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February 2025 Snatch Tournament (no online)


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 27, 2024
all forms of game except online

Lay Reports required.

February 1
to February 28, 2025.

Approach: 1
Number: 3
Date: 5
Insta-date: 7
Kiss: 10
Foreplay without oral: 15
Oral: 25
Sex: 100
Threesome: 250
Foursome: 375
Fivesome and on: [ (# of girls) * (100) ] + [ (# of girls) * (25) ]
Girl Locked In: 150 (You've fucked her 3 times this month after a cold approach)
Reseduction: 50 (You've fucked a lay that got away from you for several months / you never locked her in. This counts as a new lay, if and only if the lay was a challenge in and of itself - or perhaps there was a period an already seduced girl was no longer into you)

If you approach 5 girls and two of them give you a number, that's 3+6=9 total. 3(1 point) approaches, 2(3 point) number closes.

If you approach ten girls and pipe one of them, that's 9+100=109. 9(1 point) approaches, 1(100 point) lay.

Points don't stack. You only get the points for the highest tier you got. so if you approached a girl, took her on a date, kissed her, then got to foreplay with nothing else, you get 15 points. So remember to subtract and don't be lazy.

Anything LR- or LR, LR+, whatever, must have a field report to go with it. You may write up FRs, though they're not necessary (but encouraged). Speaking from experience and observation, you are much more likely to do better if you're analyzing your sticking points, since it let's you realize a potentially crucial mistake you were making going into the month.

Also, just link the FR/LR's in here - easier to scroll through and figure out point values

previous tournament: https://www.skilledseducer.com/threads/january-2025-snatch-tournament-no-online.30117/

Reigning Champ: @Skippy
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Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Yesterday I went to the gym at a different time than I usually do. There was a cute ginger doing some sort of exercise with the barbell close to the squat rack, where I had just started doing pull-up sets. I went up to her (only 2 or 3 steps), turned my body fully away from her, and said, “It’s quite busy today, huh?”

She asked me to repeat myself, but when she understood what I said she agreed, then she told me she usually comes at another time when it is even busier, and I told her I usually come at a time when it isn’t. I then told her “You sound Italian” and she said she was indeed Italian, from the north, and asked me where I was from.

Then I saw her walk to a guy, who I assumed was her boyfriend.

Later in the day, I sent a couple of texts to train chick, excited about securing her for a second date using the tried-and-true methodology employed by the text masters on this forum, i.e., getting her to invest and then rewarding that investment by pacing what she said and suggesting a meet casually (soft close).

Only about 2 hours after sending her those three texts I realized that I hadn’t sent her a clear enough soft close, especially considering English isn’t her native language. “How does a catch-up sound?” would have been too vague to send even if she were an English native.

I realized then that – considering she would 99% likely ghost, and that I would have to correct that last text by explaining it in plainer terms at least 48 hours later with a further text (thanks for the advice Kvothe), whereupon the investment-reward effect would have lapsed – this was probably the death knell of the entire edifice of my interaction with this girl, which left me somewhat despondent.

The positive side to this mishap was that it spurred me to action.

In the evening, I was on my way to go see a couple of buddies at a bar. I had gotten on the bus. Of the good seats, meaning, those that face the direction the bus is heading towards and that are located high enough for you to have sufficient leg room, there was only one vacant, next to a cute girl.

I went and sat next to her. I took off my jacket. I then, a few moments later, took off my jumper, as the heating inside the bus was on full blast. It took me some time to gather up the nerve to open her. She was browsing her smartphone.

I came up with an approach on the fly. I got on my smartphone and browsed to the Weather app. I turned its screen to her. She took off her headphone. I told her that I thought it was highly unlikely that the temperature displayed on the app was accurate. She said she didn’t speak English. So, I repeated what I had told her, this time in her language. She agreed.

We started chatting. I noticed she was staring at my lips.

She had just been jogging, hence the leggings. After a bit of chit-chat, where I gathered that she is studying Architecture and comes from the neighbouring country, and I told her about my own studies, and we talked about where we were headed, I asked her if she’d like to get a coffee. She said she couldn’t as she was on her way to meet a friend. I asked her if she’d like to get a coffee some time. She said sure. I got her number and told her I’d text her later.

I got off the bus (one stop later than where I was supposed to, because it took a bit longer to execute the close than I had anticipated) and realized that the number she’d given me didn’t have WhatsApp. I thought it might be a dud. But then I just texted her (outside WhatsApp) anyway. It was around 8 p.m.

This morning, I noticed she’d replied at 11.30 p.m. the night before, and even asked me a question about how my night was at the bar with my buddies.

Game on.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Did 4 approaches when out with friends for a celebration. Had one make out with a girl who opened me. Some social circle stuff too but I don't count that.

Lasered in on some issues that I've made for myself when pulling girls home. I have very little issue getting them over, but tons of issues sealing the deal over the last few years and I think I have been misplacing my sex talk and oversaturating sexual prizing. Gonna make some hard changes and I'm very excited to see what my results turn into.

Approaches: 4
Kiss: 1



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Approaches: 21
Numbers: 1

Total: 24

Also, how are we counting girls that you approached in the previous month but only got out in the current month? Eg you get a number late Jan and she comes out on a date early Feb. She was already accounted for in Jan (3pts) so would technically be stacking points if you include the 5pts for Feb. Maybe you just include the difference (5-3=2pts) to your Feb tally?

Similar for girls that came out on a date in Jan but you fucked in Feb (keep the 5pts in your Jan tally but add 100-5= 95pts to your Feb tally?) and so on... Just throwing this idea out there, haven't really thought about it too carefully to know if there are loopholes
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Space Monkey
space monkey
May 27, 2024
so would technically be stacking points if you include the 5pts for Feb. Maybe you just include the difference (5-3=2pts) to your Feb tally?
Just put the full score in the tally.

I want to set precedent so a high-value man can participate—not spend his expensive time going back doing pussy accounting.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Approaches: 3
Numbers: 1

14 + 6 = 20

Got sick early this week and down for the count.

Super bummed - I got invited to a huge superbowl event and a rave crawling with chicks. Also got a new wingman who doesn't drink for nightgame which is huge.


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 27, 2024
Got sick early this week and down for the count.

Super bummed -
Get better soon.

Circumstances out of your control hurt enough on their own that beating yourself up about it further, on purpose, is only gonna K yourself O.


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Yesterday I went to the gym at a different time than I usually do. There was a cute ginger doing some sort of exercise with the barbell close to the squat rack, where I had just started doing pull-up sets. I went up to her (only 2 or 3 steps), turned my body fully away from her, and said, “It’s quite busy today, huh?”

She asked me to repeat myself, but when she understood what I said she agreed, then she told me she usually comes at another time when it is even busier, and I told her I usually come at a time when it isn’t. I then told her “You sound Italian” and she said she was indeed Italian, from the north, and asked me where I was from.

Then I saw her walk to a guy, who I assumed was her boyfriend.

Later in the day, I sent a couple of texts to train chick, excited about securing her for a second date using the tried-and-true methodology employed by the text masters on this forum, i.e., getting her to invest and then rewarding that investment by pacing what she said and suggesting a meet casually (soft close).

Only about 2 hours after sending her those three texts I realized that I hadn’t sent her a clear enough soft close, especially considering English isn’t her native language. “How does a catch-up sound?” would have been too vague to send even if she were an English native.

I realized then that – considering she would 99% likely ghost, and that I would have to correct that last text by explaining it in plainer terms at least 48 hours later with a further text (thanks for the advice Kvothe), whereupon the investment-reward effect would have lapsed – this was probably the death knell of the entire edifice of my interaction with this girl, which left me somewhat despondent.

The positive side to this mishap was that it spurred me to action.

In the evening, I was on my way to go see a couple of buddies at a bar. I had gotten on the bus. Of the good seats, meaning, those that face the direction the bus is heading towards and that are located high enough for you to have sufficient leg room, there was only one vacant, next to a cute girl.

I went and sat next to her. I took off my jacket. I then, a few moments later, took off my jumper, as the heating inside the bus was on full blast. It took me some time to gather up the nerve to open her. She was browsing her smartphone.

I came up with an approach on the fly. I got on my smartphone and browsed to the Weather app. I turned its screen to her. She took off her headphone. I told her that I thought it was highly unlikely that the temperature displayed on the app was accurate. She said she didn’t speak English. So, I repeated what I had told her, this time in her language. She agreed.

We started chatting. I noticed she was staring at my lips.

She had just been jogging, hence the leggings. After a bit of chit-chat, where I gathered that she is studying Architecture and comes from the neighbouring country, and I told her about my own studies, and we talked about where we were headed, I asked her if she’d like to get a coffee. She said she couldn’t as she was on her way to meet a friend. I asked her if she’d like to get a coffee some time. She said sure. I got her number and told her I’d text her later.

I got off the bus (one stop later than where I was supposed to, because it took a bit longer to execute the close than I had anticipated) and realized that the number she’d given me didn’t have WhatsApp. I thought it might be a dud. But then I just texted her (outside WhatsApp) anyway. It was around 8 p.m.

This morning, I noticed she’d replied at 11.30 p.m. the night before, and even asked me a question about how my night was at the bar with my buddies.

Game on.
2 approaches 1 number
now 1 lay
next week there will be at least 1 date (with bus chick), possibly 2 (another extended sc chick)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Between yday and today
yday: 20 approaches 6 numbers
today: 20 approaches 4 numbers 1 instant date

Approaches: 30
Numbers: 9
Instant Dates: 1

Total: 64


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Sep 21, 2016
Approaches: 9
Numbers: 4
Sex: 1

20 + 9 + 12 + 100 = 141

Crazy fun night last night. Strong group approach, leading, sexual framing. Had 4 girls waiting to get into the club all repeating, "I'm ovulating so hard right now" before they let us in, had them fighting over me, then ended up at an after party, got a massage and fucked this Brazilian chick.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 5, 2017
Since Monday

Approaches: 50
Numbers: 9
Instant Dates: 1

Approaches: 80
Numbers: 17
Instant Dates: 2

Total: 145


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 22, 2024
Alright, here goes my first and humble contribution to a tournament:

Approaches: 7
Approach + number + date: 1

Total: 12
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
2 dates on 19 and 20 Feb.

115 total points


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Approaches: 21
Numbers: 1

Total: 24

Also, how are we counting girls that you approached in the previous month but only got out in the current month? Eg you get a number late Jan and she comes out on a date early Feb. She was already accounted for in Jan (3pts) so would technically be stacking points if you include the 5pts for Feb. Maybe you just include the difference (5-3=2pts) to your Feb tally?

Similar for girls that came out on a date in Jan but you fucked in Feb (keep the 5pts in your Jan tally but add 100-5= 95pts to your Feb tally?) and so on... Just throwing this idea out there, haven't really thought about it too carefully to know if there are loopholes
You have 1 lay and need to update your approach and date tally.

I figure the results for Feb were something like Kvothe 1st Skippy/Hue tied for 2nd and me 3rd

If Dev was also in this competition he'd probs be #1

Also, what's Atlas IV been up to?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2014
Approaches: 87
Numbers: 7
iDates: 2
Dates: 1
Foreplay: 1
Lays: 2

Total: 342
