Day 16
This was all just one long interaction. So I'll just split it where I can
I get to class and there's only one seat left next to a pretty girl I haven't spoken to in class yet. Next to her however, is a guy and girl who I am part of the same circle as.I greet her as I sit down. The lecturer hasn't started teaching yet. I speak to the guy and girl who I am friends with for a bit. I was hoping that this would open her up a bit, but she seems somewhat quiet. I noticed this from afar. I'm not very good with women that are too quiet. But that doesn't matter, as before I can do anything, a guy approaches her. They talk about stuff. From what I heard, sounds like she asked for help and now he's delivering. I can't be too sure if that's the extent of the relationship though, as women do ask guys for help in order to allow them to feel masculine sometimes. That way, their easier to seduce I suppose. After he leaves, another guy shows up and starts vibing with her.
Dang, this chick's in demand.
Once the lecturer starts teaching, I turn my attention away from everyone.One thing that I do notice however, is that I'm very fidgety. And it is very noticeable. It's something that I do without care when I'm in social situations and stressed out as it hypes me up, plus I feel like if I turn it off, then my socialness will take a dive. But it is something I need to work on nonetheless.
Stillness is a strong fundamental attribute afterall.
The lecturer tells us to group ourselves in threes, and due to mathematics, I end up being alone in a group with her.
This is where I fuck up:
Since I don't want to look to thirsty, I tell the social circle guys that we're missing one member. After a bit of confusion, the social circle girl combines the two groups together. Now we're five. This was a mistake because I recognized the advantage of being aloe with her, but because I didn't want to look too thirsty, I ended up losing it.
During the actual groupwork, people were doing their own thing, and I was actually teamworking with the new girl. It was pretty awesome as I felt like I undid my mistake. I made a few jokes as we were working and I got a few giggles out of her. She even made jokes back my way. There was a point when we had to redo our work over a mistake we both didn't see. It sucked but, we both took it in stride.
Eventually we finish, however, I have run out of things to say and now, as the class slips into chaos (even though we're supposed to be marking our answers) I sit there in silence, making the occasional joke to my social circle friends. She doesn't seem to mind though, as she's chilling on social media the entire time and has her faced buried into it (closed body language).
Once the lecturer lets us off, she runs.
After the class, the full social circle combined and chilled outside the building. We all vibed, but I was quiet today. Had no idea where I could fit. Honestly, the social circle appears to be the entire class. So that's kinda neat. We travel around the school a bit. We picked up a chick who I remember from last year. Their all friends with her somehow. As we travel, she straggles at the back. I approach her and ask her name. She looks surprised that I forgot and I respond jokingly. Saying that she forgot my name too, blah blah. Nothing exciting. We walk off into the student residence and I straggle behind with her for a few precious seconds. I can feel the conversation picking up steam, but then a girl she knows straggles too. I split off from them because that girl has a fiery personality which I am not ready for and regroup with the group. Once they all get to a room to chillout, I split off.
1. Should work on my quiet girl game, stillness during high stress situations
2. Should work on my fiery aggressive girl game