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Estate's turn to shine.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Hey guys,
So I want to give this journal a try. I'm not the best at organizing my thoughts in words but it might be a good way to keep track of all I am doing.

I am 28 years old. I moved to the US 3 years ago and initially had a girlfriends and a group of friends. Those friends have moved home mostly and I am single once again so it really actually only feels like I'm "new" to the city now.
For the first time I really need to go it alone and become everything I want to be.

I am quite happy in myself. I have a lot going for me, ahve a great career that I enjoy. I earn enough, I don't really want for anything major.
But there are aspects that either need improving or could always use some extra points in life.
For me, this is not just about pickup, that's just one part of the puzzle. It's about becoming a better person, not a different person, I am who I am and I am happy with who I am. I just want to be the "best me".

In no particular order the things of importance to me, and the things I wan to keep a journal of are:
  • Pickup - I do well, I get girls. But I am not in a relationship as I am picky, I know what I want but sometimes fail in going after it enough. I am here to learn.
  • Career - I enjoy my job and do well but I can always do better. This year I am looking to prove a point. I want to move towards a promotion or break out and move up the ladder elsewhere and gain experience.
  • Fitness - I am in the best shape of my life. But that's not saying a lot :) My immediate goal is to work towards running a 5k in a decent time.
  • Health - I smoke. Not good for health, my wallet or meeting women. Getting this handled.
  • Social Life - I need to begin making more new friends in the city.
  • Social Self - I am naturally a quiet guy. I tend to keep to myself and speak softly. The older I get I know this is just not manly. It does not get me taken seriously. It goes hand in hand with being sexy, confident and having an edge.

So there you have it.
I'm hoping I can keep this going. Advance warning that I will write about not just pickup but all of the above.

Looking forward to continuing a journey already in progress.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Date: Tuesday 4/2
Skill: Socializing


Let's get this journal started. So being a Tuesday night there wasn't much going on. I joined a Meetup.com Group to practice being a little more social.
Since a lot of my friends have left I've often passed up easy oppertunities to meet new people by just staying and taking it easy on a weeknight, just figuring not a lot would happen. I'm wary of meetup, I'm not sure how many real friends I can make from there but I'm committing to go to some regularly, at the very least, it forces me to be more social and get chatting to strangers. Hopefully it gets me out of my shell a little more and when I'm out in field, I'm not just going in cold from a week of hardly hanging or talking with anyone, which has been a problem recently.

The group was a bunch of guys and girls who hang out to grab drinks and watch European soccer... right up my alley, I don't have any friends in the US into football and I'm a big fan.

Overall it was hit and miss on meeting people. There were things I wanted to work on. Smiling, being talkative, not just waiting to be spoken to, Body language, vocal tone, etc...
Instead of slumping on my couch for the night, work on and use some of these skills even if it's not direct pickup, the goal is still to use these skills to draw people to me.

The good thing about Meetup is that it gives you an easy "in" with people. You are all there for the same reason and probably all met through the same group.
The down side is that, highly social people don't seem to fall back on Meetup, they naturally make friends easily. Therefore, I found for ever 1 outgoing, social, fun person I met, there were 3-4 more awkward or unsocial people or shy people.
For example, one of the girls got up half way through the game and walked out. The others mentioned that she feels "left out" if not engaged and tends to take off. To be honest, having just met her and others, I tried to engage her myself but she wasn't really getting involved. To be honest it just seemed like someone who wasn't very socially comfortable or aware... not exactly the types I'm looking to meet, I'd like to meet and click with more out-going people... but as I said, it's a start. I feel good I made myself go, I actually enjoyed myself a lot in the end.

Tonight I'm getting dinner with 4 girls I met who are all Irish living in the same town as me.
I haven't met anyone from my own country besides those I knew before moving. Again,I'm using this as a way to practice some social skills, and hopefully use them as social circle.
They aren't really girls I want to get with, but as friends that would be good.

The weekend is coming up. I'll hopefully have a pickup report coming.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Date: Thursday 4/4
Skill: Socializing


So tonight was another socializing night. Networking making some connections.
So this is a situation which would have previously terrified me. I was invited to go to dinner with a group of other Irish people but I knew beforehand it was all women, which would have terrified me more.
They ranged in age, type, etc...
I was basically walking into somwhere, where I didn't really know any of these people, having to sit and make conversation for a few hours over dinner and drinks. My previous self would have frozen and either bailed out or gone and sit there in silence not knowing what to say... the main goal of tonight was to just go out. Be social and hopefully make a few friends in the process.

After work I was feeling a little tired and considered making my excuses. But then I realized I was just looking for excuses again, so I just tried to switch off my brain, got showered, dressed and headed out.

Anyway, I don't need to break down any interactions. I wasn't nervous at all. I tried to work on my body language, tone, etc...
I made an effort to actively get into the conversation and steer topics (I used to be terrible at being the focal point in a group). So it went really well. I had a fun night and I felt very social.

I'm really happy with myself since this was something which required me to go meet a bunch of people I didn't know, make an impression. I easily tend to not bother with these things and try to rely on situations where I already know someone well who ends up being my crutch. No more!

As it turned out, one of the girls was an absolute SMOKE! I would have figured she was my age but she actually said she was a few years older, and has just moved here and doesn't know anyone either.
We had some good banter and chat. She was b far the 10 of the group so I didn't want to make her my focal point in this setting but I was getting some interest from her, isolating wasn't possible in the setup at dinner.
We'll be making plans again in the next week or so. I could push things with this girl but for this group I'm more interested in making them part of my new social circle, hopefully they will provide some social proof, they are all pretty cool. So we'll see how it all goes.

I'm just happy with a little progress in my social life and practicing some general technique in being more social and attractive.

Tomorrow is Friday. I'm flying solo and have picked out a club downtown. So tomorrow is game night :)
I'm feeling like I want to try some more day game too Saturday.

I'll update again with weekend progress.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Date: Tuesday 4/2
Skill: Day Game


Today I hit downtown Boston. Its been a longtime since I tried day game to be honest.
My aim was to just get talking by asking a few people for directions and just go direct after the initial few approaches. All in all it didn't go too well.
I feel like I am making excuses saying this but there were practically zero women crossed my path that I would remotely be interested in. Lots of teenagers. Lots of old couples. The few girls in their 20's were unattractive.
I hate saying that. It really makes me feel like I'm making excuses for a poor day out but I don't know what else to say. I'm feeling very frustrated and dejected from today.

I'm planning to hit the town again tonight and try a club downtown.

Progress lately has been slim.
Since I ended things with the Italian girl a few weeks back I haven't had much going on. I've gotten a few numbers but had little interest in following up. I think it was more of an ego boost to get the number. I'm not really happy with it.
I had nibbles from 2 girls I thought were pretty decent but their reception has been weak. I feel like I'll have to plow through with them to get anywhere but at the same time feel that is a bit of a waste of time. If they had high interest, they would have high interest. No point wasting a lot of energy if they don't.

I feel like I need a boost by generating interest from a girl I am genuinely interested in but lately those pickings have been slim.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Glad you started a journal and working on your social circle.

I just commited to a girl, so my main focus will be social circle. It will be nice to get some insight from your journal bro.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Franco posted this as a reply to someone's post. It really resonated with me, I already do this to an extent, but it was nice to read in a structured way. You might also find it helpful and it could benefit your social game.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Date: Saturday 4/6
Skill: Bar Game / LR


First off.... Thanks for the comments Tyme2k. I hope you'll still be active on the forum.

So I went out to some local bars tonight. I'll list the more negative points first just to hold myself accountable.
I didn't open early in the night, I went out early to get going with a few drinks but I should do some easy approaches early in the night just to get social.
I was dressed up really well. It was they type of bar where most of the girls seemed to make a huge effort to get ready to come to but the guys come in ratty t-shirts to eat wings it seems... so I was getting a lot of looks from girls. I need to internalize this though, that "Yes, they ARE looking at me, go talk to them". I don't know why I still sometimes try to justify to myself that "she's not looking at ME", bad habits die hard I guess.

The last negative was something that bothered me. Later on I was at the bar when a solid 9 was gravitating around me. It seemed obvious she wanted me to open, kept looking at me and brushing me. So I turned, asked "How's it going, you doin' alright", she said Fine thanks, smiled and I just went blank, that was it.
I have no idea why this happened, I am so far past this, I felt like I was the same guy from 3 years ago.
It was a once off, it was just one particular situation which was tailor made for me and I bottled it in the moment. Not happy with myself.

By this stage it was heading for 12. The fire alarm went off in the bar and it was cleared out... most of the block seemed to be evacuated too. I wasn't sure where I'd go from there but had been in contact with a girl from a little while back.
I few messages later I was in her apartment & straight to her bedroom. So, there wasn't a huge amount of game involved but the ground work had already been laid. I think a FWB situation is possible here but I would need to play it right. She is not permanently in the city so things fizzled out when it became apparent a relationship would not develop. She's wild in bed though and I know she wants it so FWB is possible but I need to figure out how to do this, if I do it, I need it to be clear what it is as I don't want a messy situation later.

Another girl from a while back has been messaging me a lot too. I've sort of written her off though. She's pretty nice but I know she REALLY wants a serious relationship. I'm not looking to go there so while it would be easy to get with her, I think that situation could get messy quickly. Since I haven't seen her in a while I'd like to actually friendzone her, she's a fun girl. I haven't met up though as I'm not sure how to easily friendzone her.

So in terms of progress in pickup... The night wasn't awesome. But it's all experience.
I need a better plan next week. Know what I am going to do for the night ahead of time and know what I want to work on/achieve.
Need to keep an eye on FWB-girl. Having her around more often may keep my frame a little better, when I lack options, I notice how my state drops. I don't want to get lazy though, need to monitor the situation.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Date: Tuesday 4/9
Skill: Day Game


I don't actually have time to write a full report today but I had to write something. Today I feel GREAT!
It's the first REAL day of spring/summer in New England and something is in the air.

I don't know if it's the sunshine.
I don't know if it's FINALLY feeling some warm air.
I don't know if it's the fact that EVERY hot girl in the city seems to have come out of the winter hibernation.
I don't know if it's the low tops and short sun dresses.
I don't know if it's the bare skin, the amount of people around or WHAT it might be :)

But I got out early today to venture around the city after work. My mood is up, my game is up and I just realized.... this will be my 4th summer in New England but my FIRST one being single.
I don't even know what has changed about me but that last statement actually EXCITES me no end.

Socially things are good too. I have a packed week which also makes me feel good to have things to look forward to:
- Sox game tomorrow followed by some bar game afterwards.
- I have a networking night Thursday.
- Party to go to downtown Friday.
- Got invited to a pub crawl Saturday.
- (And getting laid last weekend probably didn't hurt my mood either.)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Date: Saturday 4/13
Skill: Night Game


It's funny how, when your are actually out there being busy, the opportunity to sit down and write your thoughts becomes more difficult, not a bad problem to have I suppose.

This has been a very busy week. My job is at full throttle and I've been making a huge effort to fill my calendar for the week ahead, every Sunday evening. I've joined some meetups, some networking groups, an expat group and some other technical groups (I'm an IT guy). I see this as a way of being busy, always be out, being social, meeting people and making some connections, besides actual time for going out and meeting girls the usual ways. Even if going to a seminar about some new technologies doesn't get me laid on a Tuesday evening, then going out there, using something which helps my career to learn about and making the conscious effort to approach and introduce myself to various people makes me feel like I'm building a better life, practicing being more social, etc...

Last night I went to a bar with some new friends I had made recently. The first drink or so was a little awkward. It seemed to take everyone a few drinks to loosen up.
2 of the girls in the group were sort of cute so I made an effort to engage them, I noticed the guys in the group kept forming their own circle and the girls were being cut off into their own smaller circle. I thought it might be a good idea to bridge the two groups and keep the girls engaged which I think they liked. As the night went on all the girls seemed comfortable chatting with me while the other guys kept their own circle.
The 2 cute girls were nice but not my "type".... cue... their friend entering...
... maybe not my "type" either in the sense that I'd never been with a girl like her before but for some reason that made her more attractive. She had a very exotic look, maybe Middle-Eastern, short but huge boobs (all real I had to pleasure to find out later:) )

I didn't feel like I did any hard gaming. But in the social setting it was just easy by being social. When she appeared I let her greet her friends then introduced myself and brought her into the group while the other guys didn't really engage her or include her. I think in a social setting, small things like this alone make you more attractive than any big gestures or routines. You just immediately feel like you have a little control and are a social and friendly person.
I spend the rest of the night just chatting with everyone and enjoying myself. (Maybe a little too much, quite a few drinks by the end, haha).
As the crowd begins to whittle down, I notice I'm getting a lot of glances from her, we've bantered a lot throughout the night. At this point I figure, go for it! But I had a problem isolating her from her friend By the time I did though it luckily hadn't hurt me too much.

As we left, it was pretty obvious it was on. She stumbled over plans for getting home so I decided to hail a cab, and just bring her with me and the rest is history.

Today was slow, the combination of having a few drinks, having done an 8 mile run yesterday, a night out after a busy week and not getting a lot of sleep last night has me worn out.
Took it pretty easy and caught up on some games on TV. I'm not mad about a quiet day though, I've been very busy lately and am happy with myself so a day off isn't a big thing.

I'm not sure if it was one of Chase's articles or else where that I read someone suggest writing out your goals, leaving it somewhere you will see it each morning and at the end of each day look at it and ask "What did I do today to get closer to reaching these goals".
I'm usually not very hoaky but it's not a bad idea so far.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Apr 4, 2013
Hey Estate,

I think I read somewhere that you moved to the Boston area. I work over in Cambridge, so if you're interested in a wingman or just a guy to encourage you in person, send me a PM or just tell me on here.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Random thoughts as I've been too busy to really post much field work.

Obviously the Boston Marathon bombing has had an impact on the city this week. Some other things have taken priority the last few days. I think that's ok. Sometimes in life there are more important things.

I had originally planned to meet up with a girl tonight but decided to cancel. I sort of hate doing that.
To be honest, my interest level wasn't very high with her and her investment levels were rather low too. I just don't feel like wasting my time or anyone elses. I feel a little bad to cancel and I also feel maybe it is "experience" but I'm not at a place right now where I need to plough through a lot of dates just for the experience. I want quality dates.
Is this a cop out? Or is this being selective? I'm not sure, I'm on the fence. Part of me says I should seize any oppertunity to gain experience. Having said that, since last August, I have been on more dates than I can actually remember, some good, some not so good... The thought of a first date doesn't scare me anymore but it almost bores me if I am not excited about the girl. I just need to have that guy excitement about seeing a girl and I haven't been getting that much lately.
I know what I want, I know the type of girl I am looking for and if she is not it... is it better to not waste my time or theirs?

FWB girl got in touch last night. She had been acting weird and flakey up to last weekend. We had plans to get together on Friday and she really took me to town. We set plans which she kept pushing back and then left me hanging. Then sent me a weird message and disappeared. I wrote her off. Either we get together without any hassle or we don't.
Last night she sent me some message which sounded like she wanted control in the situation but sounded too "gamey". She's being way too complicated right now for someone who is only FWB. I'm not into it.

@Jo, Hey man, We'll get in touch, maybe we can go out some night.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
I'll admit this week hasn't been great.

Lacking a lot of motivation.
Lacking many serious options right now...

Strange, I have 2 or 3 girls interested in me right now but still just not the quality I am looking for.
A few buddies let me down (again!!!!) last minute to go out tonight and I'm not really mustering up much in myself to go out alone tonight. As easy as it would be to call up one of these girls to hookup, I don't even feel interested in that as it doesn't signify any progress.
Getting a little frustrated with it... like a glass ceiling is above and the quality girls are standing above.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Push that comfort zone, it's the only way through the glass.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Mini FR:

Hooked up with a cute Italian girl last night. Cute little blonde, amazing shower sex this morning.
(What is it with American-Italian Girls? Out of anyone they can't get enough of the Irish accent?!?!)

Went out about town this afternoon, not a lot of approaching, same as yesterday wasn't finding a lot of quality targets but I went easy on myself, it was some progress.

Saw the most unbelievable 10 on the subway ride home. I mean... absolutely stunning.
Went direct on her since I wasn't feeling like wasting time. Didn't get her number unfortunately, she was with a friend who seemed in a hurry. The cute girl was really friendly but going direct on her and not really appeasing the friend probably didn't endear myself to her... I don't mind though, it's all experience.
I think this will serve as some motivation, there ARE some 10's in Boston... I was starting to wonder for a while there, haha.

Have a busy week ahead, work schedule is crazy and I have a lot of social events lined up so going to follow through with all of those and hope I feel good after it all.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
I little life update since my journal hasn't been bustling with activity:

I feel like things are beginning to happen, both in terms of meeting women and also in social circles... two goals which are important to me right now.
I'm starting to break into something I've never actually been in before... I'm actually turning down invites for dates and friends because I simply cannot make everything. For the first time ever, I have friends from several sources and groups, not just a core of 2-3-4 friends who I only socialize with.
I hate to turn anything down, especially when you're trying to make new friends but it's good in the sense that I have options, I am being asked out instead of chasing other people.
It makes things difficult to actually maintain relationships you are trying to build when you actually turn down invites but all in all, it's a much better problem to have to not actually having those options.

This weekend, I actually went solo Friday as I didn't have other plans. It wasn't my greatest success by any stretch but I view these things now as a learning experience. If a night doesn't go well then it's not getting me down, I'm actually more excited when I can analyse some things and learn something which will help me achieve more next time.Thanks also goes to Franco in a separate thread for helping me make some realizations on this particular night.

Today, Cinco de Mayo, I met an old friends. Actually it was a girl I had dated over a year ago. She's a really cool girl but we weren't looking for the same things in terms of hooking up. I think shes pretty cool though and I think having her as part of my social circle is a benefit. I was happy to meet up, we actually had a pretty great Sunday.

This week is busy for me.
I have dates on Monday, Wednesday and meeting a girl I had been hooking up with on Thursday.
I have a party to attend on Friday and then a group of friends and I are headed to a ball game on Saturday with a night out planned after.

So it's partial, meet girls, partial meeting new friends. It's gonna be a busy week.

I am lukewarm on the girls I am meeting Monday & Wednesday but I did stop going on a lot of dates a while back because I felt it wasn't worth it if I didn't have serious interest.
I'm thinking I want to keep myself a little tuned by going on these dates. I usually do well on first dates but I can't just ignore it and expect to be a great first date when I finally want to take out a 10.
Both girls seem cool though so hopefully they turn out to be good when I can sit and get to know them.

I have some sticking points I want to work on too. Again, I'm seeing this as a positive as I'm no longer walking away from interactions clueless... I can see where they went well and where they did not, allowing me to consciously work on areas I think I could improve myself. So it's all positive.

Right now I've had a few margaritas today, some nice Mexican food and I'm having an early night, getting ready to knock this weeks work out of the ball park, and live and learn over this very busy week ahead.
Have a great week all!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012

A girl has just flaked on a date for tonight.
Shame, for some reason I was almost feeling a little excitement about this one which has been rare lately.

Oh well... I'll just have to go out and meet more women instead :)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
General life update...

I've been feeling really good about things lately again.

I spent all Friday night and all of last Saturday with new friends. 2 different groups. And in the meantime got chatting with another guy who was really cool and we actually went meeting women together around the bar. We'll probably get together this weekend again. I'm feeling good about this... making friends in a new place is very tough. In some ways meeting women can often provide you with quick rewards if you are looking to hook up but actually meeting and enjoying spending time with new friends while making those connections has been difficult. A lot of perseverance and some failures along the way but finally things are beginning to stick. I've had so many plans lately and and going out again tomorrow night.

On pickup:
2 dates last week, the first girl I really didn't click with. We had 2 drinks and I got the check and made my excuses. I;d have beat myself up about this before but this girl ust bored me to death and really overplayed her attractiveness.. it just turned me off and I decided not to waste either of our time any further.
2nd girl actually flaked on me the morning of... not sure why, she either had cold feet or something else is going on in her life. She seemed to be into me right up until the point she bailed.
I really don't care though, the young Estate would have beaten himself up over this, I used that night to go meet a few NEW women :)

Right now I have a few options:
One FWB, we don't see each other a lot but when we do meet the sex is mindblowing. Neither of us are in a position to date each other so I'm happy with things being just what they are.

Been in contact with 3 different girls who are all up for meeting up again but I'm pretty lukewarm on them, keeping them on the backburner for now but not very interested.

Another girl I met this weekend was just my type, very pretty blonde. We exchanged numbers but little did I know we sort of work together! Well, she just started in my company and a few squares across. There are literally thousands of people there though and people come and go but it's not unusual to have no idea who people are just a few desks over. She sits right next to a "former" friend (see some older threads about some friends I let go over the past year) who I'm pretty sure she asked about me. She's quietened down since we both realized we worked together. I could pursue it, seems just my luck that I'd met someone I'm really into and a spanner be thrown in the works but quite honestly, it's not worth it if it is difficult, I'm beginning to meet some other really great girls now.

Next girl is a beautiful Italian brunette. The first thing I noticed was I literally thought I was looking at Selena Gomez across the room. She's a stunner. She's 25 and a little conservative. I'm playing this by ear.

I have plans right now to meet another short blonde this Sunday. She is actually lovely. She seems into me, I'm only a little concerned because even though she's showing a lot of interest we both had scheduling conflicts so there is a bit of a gap between us first meeting and getting together this weekend, I'm hoping there's no "lull" where we left off.

That's my update. I'll try to do some more formal field report type updates when things be a little less crazy but I like to still check in and give these life updates.

Play on!


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Yes, I know I suck at keeping this up to date but the lack of time typing is made up for doing other things ;)

Things are steadily changing... it hit me this weekend.
Even a few months ago, I'd often dread the weekends, from Friday evening leaving work until Monday morning I'd often have no contact with anyone I really knew... friends I mean. I've been steadily growing my group of friends and female acquaintances... it just hit me this weekend when I literally couldn't keep up all weekend, my phone kept buzzing with different people trying to get in touch and make various plans.

First thing first, the dark side of this...
This weekend I met a girl, just got chatting with her, didn't hookup or anything, just a number. Long story short apparently she is friends with a girl I had been hooking up with a while back. I didn't know but the girl I hooked up with previously seemed pissed and let me know by text that she told her friend about me and her friend has deleted my number. I'm guessing the girl I met this weekend told her about me and somewhere along the lines she figured out it was me. Maybe I should care but I really don't. We actually haven't hooked up in a while because she's so flakey, but she pings me every once in a while, I think she thought she had me on a string, hence the flakiness... I think she's just kinda pissed to see I'm not sitting at home waiting for her.

The good side of all this...
Saturday was just a great night. I don't want to write an entire field report but I went home with a really awesome woman. The night had everything though, Approaching, dealing with groups, I tested just HOW fast I can move things (pretty damn fast it seems, we were making out less than 5 mins after meeting), moving the girl, pulling, LMR, etc, etc...
I just feel sometimes like I overthink it a lot. If I'm focusing on doing good approaches, maybe I'm not moving fast, If I try moving fast, maybe I'm not qualifying enough and she's not really investing...
This one just had it all, if there was such thing as a sequence to meeting a girl then I think this checked all the boxes and I was proud to go through the night not really stumbling at all. It went so smoothly. Best thing is, I really didn't even FEEL like I was gaming or anything. I was genuinely having a good night with my 2 buddies and it just led into meeting a whole bunch of girls and coming across one I set my eye on and got her.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
This one isn't really a success story, infact it's the opposite, but I'm posting to keep the motivation up.

Had been in contact with the woman from my last post... I hadn't really expected any follow up from her but she actually began texting a lot and seemed interested.
Long story short though I began feeling she was just messing around, I tried to meet up with her and after agreeing to it she bailed... I was about to give up but sh kept texting so maybe her reason for bailing was genuine... so I tried again.
She wanted to meet Saturday but then acted flakey again when it came to the time...

Long story short I got a long winded text on Sunday telling me all about her latest relationship which she just got out of, etc, etc, etc and the "You're a cool guy but..." line so I just deleted her from my phone.

I don't know why this one kinda knocked me yesterday. She wasn't a 10, I don't think it would have been anything other than something brief but for whatever reason, 2 weeks had passed, she kept making excuses, then coming back to me, then ultimately seemed to build this up into a whole big thing in her head which I don't get...
It's one girl, not a big deal, I just feel I was just an ego boost for her and a bit annoyed I let her play it off that way... if nothing came of the original hookup I wouldn't have cared.

Anyway, onwards and upwards... I have a big week in work this week so need to focus on that for a couple of days then back to this stuff..