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First Date Tactics and Logistics


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 6, 2012
Re: STICKIED: First Date Tactics and Logistics

man I like this! I can't wait to try it, thanks tool!
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Re: STICKIED: First Date Tactics and Logistics

Glad you like it Ocantu. Cant wait to read your reports and success with this ;)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 6, 2012
Re: STICKIED: First Date Tactics and Logistics

actually tool what do you think about venue changing? I know there is a great bar down the road from my starbucks, i was thinking 45-1 hour of coffee and then transition to a bar to get some drinks in her then invite her home afterwords.

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Re: STICKIED: First Date Tactics and Logistics

You know. I have never experimented with that so I would give it a shot. More moving = more compliance and investment.

I can only see two problems with it. (if they were to occur)

I noticed all dates seemed to hit their peak around the hour and a half to 2 hour mark and then drastically decline in terms of conversation, and the woman giving you hints to pull.

And if you try to move her (and you havnt quite hooked her or engaged her properly) she will say no and just go home.

But I can see that if she did comply to move with you to the bar. Then she will be more than likely to move with you to your place. (shes already investing)

(I'm kinda rambling on here. but I've had a eureka moment)

Go ahead and experiment with it brother. I can see it doing more good than harm.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 6, 2012
Re: STICKIED: First Date Tactics and Logistics

cool man, i have been reading another book by roosh v another pua and he suggest the venue change. he says mention that you know a good bar at the beginning of the coffee date then do 45-1 hour of talking then move out of there. He says venue changes warp time and make a girl feel like she has known you longer than she has.

I will try it out and see how it turns out :)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 7, 2013
Very interesting and simple way to go on date, with very low pressure.

Just a question, let assume that for some reasons i can't isolate the girl and bed her that day. What is the prroper way to end the date, kiss close? Chek kiss (like french do it), social"proper way" like saying good bye? Hiw much time and when to stop it?

If you can give some other directives for this case, so you have the best chance for the seconde date!!

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Hey Witcher. So lets assume you cant take her home/go to her place because of logistics. Or you cant escalate in the car and or just continuing the date is just not possible based on things out of her or your control. Then you just end the date with a simple Kiss on the lips. Nothing too long but like a 1 second kiss. This leaves just enough so you don't put a lot on the table and she will be wanting more ;) then you go your separate ways as you walk away into the sunset or moonlight :D

As for getting the second date after this. Some guys prefer a "date compression" can find this on Chase's site. But I generally prefer to wait 3-7 days before contacting her again for a second date because I am a busy man with an abundance mentality and don't like to come off as though I don't ;)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 7, 2013
T Vaunswa said:
Hey Witcher. So lets assume you cant take her home/go to her place because of logistics. Or you cant escalate in the car and or just continuing the date is just not possible based on things out of her or your control. Then you just end the date with a simple Kiss on the lips. Nothing too long but like a 1 second kiss. This leaves just enough so you don't put a lot on the table and she will be wanting more ;) then you go your separate ways as you walk away into the sunset or moonlight :D

As for getting the second date after this. Some guys prefer a "date compression" can find this on Chase's site. But I generally prefer to wait 3-7 days before contacting her again for a second date because I am a busy man with an abundance mentality and don't like to come off as though I don't ;)

Thank you for your answers. But i will still take the difficulty level further:
First, i'm asking this from an informational date perspective, how long? How deep the rapport should go?

Let say you live in a semi prudish country (as me, in north africa), where ASD is very high du to conservatisme,, and where kiss in public is not advised, and where you should be carefull of the girl reputation regarding sexual toutch. Hoiw would you end the date? Note: even if kissing in public is not a thing we should do, the double chek is common, sould i got for this last one?

Than you!!

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
how long? How deep the rapport should go?
1 hour to 2 hours max before you go for the pull. the rapport can go as deep as you want it to go. getting into what really makes her tick will make for a strong connection.

As for your last question. I am all for pushing boundaries so if you want to dare to be different from the rest and be unique but yet discreet (I.e not going for the kiss close when others are watching) then go for that. Otherwise if you want to be more socially acceptable and play it safe then just go with the cheek close


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 7, 2013
The Tool said:
Hey Witcher. So lets assume you cant take her home/go to her place because of logistics. Or you cant escalate in the car and or just continuing the date is just not possible based on things out of her or your control. Then you just end the date with a simple Kiss on the lips. Nothing too long but like a 1 second kiss. This leaves just enough so you don't put a lot on the table and she will be wanting more ;) then you go your separate ways as you walk away into the sunset or moonlight :D

As for getting the second date after this. Some guys prefer a "date compression" can find this on Chase's site. But I generally prefer to wait 3-7 days before contacting her again for a second date because I am a busy man with an abundance mentality and don't like to come off as though I don't ;)

Getting the post out of oblivion!

Hey the Tool,

I started this week trying to use your date for one main reason, I am broke and with yours, we can do it in Starbucks. I am not on the level of pulling on the first date but all the girls I ran on this date this way ( with some little changes, I adapt to the location and do the Cube Game rather than the 8 questions ) all want to see me for a second one.

I am wondering is what would be the best date plan after one run this one ending up in a simple kiss? Another one like that but I pull or a date at my place or her place?
