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- Jul 23, 2017
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Howdy howdy,
Let's hit it with the second and probably final lay of my Europe tour.
My girlfriend is joining me tmr.
I arrived in Paris by train on Monday. I was previously in Amsterdam, where I pulled a Dutch hottie.
I'm living at my cousin's place which is around 1h20 min from the city centre of Paris.
Yesterday, around noon, he took me to Paris (city centre) by car. I was supposed to hit the Louvre but forgot to get tickets. Still, I thought I'd walk around as it had been a while since my last visit. My cousin had another appoinment.
I quickly pop in the main yard of the Louvre, check out the pyramid and exit. Soon, I find myself crossing a bridge over La Seine.
The weather was great. Many people chilling around. An old man with a funny hat was singing La Vie en Rose.
Infectious vibe.
I'm dressed in the red James Dean leather jacket from Rebel Without a Cause. White v-neck t-shirt, ripped jeans and boots. Oh, and I had my infamous overly feminine and eccentric scarf.
As Im standing on the bridge, just soaking in the energy, I notice a girl in my peripheral vision.
Brunette with highlighs in her hair. Short dress that reveals her sexy legs. Brown boots.
I'm digging it.
This may or may not have been an approach invitation. The way she just appeared in my peripheral vision makes me think it was.
Anyhow, I follow my lifelong motto: When in doubt, approach.
The Approach
Me: Excuuuuuse me
Her: (looks at me)
Me: I'm terrible at selfies... would you mind helping me out?
I gesture with my phone, indicating I want her help with a pic.
Her: Yes ok
Me: You're a life saviour, thank you. Alright, so, (I lean on the bricked balustrades)... think you can get a piece of the water too?
Her: Hmmm ok, maybe stand a bit on the left?
I move slightly left and she shoots the pic.
Me: Thank you!
I walk over to her and we both look at the pic.
Me: You just got me my new profile pic. Parfait.
Her: (eyebrows raised) Are you french?
Me: (in french) Not really but it's a long story.
Her: (in french) But you've got a great accent!
(from now on until the end, we communicate in French)
Me: Thanks, love yours too.
Her: Hahaha well I'm French.
Me: I meant your English accent. I couldn't have guessed you were French (white lie. She had a clear French accent)
Her: Hahaha no way, really?
Me: Yeah. I'm James btw (extend my hand)
Her: Eloise (takes my hand)
Me: So, Eloise, what are you up to, asides from walking the streets of Paris looking absolutely stunning (i gesture at her outfit)
Her: (shyly) Hahaha thanks, I'm heading to (someplace I don't know but for some reason, she assumes I do)
Me: Cool. (slow, approving nod)
Her: And you? Where are you from again?
Me: (wink) It's a long story.
Her: I've got some time!
Me: Hmmm well what do you think?
Her: what do you mean?
Me: How can I speak French if I'm not French?
Her: I don't know. Maybe you are French and just bullshitting me.
Me: Oh I'm certainly NOT french.
Her: Hahaha why the emphasis on the NOT.
Me: I can't tell you... ok, maybe I will. But first, tell me: are you from Paris? Something tells me you're not.
Her: Hahah right, I'm not. I'm from Strasbourg.
Me: Ah, Strasbourg (nostalgic smile)
Her: You've been there??
Me: Oh, you guys have the BEST Christmas markets.
Her: I know!
Me: The ones in Paris do not even compare.
Her: Exactly. Thank you, at least someone recognizes it. But tell me (she playfully hits me)...where are you from??????
Me: I'm from all around the world (I wink and she eyerolls). But if you mean, how did I become a native French speaker, well, that's because I spent my childhood in an ex French colony. It was funny cuz while the school curriculum was in English, the teachers would explain in French. I ended up becoming bilingual.
Her: That makes sense! That's so cool that you're bilingual.
Me: It's like I have two voices in my head. (I pause for a moment and make an absurd facial expression) Jesus, that doesn't paint me in the best light (she bursts into laughter) Lemme rephrase that: I can think in two languages.
Her (still laughing) I get you I get you.
There's a few seconds pause. I look in her eyes and smile.
Me: Well, Eloise, how long are you in Paris?
Her: Leaving in two days.
Me: And I'm leaving in one day! You know, we should absolutely get together. A cup of coffee or something.
Her: Yes, we could do that. I may be free tomorrow but I have to check.
Me: Perfect, let me get your Whatsapp and we'll get in touch.
We exchange numbers.
Me: Great, let's get in touch soon.
Her: (shy smile) Sure, bye!
The Call
My cousin collects me and I tell him about my encounter. He seems impressed (he has slept with only one woman in his life, who happens to be his wife). As we're chatting and driving back, I get a call. It's Eloise.
Me: Hello?
Her: Hi, is this James?
Me: Yes indeed pretty girl.
Her (chuckles): Sorry I'm bad at texting so I thought I'd call you.
Me: Not a problem. How's it going?
Her: Pretty good. Hey, listen, I might be busy coming two days. My friend wants to meet up.
Me: Hmmm
Her: Are you free tonight though? I'm sorry it's short notice.
Me: Well, you're in luck. Tonight works.
Her: Nice! Would you mind not meeting Paris? Too crowded for me.
Me: I get you, yeah. Where would suit you?
Her: Do you know Bercy? It's like just outside Paris. My hotel is there and I'm not far from Bercy Village. That's like a shopping centre. We can maybe get a drink there.
Me: (I see multple flaws in this but I go with my instinc) Sounds good, how about 8pm?
Her: Sure! See you then!
Me: I'll send you a maps location when I'm there.
Her: Ok!
Me: Or, wait, even better: we just meet directly at Bercy Village. Sounds good?
Her: Sure! See you!
Me: See you later pretty girl.
I cut the phone.
My cousin is staring at me, a wide grin on his face. I'm not that hyped though. I explain to him that my logistics are fucked up. One option is her hotel but I don't know if she's there with a travel mate. I don't feel good about leaving it to chance like that. And some girls, no matter how turned on, may be too shy to take a guy at their hotel room, especially if it's a mess. I explain to my cousin my concerns. He proposes getting my own hotel room for the night but I scrap the idea. I've done this before and lost the lay. I felt like an idiot for wasting money. I know it'll pressure me to seal the deal, which fucks my performance up.
Then, he proposes driving me there, parking the car nearby while he heads to Paris by train to carry on with a few errands. He says I can pull her in the car, as long as his wife never hears about it.
I like this idea.
The Date
My cousin drives me to Bercy and parks the car, as per the plan. He hands me the keys and wishes me good luck.
I head to Bercy Shopping village and find Eloise waiting for me. She's wearing a different dress and has a coat on. She still looks sexy. When she sees me, she smiles brightly and we hug.
We start making some small talk as we walk through the shopping centre. I spot a bar with a cosy vibe. I grab her hand and lead her in.
It takes me a few seconds to realize I'm in bar, which means there's alcohol, something I wanna stay away from.
She orders a drink and I order some sparkling water. She asks me if I'm driving back. I use that as an opportunity to tell her that I came by car and that's parked not far away.
We sit next to each other and start talking. I find out she's 21, studying political science, loves music, reads in her spare time. We talk a bit about famous classic French singers and we find out we both think Jacques Brel is the greatest of them all (which is ironic as he was from Belgium)
I follow my gut feeling there which guides me to escalate physically with her. I don't bother with sex talk cuz I'm not practiced in it in French and I don't wanna risk delivering a subpar gambit.
I follow a touch ladder I devised for myself and around 25 min later (I'm not sure on the time tho, but must have been around that), I'm seated really close to her, one hand on her thigh while the other is stroking her hair.
I smell her hair.
Me: Hmmm love this flowery scent.
Her: Can you guess the shampoo?
It's important to note that the vibe got increasingly playful during those 25 min.
Me: Hmmm, well, I'm not well versed in women's shampoo. As you can guess, I don't use it myself
She laughs out loud when I say that not so funny line. That's my cue that she's enjoying herself and may be getting turned on.
It's almost cliche but when women laugh exageratedly at anything you say, even if it's barely funny, she's usually really into you. Bonus points if she's playing with her hair, which she was.
Me: I've got this pretty good surround system in my car. Let's head there and put a song on. You'll love it.
Her: Hmmm your car is far?
Me: It's right around the corner.
Hand in hand, we walk to the car. We sit in the backseat.
I start rubbing her thigh again while I connect my phone to the speakers.
She leans slightly into me, which is my cue.
I kiss her. She kisses back.
I pull back.
Me: Hmm you taste good.
She looks at me with big wide eyes, intensely focussed on me. She's like a lioness whose meal has just been snatched. The woman means business.
I kiss her again. Very passionately.
I find her boobs and somehow free one of them, on which I suck hungrily on.
I lift her skirt, pull her panties aside and finger her.
She moans sexily.
I take Jimmy Jr out, put the wrapping on and pound her so hard her head kept hitting against the door of the car.
But she didn't care.
Let's hit it with the second and probably final lay of my Europe tour.
My girlfriend is joining me tmr.
I arrived in Paris by train on Monday. I was previously in Amsterdam, where I pulled a Dutch hottie.
I'm living at my cousin's place which is around 1h20 min from the city centre of Paris.
Yesterday, around noon, he took me to Paris (city centre) by car. I was supposed to hit the Louvre but forgot to get tickets. Still, I thought I'd walk around as it had been a while since my last visit. My cousin had another appoinment.
I quickly pop in the main yard of the Louvre, check out the pyramid and exit. Soon, I find myself crossing a bridge over La Seine.
The weather was great. Many people chilling around. An old man with a funny hat was singing La Vie en Rose.
Infectious vibe.
I'm dressed in the red James Dean leather jacket from Rebel Without a Cause. White v-neck t-shirt, ripped jeans and boots. Oh, and I had my infamous overly feminine and eccentric scarf.
As Im standing on the bridge, just soaking in the energy, I notice a girl in my peripheral vision.
Brunette with highlighs in her hair. Short dress that reveals her sexy legs. Brown boots.
I'm digging it.
This may or may not have been an approach invitation. The way she just appeared in my peripheral vision makes me think it was.
Anyhow, I follow my lifelong motto: When in doubt, approach.
The Approach
Me: Excuuuuuse me
Her: (looks at me)
Me: I'm terrible at selfies... would you mind helping me out?
I gesture with my phone, indicating I want her help with a pic.
Her: Yes ok
Me: You're a life saviour, thank you. Alright, so, (I lean on the bricked balustrades)... think you can get a piece of the water too?
Her: Hmmm ok, maybe stand a bit on the left?
I move slightly left and she shoots the pic.
Me: Thank you!
I walk over to her and we both look at the pic.
Me: You just got me my new profile pic. Parfait.
Her: (eyebrows raised) Are you french?
Me: (in french) Not really but it's a long story.
Her: (in french) But you've got a great accent!
(from now on until the end, we communicate in French)
Me: Thanks, love yours too.
Her: Hahaha well I'm French.
Me: I meant your English accent. I couldn't have guessed you were French (white lie. She had a clear French accent)
Her: Hahaha no way, really?
Me: Yeah. I'm James btw (extend my hand)
Her: Eloise (takes my hand)
Me: So, Eloise, what are you up to, asides from walking the streets of Paris looking absolutely stunning (i gesture at her outfit)
Her: (shyly) Hahaha thanks, I'm heading to (someplace I don't know but for some reason, she assumes I do)
Me: Cool. (slow, approving nod)
Her: And you? Where are you from again?
Me: (wink) It's a long story.
Her: I've got some time!
Me: Hmmm well what do you think?
Her: what do you mean?
Me: How can I speak French if I'm not French?
Her: I don't know. Maybe you are French and just bullshitting me.
Me: Oh I'm certainly NOT french.
Her: Hahaha why the emphasis on the NOT.
Me: I can't tell you... ok, maybe I will. But first, tell me: are you from Paris? Something tells me you're not.
Her: Hahah right, I'm not. I'm from Strasbourg.
Me: Ah, Strasbourg (nostalgic smile)
Her: You've been there??
Me: Oh, you guys have the BEST Christmas markets.
Her: I know!
Me: The ones in Paris do not even compare.
Her: Exactly. Thank you, at least someone recognizes it. But tell me (she playfully hits me)...where are you from??????
Me: I'm from all around the world (I wink and she eyerolls). But if you mean, how did I become a native French speaker, well, that's because I spent my childhood in an ex French colony. It was funny cuz while the school curriculum was in English, the teachers would explain in French. I ended up becoming bilingual.
Her: That makes sense! That's so cool that you're bilingual.
Me: It's like I have two voices in my head. (I pause for a moment and make an absurd facial expression) Jesus, that doesn't paint me in the best light (she bursts into laughter) Lemme rephrase that: I can think in two languages.
Her (still laughing) I get you I get you.
There's a few seconds pause. I look in her eyes and smile.
Me: Well, Eloise, how long are you in Paris?
Her: Leaving in two days.
Me: And I'm leaving in one day! You know, we should absolutely get together. A cup of coffee or something.
Her: Yes, we could do that. I may be free tomorrow but I have to check.
Me: Perfect, let me get your Whatsapp and we'll get in touch.
We exchange numbers.
Me: Great, let's get in touch soon.
Her: (shy smile) Sure, bye!
The Call
My cousin collects me and I tell him about my encounter. He seems impressed (he has slept with only one woman in his life, who happens to be his wife). As we're chatting and driving back, I get a call. It's Eloise.
Me: Hello?
Her: Hi, is this James?
Me: Yes indeed pretty girl.
Her (chuckles): Sorry I'm bad at texting so I thought I'd call you.
Me: Not a problem. How's it going?
Her: Pretty good. Hey, listen, I might be busy coming two days. My friend wants to meet up.
Me: Hmmm
Her: Are you free tonight though? I'm sorry it's short notice.
Me: Well, you're in luck. Tonight works.
Her: Nice! Would you mind not meeting Paris? Too crowded for me.
Me: I get you, yeah. Where would suit you?
Her: Do you know Bercy? It's like just outside Paris. My hotel is there and I'm not far from Bercy Village. That's like a shopping centre. We can maybe get a drink there.
Me: (I see multple flaws in this but I go with my instinc) Sounds good, how about 8pm?
Her: Sure! See you then!
Me: I'll send you a maps location when I'm there.
Her: Ok!
Me: Or, wait, even better: we just meet directly at Bercy Village. Sounds good?
Her: Sure! See you!
Me: See you later pretty girl.
I cut the phone.
My cousin is staring at me, a wide grin on his face. I'm not that hyped though. I explain to him that my logistics are fucked up. One option is her hotel but I don't know if she's there with a travel mate. I don't feel good about leaving it to chance like that. And some girls, no matter how turned on, may be too shy to take a guy at their hotel room, especially if it's a mess. I explain to my cousin my concerns. He proposes getting my own hotel room for the night but I scrap the idea. I've done this before and lost the lay. I felt like an idiot for wasting money. I know it'll pressure me to seal the deal, which fucks my performance up.
Then, he proposes driving me there, parking the car nearby while he heads to Paris by train to carry on with a few errands. He says I can pull her in the car, as long as his wife never hears about it.
I like this idea.
The Date
My cousin drives me to Bercy and parks the car, as per the plan. He hands me the keys and wishes me good luck.
I head to Bercy Shopping village and find Eloise waiting for me. She's wearing a different dress and has a coat on. She still looks sexy. When she sees me, she smiles brightly and we hug.
We start making some small talk as we walk through the shopping centre. I spot a bar with a cosy vibe. I grab her hand and lead her in.
It takes me a few seconds to realize I'm in bar, which means there's alcohol, something I wanna stay away from.
She orders a drink and I order some sparkling water. She asks me if I'm driving back. I use that as an opportunity to tell her that I came by car and that's parked not far away.
We sit next to each other and start talking. I find out she's 21, studying political science, loves music, reads in her spare time. We talk a bit about famous classic French singers and we find out we both think Jacques Brel is the greatest of them all (which is ironic as he was from Belgium)
I follow my gut feeling there which guides me to escalate physically with her. I don't bother with sex talk cuz I'm not practiced in it in French and I don't wanna risk delivering a subpar gambit.
I follow a touch ladder I devised for myself and around 25 min later (I'm not sure on the time tho, but must have been around that), I'm seated really close to her, one hand on her thigh while the other is stroking her hair.
I smell her hair.
Me: Hmmm love this flowery scent.
Her: Can you guess the shampoo?
It's important to note that the vibe got increasingly playful during those 25 min.
Me: Hmmm, well, I'm not well versed in women's shampoo. As you can guess, I don't use it myself
She laughs out loud when I say that not so funny line. That's my cue that she's enjoying herself and may be getting turned on.
It's almost cliche but when women laugh exageratedly at anything you say, even if it's barely funny, she's usually really into you. Bonus points if she's playing with her hair, which she was.
Me: I've got this pretty good surround system in my car. Let's head there and put a song on. You'll love it.
Her: Hmmm your car is far?
Me: It's right around the corner.
Hand in hand, we walk to the car. We sit in the backseat.
I start rubbing her thigh again while I connect my phone to the speakers.
She leans slightly into me, which is my cue.
I kiss her. She kisses back.
I pull back.
Me: Hmm you taste good.
She looks at me with big wide eyes, intensely focussed on me. She's like a lioness whose meal has just been snatched. The woman means business.
I kiss her again. Very passionately.
I find her boobs and somehow free one of them, on which I suck hungrily on.
I lift her skirt, pull her panties aside and finger her.
She moans sexily.
I take Jimmy Jr out, put the wrapping on and pound her so hard her head kept hitting against the door of the car.
But she didn't care.