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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
I am really struggling with this bro, especially when it comes to being seductive through non-verbals. The best I can currently do is insert sexual frames into the convo with verbal game and vocal tonality. Let me know how this aspect of your game goes.

Hello sir. Thanks for stopping by my nothing-of-a-journal, which in hindsight reads so wishywashy and nonpractical.

I do not know you, so i just wanted to give some general thoughts on this matter based on where I imagine most men are with it. It is not my intention to offend or make assumptions about you, so here are just some general notes.

First of all, I feel most men I meet are separated from their own sexuality. This to me is kind of a sad state of affairs. It's also why I think most discussion about sex turns so mystical and fufu.

But I cannot help but think most men need to take a journey about locating their sexual nature. I feel this journey becomes one of uncovering/allowing over time.

There's some historical advice here. One of it is to imagine the girl you desire naked, or to look at her body at be conscious of your impulses. Pay attention while looking at her and see how you feel.

The other piece is imagining having sex with her. These are both just basic pieces of advice.

But maybe the piece that helps me the most, apart from owning my own sexuality and finding a chick I desire... is context. It might be very difficult to feel sexual in the absence of a stimulus or situation that gives a sexual response-- see a beautiful women walking down a grocery aisle is not an inherently sexual situation, for example. But sex is also a sense memory. And it's different from masturbation or looking at images. Try to imagine the last time you had sex, and convey that feeling to this moment as subtext This I have found to be most helpful.

It is the true definition of a 'vibe'-- a feeling that originates within you (can you locate it?) and that you extend to the outside world. It doesn't need to be vulgar or heavy. Just a dash will do you.

I have found, over time, with enough sex or recent sex or when you're 'on a run,' this is almost automatic. You will look into her eyes and recognize the glimmer from previous experience, and you'll respond as only is natural... if you can get to the place where you feel it, and allow yourself to do so.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
An insight I've had thanks to writing on this forum and this journal.

I seem to be suffering from chronic low self esteem, and it's in a feedback loop that's terrible.

The loop seems to be

I feel bad about myself -> I pull a beautiful girl -> she tests -> i feel bad about myself

I need to examine what it is that I value about these women. What makes someone valuable, and how come I am not?

I'm not even really that bad looking of a guy, in reality. Just a little pudgy. How come I'm attached to the concept of being unattractive? I mean, when I compare myself to some of the women I'm getting with now, I certainly am Shrek, but that's because some of their bodies have been unreal.

A lot to chew on.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 23, 2022
One of it is to imagine the girl you desire naked, or to look at her body at be conscious of your impulses.
That definitely helped with a social circle chick last weekend... I saw her bra underneath her shirt and imagined slowly undoing it. I also kept glancing at her curves. Appreciating her beauty helped get me motivated enough to make the initial approach.

Also, I thought of making it a point to always check out her body right after opening in daygame.

Try to imagine the last time you had sex
As a virgin that does not work well for me. I do think that the girls I approach can sense the vibe that I'm new to this. Calling them 'cute', 'adorable' or verbally escalating isn't working on its own. The nonverbals seem to be more important for getting sexual, which of course will be hard for me to learn since my head isn't wired that way. Game has been about engineering my way to getting girls rather than 'feeling the vibez'.


with enough sex or recent sex or when you're 'on a run,' this is almost automatic. You will look into her eyes and recognize the glimmer from previous experience
Well I really look forward to that, but honestly, it looks like it will take 200+ sets before I get my first cold approach lay. I haven't even obtained a single date yet from pickup. That's why I'm getting into online game to build later-stage skills. Most likely I will lose my V-card online, not from pickup. But I'm not giving up on cold approach because it is fun and ultimately I'll get the highest quality prospects from PUA.
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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
Well my friend perhaps you ought to slow your horses down.

Why don't you forget all this shit, find a girl you like, and start with kissing. The idea being baby steps, not recklessly throwing yourself into situations you may not be emotionally ready for.

It's a lifelong lesson, it never ends, there will always be pleasure, there will always be pain, so take your time. Enjoy it.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Nov 23, 2022
The idea being baby steps, not recklessly throwing yourself into situations you may not be emotionally ready for.
I have already accepted it will take a lot of work and require a lot of failures for me to get where I want to be. I throw myself outside my comfort zone because I have nothing to lose except my virginity. That's why I am trying every method of game at the same time.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
Well as an update my oneitis is mostly resolved. It began to feel as though she was stringing me along. About week after hooking up, I kicked her to the curb. Which isn't technically true. She was done with me. I just kicked the trash she was giving me to the curb, I held no sway over this woman.

Having sex with two new women in the space of a week helped. As did effortlessly acquiring new phone numbers.

Life has been out of control and hectic and is only getting crazier. I am now having to deal with multiple women of varying levels of attractiveness surrounding me. I find myself having to think twice before I take an action.

None of this is how I thought it would be. And there's more to do. And more to say. I want to return to daytime cold approach, and find women I truly desire, of levels which I have never experienced before.

We are entering new territory. I'm kind of a joke. But it seems I'm turning into a rather unique and intense brand of ladykiller.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
Well as an update. I am kind of just dying.

I am being pursued relentlessly by multiple women who I don't find attractive. It used to be everything was pleasant and kept in line. Now various women are breaking social rules/following my social media/sending me texts and DMs.

Women I do find attractive are responding to me and my advances.

The reality of female sexual nature is washing over me. I am hearing more about sucking cock, sex toys, big dicks, group sex, swinging, astronomical body counts, lesbian sex etc. than i have ever heard in my entire life.

It's really all too much. I'm not sure I have the skills to deal with this. Women are asking to fly to my city to fuck me and hang out for a while.

Just completely overwhelmed. Last summer I had no female interest at all.

I'm not really sure what to do. I need to take time to flesh out and write down my questions. Some that come to mind:

1. Feeling inadequate. These girls tell me some wild stories and their sexual experiences far outweigh mine. Also I am now pulling a class of woman (including professional athletes, ivy league grads and even pilots) unknown to me before. My looks are not great and frankly my accomplishments in life dont compare favorably to some of theirs

2. I am trying not to feel like a slimeball. I make it known I am not seeking a relationship, but I know it would hurt some of these women to know how I behave with others. I really do not want to hurt people's feelings, but I'm not sure I'm skilled enough to do this. For instance, I have a girl that wants to fly to town for more sex all weekend. But I have another new girl in town that is finally opening up a window for me. I am unsure how to juggle these situations.

3. Still physically bad at sex. Find myself getting upset or feeling insecure. I have women telling me they love my words, or how I touch them. But i am a man. Bitch, what about this dick? <- ugly sentiment

I just am not ready for all this. I almost want to go backwards. In the space of two weeks, I had a girl ask me for a three way with one of my male friends (what the fuck?), and another girl tell me she'll arrange a threeway for me with one of her friends (theres just no way i'm competent enough to do this).

The flipside is, with the latter girl she has been really helping me. For example, it turns out i'm bad at kissing. She coached me up and has been loving it ever since. That's the kind of help i can use.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Doing great, man! You’re hitting a breakthrough. It’s always going to feel a little weird when you do. It’s like stepping into someone else’s life. With time you’ll get used to it.

1. Feeling inadequate. These girls tell me some wild stories and their sexual experiences far outweigh mine. Also I am now pulling a class of woman (including professional athletes, ivy league grads and even pilots) unknown to me before. My looks are not great and frankly my accomplishments in life dont compare favorably to some of theirs

Just keep in mind: these girls are telling you these sex things to impress you (well, assuming this is one-on-one and they are after you). A lot of the time when you first start getting this they are qualifying, because they are reading that you are a guy who gets sex and is good at sex, and they are trying to tell you, “Hey — open for business! This girl right here!”

The girls with good careers sought those careers because they wanted a certain class of man. If they are going for you, they have either failed to find the class of man they thought they would and have expanded their horizons; found that class of man disappointing, so have expanded their horizons; or decided you ARE that class of man — either way, you are their pick NOW.

2. I am trying not to feel like a slimeball. I make it known I am not seeking a relationship, but I know it would hurt some of these women to know how I behave with others. I really do not want to hurt people's feelings, but I'm not sure I'm skilled enough to do this. For instance, I have a girl that wants to fly to town for more sex all weekend. But I have another new girl in town that is finally opening up a window for me. I am unsure how to juggle these situations.

It’s called “quality problems”! You’ll have to make a judgment call which one to go for. Old advice comes in handy here — “a bird in hand is worth two in the bush.” Get the sure-thing girl over for the weekend and postpone the uncertain girl. See her on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Sure, you might lose her… but there’s a good chance you won’t, and you’ll get to witness how intrigued girls get when YOU are the one flaking and postponing on THEM.

That is unless the new girl is a pretty sure thing. Then it comes down to what you are in it for. If notches/experience/level ups, new girl. If enjoyment/ease, older gal.

3. Still physically bad at sex. Find myself getting upset or feeling insecure. I have women telling me they love my words, or how I touch them. But i am a man. Bitch, what about this dick? <- ugly sentiment

It’s all practice. You’ll get there.

Make sure you’ve read this:

Works fine when you have a gut, too. I was 30 lbs. heavier than I am now when I started doing it.

I just am not ready for all this. I almost want to go backwards. In the space of two weeks, I had a girl ask me for a three way with one of my male friends (what the fuck?), and another girl tell me she'll arrange a threeway for me with one of her friends (theres just no way i'm competent enough to do this).

If the second one’s with a girl, just accept. You can’t learn if you don’t do. Besides, the focus there is not on sexual performance… it’s more just “management.” Check the guides out:

(if it’s with a dude, well, at your discretion! Every guy I’ve known who does those though just does them with friends. Even if you’re down for a little MMF, seems like it’d be weird doing it with a dude you don’t know. Not my cup of tea though, so what can I say)

The flipside is, with the latter girl she has been really helping me. For example, it turns out i'm bad at kissing. She coached me up and has been loving it ever since. That's the kind of help i can use.

She sounds like a great gal.

Keep at it and you’ll get through the confidence issues and end up settling into it.

A little while from now and this will just be reality for you. You’ll look back and find it a bit quaint that you ever had doubts of your “worthiness”, back when you were still just adjusting to the way things now are.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
Thank you thank you thank you

I am almost overwhelmed with feedback to process. But one of the main reasons i come on here is to know i'm not alone-- the path im on, the high highs and the low lows, both of which can be scary... are things others have already seen. It tells me things are okay. Not sure anything has ever changed me as much as this process.

Everything is still computing. I'm starting yet another adventure. I am kinda shaken to the core over everything that had happened over the last 4 weeks in particular, to the point I'm not even sure what I want with women anymore.

It's also exciting. Just need time to distill. But another adventure beckons, and I'm gonna head out for a while.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
Just dropping a brief update.

I'm not sure I even recognize myself. Pieces are still coalescing but I am simply running it.

The last several weeks have been highs and lows, supreme victories and very painful lessons that are actually gifts.

I am something fierce. I'm starting to get not just the women available to me but also the women I want. It has led to a new question: what kinds of women are out there? What could I find?

I also want to return to day time cold approach. None of my successes have yet come from that I don't think. I really want it.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take