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Fetlife's pretty funny


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 28, 2024
Lol @ the incense.
Yeah man that stuff stinks like dogshit-plus-bugspray.,
I got 2 bangs with 420-friendly types from FEELD. . I don’t think the app works very well tbh I’ve had the same 6 ‘likes’ for many months now ..which is impossible as I’ve updated my pics many times and even tried catfishing a bit with a 6-pack pic,

still the same 6 likes (wtf?)

love that Daddy-Daughter role play stuff!!
I had a MILF 6 mo ago she was big into that.. really surprised me actually. 😳


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 28, 2024
Oh and I should fess -I banged some dudes hot wife .. I met her on FEELD also. And on a Wednesday nite (!!!) that was full on. She was very cute 👌

And I mean I banged her with her husband threeway. 🧔🏻🤷‍♀️🧔🏻 For real!

So yeah recommend those apps but only useful for hot-wife /swinger stuff if ur not a Chad looking dude.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
@SlayerCJ82 yeah I don't know man... Maybe it'll make sense to me when I'm a bit older and have like a 20 year gap with the girl. I get the taboo nature of it, the authority and intkmate care frame, etc., but we'll see. I would almost need to know that a psychologically healthy girl can get turned on by it before even dabbling. If it's connected to some sort of trauma from her not having a father figure or something, I would just be stuck in my head in the moment.

As for MFM threesomes, double teaming oe whatever, that will never be my thing. I hope you don't think you need to be super good looking just to have a girl to yourself! Women are just as attracted to your behavior!

I guess if you don't mind and it gets you more experience with hot women, have at it!
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 28, 2024
@SlayerCJ82 yeah I don't know man... Maybe it'll make sense to me when I'm a bit older and have like a 20 year gap with the girl. I get the taboo nature of it, the authority and intkmate care frame, etc., but we'll see. I would almost need to know that a psychologically healthy girl can get turned on by it before even dabbling. If it's connected to some sort of trauma from her not having a father figure or something, I would just be stuck in my head in the moment.

As for MFM threesomes, double teaming oe whatever, that will never be my thing. I hope you don't think you need to be super good looking just to have a girl to yourself! Women are just as attracted to your behavior!

I guess if you don't mind and it gets you more experience with hot women, have at it!
Re the looks vs behaviour thing (cough) ok sure (cough)
I have different opinions re that but… doesn’t matter for the convo

Was just my advice re getting a hot chick from Fetlife. Fetlife is the same as the RedHotPie app where I am. It’s mostly single chicks =dogs for those apps tbh
The cute/hot ones are either (a) hookers/sugar or (b) in a relationship
That was my point just relating to Fetlife and Co, apps


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 28, 2024
FELLD has better quality chicks on it and they more upfront about what they want, (plus not all working 😡) I haven’t managed to get any quality myself yet,, but just realised my pics are awful. 🤦🏻‍♂️

any good video courses re pics :setting up profile out there??
The only one I can think of is jeffys Execute The Program. The vids module was quite good, That’s the only one I know of


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 28, 2024
@SlayerCJ82 yeah I don't know man... Maybe it'll make sense to me when I'm a bit older and have like a 20 year gap with the girl. I get the taboo nature of it, the authority and intkmate care frame, etc., but we'll see. I would almost need to know that a psychologically healthy girl can get turned on by it before even dabbling. If it's connected to some sort of trauma from her not having a father figure or something, I would just be stuck in my head in the moment.

As for MFM threesomes, double teaming oe whatever, that will never be my thing. I hope you don't think you need to be super good looking just to have a girl to yourself! Women are just as attracted to your behavior!

I guess if you don't mind and it gets you more experience with hot women, have at it!
And re the Daddy stuff,
It’s just role play to me. Just another type of sexual fantasy. I don’t overthink it regardless of age gap. Of no interest to me deeper reasons why a chick has particular sexual fantasies … I’m just happy to snag one that’ll let me be involved tbh. 😆


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 28, 2024
I had a 20 yo when I was 35/36 .
Didn’t bother me ..until I attended her 21st birthday party at her request. Then I did feel like a creep tbh.. in front of her friends.. all giving me side eye dirty looks and whispering


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023
@SlayerCJ82 it is true the girls are very upfront. I had another girl on Feeld begging me to come fuck her, sending messages over several different nights like "I'm so horny" but she was pretty fat and desperate so I wasn't feeling it. I did not want to sacrifice my sleep and she was a late night party girl. I told her she needed to learn to fix her bed routine, brush her teeth, and drink more water LOL I think that turned her on. I would bet that was what she had been lacking from her father.

But I think most girls on there have a lot of sexual experience and are screening for guys who are experienced in the kink realm. They are not just looking to get laid. They are looking for kinky sex from someone who enjoys taming their brat side or degrading them.

I think the pool of people on there is pretty small compared to Tinder. I don't think it gets a lot of new daily signups and the girls stay on there a while. So even if you change your pictures, your profile has already been screened out by the user pool. You should delete the profile and make a new one. I don't know if the app detects this like Tinder though.

For pictures, I have abysmal ones and don't really care because I am working to force myself away from online and towards more daytime cold approach. I do not currently have any active online profiles anywhere. If you search the board for users POB and Skills, they have good tips for online. I remember there was a discussion on photos.

As for your other points, I would point you to articles by Ricardus. He claims to not be good looking, and I believe Chase considers him one of the most skilled pickup artists who has landed top models.

Especially in the kink realm, girls are looking for dominance. I have met girls who tell me the guys they go for there are not always good looking. This is one subset of girls who actually know what that word means (because Dom/sub is how people literally self identify there). I have heard time and again they have a hard time finding Doms because there just simply are not enough of them out there, but many girls identify as submissive and want to explore that side of themselves.

These articles may help you:

My second ever lay was separating from a pro hockey player much taller and good looking than me. One time I put her into auto rejection by accident and she told me I was not that hot haha. But I had made her cum multiple times and she was sitting on a curb waiting for me.

I think you are going to have to address this issue as well since you are expressing being lucky just to have her fuck you.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 28, 2024
@SlayerCJ82 it is true the girls are very upfront. I had another girl on Feeld begging me to come fuck her, sending messages over several different nights like "I'm so horny" but she was pretty fat and desperate so I wasn't feeling it. I did not want to sacrifice my sleep and she was a late night party girl. I told her she needed to learn to fix her bed routine, brush her teeth, and drink more water LOL I think that turned her on. I would bet that was what she had been lacking from her father.

But I think most girls on there have a lot of sexual experience and are screening for guys who are experienced in the kink realm. They are not just looking to get laid. They are looking for kinky sex from someone who enjoys taming their brat side or degrading them.

I think the pool of people on there is pretty small compared to Tinder. I don't think it gets a lot of new daily signups and the girls stay on there a while. So even if you change your pictures, your profile has already been screened out by the user pool. You should delete the profile and make a new one. I don't know if the app detects this like Tinder though.

For pictures, I have abysmal ones and don't really care because I am working to force myself away from online and towards more daytime cold approach. I do not currently have any active online profiles anywhere. If you search the board for users POB and Skills, they have good tips for online. I remember there was a discussion on photos.

As for your other points, I would point you to articles by Ricardus. He claims to not be good looking, and I believe Chase considers him one of the most skilled pickup artists who has landed top models.

Especially in the kink realm, girls are looking for dominance. I have met girls who tell me the guys they go for there are not always good looking. This is one subset of girls who actually know what that word means (because Dom/sub is how people literally self identify there). I have heard time and again they have a hard time finding Doms because there just simply are not enough of them out there, but many girls identify as submissive and want to explore that side of themselves.

These articles may help you:

My second ever lay was separating from a pro hockey player much taller and good looking than me. One time I put her into auto rejection by accident and she told me I was not that hot haha. But I had made her cum multiple times and she was sitting on a curb waiting for me.

I think you are going to have to address this issue as well since you are expressing being lucky just to have her fuck you.

Hey Francis

Thanks for the links and detailed reply buddy I appreciate it.

yeah re that Feeld girl - these are the only types I get matches with /interest from these days it’s depressing.
I’ve gone there but the guilt and LSE after etc not worth it just for a bang.

I Really need to photoshop out my wrinkles in my pics (lol) and get better backdrops and scenery locations etc to show some lifestyle and money/status. My pics are mostly all selfies (lol - the worst type of pic according to chicks ie Loner/no mates)

I’ve used OD so far notsomuch for bangs but moreso experiments and getting honest feedback from chicks I chat with. They have given me some valuable feedback - eg 1 told me to dye my greying beads and said I look 10 yrs old than my Bio age - which I did and got a few more matches per week.

Also got the insight on the number of messages a chick gets per day .. one very average chick sent me a S/S of her account that had 3500 in her inbox. She said it wasn’t so much about my profile per se , just managing her inbox was an admin nightmare and I got lost in the shuffle.

so yeah OD is tough . On RHP I notice most of the new cute “real” chicks very soon set their accounts to “not accepting any more messages at this time” - their inboxes must blow up something rediculous in just a week, maybe 1,000 offers of dick (and money) 😳 😮

Re FEELD also yes exactly re the ‘experienced Dom’ thing . I just BS and say I am .’oh yes I’m very experienced , sure’ They won’t know till we meet to bang anyway so .. 🤷🏻‍♂️ What they gonna do ? Say no to my dick at that point .. haha
Haven’t made it that far with a cute one yet anyway so it’s moot . I’ll just state I am Mr. experienced DomDaddy 😆 with the ‘aftercare’ .. lol

Re the looks v personality
I’m early 40s now and very experienced. Have had a lot of success with MM and pickup in early 30s for a handful of years. Long LTR since then.

for me based on my exp there are still tiers and leagues to everything in life including dating and mating .

it’s “ Like Attracts Like” is the fundamental rule of nature in this domain and this is observable in the real world.

I saw a thread somewhere here with the title “ how to get access to the Super-Hotties” or some such. It made me lol a bit.

cos the reality is (imo) and the answer to that guys question is - sorry buddy , ya can’t - cos like attracts like . Not unless ya got bags and bags of that sweet cash and status .

don’t consider myself BP (defeatist ) I’d say I’m better Red and Black “pills” (Purple?)
If “pills” are even a thing anymore.

I’m a realist, I am working within a “tier” based on my height, looks, money and status.

‘game’ will help me get the girls at the top of that TIer .. and maybe the ones at the bottom or to the middle (maybe) of the next Tier.
That’s about it in reality for me afaics from my experience and observing ofher guys.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 28, 2024
Re Ricardus
If he is pullling models I’m betting he is 6Ft + tall. Probs 6’2-6’3”, Height is a massive factor for getting access into top tier chicks like models.
and he may have a very ripped / fit body to boot.
‘good looking ‘ is subjective - a guy can think he is ‘not traditionally good looking’ like a Chad type.. but if he’s tall his looks may be perceived by chicks to be ‘very masculine’ if he is tall also.

someone like the French actor Vincent Cassell for example.
He has a big nose and bags under his eyes .
But he is 6’1” and used to be a dancer so has a fit body and knows how to move also.

He is a big Sex Symbol in France/Europe .. his looks are very masculine and edgy/dangerous/mean looking.
the above combination is very Attractive to women. Mainly as his mug sits 6’1” high up on top of a fit body.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 28, 2024
This guy

he pulled Monica Bellucci (wow I did not know this)

now look at his face and imagine it on top of short dudes body. Totally different story. women would class his looks as ‘Ogre-ish’ and creepy.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 28, 2024
IMO ( and this is actually the reality)
For women A man’s height is equivalent to a woman’s body for Men.

take the most beautiful woman’s face (who?) apparently it’s Bella Hadid from wuicjgoogling
Science reveals 'world's most beautiful woman'
Bella Hadid - 94.35%


Now, take that face and put it on the body of a 200LB monster fatty = not attractive to Men.

inversely take a busted face like Vincent Cassels and put it on a 6.1-6.2 fit Body = Very Attractive Indeed for Women.

man’s inversely take a busted chicks face and put it on top of the hottest banging body u can imagine = Still Very Attractive For Men

I believe Game works but only to an extent,

May can’t’ beat’ Mother Nature


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 28, 2024
*Ya’ can’t beat Mother Nature/ Evolutionary Sexual Selection should say. 🙅🏻‍♂️


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 28, 2024
Re the Links you’ve posted I didn’t have the time to read the first in depth re Pitt Clooney , Jordan etc .
I’m gathering it’s a rating of their girlfriends quality to show ‘Looks at not that Important.’

not really rational that argument.
They are voted hottest men on the planet - IRL women would be literally throwing themselves at those guys and all DTF no matter what, sorry. They have their pick of whatever quality women they like. And would also have that pick if they were flat broke due to their genetics and their height.
(I’m assuming all are tall)

pls give me even 1 example of a short, broke ,busted face dude that’s pulling actual Model quality chicks just using Game.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 28, 2024

Bella?? Abel is 5'8".


She does not need his money
Like I said dude … a guy who is not tall is not getting models UNLESS he has bags and bags of that sweet cash and status,You’ve proved my point 👍 👌

Abel is worth $300M dollars and a global music mega star dude. are u kidding me ? That’s a LOT of bags of cash and status.

Bella Hadid is worth $25M .. so actually yeah she DOES need all his money buddy. 😂 👌

nice catch for her. You go girl! 😆 🤑



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 27, 2023

Like I said dude … a guy who is not tall is not getting models UNLESS he has bags and bags of that sweet cash and status,You’ve proved my point 👍 👌

Abel is worth $300M dollars and a global music mega star dude. are u kidding me ? That’s a LOT of bags of cash and status.

Bella Hadid is worth $25M .. so actually yeah she DOES need all his money buddy. 😂 👌

nice catch for her. You go girl! 😆 🤑

Celebrity relationships are a bit of a twisted arena to start drawing complete conclusions from. The point on that one was height, since there is a clear differential.

Unfortunately I do not have a picture of Ricardus and can only go by what he's said.

All I can say is I feel sorry for you and do not think this is the right corner of the internet for you. Lost causes with negative attitudes show up every so often and it becomes wasted energy after a point. Good luck.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 28, 2024
Celebrity relationships are a bit of a twisted arena to start drawing complete conclusions from. The point on that one was height, since there is a clear differential.

Unfortunately I do not have a picture of Ricardus and can only go by what he's said.

All I can say is I feel sorry for you and do not think this is the right corner of the internet for you. Lost causes with negative attitudes show up every so often and it becomes wasted energy after a point. Good luck.
Ok then. We can still talk about Fetlife dude don’t worry about the above.

but just last point,
Can you honestly say you have known real world short ugly- to -medium looking broke dudes that roll with Models based on their amazing game?

be honest. And if you have never encountered this in the Real World why do you think this is?

Im not looking for a Ban here or being negative. I’m an old dude with a lot of experience ( how can this be even proven ? It cannot ) and has read and watched more pickup that you can shake a stick at (lol)

for real. I know the good stuff from the pure crapola believe me.

I live in the real world and these things are observable in the real world dude.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 28, 2024
Celebrity relationships are a bit of a twisted arena to start drawing complete conclusions from. The point on that one was height, since there is a clear differential.
Yes Francis and I drew your attention to all the money and status that counterbalances that guys looks ‘value’ ( lack of height) in relation to that chicks ‘Looks value’.

can’t ignore ‘value’ as a basis for this stuff