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Every Guy Should Dye Hair Once


Modern Human
Modern Human
Dec 13, 2019
This is sort of a quick hack but it’s a very very good one if you are smart about it.

You’ll notice if you listen to main stream advice now adays it’s always saying the same things in multiples. Approach more girls, Go to the gym, make more money etc…etc….

A lot of these things are not instantaneous though, these things are quite time consuming and honestly have no guaranteed results in the end. Even worst they can become a self enforcing loop where you end up being the hamster in the wheel instead of the hamster who’s running around banging.

This is my recommendation if you have the following going on for you;

1) You are a regular at establishments enough that you have basic social proof

2) Looks and dressing is at least to baseline

Have these two things and my advice will have more impact.

So what does dying your hair do?

Well for one, gives you an instant conversation with women you are approaching, “Oh I just noticed your hair! Did you dye it it’s gorgeous” Which hits as a compliment cause they’ll either say “Oh hahahaha no it’s all natural” or say “Oh yeah I just went to the Salon” and start blabbing about that and from there you can move the conversation in multiple directions.

Two, you’ll look at yourself as if you are a different person. Since when you’ll look in the mirror you’ll look visibly different. One thing in our lizard brains that stays with us is we use visual cues for our feelings. Different look different feelings.

Where as if you are going to the gym the results will take years.

Bonus points if you are a regular at the establishments BECAUSE they’ll be having a boring day and start talking about you and your hair and converse about it. “oh why did you dye your hair!” “How much did it cost!” “Yeah I was thinking of going xyz color”

This year I did teal in my hair and have had lays from it. I’m going to go back to black hair for abit then do a bleach blonde.

Hope this helps,



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 7, 2019
First off I rate your posts and can tell you're legit & know what your talking about.

With that said, I hateeeeee to be that guy and do this but want to point out the nuance here.

My take is you haven't got more lays because of the dyed hair but more because it's well executed peacocking

(actually fashionable unlike the old school tophat mystery wore)

I know you covered yourself with this:

2) Looks and dressing is at least to baseline

but some guys will take it literally... Dying their hair red & being like wtf I haven't gotten laid yet lol

You could probably get similar results with anything else that's a conversation starter e.g. bigger well groomed beard if you normally have a goatee or clean shaven look if you normally have a beard...

It's the "brand new" effect similar to an old girl seeming more attractive after a good new picture with a different outfit/hairstyle...


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Nice post.

One of the guys I learned from early on in the game had shoulder-length hair, bleached blonde, with red highlights in it when I met him. He looked really cool and stood out a lot.

He got opened on his hair by women constantly and it was such an easy conversation topic for him. Probably like what you're doing, if he talked to girls about their hair, that'd almost always trigger them to ask him about his.

(in his case, he had it done at this high fashion hair salon, so he'd then go into a little bit overselling that salon as the premiere fashion hair salon in the city and how they were so skilled, etc... which of course is setting him up as a fashion expert, a guy who goes to the best places, and so on. All value-establishing stuff)

With that said, I hateeeeee to be that guy and do this but want to point out the nuance here.

My take is you haven't got more lays because of the dyed hair but more because it's well executed peacocking

(actually fashionable unlike the old school tophat mystery wore)

Yeah. It's good peacocking.

Any newer / non-fashionable guys reading the post, rather than run out and buy a bottle of bleach or hair dye, I'd suggest visiting a fashion hair salon and having them do it for you. Let them pick the color, add any highlights, etc. Maybe style your hair differently.

Then you'll get something that actually looks cool and stands out from the pack.

(in other news, not two hours ago I passed by a tall, somewhat overweight guy with short, bright pink hair but with his black roots showing. He was wearing glasses and dressed in a baggy t-shirt and shorts and staring at his phone as he walked. Basically "totally average dude with average hairstyle except some of it is pink." Made him look more like he tried but didn't quite make the cut with his peacocking. So it is very much how you wear it and how it fits with your overall style & presentation)



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
I dye my hair, i call it fake fade, and my beard.... The thing it does it makes you look younger... specially with grays, grays signs of aging....it should look more natural, people should not know you dye it... usually people that start dying have not gotten it right so looks fake, after they perfect it, looks natural and it takes time of experimentation...imho, nothing to do with peackocking...
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Staff member
Nov 13, 2019
I dye my hair, i call it fake fade, and my beard.... The thing it does it makes you look younger... specially with grays, grays signs of aging....it should look more natural, people should not know you dye it... usually people that start dying have not gotten it right so looks fake, after they perfect it, looks natural and it takes time of experimentation...imho, nothing to do with peackocking...
This ^^^

Dyeing is an art, especially if your hair and beard don't have matching gray (which is my case).
I def recommend going first to a salon to get the right tone and color, then trying some prodcts on your own untill you find the right one.
For the beard to look natural, you also need at least a shampoo, a balm and a beard oil (to apply on the skin beneath it).
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers