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FU  Foreign girl in mall

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Hey this is my first time posting a FR even though I've gone out before but never quite remembered the interactions.
anyways this just happened two hours ago and its hard to forget:

My boys and I were at the mall today looking for a present for a girl my boy David knows. Me and my other friend were getting tired of walking around in a women's clothing store that had really no women in it whatosever so we went outside the store to sit on the chairs but I immediately saw a cute girl at a kiosk so I pulled my friend to keep walking so we could we( I mean I can meet her)
Aproached from the side, made eye contact.
Me: excuse me, I just have to tell you that you are gorgeous and I love your hair. (she had a really interesting hairstyle)
Her: (looking confused at first then immediately her face transformed into a smile and i can tell she melted) oh thankyou! :)
I could tell she was from another country because she had an accent so I immediately started to find out more, mentioned she sounded different and asked where she was from.
Her: Israel
Me: oh that's really cool. How long have you been here?
Her: I've been here for two weeks so far
Me: ahh...so how are you liking america
(don't remember how she answered)
It then turned into talking about her getting a job here so fast and then i asked how old she was. Apparently you're not supposed to ask women how old they are is what I grew up being taught but I do it anyway because nothing bad has happened yet.
Her: hmmm...guess how old I am :)
Me: well...do you go to college
Her: yea, (she added something quietly that i think she said that she was almost done with school)
Me: i don't know...
Her: i'm 29
Me: oh really? You honestly look younger. (which is why I approached her...I just turned 20 on the 3rd)
Her: haha thankyou. (even though I was getting short answered we had some strong eye contact and she gave me a big smile the whole time.)
Me: um...so have you had a lot of american guys approach you since you've been here?
Her: (obviously trying to figure out how to say what she wants to say in english) uh..no, no you're the first one :)
Me: (i forgot what I siad to this but it led to me putting my hand up and giving a high five, which she took)

I didn't know where else to take the interaction because I am rusty and haven't been going out for awhile focusing on school. i got inspired by an article Chase wrote that the only way to warm up/get out of a funk was to just force yourself to do something not waiting around for the right moment. Sooo...I had been approaching all day. also didn't know where else to take the interaction because I don't have a phone and I'm getting one in a few weeks.
So I ended the interaction.
Me: well it was nice meeting you (i asked her name earlier but I don't quite remember where in the interaction i asked.)
I'm a huging type of person and I made some signal for her to come closer to me to hug and she did.
We hugged for a good 3 seconds as she was in my chest saying: yea nice to meet you too.
Me: (still hugging) maybe i'll see you again another time here.
Somewhere in the interaction I found out she's there everyday. Also somewhere in the interaction my friend David came out of the store he was in and came in talking but I ignored him and continued talking to her. He quickly shut his mouth and waited for me.
The whole interaction even though I was rusty felt good. She received me warmly but eh..that's just reactions and not results so I'm disappointed. (i also didn't realize at the time I could've taken it further)

Me and my boys walked away and my boy David of course wanted to know what happened...
We got pretty far into walking when I finally realized how I could've taken it further and they told me we should go back.
We turned around and I fucked up and came in awkwardly from behind when she was turned in towards the kiosk.
i basically was telling her I didn't have a phone yet
Neither did she.
Asked when she got off work. She told me. Just then a woman who I assumed to be her boss or something came marching towards us asking loudly: CAN I HELP YOU WITH SOMETHING?
I did not know how to handle this and freaked out and kinda just naturally walked away. (face smack)
So i never did set up a date or bring it anywhere. Approaching her again like the ay I did obviously made her uncomfortable because I surprised her. She kept backing up form me as I talked to her and seemed to get farther away...and not as warm anymore.

But yup...that's it. Walked away. I know I can go back another day hoping she remembered me and try to set up a date.i think its possible and advice might help.
I learned a lot from this interaction regardless of my fuck up though. I'm also starting to see what girls I seem to have the best interactions with which seem to be shy excited girls just like chase mentioned in an article.
Just yesterday I ran into an old friend from high school who is a shy excited girl type and laughs at everything I say even when its not that funny. She also submits To me and always has her eyes facing down whenever I make eye contact With her...only thing though, she is still with her boyfriend that she's been with since sophomore year. Its also known to both me and her that we are into each other and used to have crushes on each other but were never single at the same time.
We agreed to meet up sometime.

Anyways that's all. Feel free to give feedback if you want.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Re: FU Foreign girl in mall

I just realized going back to the foreign girl for more violated the law of least effort and I apologize for my bad spelling and grammar.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Sorry to hear this one ended the way it did. The girl was clearly very into you. Not to worry though - you'll have plenty of those, but they'll only teach you how to do things right.

One remark on the age comment: stay away from commenting on age at all ("Oh, you look younger!" for instance, tells her you think she's old and are trying to make her feel better about her age), other than to ask her what hers is. It's too easy for these kinds of comments to go all kinds of wrong. The exception is a little joking around with her if she's younger than you are (but never if she's older).

On what to do at the end: it sounds like you figured out what you could've done, but an easy one would've been to ask her when she gets her break or gets off work and plan to grab some food with her then. Or, just trade emails if neither of you have phones, and use that to coordinate with her later ("Let me formally welcome you to America then - how about we grab some food later this week? Okay great! I don't have a phone, so let me snag your email - we can use that to set things up").

Good going shaking off some of that rust. You'll get a little better and learn a few more lessons every time you go out and meet more girls.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
Chase said:

Sorry to hear this one ended the way it did. The girl was clearly very into you. Not to worry though - you'll have plenty of those, but they'll only teach you how to do things right.

Thanks! Yes..I am really glad I approached and I'm slowly overcoming approach anxiety once again.
About her being into me, I am also very much into her as well. Any ideas on how I can take it further with her? i really want to see her again. She was just so warm (receiving me and hugging her)

One remark on the age comment: stay away from commenting on age at all ("Oh, you look younger!" for instance, tells her you think she's old and are trying to make her feel better about her age), other than to ask her what hers is. It's too easy for these kinds of comments to go all kinds of wrong. The exception is a little joking around with her if she's younger than you are (but never if she's older).

Ah I see, i'll keep that in mind. Luckily she didn't take it the wrong way?

On what to do at the end: it sounds like you figured out what you could've done, but an easy one would've been to ask her when she gets her break or gets off work and plan to grab some food with her then. Or, just trade emails if neither of you have phones, and use that to coordinate with her later ("Let me formally welcome you to America then - how about we grab some food later this week? Okay great! I don't have a phone, so let me snag your email - we can use that to set things up").

Oh I guess that answers my question from up above about seeing her again. Thanks man! I would've never thought about her break. i was literally going to wait for the mall to close. Bad idea. And me investing too much too soon doesnt look good.

Good going shaking off some of that rust. You'll get a little better and learn a few more lessons every time you go out and meet more girls.


Thanky for your feedback Chase, i will definately keep it in mind. I plan on doing the newbie assignment around my spring break so hopefully I get to that.