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- Nov 21, 2012
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Hey y'all,
Here is my first field report where I meet a girl (Lets call her Kay) in my dorm and manage to get a number and set up a date faster than I ever have before. She also ends up flaking on the date so help me out and tell me where I went wrong! Thanks.
Its late Saturday night and I come back to my dorm after getting some food. I'm by myself and I have no plans for the rest of the evening (Its around 12 am) so I figure I grab my laptop and head down to the common area to get some work done. When I get there I see three people: two of my hall mates playing ping pong and a blonde sitting by herself doing homework. I walk over to my hall mates, chat them up for a little and get a few games on pong in. After about 20 minutes, I realize how cute the blonde is and I decide to approach her.
She's on her laptop with headphones. I calmly walk over to her table and sit next her. She looks up and takes her headphones out, I then say:
"Hi, I'm Nick, whats your name?" With a genuine smile on my face
"I'm Kay, nice to meet you!" she responds.
I'm genuinely surprised and happy about how warm and receptive she is. Maybe my fundamentals are really starting to come together?
"So what are up to on this lovely Saturday evening" I say with a slightly humorous/sarcastic tone. I'm hoping there was a sexual tone in therw somewhere too, probably not.
She laughs and smiles (I notice she has the exact same smile as an ex of mine and this distracts me a little, but in a good way, it makes me happy)
"Oh, I'm just looking up summer internships...yadda yadda yadda."
So the conversation starts and I manage to deep dive pretty quickly. She tells me about her dreams of being a ballet dancer, how she wants to travel, this and that. I make some pretty solid reads on her and she seems happy and surprised on how well I can read her. We talk about some mutual friends too. She's in the same sorority as a girl (A) who is very close to another girl (B) in my dorm with whom I had a messy falling out with. Not sure why I brought up (A) but I bet (A) will eventually tell Kay about (B) at some point. I realize all of this after, of course. The only thing I have going for me is I'm pretty friendly toward (A) and I think (A) thinks I'm cute so maybe she'll be cool about it? Who knows?
I get her number, a swap that seemed pretty natural to me, and we talk a little more. About 15-20 minutes into our conversation her friend calls her on the phone. She tells me that she's gonna take it and looking back, that should've been my queue to leave. I miss it however, (I say "its fine" with a smile on my face) and I sit there looking down on my phone and texting people. (I've already made a note to be more socially savvy about this) I realize that this is a long phone conversation so 5 minutes later I get up and walk over to my friends again. I hang out with the guys for another 20 minutes and then we head up. As we're leaving the lobby I pass by her table and tell her it was nice to meet her and that I'll see her around. She says "Thanks for talking to me." with a smile on her face.
Some other notes on this interaction:
I don't think our conversation was very verbally flirtatious. I'm pretty sure my body language and vocal tone were sexual, but my intentions could have been more clear. I recall her commenting on how forward and aggressive I was by just sitting down and talking to a random girl. I think it was a compliment.
The next day, Sunday, I shoot her a text. Here is our conversation:
Me: "Hey Kay it was great meeting you last night! Let me know what your schedule is like for this week, I would love to meet up again over coffee or something
2 hours later
Her: "Yea it was really refreshing to meet someone interesting
I would love to get coffee or something. Does Wednesday work for you?
30 minutes later
Me: "Hmm...I'm afraid Wednesday is no good for me. But I am free most of Tuesday, I'm sure a busy girl like you could make some time...lol
say around 6"
1 hour later
Her: "Alrighty maybe I can make that work with my schedule
where are we meeting"
1 hour later
Me: "Definitely [here]. (I tell her a popular fro-yo place near campus) Meet me there...and don't be late missy!
1 1/2 hours later
Her: "Haha alright ill see what I can do
So that was all on Sunday. On Monday, I don't text her at all. On Tuesday I was going to send a follow up text in the morning like "So are we still up for frozen yogurt tonight?" or something to that effect, but she beats me too it and texts me at 11 AM:
Her: "Yo I signed up for this dance thing at 6 today and then I'm going to a Passover sedur so maybe we can meet again in our dorm sometime? Sorry!"
I thought the whole "yo" thing was a bit out of place for someone who seemed pretty girly, it kind of took me off guard. Anyway I text her back three hours later:
Me: "Hmm maybe...we'll see
And that is where it ends. I think some of the causes are 1) that mutual friend saying something bad about me 2) she didn't get to know ME that well, and might have been uncomfortable meeting a stranger somewhere or 3) that awkward moment where I just sat there while she spoke on the phone.
Anyway, feel free to critique! Personally, I think I did awesome and this has been a serious step up from some of my other attempts at pick up, but I want to improve sooooo badly. I genuinely feel I'm right on the cusp of pulling a lot of things together and seriously stepping on my game.
Here is my first field report where I meet a girl (Lets call her Kay) in my dorm and manage to get a number and set up a date faster than I ever have before. She also ends up flaking on the date so help me out and tell me where I went wrong! Thanks.
Its late Saturday night and I come back to my dorm after getting some food. I'm by myself and I have no plans for the rest of the evening (Its around 12 am) so I figure I grab my laptop and head down to the common area to get some work done. When I get there I see three people: two of my hall mates playing ping pong and a blonde sitting by herself doing homework. I walk over to my hall mates, chat them up for a little and get a few games on pong in. After about 20 minutes, I realize how cute the blonde is and I decide to approach her.
She's on her laptop with headphones. I calmly walk over to her table and sit next her. She looks up and takes her headphones out, I then say:
"Hi, I'm Nick, whats your name?" With a genuine smile on my face
"I'm Kay, nice to meet you!" she responds.
I'm genuinely surprised and happy about how warm and receptive she is. Maybe my fundamentals are really starting to come together?
"So what are up to on this lovely Saturday evening" I say with a slightly humorous/sarcastic tone. I'm hoping there was a sexual tone in therw somewhere too, probably not.
She laughs and smiles (I notice she has the exact same smile as an ex of mine and this distracts me a little, but in a good way, it makes me happy)
"Oh, I'm just looking up summer internships...yadda yadda yadda."
So the conversation starts and I manage to deep dive pretty quickly. She tells me about her dreams of being a ballet dancer, how she wants to travel, this and that. I make some pretty solid reads on her and she seems happy and surprised on how well I can read her. We talk about some mutual friends too. She's in the same sorority as a girl (A) who is very close to another girl (B) in my dorm with whom I had a messy falling out with. Not sure why I brought up (A) but I bet (A) will eventually tell Kay about (B) at some point. I realize all of this after, of course. The only thing I have going for me is I'm pretty friendly toward (A) and I think (A) thinks I'm cute so maybe she'll be cool about it? Who knows?
I get her number, a swap that seemed pretty natural to me, and we talk a little more. About 15-20 minutes into our conversation her friend calls her on the phone. She tells me that she's gonna take it and looking back, that should've been my queue to leave. I miss it however, (I say "its fine" with a smile on my face) and I sit there looking down on my phone and texting people. (I've already made a note to be more socially savvy about this) I realize that this is a long phone conversation so 5 minutes later I get up and walk over to my friends again. I hang out with the guys for another 20 minutes and then we head up. As we're leaving the lobby I pass by her table and tell her it was nice to meet her and that I'll see her around. She says "Thanks for talking to me." with a smile on her face.
Some other notes on this interaction:
I don't think our conversation was very verbally flirtatious. I'm pretty sure my body language and vocal tone were sexual, but my intentions could have been more clear. I recall her commenting on how forward and aggressive I was by just sitting down and talking to a random girl. I think it was a compliment.
The next day, Sunday, I shoot her a text. Here is our conversation:
Me: "Hey Kay it was great meeting you last night! Let me know what your schedule is like for this week, I would love to meet up again over coffee or something
2 hours later
Her: "Yea it was really refreshing to meet someone interesting
30 minutes later
Me: "Hmm...I'm afraid Wednesday is no good for me. But I am free most of Tuesday, I'm sure a busy girl like you could make some time...lol
1 hour later
Her: "Alrighty maybe I can make that work with my schedule
1 hour later
Me: "Definitely [here]. (I tell her a popular fro-yo place near campus) Meet me there...and don't be late missy!
1 1/2 hours later
Her: "Haha alright ill see what I can do
So that was all on Sunday. On Monday, I don't text her at all. On Tuesday I was going to send a follow up text in the morning like "So are we still up for frozen yogurt tonight?" or something to that effect, but she beats me too it and texts me at 11 AM:
Her: "Yo I signed up for this dance thing at 6 today and then I'm going to a Passover sedur so maybe we can meet again in our dorm sometime? Sorry!"
I thought the whole "yo" thing was a bit out of place for someone who seemed pretty girly, it kind of took me off guard. Anyway I text her back three hours later:
Me: "Hmm maybe...we'll see
And that is where it ends. I think some of the causes are 1) that mutual friend saying something bad about me 2) she didn't get to know ME that well, and might have been uncomfortable meeting a stranger somewhere or 3) that awkward moment where I just sat there while she spoke on the phone.
Anyway, feel free to critique! Personally, I think I did awesome and this has been a serious step up from some of my other attempts at pick up, but I want to improve sooooo badly. I genuinely feel I'm right on the cusp of pulling a lot of things together and seriously stepping on my game.