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Forum Feedback  Discussion of Chase's Upcoming Mainstream Attraction Book & Potential Fallout

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
Damn @Chase I just checked out your X page for the first time. You're really pumping out the word count. I've been missing tons content from the desk of Chase Amante.

I saw one of your replies there saying you're getting a feel for responding to detractors for when you launch the best-seller campaign. Does this mean the Roses of Romantic Attraction is going to target a wide audience? I think I recall you said it's going to target women as well. Will it be under the Girls Chase umbrella? I'm curious if it will lead to a lot of girls discovering the forum.

I also liked your police dog energy post and immediately thought "Paw Patrol"!

Guess what his name is. Maybe I should be him for Halloween tonight haha



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Damn @Chase I just checked out your X page for the first time. You're really pumping out the word count. I've been missing tons content from the desk of Chase Amante.

It's the project right now! I think it'll be a good channel for us.

I'm following a guide that says you need to be on there every day providing value for 6 months.

Then you can chill out a bit.

When I do stuff, I go hard, so "be on there dropping value for 6 months" is a challenge I can accept (we're 21% of the way in).

So far we've gone from max 70 views per tweet and one engagement to now regularly doing 1K+ views per tweet and 20-40 likes, plus retweets and a few comments. That's just after one month of building on there.

We'll see where the account's at by the 6-month mark.

I saw one of your replies there saying you're getting a feel for responding to detractors for when you launch the best-seller campaign. Does this mean the Roses of Romantic Attraction is going to target a wide audience? I think I recall you said it's going to target women as well. Will it be under the Girls Chase umbrella? I'm curious if it will lead to a lot of girls discovering the forum.

RoRA is a mainstream book, yeah.

It is targeted at men and women equally.

Part of the reason I want the big X account is to help market it a lot more easily when the book is ready.

We'll be running a best seller campaign and I want to pull out all the stops to put it at the top of the best seller lists.

That said, while it is mainstream, it is DEEP, and we cover all the stuff we cover on GC.

It's basically "Girls Chase content, backed by heaps of science, that also gives the perspective for women as well in terms of what they should be doing with men." Everything is either "here's what works for both sexes" or "here's what men need to do to get women; here's what women need to do to get men."

I also liked your police dog energy post and immediately thought "Paw Patrol"!

Guess what his name is. Maybe I should be him for Halloween tonight haha


When I was a kid I was the only one named "Chase."

Now there are all these copycats named after me.

It is a crime.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
The book being mainstream is a great news man.

But would hate if the fourms are found out by normal women.

Gotta think when journaling nd posting LRs coz mainstream society won't be looking at being a PUA positively and god forbid if any of my ex finds it nd seek vengeance I have had terrible breaks ups.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 16, 2024
And a lot of great content will get watered down on main site or maybe taken down.

Same for forums being censored.

In past a lot of content has been taken down both on site and fourms when old members went rogue.

Ohh sucks damn political correctness and censorship

KJ Francis

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
When I do stuff, I go hard
no... you?? the guy with the newbie assignment saying sleep outside if you don't get the approaches in?

gone from max 70 views per tweet and one engagement to now regularly doing 1K+ views

congrats! it is definitely valuable stuff.
It's basically "Girls Chase content, backed by heaps of science, that also gives the perspective for women as well in terms of what they should be doing with men."
I'm pretty pumped to be honest... I like long seduction books with eye opening content. I was pretty blown away after learning about pre-selection /mate choice copying.

and I am all for women becoming more attractive.

When I was a kid I was the only one named "Chase."

Now there are all these copycats named after me.

It is a crime.
lol at least he is a leader with authority. here I thought your name was fake to embed little commands every time it popped up on her text messages... chase him! chase him!

But would hate if the fourms are found out by normal women.

worst case we will just need a password like this. wouldn't want them seeing how much we obviously hate them after all.



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
And a lot of great content will get watered down on main site or maybe taken down.

Same for forums being censored.

In past a lot of content has been taken down both on site and fourms when old members went rogue.

Ohh sucks damn political correctness and censorship

Not gonna happen.

The book is not tied directly to Girls Chase.

We are going to tell them to check out XYZ website we'll set up for book buyers that will take them through some kind of funnel starting with "are you a man or a woman" then send them to a Girls Chase offer if they're a man (probably One Date) and an offer for women if they're a woman (we'll probably go with one of @Vision's offers for this).

I have already done some press, Wall Street Journal, some lesser interviews, I was on Australian national TV (lol), I am not worried about "is the media going to attack us? Do we need to water things down?" I have gone out of my way to make the site as mainstream accessible as possible since its inception without watering things down. It's why we've had so many tens of millions of visitors. Even the hit pieces people have attempted have really just glanced off us... like some chick who made an angry video about my article telling dudes not to date chicks on pills or with mental problems. Her best argument was something like "oh so if a woman wants to improve herself and get on pills to get better she's not dateable?" and the comments were just a bunch of women going "Yeah! What's wrong with wanting to get better!" etc.

Honestly the kind of controversy we could generate over our content would be great. I wish we'd get folks trying to debate me on TV or what have you.

I am a debater. It is what I do.

Anyway, if I do mainstream interviews (big "IF"; they're not interested in PUA at all right now and there's no guarantee I could get a lot of MSM traction without having to spend a ton on PR, which I am not gonna do) and they try to derail into hostile interview territory that is NOT on topic for the book but is some kind of character assassination attempt I am just gonna walk out. Then they can decide if they want to post an interview of me walking out 3 minutes in and the reason why I did that or if they are just going to have to skip running that interview.

There is zero chance of "Oh no, he is teaching men to fuck women!" causing an uproar today though.

The controversy needle has moved over to angry incel guys and red pill.

Nobody cares about PUA anymore and in fact it is looked on as quaint.

A lot of women are out there now talking about how they miss pick up artists because "at least they liked women."

Some journalist wrote an article a few weeks ago that blew up on X about how "the pickup artist industry has died, and what's replaced it has been seriously unhealthy toxic misogynistic incels who truly hate women and red pill men who are almost as bad" and there were about a bajillion women commenting that "at least PUAs liked women" "at least pickup was self-improvement" "at least these guys got men to improve their lives" etc.

You never know how good you have it till it's gone, eh!

Honestly I think the biggest lightning rod around me and this book is that it is exclusively about heterosexual attraction, and that I put right in the beginning that the book is only about heterosexual attraction and that I know homosexuality is a really big thing right now but someone other than me would have to write that book.

That is the most in-narrative controversy lightning rod in the book -- that it does not deal with dudes wanting to bone each other; that is a very conspicuous missing aspect in today's society.

I would love to have some MSM mouthpiece try to nail me down on that one though. I already have the argument all fleshed out (I have a very funny little speech about how gay men definitely do not want me writing "the authoritative guide to gay sex" because I have absolutely no idea what I am talking about in that case, and there is no way I am going to unless I become gay, lol).



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 20, 2023
Some journalist wrote an article a few weeks ago that blew up on X about how "the pickup artist industry has died, and what's replaced it has been seriously unhealthy toxic misogynistic incels who truly hate women and red pill men who are almost as bad" and there were about a bajillion women commenting that "at least PUAs liked women" "at least pickup was self-improvement" "at least these guys got men to improve their lives" etc.

Do you have a link? I still see YouTube videos and Reddit posts bashing pickup artists. Even if women want to be approached more I don’t think the majority will ever accept any kind of PUA movement that trains it.

If you’re publishing a mainstream book you should try to get some kind of psychology degree, I think credentials, even basic or diploma mil ones have a lot of credence among the masses and mainstream outlets. Podcast eps with titles like “relationship expert/therapist says“ - regarding attraction do more numbers.
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Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Do you have a link? I still see YouTube videos and Reddit posts bashing pickup artists. Even if women want to be approached more I don’t think the majority will ever accept any kind of PUA movement that trains it.

No, sorry, can't seem to find it. It was about a month ago. Some chick with a popular Substack... can't remember now.

Yeah, there's still stuff bashing PUAs. Most of it is dated (2018-19). The more recent stuff I have seen the heart's gone out of it.

For a while feminists were FURIOUS about PUA.

Now PUA gets the same sort of reactions from the female online critics that Female Dating Strategy / The Rules get from male online critics: they don't like about it, they complain about it, they complain that "really this is just going to make you undateable, etc.", but they are no longer driven to try to achieve TOTAL DESTRUCTION as in the past.

The last great takedown was probably Tom Torero almost 3 years ago. Nowadays feminist activism is targeted at guys like Andrew Tate and his ilk.

If you’re publishing a mainstream book you should try to get some kind of psychology degree, I think credentials, even basic or diploma mil ones have a lot of credence among the masses and mainstream outlets. Podcast eps with titles like “relationship expert/therapist says“ - regarding attraction do more numbers.

Haha, thanks man, but I'm not gonna go subject myself to 4 years in a PhD program or something just so I can slap "PhD" on the cover. There's a lot I want to do in life and we all have to prioritize. I respect PhDs a lot but I'm not going to get one.

All I care about is creating the most comprehensive, lasting guide to romantic attraction for men and women and having it simple, direct, deep, meaty, and complete. It looks like we're coming up on a dark age and the way these things go most of the scattered knowledge so freely available today will be lost. You need compact & complete books that pull everything into one place and systematize them for future generations.

That's the focus. Selling to the masses would help entrench it in popular consciousness, which helps ensure the book's survival long-term, but there are lots of ways to do that more efficient than a PhD!

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015

I went on Youtube to try to find a clip of you on Australian TV (lol) but instead found someone blatantly infringing on HtMGC's copyright:



Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
What do you market to women for dating advice and relationship stuff and speed to sex? Seems like it would be almost a conflict of interest or at least very opposed ideals?


I guess to add I'm a bit confused bc Madonna/Whore is a real issue for women, so I doubt you're going to give the advice of having sex too quickly for a woman. But conversely, the advice for men is to have sex as soon as possible. Now there is an equilibrium there where a guy's frame goes against a girl's frame. But a book doesn't seem like it would be able to dive that deep into the nuance, so I almost feel like the book has to answer two questions - for a guy, when should you slow down to going for sex; and for a woman, when should she move faster to have sex.

At the same time almost any advice coming from a PUA/dude seems biased bc of course we want sex as fast as possible.
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Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

I went on Youtube to try to find a clip of you on Australian TV (lol) but instead found someone blatantly infringing on HtMGC's copyright:

Goddamn, lol. Now they're using terrible AI voices to copyright infringe us.

We'll get that taken down. Thanks @Ambiance.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

What do you market to women for dating advice and relationship stuff and speed to sex? Seems like it would be almost a conflict of interest or at least very opposed ideals?


I guess to add I'm a bit confused bc Madonna/Whore is a real issue for women, so I doubt you're going to give the advice of having sex too quickly for a woman. But conversely, the advice for men is to have sex as soon as possible. Now there is an equilibrium there where a guy's frame goes against a girl's frame. But a book doesn't seem like it would be able to dive that deep into the nuance, so I almost feel like the book has to answer two questions - for a guy, when should you slow down to going for sex; and for a woman, when should she move faster to have sex.

At the same time almost any advice coming from a PUA/dude seems biased bc of course we want sex as fast as possible.

A lot of advice for men & women syncs up. e.g., wear red. Get the other to self-disclose more. Or it is complementary: men, use more humor; women, laugh more at his attempts to use humor.

Where there's a conflict, you just present both sides: men, get to sex faster. Women, delay sex longer. You can't object to the book because I'm filling it to the brim with references that support the claims. And any objection will necessarily look one-sided: "Well his advice to make men wait for sex is good, but he's also advising men to aim to get to sex fast, and that's just wrong!"

Makes for good marketing, too: people coming out with angry but paper thin accusations against you you can just hammer down (y)

These are the types of rhetorical traps I relish setting ;)
