ChatGPT3 is pretty ridiculously good at wording things in requested styles. Sure you currently need a human for QA, but pretty sure 1000x’ing the reference points will put a serious dent in the necessity of a skilled human. Things will get more and more accessible to the point experts are unnecessary, you just need ChatGPT4/5 and a question. And after all, contracts are just wording. Medicine is toast, given diagnosing is basically the correlation of symptoms and possible causes, which bots can do far better than humans.
I really wish there was a way to place a bet on this.
I’d be willing to put my money against your claims in a 5 year timeframe.
By the way, automated diagnosis has been around for 10 years now.
There is a reason why people still visit doctors.
Writing contracts and churning content are two use cases where I agree AI will totally change the landscape.
The reason: volume > quality
You don’t need a perfect contract, you just need something that is good enough.
The bar is even lower for content in some niches, you don’t even need it good, you just need volume.