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Escapades of Marty, aspiring lover of women


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Approach #20

Approach #20: Situational-Direct

Still on vacation and now conscious that the souvenir stores were staffed full of casual workers from fun parts of Europe that I have a connection to, I decided to make best use of a day of pouring rain to see what might be possible.

The very first store I entered, I looked to my left right after walking in the door to see a lissom and unbelievably youthful-looking FANTASY with long blond hair, folding towels neatly and stacking them on a shelf. She was awfully shy. I went with the gentle "Do you work here? ... Actually, I don't want to buy anything" and introduced myself, then went direct in the sweetest way I could manage to avoid frightening her. She spoke very quietly, but she was happy to have someone to talk to. I adjusted my voice down to her level... presumably she was concerned about being overheard by the boss.

I found out within about 10 seconds that she was from an Eastern European country where I have spent many years for professional reasons. I switched to her language to put her at ease and this seemed to make her happy. She told me she was very bored with the job, and that back home she was in the middle of her studies. I asked her age and she told me 19. She actually asked my own age in turn, which was cool.

She gave me her number willingly, and replied quickly to my icebreaker text later that day, asking me where I was from. Unfortunately, when I pressed for the date I got a simple "I'm not going to meet with you, sorry" text. Full marks to her for not wasting my time though. I wished her well with her travels and studies and moved on.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
Approach #21

Approach #21: Situational-Direct

The last one on vacation... same day as #20, barely 15 minutes after, actually.

This woman was again at the cash desk of a tourist store, and it was another student with a casual position for the tourist season, again from the same Eastern European country as previous. A perfectly delightful blonde.

I went direct very early and switched to her own language. We had a brief conversation, but I could tell from her body language that she was uncomfortable being within earshot of her boss, language barrier notwithstanding. Given the circumstances, moving her was not really an option, though on reflection perhaps I should have given that a try... doubtful though whether she would abandon her post!

In spite of being very charming and cordial, she rejected my date proposal flat out and I persisted once—"Are you sure?"—but didn't press further.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 17, 2013
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take