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Driving a nice car - does it help you or hurt you?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Ambiance: *notices an arousal boost after holding multiple girls while taking them down a steep hill on a scooter, ends up laying each*
The All-Wise Skills: Nope sorry

Also @Skills , you missed an R in your signature. Over 2000 posts and you never noticed? Guess your Skills don't include attention to detail ;)
is this suppose to be funny or neg, i didn't get it.... Anyways, if you want to advice a scooter to get laid, i disagree, if that offends you my apologies, didn't meant to offend, you i am just trying to avoid anybody that is dumb enough to field test such ridiculous advice the time...
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 8, 2015
Both... I know scooters are a little silly and can't compete with a motorcycle. But they're surprisingly great. Either she is wrapped around you or you're enveloping her as you handle steering, and it's much less secure than even a motorcycle, so even going 20 mph gets the blood going.

My current GF still brings up how safe I made her feel while riding a scooter, and it's been almost two years since the last time we had to take one.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 7, 2015
it's much less secure than even a motorcycle, so even going 20 mph gets the blood going
I tried once to ride with a relative, both of us on the same scooter, on our way to some girls haha. We could barely stand on it together. We were a bit drunk too, but the memory is bright as day. Definitely got the circulation going

Yeah yeah it's not as bad ass as motorcycles but it's about memories... and we were ready to have fun with the girls.

I wouldn't mind sharing such experience with a girl too


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Unless your car is

- Aventador
- Ferrari
- Bentley
- McLaren

Don't show. BMW and Mercedes is still a 'provider' vehicle

Asian females will bullshit. Full of shit. Bullshit a lot. While I was in the military, the guys I know, share stories of fucking girls at the back of the truck, or at the park.

They use their fathers 'open air' truck and bring a tent.

Fucking hilarious hearing this stories.

But yea, with the world in a meltdown, this will get aggressive. And it's nothing personal. It's all transactional. So, we all have to play that game too.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Sep 13, 2021
I tried also riding an electric scooter with a girl. Seems pretty fun, tbh, but it was just one time. My pride didn't let me ride with a girl second time.

Riding with friends, drunk, that's another story. One of us fell down and had a pain in his wrist for some weeks. Not worthy to me.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
The scouter crew guys either didn't read the post or fail to understand context.. the post is not I am fucking or dating or have a girlfriend and we got in a scooter and it was fun....

If I am pulling a girl ons, meeting a girl date second encounter, meeting a girl online a fucking scooter is totally kj, good luck with that unless you are in a fabela in brazil...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
But yea, with the world in a meltdown, this will get aggressive. And it's nothing personal. It's all transactional. So, we all have to play that game too.

Wrong we are here to exchange sex for sex, on my end 0 transactional my main makes more money than me and drives a better car than me...


Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
Motorcycles are great if you look like in your mid-late 30s.

If you have grey everywhere and a fairly decent beer gut I suggest investing that money on dye, gym and suplemments.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2019
Unless your car is

- Aventador
- Ferrari
- Bentley
- McLaren

Don't show. BMW and Mercedes is still a 'provider' vehicle

Asian females will bullshit. Full of shit. Bullshit a lot. While I was in the military, the guys I know, share stories of fucking girls at the back of the truck, or at the park.

They use their fathers 'open air' truck and bring a tent.

Fucking hilarious hearing this stories.

But yea, with the world in a meltdown, this will get aggressive. And it's nothing personal. It's all transactional. So, we all have to play that game too.


You are super super under estimating classic cars here.

Or maybe I’m wrong lol and I’m over estimating classic cars.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
You are super super under estimating classic cars here.

I understand where you coming from.

Sorry if the post looks erratic.

It is not an ego post. I am just pissed off that females virtue signal a lot on TikTok and social media while they literally make use of males, especially their boyfriend cars and brag on social media.

In Singapore, Malaysia. BMW and Mercedes is common. MLM, Network marketing companies rewards this cars to sales people. Parents from rich families buy this for their daughters.

So this is why I conclude that BMW and Mercedes is 'provider'.

If you are an Asian Male and you have a BMW, Basically shut the fuck up. Pick me up from work and drive me because I have a golden vagina. Because I'm wAhmen eMpoWahERD.

Idiotic. I don't like it. It's abuse. Literally abuse



Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2019
I understand where you coming from.

Sorry if the post looks erratic.

It is not an ego post. I am just pissed off that females virtue signal a lot on TikTok and social media while they literally make use of males, especially their boyfriend cars and brag on social media.

In Singapore, Malaysia. BMW and Mercedes is common. MLM, Network marketing companies rewards this cars to sales people. Parents from rich families buy this for their daughters.

So this is why I conclude that BMW and Mercedes is 'provider'.

If you are an Asian Male and you have a BMW, Basically shut the fuck up. Pick me up from work and drive me because I have a golden vagina. Because I'm wAhmen eMpoWahERD.

Idiotic. I don't like it. It's abuse. Literally abuse


Yeah it seems like money is very distorted at the moment.

I responded to a thread about rich women earlier, which I also if I look back through my posts a little earlier also has been a common topic lately. Obviously everybody seems to have money on the mind.

Reminded me of this story.