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Daygame is cringe factory


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 12, 2025
Honestly the biggest challenge is to be consistently non cringe
It's so easy to be awkward when you start
Why some people even care about rejection, I have no fucking Idea at fukin all
My biggest fear and biggest danger is to be awkward as fuk. It ruins my self image and fucks with my head.
Worst if you do dozens of cringe approaches in a medium sized city and get the reputation of being the cringy pua wannabe

Atlas IV

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
May 21, 2023
My biggest fear and biggest danger is to be awkward as fuk. It ruins my self image and fucks with my head.
Good. Go out there and make a total fool of yourself in public. Embrace the cringe.

Do it until you just don't give a fuck anymore. Then you can start focusing on actually getting better without worrying about what other people think.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2024
meh. it doesn't stay awkward very long. just do a bunch of approaches and then you'll start to calibrate
also it's subjective at the end of the day -

if i approach 2 women and one dislikes the approach it gets called "cringe" "creepy" "weird"

if one likes it then i get called " confident" "a natural" "a player"

reactions vary so much between women but fundamentally neither a positive nor a negative reaction defines who you are or what your "game is"

Also its a numbers game to some degree - the day i met my girlfriend from daygame it was my 13th approach that day - the first 12 were either blowouts or flakey numbers/IG - now if i'd let those first 12 get to me i wouldn't have my girlfriend now but again the first 12 that day don't "define who i am as a human" neither does the succesfull 13th .

A big mistake beginners make is they overthink every approach and every reaction and they're just mentally gone after the 4th or 5th set because 3 strangers on a planet of 8 billion people don't like what he said to them

Also when you read successful infield or success stories youre really seeing a micro of 1-2 percent of approaches curtail when 90 percent of interactions will often lead to nowhere the majority of "game" is cringe but if you stay persistent great things do happen.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 13, 2024
On the other side of cringe is freedom.
also giving into what society and strangers think of you can also be identified as a form of "cringe" - sacrificing your personal relationship goals just to satisfy strangers on the street is also pretty darn cringe if you ask me


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
Honestly the biggest challenge is to be consistently non cringe
It's so easy to be awkward when you start
Why some people even care about rejection, I have no fucking Idea at fukin all
My biggest fear and biggest danger is to be awkward as fuk. It ruins my self image and fucks with my head.
Worst if you do dozens of cringe approaches in a medium sized city and get the reputation of being the cringy pua wannabe

You'll always be awkward learning something new. The question is whether you can see a way of doing it that isn't cringe, that you can then accept failing at for some time until you reach it. If you can't imagine any way of walking up to a girl and meeting her that isn't cringe, you'll never be able to stick with it long enough to become smooth.

It's very important to know what you want to become, to have some concept - even if it's a bit of a fantasy version of reality - of where you are going. It's the only practical compass you'll have when things just seem like they'll never fall into place.

Also .. why should any approach be truly cringe? Approach warmly and calmly, get rejected with dignity, smile and accept the result, try again. You're not a penis salesman, you're learning how to meet, connect, and converse with women. What part of that isn't a wonderful thing?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 20, 2024
if i approach 2 women and one dislikes the approach it gets called "cringe" "creepy" "weird"

if one likes it then i get called " confident" "a natural" "a player"


In 60YOC (my personal favourite thing i've ever read on seduction) he tells you to "risk creepy".

What some girls think is creepy, others will think is confident and sexy. Gotta take some risks.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 10, 2025
It gets less cringe, set yourself a goal of talking to 50 girls. By the 50th you'll feel much more comfortable and naturally will feel less cringe. At least give it a fair go before making up your mind. I guess if you live in a small city that could make it more difficult but I've only ever lived in a big city so I can't say.


Jan 22, 2025
also it's subjective at the end of the day -

if i approach 2 women and one dislikes the approach it gets called "cringe" "creepy" "weird"

if one likes it then i get called " confident" "a natural" "a player"

reactions vary so much between women but fundamentally neither a positive nor a negative reaction defines who you are or what your "game is"

Also its a numbers game to some degree - the day i met my girlfriend from daygame it was my 13th approach that day - the first 12 were either blowouts or flakey numbers/IG - now if i'd let those first 12 get to me i wouldn't have my girlfriend now but again the first 12 that day don't "define who i am as a human" neither does the succesfull 13th .

A big mistake beginners make is they overthink every approach and every reaction and they're just mentally gone after the 4th or 5th set because 3 strangers on a planet of 8 billion people don't like what he said to them

Also when you read successful infield or success stories youre really seeing a micro of 1-2 percent of approaches curtail when 90 percent of interactions will often lead to nowhere the majority of "game" is cringe but if you stay persistent great things do happen.

this is a great mindset to have when approaching. i really needed to hear this. thanks for making this post


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
If you watch The Moon is Blue (cred. Chase for recommending it), you'll see that guys didn't care about "being creepy" in the past.

For more epic movie recommendations, check out Thoughts on recent movies.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jul 24, 2021
It comes off as cringe big reason it's cause most of the people doing are fucking retarded, James Tusk, Sasha Day game those London Day game, and other dorky losey dudes running a "simple" approach those guys make it look "extra" bad. I've seen some of these guys in night game venue they were doing 180 spin day game stop in a club and with their "Hey I saw here and there with my friend I thought you were pretty, wtf...

On a normal day for day, gamers spend 2-5 hours at a mall socially terrorizing/harassing people with nonsmooth openings, with their robotic demeanor.

The real day game is being in a venue, close/controlled environment where you get approach invitations, build some social proof, and have a decent flow of people, that's an optimal venue. It involves a lot of social variables you could use, instead of just the

"Hi, I think you are beautiful duh duh huh" (Gunwitch)

(miss the guy)

Also day game doesn't give you a competitive edge or reward being in night game, NG will forever have a higher barrier because of the technical aspect, compared to the autistic one-on-one game approaches.

Have a bunch of overly positive dudes saying, "You just simply approach!!" advertising themselves in 3rd world country where they living off 700 dollars a month. How they found an Indonesian wife, who divorced them after getting their green card.
I've never liked walking around in some park or mall waiting for some "solo" girls or waiting for AIs.

Socially weak dudes do "only" day game trying to get a girlfriend from my point of view.

I have seen OGs IRL doing day game, is not the same thing you see online. They are smooth as fuck, eliciting invitations, opening with pace, adjusting calibrations, etc. But the OGs don't teach anymore because the ROI for them is not worth it, but they also train their skills in other avenues of games, building up to it. I have nothing against day game most of the people that do this shit are cringe.


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
There is a lot of cringe daygame stuff on youtube, some of it is decent but there is a lot of low quality spam approaching. The difference I've noticed the most is that the guys who are good use their presence and nonverbals very well, whereas other dudes are walking around like invisible salesmen who need to be reminded that they exist - talking too much, too high energy, spamming techniques from arms length rather than responding to her and letting her draw him closer, etc.

It's the difference between a movie where an actor says very little but every eye is drawn to them, and another movie where the actor has to keep yapping and quipping, or the audience forgets they are there. In the long run the latter will wear out his welcome no matter how much he puts in, but the former will never come close to wearing out his.

Seduction needs room to find its toehold in genuine attraction, to blush before the evidence of its own potential, to give her opportunities to step forward into it, to grow steadily in the background until its effects can no longer be ignored. Otherwise it isn't seduction, it's selling. Seduction is something that makes her come to you, and requires her to do so, even when it's you who first went to her. Seduction is like walking up to a kitten with a piece of string - you might wave it first, but it's the kitten who has to roll around and grab for it, otherwise it's just you trying to sell a string.

I think the biggest problem with seduction in general - and daygame probably most specifically - is that guys don't really ask themselves what she wants from it. Not just in terms of the end goal, but what does she want at every point, what does she want to enjoy at this point and that point and the other point? They aren't creating something for her, they are just unloading their intentions in various ways into the space between the two of them. Fortunately, women are horny enough and practical enough that this sometimes works. But it's not really effective most of the time.

When you are looking at her, understanding things about her, giving her things she wants to receive in context, responding to her, watching the way she responds to you, enjoying her .. it's very hard for me to imagine this experience ever being cringe, regardless of how unpolished it is.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

iceberg slim

Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 18, 2024
On the other side of cringe is freedom.
That's some g shit. I did my first ever session of daygame yesterday in a foreign country on non English speaking chicks (Medellin), and it was kind of cringe because I didn't know what the hell I was doing. But oh well, gotta start with cringe before you get to suave.