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I’ve been travelling for a year and got a lot of success from online, so I’m making this post to share the results of my experiments, have everything written in one place to share it on other platforms, and also to discuss it with the forum so I can improve.
In total, I got 22 lays from this process in 2024. I have abundance from online game in every country, including in the West. In some extreme cases like in Thailand, where local girls go crazy for foreigners, I even reached absolute abundance, and I could bang 3 new hot girls a week if I wanted to.
Which apps to use
I have Tinder, Bumble and Hinge with the highest possible subscription tier. On top of that, I look up the most popular local dating app in the country I’m visiting, and if it’s something different from Tinder/Bumble, I download it and take a monthly subscription. In particular, Tantan (the Chinese Tinder), is great in Asia.
Never spent anything on boosts, superlikes or other extra functions other than the subscription.
The pictures
I have 4 pictures: 3 of them are AI-generated and 1 is a real picture where I’m with a friend in a cool location.
How to use AI to generate pictures: Go to PhotoAI and upload 20 or so good pictures of you. The AI will learn your features to generate attractive pics that look perfectly like you, to the point you can verify your account on Tinder even with AI pics. The effect is similar to pro pictures with filters. In 1 year, only 2 girls have noticed the pics were AI.
You need a bit of AI prompting skills to get the best results. This blog has everything you need to learn about Stable Diffusion, the picture-generating AI used by PhotoAI
AI is bad at generating group pictures or complex poses, so you still need regular pictures in your profile.
After you have generated your AI pictures, you need to test all your pics, AI and non-AI, on Photofeeler.
Only upload the 4-6 pictures with the highest ATTRACTIVENESS score on apps (you don’t care about the other 2 metrics). Mine go from 8.8 to 9.2 attractiveness. The cutoff to get matches at all in the West is 8 in my experience. With 9 attractiveness I can get quality matches in any country. The frequency and number of those quality girls depends on the local dating market.
For the record, a regular picture of me gets about 4 to 5 attractiveness on Photofeeler. You don’t need to be extremely attractive to follow this process.
The Profile
I only fill “education” at Master’s degree because it’s true and is a fitness indicator. In apps that ask for what you’re looking for, I have “short term, ok for long”
My bio has my nationality as someone from Western Europe to play the exotic foreigner card, and a minimalist hookup-friendly sentence: “Looking for someone adventurous and open-minded”
I leave the rest blank as much as possible.
The texting process on the app chat
This is heavily influences by Chase’s online guide, Skills’ structure and Hector’s book about texting, with a only a few tweaks.
First message:
“Hey (name)”
“How are you doing today?”
This does 3 things:
-The law of least effort is respected, it’s low investment, no crazy funny pick up line, just a regular normal greeting
-The “today” is a call to action, she has to respond in the same day and not ignore it
-The use of a complex tense and perfect spelling is a weirdly effective fitness indicator, because a lot of girls are so drowned in matches they start to disqualify guys based for bad spelling and grammar
(girl will respond something like “hi, good how are you”)
Second message:
“Doing great thanks”
“How are guys treating you on this app?”
Saying you’re doing “great” instead of just “ok” or “good” frames you as someone who’s positive and enjoying life
The question is the standard message from Skills, not much to add to what has already been said about this great line, it’s the best way to start the convo by far, it’s generic but feels personnalized, it gets an emotional response almost all the time for free, it’s amazing
Third message:
Whatever the girl answers here, I relate with a message that calibrates to her investment and then ask
“Have you gone out with anyone yet?”
This is the line from Chase’s product, just a normal continuation to the convo you’re having about your experience with apps.
A few exemples of calibration, if she asks how are apps are treating ME, I say “Me I can’t complain to be honest” (credit Skills). If she sends a wall of text about how other guys are weird, I relate by saying “I had good experiences but yeah there are a lot of weirdos (laughing emoji)”
The number close:
Whatever she says, I qualify her with a short message then ask for her number at this point.
If she says “I just installed the app” -> “Good for you to try new things
If she says she had a few dates already -> “That’s good
If she says she had dates but they were not great -> “Too bad to hear that“
Then I send this exact message (it’s a variation of Chase’s online product):
“You seem normal and cool. Do you have whatsapp? I’m not often on (name of the app)”
What it does:
-Qualify her on something a bit unusual, being normal in opposition to the “weirdos” you or her already mentioned in the convo. This often makes her laugh
-Get the number asap. Even regular girls get 10k matches a week or more on apps. You don’t want to compete with this sausage fest for longer than necessary
-Create scarcity by saying you don’t check the app often. It’s completely fake and they probably know it, but most of the time, girls are also not that often on apps because it’s mentally draining, so they will relate
If the girl opens you, skip the first message. Instead say:
“Hey (name), thanks for matching”
“How are guys treating you there?”
You don’t need to play it cool with the law of least effort in that case, the girl is already investing by sending the first message
If the girls reacts badly or asks “why this question” after the second message, just say
“It’s just to start the conversation”
“Have you gone out with anyone yet?”
Law of least effort, you play it cool and continue the convo. When I do this, I don’t ask the number immediately, I do 1 or 2 more messages of unscripted banter before closing. Otherwise it’s too tryhard
If the girl doesn’t want to give whatsapp and instead proposes Instagram:
“That works, you can add me”
“(my insta handle)”
Insta is only marginally worse than whatsapp. Sure, it’s mentally associated with simps and it might make some girls more testy but it’s functionnally identical. And the fact she has to manually add you is investment
Girls mostly want to see your insta for safety reasons. As long as you have a non-AI, normal looking profile picture, a few friends on there and some posts, they don’t care about your follower count
If the girl refuses to give any contact, it’s a bad sign but not a death sentence. I just do banter for 2-3 unscripted messages and then ask for the date directly from the app chat (see below).
If the girl stops responding at any point, I wait 2 days and then send:
“Hey (name), are you still there ?”
“How’s your week/weekend been”
This is a hail mary low effort attempt to start the convo again. It works maybe 10% of the time, which is better than losing a match altogether
The texting process on Whatsapp/Insta
I treat the number I just got as any number I would have got from day game or social circle. Which means this great texting template from Chase applies
Ice breaker text:
I use the icebreaker text from the article word for word, it works great
Banter, Soft close/hard close:
For beginners, I recommend just following the script from the article above, I’ve done it for a while and it works just fine, I got plenty of dates and lays from it. But now that I’ve read Hector’s book and became better at text game, I generally prefer to use Skills’ structure of open -> banter -> soft close -> hard close. This is higher odds, but the downside is that you have to actually go off-script and banter until a high point.
I generally start the banter by asking:
“Are you living in (city) or just visiting?”
That way you get info about their logistics right away and it’s a good convo starter
The soft close line I use is:
“How about we go grab a coffee/drink in the next days?”
Then ask for when she’s free (very important), then set up the logistics until you agree on a date, time and location.
Then I send
“Perfect! See you on (day of the date) (winking emoji)”
Very similar to Chase’s text template.
If they refuse the soft close for safety reasons, I organize a video call instead and ask them out during the call instead.
If at any point, they ignore a soft or hard close attempt, I wait for a day then send (credit POB):
"Don't forget to let me know what you think of the idea (winking emoji)"
It just restarts the convo in a low-effort, non-needy way
The date
The date location is extremely important. Ideally, I want an outdoor public place, but not all girls will agree to meet in a park or on the beach for safety reasons. The next best thing is a chill bar or café with romantic music and a couch. If there is none of this close to your place, a regular café, bar or restaurant will do but you may have to bounce.
The day of the date, I send the “check-in” text from Chase’s template, as an anti-flake prevention.
I generally escalate touch and set sexual frames as soon as I can, to try to go for the lay on the first date. This is because dating apps are competitive, you don’t know how many guys she might meet before you plan the second date. There are tons of resources on how to run a date here so it’s a bit outside of the scope of this post.
Adjustments based on cultural differences
If Whatsapp is not the most popular texting app in the country, I download the most popular app and use that instead. For instance, WeChat in China or Line in Thailand.
Setting up the date via text and then go radio silent until the day of the date works great and saves you a lot of trouble when you have dozens of convos, but for some reason it doesn't work in Latin America. In my experience, you need to text regularly with Latinas, otherwise they just lose interest and flake. Even Regular Boring Question Guy TM texts work fine, ask how their day is going, things like that. You can also video call them before the date as an extra anti-flake prevention measure.
If the girl doesn’t speak your language at all, there is a magic message that will make them go out with you anyway:
“Google translate (winking emoji)”
In fact, Google translate dates are some of the easiest lays ever because you have an extremely easy excuse to escalate right away.
In more dangerous countries where dating app scams are a threat, I obeyed those 3 rules and never had any problem:
-Don’t meet a girl in a place you didn’t choose yourself
-Don’t follow a girl anywhere you don’t know
-Don’t send money to a girl you just met, even if she comes up with a sob story
Let me know what you think and if there are things you think I can improve with this process, or what you do differently in your own process
In total, I got 22 lays from this process in 2024. I have abundance from online game in every country, including in the West. In some extreme cases like in Thailand, where local girls go crazy for foreigners, I even reached absolute abundance, and I could bang 3 new hot girls a week if I wanted to.
Which apps to use
I have Tinder, Bumble and Hinge with the highest possible subscription tier. On top of that, I look up the most popular local dating app in the country I’m visiting, and if it’s something different from Tinder/Bumble, I download it and take a monthly subscription. In particular, Tantan (the Chinese Tinder), is great in Asia.
Never spent anything on boosts, superlikes or other extra functions other than the subscription.
The pictures
I have 4 pictures: 3 of them are AI-generated and 1 is a real picture where I’m with a friend in a cool location.
How to use AI to generate pictures: Go to PhotoAI and upload 20 or so good pictures of you. The AI will learn your features to generate attractive pics that look perfectly like you, to the point you can verify your account on Tinder even with AI pics. The effect is similar to pro pictures with filters. In 1 year, only 2 girls have noticed the pics were AI.
You need a bit of AI prompting skills to get the best results. This blog has everything you need to learn about Stable Diffusion, the picture-generating AI used by PhotoAI
AI is bad at generating group pictures or complex poses, so you still need regular pictures in your profile.
After you have generated your AI pictures, you need to test all your pics, AI and non-AI, on Photofeeler.
Only upload the 4-6 pictures with the highest ATTRACTIVENESS score on apps (you don’t care about the other 2 metrics). Mine go from 8.8 to 9.2 attractiveness. The cutoff to get matches at all in the West is 8 in my experience. With 9 attractiveness I can get quality matches in any country. The frequency and number of those quality girls depends on the local dating market.
For the record, a regular picture of me gets about 4 to 5 attractiveness on Photofeeler. You don’t need to be extremely attractive to follow this process.
The Profile
I only fill “education” at Master’s degree because it’s true and is a fitness indicator. In apps that ask for what you’re looking for, I have “short term, ok for long”
My bio has my nationality as someone from Western Europe to play the exotic foreigner card, and a minimalist hookup-friendly sentence: “Looking for someone adventurous and open-minded”
I leave the rest blank as much as possible.
The texting process on the app chat
This is heavily influences by Chase’s online guide, Skills’ structure and Hector’s book about texting, with a only a few tweaks.
First message:
“Hey (name)”
“How are you doing today?”
This does 3 things:
-The law of least effort is respected, it’s low investment, no crazy funny pick up line, just a regular normal greeting
-The “today” is a call to action, she has to respond in the same day and not ignore it
-The use of a complex tense and perfect spelling is a weirdly effective fitness indicator, because a lot of girls are so drowned in matches they start to disqualify guys based for bad spelling and grammar
(girl will respond something like “hi, good how are you”)
Second message:
“Doing great thanks”
“How are guys treating you on this app?”
Saying you’re doing “great” instead of just “ok” or “good” frames you as someone who’s positive and enjoying life
The question is the standard message from Skills, not much to add to what has already been said about this great line, it’s the best way to start the convo by far, it’s generic but feels personnalized, it gets an emotional response almost all the time for free, it’s amazing
Third message:
Whatever the girl answers here, I relate with a message that calibrates to her investment and then ask
“Have you gone out with anyone yet?”
This is the line from Chase’s product, just a normal continuation to the convo you’re having about your experience with apps.
A few exemples of calibration, if she asks how are apps are treating ME, I say “Me I can’t complain to be honest” (credit Skills). If she sends a wall of text about how other guys are weird, I relate by saying “I had good experiences but yeah there are a lot of weirdos (laughing emoji)”
The number close:
Whatever she says, I qualify her with a short message then ask for her number at this point.
If she says “I just installed the app” -> “Good for you to try new things
If she says she had a few dates already -> “That’s good
If she says she had dates but they were not great -> “Too bad to hear that“
Then I send this exact message (it’s a variation of Chase’s online product):
“You seem normal and cool. Do you have whatsapp? I’m not often on (name of the app)”
What it does:
-Qualify her on something a bit unusual, being normal in opposition to the “weirdos” you or her already mentioned in the convo. This often makes her laugh
-Get the number asap. Even regular girls get 10k matches a week or more on apps. You don’t want to compete with this sausage fest for longer than necessary
-Create scarcity by saying you don’t check the app often. It’s completely fake and they probably know it, but most of the time, girls are also not that often on apps because it’s mentally draining, so they will relate
If the girl opens you, skip the first message. Instead say:
“Hey (name), thanks for matching”
“How are guys treating you there?”
You don’t need to play it cool with the law of least effort in that case, the girl is already investing by sending the first message
If the girls reacts badly or asks “why this question” after the second message, just say
“It’s just to start the conversation”
“Have you gone out with anyone yet?”
Law of least effort, you play it cool and continue the convo. When I do this, I don’t ask the number immediately, I do 1 or 2 more messages of unscripted banter before closing. Otherwise it’s too tryhard
If the girl doesn’t want to give whatsapp and instead proposes Instagram:
“That works, you can add me”
“(my insta handle)”
Insta is only marginally worse than whatsapp. Sure, it’s mentally associated with simps and it might make some girls more testy but it’s functionnally identical. And the fact she has to manually add you is investment
Girls mostly want to see your insta for safety reasons. As long as you have a non-AI, normal looking profile picture, a few friends on there and some posts, they don’t care about your follower count
If the girl refuses to give any contact, it’s a bad sign but not a death sentence. I just do banter for 2-3 unscripted messages and then ask for the date directly from the app chat (see below).
If the girl stops responding at any point, I wait 2 days and then send:
“Hey (name), are you still there ?”
“How’s your week/weekend been”
This is a hail mary low effort attempt to start the convo again. It works maybe 10% of the time, which is better than losing a match altogether
The texting process on Whatsapp/Insta
I treat the number I just got as any number I would have got from day game or social circle. Which means this great texting template from Chase applies
Ice breaker text:
I use the icebreaker text from the article word for word, it works great
Banter, Soft close/hard close:
For beginners, I recommend just following the script from the article above, I’ve done it for a while and it works just fine, I got plenty of dates and lays from it. But now that I’ve read Hector’s book and became better at text game, I generally prefer to use Skills’ structure of open -> banter -> soft close -> hard close. This is higher odds, but the downside is that you have to actually go off-script and banter until a high point.
I generally start the banter by asking:
“Are you living in (city) or just visiting?”
That way you get info about their logistics right away and it’s a good convo starter
The soft close line I use is:
“How about we go grab a coffee/drink in the next days?”
Then ask for when she’s free (very important), then set up the logistics until you agree on a date, time and location.
Then I send
“Perfect! See you on (day of the date) (winking emoji)”
Very similar to Chase’s text template.
If they refuse the soft close for safety reasons, I organize a video call instead and ask them out during the call instead.
If at any point, they ignore a soft or hard close attempt, I wait for a day then send (credit POB):
"Don't forget to let me know what you think of the idea (winking emoji)"
It just restarts the convo in a low-effort, non-needy way
The date
The date location is extremely important. Ideally, I want an outdoor public place, but not all girls will agree to meet in a park or on the beach for safety reasons. The next best thing is a chill bar or café with romantic music and a couch. If there is none of this close to your place, a regular café, bar or restaurant will do but you may have to bounce.
The day of the date, I send the “check-in” text from Chase’s template, as an anti-flake prevention.
I generally escalate touch and set sexual frames as soon as I can, to try to go for the lay on the first date. This is because dating apps are competitive, you don’t know how many guys she might meet before you plan the second date. There are tons of resources on how to run a date here so it’s a bit outside of the scope of this post.
Adjustments based on cultural differences
If Whatsapp is not the most popular texting app in the country, I download the most popular app and use that instead. For instance, WeChat in China or Line in Thailand.
Setting up the date via text and then go radio silent until the day of the date works great and saves you a lot of trouble when you have dozens of convos, but for some reason it doesn't work in Latin America. In my experience, you need to text regularly with Latinas, otherwise they just lose interest and flake. Even Regular Boring Question Guy TM texts work fine, ask how their day is going, things like that. You can also video call them before the date as an extra anti-flake prevention measure.
If the girl doesn’t speak your language at all, there is a magic message that will make them go out with you anyway:
“Google translate (winking emoji)”
In fact, Google translate dates are some of the easiest lays ever because you have an extremely easy excuse to escalate right away.
In more dangerous countries where dating app scams are a threat, I obeyed those 3 rules and never had any problem:
-Don’t meet a girl in a place you didn’t choose yourself
-Don’t follow a girl anywhere you don’t know
-Don’t send money to a girl you just met, even if she comes up with a sob story
Let me know what you think and if there are things you think I can improve with this process, or what you do differently in your own process