re still on.


She assumes that I’ll be able to make it to church this week and I say “we’ll see” walking off, which is when she laughs and closes the door.

1. Should learn how to pass, "Can I have "tiny x-amount of money" please",
2. Now you know what eye contact as an approach invitation (as opposed to accidental) looks like
3. Some failed interactions aren't your fault
4. Being sick isn't a guarantee of autorejection.
5. Learn how to deal with best friends dynamics


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 11, 2016
Day 18

I get to school so I can post yesterday’s field report. When I get in there, a girl who I met last year is in the class. I hesitate for a semisecond, then walk up next to her from behind and say hi. I then ask her if she remembers me and she says that she remembers the face. I sit down next to her and tell her that it’s better than nothing and she laughs. I make small talk with her. She tells me she’s doing some online assessment. I remember that those things have a time limit once started. So after making a bit more chit chat, I walk off to a socket, plug my dead laptop and do my posting.

Afterwards, I start contemplating what I should say to her when I go back, what my goal should be, success rate, etc etc.
While I’m trying to grow me balls (for a solid ten minutes) she starts packing up her stuff. As she packs, I look up and ask if she’s done. Then ask her to wait for me (looked a little like I was waiting for her, but oh well….)

Outside, I walk with her. I was thinking maybe I could accompany her to her residence as it’s late and seems unsafe for her to be solitary.
As we walk and talk and joke, a friend of hers drives into the school. It gets close to us and she goes and greets the driver (a female). I walk on a bit so I don’t look like an orbiter. I contemplate saying goodbye or not as she seems like she’ll take a while. But if I do from so far away, wouldn’t it look a bit forced? And if I don’t, won’t I look like a dick? I decide to just look like a dick. Luckily, before I can face what looks to be a catch 22, she screams goodbye and gets into the car. I say goodbye at a volume that was hopefully just barely audible so I look faithful to the law of least effort. And thus I bounce.

Honestly, I was expecting the interaction to be a lot more awkward than it was as she was a quiet(ish) girl last year. And I’m somewhat terrible with them. This time she was a lot more responsive. So I either slotted her too deep into the quiet category or I’ve gotten better, or she just likes me a bit more for not caring about her.

Sometimes interactions work out better than expected


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 11, 2016
Day 19

Got to class and chilled with the social circle. We were all working a s a class because we had no idea how to tackle the classwork.
After class, two guys, a girl and I chilled outside the building. A girl who’s part of the social circle says she’s in a class. I inform the circle but everybody wants to go home and study. So we all ignore her and we keep chilling through the power of student logic.

A pretty girl in the distance enters some room and one of the guys wants to go. We all encourage him, but then he changes his mind. Afterwards, he tries justifying himself by telling us why he was afraid. The circle tries to give him advice. Then, a talkative girl who’s like me (part of the circle, but not dedicatedly a member) is brought in and he asks her his questions.

She says a lot, but the gist of it is:

Know your intentions and be honest with them.

The rest of what she said was about how men are trash for not doing this and how girls do exist with similar intentions. But she focused mainly on the trash aspect. Another thing which she said was something she said in passing and didn’t pay any attention to:

There is no morality when it comes to sex

That was pretty exciting to hear. It further solidifies the fact that women are freaky sluts. I like it.

Afterwards, we all split one by one. Leaving me and the two guys. We chat a bit more over how we should follow that advice. When we get close to our rooms, one of them suggests coming over to my place to chill. I remember that my place is a murderous mess. So I make the excuse that I’m going to school again. Then I safely eject.

At school, I decide to go see that girl the circle avoided. But before I reach her, I see a girl I know. I stop by to chat with her. She says her friend (whom I know) is coming. Soon enough she does. She says that she’s hungry and they both decide to go to buy some food. I don’t want to eject as I seem to have been doing that to them often (and because one of them knows that logistically, I’m free) so I tag along.

Throughout most of the interaction, I’m quiet as I have no idea how to handle bestfriends dynamics. I do chime in where I can, and joke where I can. But in the most case, I’m just chilling. Learning. Analyzing. While they wait for their food to be prepared, they go off and play a videogame. I take pictures of em. Then their food is finished and they eat. They talk while eating (not with their mouth full (for the most part)).

I listen intently to their talk and gossip. I learn what I can. One think that I’ve noticed about women, is that whatever gossip story they have, there is always a moral rule or social lesson behind them. Eventually, one of them asks me if I’ve got a girlfriend. I tell them that I don’t do dating and am more on the fun side. I turn the question around on both of them, and one says she’s like me (pleasant surprise) and the other says that she gonna give up. Her friend tries to give her hope again but, there isn’t much to be done.

Because they sell alcohol at the establishment, a fight breaks out between two drunk people. One of them takes out a knife but it’s knocked out of his hand. Then the backup of the defender runs to beat the crap out of knife dude, but he runs off. For a while, the defender is pissed. So pissed that he goes back to get a bottle, smashes it and decides to go after the guy. But his friends calmed him down.

During half of the fight, the girls are standing behind me, and I’m trying to look as chill as possible. Once tensions has died down a bit, we all talk about what just happened. I’m still a bit quiet as this is the first time this has ever happened to me, and the girls have gotten very talkative at this point. One of them said that the fight “excited” her. The other wonders if I was even afraid (perfect)

After some chilling, we walked around a bit, they take my phone and take selfies with me, and then they leave.

On my way back to my room, I see a guy who’s with a group of gents. He sees that I ain’t gon’ greet him with his gang, so he greets me first and asks some questions. I walk with him and we sort of split off from the group. We walk a while and he even walks me to my place since he used to live there. I put my bag in my room (first I tell him to look away, as the sight of it is unjustifiable) and I walk him to his room.

On my (spontaneously decided) way to buy junk food with the tiny amount of money I have left, I bump into a girl I haven’t seen in a while. I walk her to her friend’s room. I buy my stuff. I feel uncomfortable holding them in my hand as usually I put things in my bag. I was slightly worried about the social repercussions. But as I walked, she came out and I escorted her back to her room. There she takes her money, and we walk back so she can get food because apparently I gave her cravings.
When there, from far away I see the girl I spoke to yesterday. She waves at me and I wave back. Perhaps there really is a chance that I could fuck her?
On our way back to her room, she realises that she forgot her keys. She lets me go, and I make a joke as I leave do draw attention away from me supplicating to her compliance request (which looking back, was most likely a shit test).

1. Just because a guy seems to be a confident alpha doesn’t mean he’s good with women, girls have some good advice so long as you can navigate around her bullshit, need to get used to people in my personal space (as personal as my room)
2. Being chill in high pressure situations is easier now that I’ve forced myself to do it for this long (like yeeeeaaars), After my analysis, I see that here are a few ways to tackle best friend dynamics:

2.1. Only time when you can chime in is during jokes and when it’s time to discuss general rules that should have applied to a situation.
2.2. You can’t really add anything to inside jokes or even laugh at them unless they really are funny from the outside.
2.3. Try not to take away any energy they may have as a result of their best friend vibes.

3. It’s okay to split people off from their groups (I should try this one out sometime, as ignoring people in groups seems to be killing my game), clean your room dude
4. Girls are pleasantly more social than I expect them, I could fuck that girl from yesterday, people are just as susceptible to cravings as I am!


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 11, 2016
Update: Might disappear


I haven’t made any posts for a while and that’s mainly coz I’ve been taking a break from the whole pickup thing so I could figure out some stuff. I’m thinking I may end up dropping the entire game entirely so I can focus on building up other parts of my life as this seems to be going around in circles through paradox after paradox. I feel like I’m living a life of a catch 22. Like none of this is worth it.

I almost gave up on it but if I do, then I feel like my analytical mind might disappear as well as it was developed in reaction to the seduction world.

Still, I may come back, as I have recently decided to give into my darker side and to develop that side to its fullest extent.

I wish to become a sociopath.

And nurtur my misanthropy.

Anyways, I might just be going through a phase and may very well end up back on my jolly ways and posting daily field reports and being a nice guy. Or I may end up becoming a dark pickup artist.

Not just pickup artist, as I’ll use the skills on all people.

Not sure if this is something that can be gained or if it’s something you need to be born with, but I think a lot of things can be broken down into a science. So I’ll give it a shot.

I won’t be uploading the days that I missed (or continue to miss) during my break, but I might upload some highlights.

Anyways, cheers!
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake