I mean this in the nicest way, but you have no clue what you are doing with texting at all!
All the frustration you're having is due to this terrible texting.
You are, at present, in the
lowest tier of male texters I identified in this article -- the Clueless Boring Questions Guy™ (CBQG).
Main hurdles for you to improve at texting are:
- Getting better empathy/insight into where women's heads are likely at when you text them (rather than just texting "whatever" and hoping something hits)
- Learning to think about the texts you're sending, before you send them; taking into account where girls' heads likely are; and asking yourself, "What effect do I expect this text to have? How will sending this text help me to move things forward?"
Start to do those things and you will at least begin to move out of CBQG guy land into something else... even if it is just being the Endless Conversations Guy™ (which is still bad, but less bad than CBQG).
GOOD that you are asking about your texting! You have big blindspots here but if you didn't ask, who knows how long it'd take to discover them (if ever).
If you are good in-person but your texting is just atrocious, and you are just having too much trouble understanding texting psychology for whatever reason, you may want to switch to going for
instant dates and
ONS... or switch to using audio or
video messages instead of texts. (but if you're equally bad/boring in regular conversation as you are with texting, this will not help; instead you will need to work on
being an interesting conversationalist first)