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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 9, 2013
Before I begin I want to explain why I am posting this: This is not the perfect field report NOT AT ALL! I want to show what some patience and persistance can do for your game. Yes the ideal situation is you meet a girl, you close her that night or get her number and close her on day 1, but the amount of things that can go unexpected are limitless. In my opinion the person who has mastered game, isn't the guy who everything luckily works out perfectly for in a pickup, but the guy who can handle the shit tossed at him, without flinching and just adjusting his game to fit the scenario.

Background: Met DSL (you can figure out why I call her that) out in January at a bar with a friend. We all went to the same highschool but I was in a relationship at the time and was a couple grades above her so we never knew each other until now. I remember always thinking she was very attractive in high school but I didn't make any moves because I was in a committed relationship. So I'm sure as you can all imagine how I felt meeting a woman from my past that I thought was attractive but unattainable, but now in the future being single it was a whole new ball game!

Flirted a bit that night, but she gave off the vibe that she felt she was hot shit and wasn't really opening up to me. (FYI she is pretty hot, great body, really nice eyes, seemed like she knew how to play with men and the obvious DSL). By then I considered myself pretty decent at game but I just couldn't crack her bitch shield. Her best friend at the bar with her was eating up all the shit I was saying, but I just couldn't get through to DSL. Ended up focusing on another random who I just numbered closed on, but by the end of the night I was upset I couldn't get anything going with DSL. My buddy who knew her previously salvaged the situation and they spoke after about us meeting and she mentioned if I wanted to add her on fbook I could because she wouldn't send me a friend request (plays really hard to get). I knew that I would give up all my intrigue if I did so, so I asked for her number from my buddy instead and decided and take a long shot at messaging her and see where it went...

Next day: Jan 18th

Me 2:17 p.m: Heard you were to shy to message me. Cute (Didn't say my name on purpose to not come off needy and test if she was still thinking of me)
Her 2:52 p.m: That's funny I'm pretty sure you heard wrong
Me 3:19 pm: So if there's one thing I should hear about you what should it be?
Her 3:37 pm: I dare you to ask me a harder question
Me 3 47 pm: Thought youd be able to handle it you go to A (our schools our rivals - (HER SCHOOL= A)
Her 4:15 pm: Thought youd be able to ask me a harder question you go to B (LMY SCHOOL= B)
Me 4:49 pm: I keep the tough questions for face to face meets
Her 5 40 pm: Is that an excuse for not being able to come up with one
Me 6 52 pm: Ill start with an easy one. Whats your plans for the weekend?
Her 9:07 pm: Nice save. Going downtown tomorrow night, you?
Me 10 pm: Yeah same actually. Maybe if you're lucky youll run into me
Her 10:28 pm: Maybe we'll find out
(I know I pushed it too far here and should have left it but I go to school out of town so I said to myself fuck it, try to pull her tonight-- was thinking with the wrong head)
Me 11:20 pm: I don't leave things up to chance. Lets chill
Her 11:47 pm: B chilling with A? I don't know if that's allowed
Me 12:01 pm: Just called admin. Credits are transferable (beauty line, if i can say so myself)
Her Jan 19th 8:54 am: Interesting Funny how that worked out
Me 1:23 pm: SO tonight 8ish, we'll chill and i'll tell you exactly what to expect at B
Her 3:47 pm: I have plans but I think I know who to call when I'm up at B
Me 4:53: I'm a busy guy, don't know if you'll get the chance
Her 6:19: Ohh thats too bad then

After this convo I understood a few things. She definately knew how to play hard to get. Didn't show much interest in me, but enough to respond. Responded after waiting for a while. She also never sent me double messages. I knew I needed to bring my A game, cause her being so aloof made me want her even more. I'm competitive and don't like to lose...

Jan 23rd

Me 9:49 P.M: STOPPPP!!!
Her 10:07 pm: Lol nah
Me 10:14 p.m: No really stop IT
Her 10:52 pm: Whats it
Me 11:00 pm: Stop smiling and thinking about me. See you're doing it...right... now ( NEVER USE THIS OPENER. ITS SHIT!)
Her 11:26 pm: Do these lines usually work for you?
Me 11:35 am: Yeah the lines or the looks. The combos killer
Her JAn 24 11:04 am: As cute as that sounds, clearly not
Me 2:01 p/m: Use the lines to make you feel like I had to work for it when we hookup. Wouldn't want you to feel easy

As you can tell again, she doesn't play along with anything I say and just plays so hard to get. So that last line I threw in there might have been a mistake, but I thought it was witty. Another thing I realize I did wrong was respond to her messages too quickly. Should have waited a bit loner between each message. Live and learn!

As I had other women in my life, I realized my best bet would be to lay off her for a bit and focus on girls who were more attainable. Abundance mentality is key! Look what happens next more than a month later


Guess what? I get a friend request on fbook from DSL! So i message her:

Me 1:41 p.m: So we're friends now?
Her 2:07 p.m: I guess so
Me 2:31p.m: When am I getting my friendship bracelet
Her 2:57 pm: I can ask you the same question
Me 4:06 p.m: You added me, it's your job first
Her 5:24 p.m: Okay . So when I see you
Me 8:00 p.m: Youre in luck. Home next weekend. Better free up your scheduele
Her 8:36 pm: Okay I'll see what I can do
Me 10:28 pm: Wel I can do Saturday. Hopefully that works for you
Her March 4 10:04 a.m: I think I'm going out that night for my friends bday. But you should come out
Me 2:01 p.m: So much for seeing what you can do. Be a rebel. Fake sick
Her 2:39 p.m: Fake sick just to see you?
Me 3:04 pm: Exactly. We'll make you chicken soup
Her 3:57 p.m: That's sweet but shes a good friend. Just come out

I completely change the topic for a few more messages and stop discussing the idea of going downtown with her...

A few things to note from this conversation. The amount of time I took between each message varied but was usually longer than her. This definitely helped. She starts warming up to me and even counters my invite out with an invite to come dt with her and her freinds. Two reasons I wasn't down for this 1) I wanted her alone for reasons of escalation, as well I don't live close to dt so logistics would have been garbage 2) I am not playing by her rules and conditions Pretty sure I've read this by Chase, you need to be the one setting up the date, not letting the woman dictate what is going on!

THERE IS MORE TO THIS STORY, JUST WANT TO SEE WHAT EVERYONE HAS TO THINK SO FAR! Feedback would be great and then I'll get the second part up!



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Feb 12, 2013
Well you know what they say, when a girl's acting mean and busting your balls, she's horny. You did a good job of playing it cool, and staying unphazed, though it was through text, so admittedly, it's easier to react to. Persistance is key here, and you're right, you just have to break through that bitch shield! XD
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake