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LR  first sex with "girlfriend".


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 6, 2013
sorry mods, wrong board. please move this to lay reports section.

so this was kinda interesting. after fumbling around with some bad dates here and there, and then getting a good handle on a mix of entertaining/seriousness to be interesting and attractive, i ran into a good girl that i like because she's pretty secure and doesn't need my attention all the time, and is also pretty cute.

we went out on our first date maybe a month ago and it went pretty well, albeit it was really long as in 8 hours long. i used the idea behind the "non-romantic" kiss, by going in for a kiss right in the beginning of the date, and then not kissing her, and saying that i brought her some snacks. this showed i wasn't a pussy, and that i can have fun teasing. after that i bluntly admitted that i wanted to kiss her but i had a gnarly cold i'd feel guilty passing on to her, so i didn't close with her on that date, but i'd say the way we parted was pretty smooth on my half. i went in for a kiss on the cheek, but ended up kissing more of her hair than her cheek. i paused and said, "that was a pretty bad one," and went in again, but this time slowly and confidently pulled her hair out of the way, and kissed her on her cheek, and said bye.

fast forward, we've been on a lot more dates, but we've been making out a lot pretty heavily almost every time we meet. maybe 1.5 weeks ago we stripped down and went for heavy petting while we were both close naked, but she was on her period so we couldn't fuck. it was that day when we did naked heavy petting when i implied that we were in a gf/bf relationship, but i didn't flat out say it.

fast forward some more to two days ago, i started feeling anxious and needy because i thought it was really bad that we haven't had sex yet, and i didn't want that to be something she'd pull over me. it was really bad, i tried to push her to meet me earlier on tuesday (yesterday) but then my best bro woke me up and said chill the fuck out man, stay cool.

so i took his excellent advice and texted her again 2 hours later after that initial desperate push, and said i had family dinner that's unavoidable, so wed does work better (she had already said wednesday was better than tuesday for her). she hinted that she was expecting to fuck because in the text she said she'd be available all day, and night. luckily i do know at this point i'm above average in terms of looks so it helps my confidence in knowing that she wants it too.


anyway it's wednesday finally (today) and i was trying to figure out if i should play games with her and only hang out with her for a bit and then say i gotta go catch up with some buddies. but i remembered that if she actually did want to fuck today and i didn't pick up on that sign, and bailed on her to go with buddies, she'd get pissed and probably do some level of auto-rejection with me, so i bit the bullet took the chance of looking like i'm playing to her tune (agreeing to only her availability) and just hung out with her all day.

it was cool, we ended up banging once night came to some pretty chill music, and since we've made out so much and petted it wasn't uncomfortable or nerve-wracking for me despite my virgin status. i was pretty verbal with her and i made her feel good to the point where she did start to moan at the end, but then i blew my load and was like "ddddaaaaaaaaaaamn it." after we fucked i remained confident and i didn't do anything weird and needy like, "i'm so glad you were my first." i instead said, "congratulations, you've taken this handsome guy's virginity." she does know that i'm attractive and other girls are attracted to me because it's just the truth, so i assure her by telling her that i do like her because she's secure in herself and she doesn't need me babying her all the time. because at this point i have been on dates with other girls, and the main reason i didn't pursue despite their obvious interest in me was because they seemed pretty insecure, or were too negative.

although i did say we were in a bf/gf relationship the key thing here is that i pretty much never text her unless it's about meeting up, and we don't meet every day. i maintain attraction. usually when we meet we'll always at least take one day off from each other as a break. we actually joke with each other about being too needy, since that's why she broke up with her last boyfriend. that's when she confessed she was really happy with me, when i told her i'm glad we don't have to be texting each other all day all the time, how we can just do what we need to do and then enjoy each other's company when we can. not being needy = super attractive.

anyway i'm glad that i finally had sex with her after a month of waiting because i'll be able to start making her feel good now. although regrettably i wasn't able to make her cum, she was letting out some pretty sweet sounds towards the end, so i'm sure i'll be able to get her to cum next time we have sex.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Re: LR first sex with "girlfriend".

This post has been moved from the "Sex" board to the "Field Reports" board.

- Franco


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Props on your first, amigo. Many more to come.

newgameplus said:
fast forward some more to two days ago, i started feeling anxious and needy because i thought it was really bad that we haven't had sex yet, and i didn't want that to be something she'd pull over me. it was really bad, i tried to push her to meet me earlier on tuesday (yesterday) but then my best bro woke me up and said chill the fuck out man, stay cool.

so i took his excellent advice and texted her again 2 hours later after that initial desperate push, and said i had family dinner that's unavoidable, so wed does work better (she had already said wednesday was better than tuesday for her). she hinted that she was expecting to fuck because in the text she said she'd be available all day, and night. luckily i do know at this point i'm above average in terms of looks so it helps my confidence in knowing that she wants it too.

Sounds like a good friend you had there. If you feel like you're pushing something almost desperately, it's usually not a good bet unless it doesn't really matter if you lose the girl (e.g., you're going for a same-night pick up with a girl you'll almost certainly never see again if it doesn't happen right then - at that point, you can try whatever crazy desperate move you've got hidden away in your grab bag for a rainy day and see if it works or not). Otherwise, just play it cool and do it when you can do it.

newgameplus said:
anyway it's wednesday finally (today) and i was trying to figure out if i should play games with her and only hang out with her for a bit and then say i gotta go catch up with some buddies. but i remembered that if she actually did want to fuck today and i didn't pick up on that sign, and bailed on her to go with buddies, she'd get pissed and probably do some level of auto-rejection with me, so i bit the bullet took the chance of looking like i'm playing to her tune (agreeing to only her availability) and just hung out with her all day.

This is key here. Great job overcoming your hesitation and giving her what she wanted.

I had plenty of these in my learning curve where I'd look back and go, "Gaahhhh, she wanted it so bad and I didn't give it to her because I'm a big pussy!" Usually once you miss a big window like that, that's it - you're done. Move on, because nothing else is going to happen.

The fact that you made it happen in spite of emotion is what determined whether you ended up your first lay and a new girl, or the alternative.

newgameplus said:
anyway i'm glad that i finally had sex with her after a month of waiting because i'll be able to start making her feel good now. although regrettably i wasn't able to make her cum, she was letting out some pretty sweet sounds towards the end, so i'm sure i'll be able to get her to cum next time we have sex.

You'll get there. Stay non-needy, keep working on your technique (and rhythm, most of all! You can throw out all other technique if you just get good, steady, consistent thrusting rhythm), and you'll be fine.

Again, great job getting the first notch on your belt, Newgame.

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 6, 2013
thanks for the commentary chase, appreciate it.

i saw her again last sunday and we had sex. my technique was much better and she was feeling good but she admits that she just has some kind of resistance towards orgasming (she'd kinda make us stop whenever she got close, by shifting her position so penetration would get more and more difficult). i asked her to try masturbating and she said she will, but she's never done that either (which makes sense.) i'm sure this problem will solve itself in time as we have more sex.

i'm absolutely positive i'll have way more sexual experiences now, mainly because i've finally had sex and realized it really isn't anything of huge gravity. as a virgin it's intimidating because you've never done it before and you blow it out of proportion. so it makes sense that someone that's at least gotten laid once has more of a chance than someone that hasn't.

however the biggest difference in the type of sex i had was that this was ultimately a girl i did pick up. this is not sex with a girl that i have fell into a relationship with luckily, and i think that she's the only girl i'll ever be able to connect with and like so much. in essence, i reached this girl after cycling through others, and understanding the rule of absolute abundance.

i know that even if this doesn't work out, i have the ability to do some daygame and pick up women's numbers, and i'll eventually find someone else given enough time. it's an incredibly liberating and securing feeling, and prevents me from being needy in our current relationship. when we hang out face to face i do let her know i like her and that i think she's fun, but when we aren't together like i said i never text her. i can tell all this does is bug her in a good way, and makes her even more attracted to me.

but i don't need to text her ever really, because i'm just not nearly as needy as i would be if i "fell" into this relationship through luck.

"Otherwise, just play it cool and do it when you can do it." word. he's my best friend, wouldn't trade him for anything, for real.

"This is key here. Great job overcoming your hesitation and giving her what she wanted.

I had plenty of these in my learning curve where I'd look back and go, "Gaahhhh, she wanted it so bad and I didn't give it to her because I'm a big pussy!" Usually once you miss a big window like that, that's it - you're done. Move on, because nothing else is going to happen.

The fact that you made it happen in spite of emotion is what determined whether you ended up your first lay and a new girl, or the alternative."

i can see this making total sense. your whole auto-rejection post really does make sense. her being so open and vulnerable signaling to me that she was ready for sex and me not acting on it would make me seem less of a man, or make it seem like i rejected her (which her being the desired object, female, is doubly painful), etc. i underlined the part of your quote i completely agree with lol.

"You'll get there. Stay non-needy, keep working on your technique (and rhythm, most of all! You can throw out all other technique if you just get good, steady, consistent thrusting rhythm), and you'll be fine."

yeah, having an absolute abundance mentality really helps me in staying non-needy. whenever we do meet, i also make sure that i look as good as i can, because that shows her that yeah, i am attractive. it's a reminder to her that other girls do want to be with me (from the looks i've cultivated and my body language alone), but i'm choosing her. it's funny though, there are moments of weakness when i have bouts of neediness and it's pretty bad. it happens every now and then typically when i'm trying to go to bed. not every night thank goodness, but it happens from time to time. it's definitely here i feel that most guys fuck up and end up becoming too feminine in the relationship. they succumb to those bouts of neediness and then the chick they're with gets completely turned off.