Slow weeks and day 8 (part 1/ 2)
So… last weekend I managed to do the Day 8 challenge of the newbie assignment: 2 sitting down approaches in one day. I haven't done day 7 properly, but I've done more than 4 approaches with direct overall, so I guess that counts?...
Ok, ok, my next goal is to do 4 direct in a single day.
A month and half is probably too much for one small assignment, but bear with me, I've doing other things as well.
After neglecting the "social arts" the first three weeks of August, I decided to go out to pick up where I left off with cold approach. I scheduled three afternoons per week and I went out as planned the first two weeks, but I did zero approaches. I've done cold approaches before as per my past posts, yet I wasn't able now. Why?
For one thing, I had a bad acne outbreak, which affected my confidence, but I managed to control it by keeping bed sheets and towels extra clean, washing my face twice per day and only using water. There were also other reasons, perhaps valid or not, such as wanting to focus on fundamentals and re-adopting healthy habits. (For example, I been going to the gym 3x each week consistently now).
However, the main reason, I later realized, was that I only wanted to approach if I was on state (or flow or what have you). Usually caffeine, alcohol, or a long nap help, but I didn't want to depend on anything unsustainable, and I wanted to build consistency, so I said no props and no excuses.
This change, effectively, made me less reliant on state, but unable to approach at first.
Yet, after going out several days, wasting hours and hours (that I won't have when back to classes) and after pussying out so much, I managed to approach again. Approaching-to-fail and Shoot-first-ask-questions-later, began to click.
But first, I have to say, all these this time I haven't really stopped approaching. During the "slow weeks" I did one or two social circle approaches that didn't pan out. I also made a girl-friend from a social circle I'm in, with whom I practice a bunch of flirting, sexual tension and touching, but still strictly platonic due to the nature of the social circle itself.
On another occasion a lady-friend, from my country, 12 years older than me, invited me to a stylish winery/dance venue. I approached like 5 different girls, asked the number of one that was in one of my classes in college, but although she responded to my icebreaker, she declined my offer to meet saying "I'm too busy this week, how about next one?" (I had asked her out by suggesting a language exchange). "Sounds good" I replied.
Moreover, another night I went to a dance club by myself, feeling crappy. Only after getting a bit drunk I opened several girls, and then there was one girl I had a good rapport going on, but when she invited me to join her with her friends I declined, I don’t know why…
And at the end of the night I just made out with a girl I didn't find attractive.
Anyway, the reasons why I didn't felt satisfied with these approaches is because
1. I don't consider social circle and night game true cold approaches
2. They’re not part of the newbie assignment
3. I want to focus on day game first.
So I scheduled the outings to practice day game as mentioned before and…
By the third weekend I thought it was ridiculous I had wasted so much time out in the streets without approaching a single girl, so on Sunday, almost before going home at night, I saw a girl by herself, and after convincing myself to just "approach and fail" for almost 3 minutes, I went "sit and open". She hadn't seen me because I was sitting on a stair behind her. I opened with "hey there… I just saw you sitting here and I thought you were cute, and I had to say hi". Her reaction was like oh! laughing a little but not really impressed. I think I even forgot to say my name immediately and asked her what she was up to instead (my mistake since it's better to exchange names as fast as possible, I believe). The conversation was just okay, I couldn't never fully engage her. Then, I asked how was her schedule that week, and she said she could meet Tuesday. We exchanged phones but when leaving I told her
Me: "see you Tuesday then?"
Her "Thursday".
Me "Thursday? Mmm I don't know if I can Thursday" [I am legit busy every Thursday].
Her "Well, maybe Friday, then"
Me "We figure that out later".
30 min later I sent an icebreaker: "Wonderful to meet you, new friend
-Ergon". She didn't reply.
Next week, I went through almost the same thing, the first two days I didn't approach, but on Sunday I managed to approach a girl in a bookstore with "do you know where the equestrian sports section is?". I pre-opened pretending I was checking the books next to her, then two girls appeared before I said anything so I waited until she changed to the other end of the lane and delivered my opener. I then noted she was actually quite pretty and got nervous. I asked what she was up to (I probably need a new question to follow the introduction, lol)
Her "It is my birthday, so I'm buying me a book"
Me "Oh that’s nice of you" [I was rusty haha] "No party afterwards?"
She said she didn't have one planned.
I asked her if she was going to college, and she said she was going to high school. Then I asked her how old she was turning that day, and she answered 16. She looked uncomfortable and got out her cell phone at the end. I then said "It was nice meeting you, have a good day" and I left. I thing I could have departed bit more graciously, but I was surprisingly nervous during the whole interaction.
Same day, feeling low cause I had only made an approach, I decided to go to a bar I've never been before which always looked busy. I ordered and the bargirl asked me if I came for the event next room. I said I didn't know there was one; it was Latin folklore, perfect! I drank my beer and then got in line to buy a ticket for the event. I made some chat with a guy in line. Then I had another beer (in hindsight, here's where I began to drink too much).
I was nursing my drink just waiting for the opening band to start when some girl positioned herself in front of where I was. After a few minutes I noticed she was alone so I tapped her shoulder and asked if she was familiar with the band that was playing…
"This is the opening band isn't?"
"Yes they are"
"Yeah, because I thought it was Latin folklore music… this doesn't sound anything like that"
I think that after discussing who the main band was going to be we exchanged names. I asked her where she was from, what was her profession etc. When she asked back where I was from I teased her (I usually can tease a lot about it), then she asked me what I did [for a living] and I teased her saying I was homeless and unemployed (credit to Grand Pooba). I think she kind of believed it even though I was smiling when I told her.
"I just convince people… or seduced them to have somewhere to sleep"
"Yeah, you seem quite charming… So how do feel about that?"
"Mmm about what?... Hey is this a leathered biker jacket? [while touching her jacket]
I learned she was 8 years older than me. I let her guess my age and said I was one year older than what she guessed. She tried to tease me about me being younger, but I ignored it.
At some point I guessed that she wanted to study design but her parents pushed her into architecture.
"Yeah, how do you know?"
"Well, you know; sometimes you want to do something unconventional, and our parents push us into something more realistic"
There was a break between bands, and she went to buy beer. We had been talking about beer tastes, so she bought me my preferred one. I told her that she didn't have to and gave her what it cost. The singer of the main band showed up among the crowd , and this girl challenged me to go say hi to her. We both did and it was both awkward and fun, but I think I was graceful as well.
She said she was glad she came that night. At some point she pulled me into her to get closer to the stage. Later I pulled her into me when people tried to pass besides her. We were shoulder to shoulder during most of the concert.
At some point she told me she played the guitar and the ukulele, so I grabbed her hand and felt her fingers. She did have guitar fingers.
When the concert ended, I told her I was having fun and I wanted to spend more time with her. This is where thing started to go awry for me. I was now 4 beers drunk. I took my cellphone and tried to get an Uber. She wasn't impressed but tried to help me. Unfortunately I didn't have any money in my debit card so I couldn't get one. We went to sit at a table at the bar patio. I quickly asked the bartender to ask a taxi for me. Then I took the girl by the hand and went to grab the taxi. This obviously went pretty bad.
Some guys where grabbing the taxi, but they saw me and asked
Strangers: "Is this your taxi?"
Me: "Yeah"
Strangers: "Oh sorry man"
Her: "No, you didn't ask for a taxi"
She said she had a bike, and that she was too old for [wherever I was trying to do]. The taxi driver was insisting we decided immediately because he was blocking the road. At the end I took the taxi and just gave her a peck in the lips and left, alone.
In retrospect, I think I should've just taken her take walk with me, and find a secluded spot to escalate.
Anyway, me not being good handling logistics and also being drunk led to a disappointing night (and me acting like a jerk at the end). At least I'm proud of how well the interaction went before the turning point, so I hope it served as a good learning experience.