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FR-Laura Mae



Try to keep it pithy. Night cap alone...many good things though.

Pulled number on Thursday, she was with another man (always my best success scenario).

Text couple times, build rapport set a meet for this evening back on Sat.

Dont contact, she contacts today, tension high, she tries to pull away, not letting it happen.

Meet this evening, I arrive early, pull a number off a beauty (Lindsay) while waiting for her.

Laura May is already there, may or may not have seen me (probably saw me).

We sit, drink and have dinner. I deep dive the whole time. Looking good, little touch here a d there.

She wants to move to another place. I did the ladder with some options. She declined.

With the tension I thought a move sould be good. We move to a dance club. Her friend is there.

Shmooz with her friend and they decide to go "smoke" "girl time". I go to the bar, order a drink.

Naturally, I talk with women. Pull another number off Amanda.

Amanda leaves, Laura Mae resurfaces with her friend 30-45 min later.

Talking with Laura Mae (says lets go home!), Amanda shows up says "lets dance" before I know Laura Mae is gone.

I seek her at the other end of bar. Says she is ready to go. I escort her out of the bar.

I try a ladder to get her home, not flying. My place or her place, no way.

We leave each other, unfortunetly.

No lay from Laura Mae but got Lindsay and Amanda as an option.

Where did I go wrong on the lay. Shitty

Any advise?
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
IMO you were not the leader in this interaction. To top it off she met with her friend and bam she was lost. I think you should have let her see that you were not relying on her that night to go home with and escalated with the other girls in front of her. She would have got jealous and chased you.


Yeah, you are right.

Thought about it a little more earlier.

Should have just been done.

I did pull some other numbers last night.

New games.

Still learning.